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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

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Right, but you think its 1942.

Its 2017!
Trump likes to do things in a Big way.
He wouldn't waste his time on gas chambers, you gotta understand your boy if you are going to fallow him
He like to see a grand presentation......You know what I mean?


No need to waste money with nukes on idiots. All he needs to continue doing is:
No need to waste money with nukes on idiots. All he needs to continue doing is:
You'r kidding right?
If you think for a moment that Trump would just be satisfied with pissing on everything he doesn't like then I got some swamp land to sell you.

He is a Junkie!
He is addicted to power and showing off that power.
He will get bored really fast with just harmful threatening words, he will escalate to action.....Harmful Actions.

A new healthcare insurance system where you automatically lose your health coverage if you are sick or poor.
"I went to the emergency room after the accident, they said, "we can't help you, you've got Trumpcare."

For someone who doesn't live in the US I am starting to believe you want the US to go down a path of destruction.
For someone who doesn't live in the US I am starting to believe you want the US to go down a path of destruction.
If they are ILLEGAL then they should go... the same should apply here in Europe.

What the hell are borders and passports for?

The US will allways be a country of immigrants. At any given time there are millions of applicants wanting to enter the US LEGALLY.
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If they are ILLEGAL then they should go... the same should apply here in Europe.

What the hell are borders and passports for?

The US will allways be a country of immigrants. At any given time there are millions of applicants wanting to enter the US LEGALLY.
I guess you didn't read the rest of the paper of the future.
I guess you didn't read the rest of the paper of the future.
Don't know what you are talking about »»» "the rest of the paper of the future"
Don't know what you are talking about »»» "the rest of the paper of the future"
The newspaper I posted is a fake newspaper of the future. April 9 2017
Deportations didn't really
You are very rude. These people do more in a day for people who need help than you have done in your life. They devote their lives to it, some with essentially zero time off. They know what they are talking about because they put into the system and are working to make the system better. How about you and your friends who simply live off the state? How would know about finances when you simply consume what you are given? You are taking money from people who really are incapable of supporting themselves. Good day to you.
Uhm dude. Ever considered that I might live off the state because my mum has health problems and cant work because of it and that I cannot go work because I am doing my A Levels right now?
Not sure about 1900, but your 'healthcare system' before 1945 kinda sucked for the Jews, imo.
Our healthcare system (not "healthcare system") has been working fine ever since. What does it have to do with jews? And dont you have a better argument than "you germans killed jews"? The healthcare system was the same for everyone until Hitler came around. And then jews were killed off because of a fanatic, not because of the healthcare system. Your entire argument is complete bollocks.

But I can understand you, dont worry. Its normal for alt righters like you to use the "you germans killed jews" "argument" because you dont have any other real arguments to throw at me. Because you know your talking shit.

Also, the more I read here it makes me start believing most of ou are trolls. A moderator should just close this thread, but they will never do that since they made this thread for the reason that you bullshit politics do not get posted anywhere else.
If they are ILLEGAL then they should go... the same should apply here in Europe.

What the hell are borders and passports for?

The US will allways be a country of immigrants. At any given time there are millions of applicants wanting to enter the US LEGALLY.
Haha, you believe in a fucking fake news paper that even says its from april 9th 2017. How is that possible? Magic? Really shows how easily manipulated you are by fake news like Fox News and Breitbart.
The newspaper I posted is a fake newspaper of the future. April 9 2017
Deportations didn't really
So why do you put a fake newspaper? I just read the headline. This is proof that no one can trust Liberals.

Besides, do you really doubt that they will not be deported very soon?
She must be reading Dreamland Media. She says and I quote; "I'm sure that those no-go zones, if they actually exist, are purely a German/French thing"

If they actually exist? What a joke! Not only do they exist by the many dozens in France and Germany, but also in Sweden, Belgium, UK and Denmark.

This English idiot convert has no problems putting up stickers without any worries


By Sunni Muslim gangs, not all Muslims are like this not all wear the hijab as there are different Muslim sects. My husband is Alawis from Syria, his family in Syria, Tartous are like westerners, they drink, they never wear hijab, they smoke, they wear mini skirts etc...
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So why do you put a fake newspaper? I just read the headline. This is proof that no one can trust Liberals.
LOL...You just reading the headline is your own fault.
If you are too lazy to read the rest like the date on top of the headline then only you are to blame.

btw, I am not a liberal. I am unaffiliated.
I don't really care for either party. That doesn't mean I don't think there are some good points on both sides, yes there are some, but I think both are just to corrupt and tend to put their parties before country.
LOL...You just reading the headline is your own fault.
If you are too lazy to read the rest like the date on top of the headline then only you are to blame.

btw, I am not a liberal. I am unaffiliated.
I don't really care for either party. That doesn't mean I don't think there are some good points on both sides, yes there are some, but I think both are just to corrupt and tend to put their parties before country.
The headline said it all. Besides you didn't leave a link, you left a picture, so I could only read the headline. And it's not a headline that is not shocking at all.

Telling me your'e not a Liberal is a joke and just shows your personality as someone that cannot be trusted.
You are the one comparing him to Hitler...
Not that far fetched if you know anything about Hitler. Why don't you tell us all what you know about Hitler GILSAN.
Not that far fetched if you know anything about Hitler. Why don't you tell us all what you know about Hitler GILSAN.
How about you GFU
The headline said it all. Besides you didn't leave a link, you left a picture, so I could only read the headline. And it's not a headline that is not shocking at all.

Telling me your'e not a Liberal is a joke and just shows your personality as someone that cannot be trusted.
LOL...Talk about Alternative Facts!

The headline Did Not say it all, you Failed to read beyond the headline just like a true politician and no link was needed since it was dated April 9th 2017!

If you refuse to read beyond a headline why should we believe anything you say or trust you?
You should had just said, oh my bad I didn't see the date.
LOL...Talk about Alternative Facts!

The headline Did Not say it all, you Failed to read beyond the headline just like a true politician and no link was needed since it was dated April 9th 2017!

If you refuse to read beyond a headline why should we believe anything you say or trust you?
You should had just said, oh my bad I didn't see the date.
You must be having hallucinations. Here you go.... talk to this wall, or talk to yourself.
How about you GFU

I see, so apparently you know nothing about Hitler. Makes it a bit hard to deny similarities between two people when you know nothing about one of them, but ok. Why don't you tell us all what you know about Trump. You keep supporting him in this thread, surely you must know something.
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