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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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It will be your people over throwing the government.... America has never been under any other system than its founded system.... it will be you and your people over throwing the government
Yet you have stated here many times that America should break up.
That is your attempt to either overthrow or create a new government and a new country using many of the States.
Screenshot 2020-09-04_20-37-56-255.png
Yet you have stated here many times that America should break up.
That is your attempt to either overthrow or create a new government and a new country using many of the States.

when Trump wins it will be your people who plan to secede your Blue states from the union.... why do you speak so dark ... it is your people who want a Socialist - Communist government... that is no longer a secret today...
when Trump wins it will be your people who plan to secede your Blue states from the union.... why do you speak so dark ... it is your people who want a Socialist - Communist government... that is no longer a secret today...
The only talk of secession that I have heard anyone mention is from you.
Nobody else is talking secession other then you.

You talkd of Red states leaving the Union...Remember? I could dig up your post if you like.
if Biden wins the right will accept a gov reform to Socialism - Communism.. Biden is not meant to be the leader of such a gov reform ... we wont except it

You have no choice.

Well, Lennco, you are at least being honest about it now. Submit to Communism or die. Not sure how you expect to benefit from that though.
Well, Lennco, you are at least being honest about it now. Submit to Communism or die. Not sure how you expect to benefit from that though.
Not to communism but to Biden being president. I should have been more clear.
One to many glasses of wine with dinner.

I corrected it, I think, therefor I am :wacky:
Once should never drink and namepros :vomit:
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The only talk of secession that I have heard anyone mention is from you.
Nobody else is talking secession other then you.

You talkd of Red states leaving the Union...Remember? I could dig up your post if you like.

in 2012 as i have posted many times,,,, Texas Governor Rick Perry did talk of seceding from the union.... that to just get a knee jerk reaction from the media mainly .... but when your party tries to reform our government to Socialist - Communist government... now we are no longer a union correct???
in 2012 as i have posted many times,,,, Texas Governor Rick Perry did talk of seceding from the union.... that to just get a knee jerk reaction from the media mainly .... but when your party tries to reform our government to Socialist - Communist government... now we are no longer a union correct???
The US will never be a socialist gov. You need to see someone about those fears.
Not to communism but to Biden being president. I should have been more clear.
One to many glasses of wine with dinner.

I corrected it, I think, therefor I am :wacky:
Once should never drink and namepros :vomit:

Alcohol is also truth serum .... people unload all the truths when they are on alcohol
This American was tricked into writing Russian propoganda

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The US will never be a socialist gov. You need to see someone about those fears.

you act like this is a conspiracy theory or something?? this is all over the streets of America right now... your parties narrative and end agenda is not a secret any longer.... i am not saying it... your people are saying all over the US and in the streets.... what i am missing here??
This American was tricked into writing Russian propoganda

Interesting that the Russian website he wrote for was left-wing. How to the Dems reconcile that with the constant claims that the Russians are working to support Trump?
you act like this is a conspiracy theory or something??

Give it up. Most Americans will happily welcome fascism and authoritarianism even while they swear they are living in the freest country in the universe. They have this cartoon image that as long as there are no goose-stepping soldiers on their street, they are free. That's what gets me most - the insistence that they are this unique land of the free, despite so much obvious (and growing) evidence to the contrary.

I am glad some people are awake and ready to fight for freedom. It's not easy. Most people (myself included) put priority on protecting our families. There may come a point when the status quo is a greater immediate threat to our families than standing up to fight it, but that is at a late stage of the game.
Interesting that the Russian website he wrote for was left-wing. How to the Dems reconcile that with the constant claims that the Russians are working to support Trump?

That is an interesting twist...makes you wonder, eh?

While it has a modern, digital twist, the scheme comes straight from a playbook Russia has been using since at least the Cold War: tap unwitting Americans to help highlight cracks in American society and elevate dissenting voices. It’s all part of a campaign the US government says is designed to exacerbate divisions in American life.

While it has a modern, digital twist, the scheme comes straight from a playbook Russia has been using since at least the Cold War: tap unwitting Americans to help highlight cracks in American society and elevate dissenting voices. It’s all part of a campaign the US government says is designed to exacerbate divisions in American life.

Pretty much what I expect - which is why the Russian hysteria is a joke to me. The US and Russia have been doing this to each other for decades. If people are so weak that they fall apart over that, then they were going to fall anyway.

Now excuse me, but I have to go out and catch a couple murder hornets harassing my bees and prepare for a typhoon.
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Give it up. Most Americans will happily welcome fascism and authoritarianism even while they swear they are living in the freest country in the universe.
I am glad some people are awake and ready to fight for freedom. It's not easy. Most people (myself included) put priority on protecting our families. There may come a point when the status quo is a greater immediate threat to our families than standing up to fight it, but that is at a late stage of the game.

Fight or flight, I've met several draft dodgers over the years who call The True North home. The saying, 'discretion is the better part of valor' has merit, it's not easy leaving the country you were born in and the people you love in order to have freedom.

Pretty much what I expect - which is why the Russian hysteria is a joke to me. The US and Russia have been doing this to each other for decades. If people are so weak that they fall apart over that, then they were going to fall anyway.

Now excuse me, but I have to go out and catch a couple murder hornets harassing my bees and prepare for a typhoon.

It is BS, who knows if this is another hoax to misinform, but IMO Russia would rather have Trump in office.

I really disliked Typhoon season in Japan, nothing like a wall of water to start your day. :yuck: GLWT
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The Democrats’ mission to fracture America permanently should be codenamed “Operation Chaos,” [American Thinker]
Now that a top Democrat data analytics firm has finally confirmed that Democrats plan to claim victory weeks after the presidential election once enough of their “votes” show up in the mail to be counted, I don’t think any rational observer could view this as anything but a promise to destroy the legitimacy of the 2020 election.
I guess that's what Lencco means when saying "Just watch how things quiet down after Biden Takes office, not win but after he takes office." It's the "take" scenario.
Most Republicans (except the “useful idiots” who will look past corruption and fraud for the chance to remove President Trump) understand how the Democrats plan to use “cheat-by-mail” chaos to elevate a man who can’t remember his opponent’s name (or even his running mate’s) to commander in chief. They have a three-tailed con in play:
  1. attempt to win swing states fast and declare victory before fraudulent ballots can be scrutinized;
  2. harvest loose ballots after election day until Trump vote leads disappear;
  3. throw the whole mess into state and federal courts until a Democrat-leaning judge gives them a Democrat lead.
At any time that one of these tails secures a Democrat victory, the “useful idiot” #NeverTrumpers and hacks in the press will aid the Democrats in quickly declaring the election over and calling for President Trump’s concession. (When executing a good con, it’s always best to have “disinterested” third parties move the con along.) By that point, offending ballots will be “disappeared” before they can ever be scrutinized again. And at any stage of this dangerous game, if President Trump and his supporters fight the outcome, our efforts -- not Democrat vote fraud -- will be framed as “threats to democracy.”
Democrats (and “Republican” enablers like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan) argue that election fraud is a myth when it is, in fact, well documented. They argue that non-citizen voting occurs in such low numbers as to be meaningless when meaningful elections every year are decided by a few hundred votes. They argue that election judges can be trusted when many have been prosecuted for altering votes and stuffing ballots. They argue that sensible voter identification laws are unnecessary (and racist) when votes routinely show up from dead voters, non-voters, and voters who long ago left the jurisdictions in which they’re now cast. They argue that ballot harvesting is nothing to worry about when the outcomes of elections are overturned days and weeks after election day. They argue that the same U.S. Postal Service that just endorsed the Democratic Party can be trusted to impartially handle Republican votes.
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I've met several draft dodgers over the years who call The True North home.

That's why a whole side of my family lives there. I would have been next if I were a couple years older.

It is BS, who knows if this is another hoax to misinform, but IMO Russia would rather have Trump in office.

Maybe they would. But one could make the case that's a good thing as much as a bad thing. Maybe they don't want World War 3, for example.

I really disliked Typhoon season in Japan, nothing like a wall of water to start your day.

In this part of Japan, it's also the wind. Up in Sendai, the bigger worry is earthquakes and tsunamis. Not many typhoons his above Tokyo, though recent weather patterns have been changing. Not too worried about the water as we are on a hill and (maybe) safe from landslides. But the wind. I can only hope our insurance would pay for a new roof.

Landslide laws suck here. If my land slides onto the house below us, I am responsible 100%. And the guy who owns that house is a lawyer. I have a friend nearby who really got nailed that way - his insurance company weasled out of it so he had to pay up big.
In this part of Japan, it's also the wind. Up in Sendai, the bigger worry is earthquakes and tsunamis. Not many typhoons his above Tokyo, though recent weather patterns have been changing. Not too worried about the water as we are on a hill and (maybe) safe from landslides. But the wind. I can only hope our insurance would pay for a new roof.

Landslide laws suck here. If my land slides onto the house below us, I am responsible 100%. And the guy who owns that house is a lawyer. I have a friend nearby who really got nailed that way - his insurance company weasled out of it so he had to pay up big.

Wow Domainace, interesting battles you got going over there. Are you from Japan originally? stupid question but would rather know. Only thing I know of Japan is classic cinema.
Interesting that the Russian website he wrote for was left-wing. How to the Dems reconcile that with the constant claims that the Russians are working to support Trump?

...But one could make the case that's a good thing as much as a bad thing. Maybe they don't want World War 3, for example.

I always trust my gut feeling, tempered by reason. Hypothetically, if Donald and Vladimir had made some kind of backroom non-aggression pact in order to bring China down, it makes sense why they (Росси́я), would manipulate the media on his behalf. Putin, having already made a deal with China for resources and oil, could sit back and watch from a distance (just as USA did during the early years of WW2 by supplying Britain and its allies with armaments and specialized oil products and machine parts to the Nazis).

It is also interesting to look back at the rhetoric Roosevelt used to dehumanize the Japanese...same old tricks, different generation.
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The US will never be a socialist gov. You need to see someone about those fears.

How many more sectors of economy does the government need to socialize and control before US does become a socialist country?

If Bernie didn't get railroaded by Hilary and maybe Biden, in theory he had a chance to win as a populist candidate. Sometimes it feels like US is one bad recession away from most unnatural government system ever thought-out and tried.


Yes, I've watched "Over a Barrel". It doesn't directly affect northern communities, except for the notion of Army Corps of Engineers changing the direction of waterflow for the rivers naturally flowing north.

The Trans-Mountain pipleline purchased from Texas-based oil company Kinder Morgan by the Liberal government for $4.5B, was a waste of taxpayer money IMO. Besides the environmental impact, current oil glut and price of crude dropping, together with opposition from several First Nations whose land it crosses, it makes little sense other than the pain of Alberta surviving without the oil patch.


The Keystone Pipeline is a little closer, but it still takes roughly 14 hours by winter road from here to North Dakota. I noticed it's up and running again after another major oil spill :xf.cry: Canada currently sends approx 550,000 barrels of oil per day to the US via the existing Keystone Pipeline.

Obama blocked permits for the Keystone XL pipleline to expand. Upon election, Trump issued an executive order for construction to begin, but the Supreme Court upheld opposition by environmental groups, requiring that new oil and gas pipelines must have permits and follow a strict regulation process in order to build across bodies of water.


Those who think that water is not important should consider this: 1 gallon of oil contaminates 250,000 gallons of water... that is what I call filth! :meh:

It is no secret that Liberal party had an influx of funding from US green organization before they defeated Harper. Laws are very lax when it comes to foreign funding in Canada. It is on a different scale however how they proceeded to disable the natural resource sector. So I was not surprised when they announced they will buy Kinder Morgan pipeline project. Of course it was a waste of taxpayer money but they were perceived to be doing something to save face while sabotaging it long term.

All technology will have trade offs when it comes to our lives and environment. But there is no other energy alternatives when it comes to oil and natural gas with only coal and nuclear being able to help solve society's ever increasing need. As a society we have to decide how we want to live and not become victims of flawed alarmist science, consumer habit changing carbon taxes and overall dishonest public policy.
How many more sectors of economy does the government need to socialize and control before US does become a socialist country?

If Bernie didn't get railroaded by Hilary and maybe Biden, in theory he had a chance to win as a populist candidate. Sometimes it feels like US is one bad recession away from most unnatural government system ever thought-out and tried.
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Dont even get me started with Bernie;
Bernie Hypocrite? Made most his money from selling book of Communi Democratic Socialism

When confronted about it; (Reality; P
“i wrote a book, anybody can write a book.”

Faker words, were never said; “Bernie Bros”
Thank God this old **** will never be President
it behooves me, Bernie supporters so ardent!
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