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randypendleton.comTop Member
This thread was created to bring a local new story to light, which can be viewed below:

JACKSON, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio school district decided Tuesday night to keep a portrait of Jesus hanging in the school where it's been 65 years, denying a federal lawsuit's claim the portrait's display unconstitutionally promotes religion in a public school.

The Jackson City Schools board offered a constitutional justification of its own in voting 4-0 to keep the portrait up in its middle school, saying it must protect students' free speech rights. The vote drew cheers and applause from the dozens of people gathered in the elementary school gymnasium.

Read all of it here:;_ylv=3

I posted his here @ NP to see what ppl had to say on the issue. As it turns out, this sparked many debates. I've considered closing this thread but after multiple suggestions, I decided to keep it open. Feel free to join in the topics but per forum rules, please refrain from obscene, threatening, rude, or insulting posts.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
You say: "If you don’t like it, just change lanes". Now lets imagine you've taken out all your grocery shopping and put it in the counter, the employee has already checked out most of the stuff when he/she notices a bottle of whiskey or some bacon. The employee "politely declines" to continue serving you, so you patiently put all your groceries in the shopping cart and go look for a booze friendly employee. Would you really do this?
No, I would set aside the booze and bacon, allow the check out to finish, check out the disputed stuff at another counter, and then go home and enjoy a BLT and a cold beer.

So I say: good for the Daily Mail (and others) for exposing this BS
Do you consider the National Enquirer to be MSM? If so, I've got a couple of alien babies that bear a remarkable resemblance to Elvis you can buy. (Special deal just for believers like you.)

You didn't answer my question about using your own argument against selling contraception. I thought I read something you wrote about Christians who didn't defend Christianity weren't really Christians (or something to that effect). . . which seems to go against that "judge not . . . " tenet. Ah, well, in any case, here it is again, Hoping you'll clarify your stance on it this time.

"If a woman goes to a Wal-Mart pharmacy to buy the "morning after" emergency contraceptive pill, using your "can't have it both ways" argument, if the pharmacy sells it, then the clerks working there must sell it to her, right? Even if a clerk's religion believes using the morning after pill is the equivalent of murder, and even if Wal-Mart has told pharmacy employees they can refuse to sell the morning after pill if their religion does not believe in contraception or abortion. To paraphrase what you wrote, If Wal-Mart sells the morning after pill, then they cannot discriminate a customer because of a Christian employee's religious beliefs (even if Wal-Mart says they can)."

So if Wal-Mart gave permission for a Christian to refuse to sell contraception, do you still say if it's on the shelf it the Christian must sell it? Or is your impatience just directed at other faiths?
Either I'm totally confused or you have no clue what you're talking about.

You're definitely, totally confused, except for the part that you say: "I personally don't think the policy makes sense"

---------- Post added at 06:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 AM ----------

No, I would set aside the booze and bacon, allow the check out to finish, check out the disputed stuff at another counter, and then go home and enjoy a BLT and a cold beer.

:| I don't believe you. Your'e just saying that to contradict me.

So I say: good for the Daily Mail (and others) for exposing this BS
Do you consider the National Enquirer to be MSM? If so, I've got a couple of alien babies that bear a remarkable resemblance to Elvis you can buy. (Special deal just for believers like you.)

I don't read the National Enquirer and don't even know what they publish. Will Google to find out about it.
Since it appears that you do read it, then I suggest you keep the special deal of alien babies that bear a remarkable resemblance to Elvis. I'm sure you will appreciate them a whole lot more than I would.

You didn't answer my question about using your own argument against selling contraception. I thought I read something you wrote about Christians who didn't defend Christianity weren't really Christians (or something to that effect). . . which seems to go against that "judge not . . . " tenet. Ah, well, in any case, here it is again, Hoping you'll clarify your stance on it this time.

"If a woman goes to a Wal-Mart pharmacy to buy the "morning after" emergency contraceptive pill, using your "can't have it both ways" argument, if the pharmacy sells it, then the clerks working there must sell it to her, right? Even if a clerk's religion believes using the morning after pill is the equivalent of murder, and even if Wal-Mart has told pharmacy employees they can refuse to sell the morning after pill if their religion does not believe in contraception or abortion. To paraphrase what you wrote, If Wal-Mart sells the morning after pill, then they cannot discriminate a customer because of a Christian employee's religious beliefs (even if Wal-Mart says they can)."

So if Wal-Mart gave permission for a Christian to refuse to sell contraception, do you still say if it's on the shelf it the Christian must sell it? Or is your impatience just directed at other faiths?

If Wal-Mart has a product on a shelf for sale, they MUST sell to the client. If they decided to implement a stupid policy whereby a Christian employee can refuse to sell contraception or a Muslim can refuse to sell alcohol and pork, then in my opinion Wal-Mart has only 2 choices:

1. Remove the "offending" items from the shelf
2. Remove the sensitive employees (Christian, Muslim or any other religious group) from working at a check-out counter

Nothing complicated about that. The complication arose when M&S in their fervor to be politically correct, possibly by pressure from Muslim groups or employees, decided to adopt this ridiculous policy. If they want to maintain this dumb policy then I'm sure a lot of people will boycott them, me included.

Here in Madeira or for that matter Portugal, I've never ever ever heard of a pharmacy employee ever refusing to sell contraceptive pills to anyone and my country is a big majority catholic. We would not tolerate that here. If you have a product in a shelf you must sell it.

So I find it puzzling from reading your posts that you appear to be OK with that stupid M&S policy.
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:| I don't believe you. Your'e just saying that to contradict me..
Although I do enjoy a good laugh from some of your posts, I don't kid around about bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. A BLT and a cold beer are the pillars of my liberal beliefs.

:I don't read the National Enquirer and don't even know what they publish. Will Google to find out about it.
Since it appears that you do read it, then I suggest you keep the special deal of alien babies that bear a remarkable resemblance to Elvis. I'm sure you will appreciate them a whole lot more than I would...
No, I don't read the Enquirer. I thought you might because you have much in common.

If Wal-Mart has a product on a shelf for sale, they MUST sell to the client. If they decided to implement a stupid policy whereby a Christian employee can refuse to sell contraception or a Muslim can refuse to sell alcohol and pork, then in my opinion Wal-Mart has only 2 choices:

1. Remove the "offending" items from the shelf
2. Remove the sensitive employees (Christian, Muslim or any other religious group) from working at a check-out counter

Nothing complicated about that. The complication arose when M&S in their fervor to be politically correct, possibly by pressure from Muslim groups or employees, decided to adopt this ridiculous policy. If they want to maintain this dumb policy then I'm sure a lot of people will boycott them, me included....
So serving blasphemous stuff to shoppers is more important to you than having devout Christians stand up for their beliefs . . . I never would have thought I'd ever hear you say that.

:So I find it puzzling from reading your posts that you appear to be OK with that stupid M&S policy.

I'm not sure what to think of their policies. I do know it got them free advertising.
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I'll post more later. For now, this looks noteworthy.

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A satanic group unveiled designs Monday for a 7-foot-tall statue of Satan it wants to put at the Oklahoma state Capitol, where a Ten Commandments monument was placed in 2012.

The New York-based Satanic Temple formally submitted its application to a panel that oversees the Capitol grounds, including an artist's rendering that depicts Satan as Baphomet, a goat-headed figure with horns, wings and a long beard that's often used as a symbol of the occult. In the rendering, Satan is sitting in a pentagram-adorned throne with smiling children next to him.

Let the bashing commence. And of course, read more.
I'll post more later. For now, this looks noteworthy.

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A satanic group unveiled designs Monday for a 7-foot-tall statue of Satan it wants to put at the Oklahoma state Capitol, where a Ten Commandments monument was placed in 2012.

The New York-based Satanic Temple formally submitted its application to a panel that oversees the Capitol grounds, including an artist's rendering that depicts Satan as Baphomet, a goat-headed figure with horns, wings and a long beard that's often used as a symbol of the occult. In the rendering, Satan is sitting in a pentagram-adorned throne with smiling children next to him.

Let the bashing commence. And of course, read more.

Why not go one further and place one in front of a mosque. The results would be very interesting, especially on the mosque side.
Why not go one further and place one in front of a mosque. The results would be very interesting, especially on the mosque side.

The reaction would probably be the same at most places, of what ever religions. Look how worked up people got when the High-schoolers hung up the "Bong Hits for Jesus!" sign.
The reaction would probably be the same at most places, of what ever religions.

Wrong. The reaction would be very different from some other religions, especially the "Religion of Peace"

Look how worked up people got when the High-schoolers hung up the "Bong Hits for Jesus!" sign.

Why are these people always picking on Christians, why not pick on other religions especially the one that is involved in virtually every conflict in the world?

I can tell you why, since I know I won't get a straight forward answer: Because they are afraid of what may happen to them. They are a bunch of yellow bellies with no fu**ing cojones
Why are these people always picking on Christians

I'm not sure who "these" people are but they are basically making a demonstration (yawn) about a religious monument located at a specific free speech area by a state building.

It just happens to be a Christian monument.

I'm not sure why you are constantly picking on other religions other than you apparently must have gigantic balls.

I don't know who gives a crap about this. Who has time to care about these things?
I'm not sure who "these" people are but they are basically making a demonstration (yawn) about a religious monument located at a specific free speech area by a state building.

It just happens to be a Christian monument.

I'm not sure why you are constantly picking on other religions other than you apparently must have gigantic balls.

I don't know who gives a crap about this. Who has time to care about these things?
Better to have gigantic balls than no balls at all. If you don't give a crap why are you replying?
Better to have gigantic balls than no balls at all. If you don't give a crap why are you replying?

I don't care about the Satanic monument (because it's one of many applications) and the story is rabble rousing at best without much of a worth contents/backstory to make it worthwhile. I understand the concept of stemming a small tide to prevent ultimately prevent a rising ocean: that is, what if we accept the 10 commandments, what if it then became other bible verses, what if that then become too much religious acceptance, and then what if that became religion having too much hold etc. That's a poor pretext for a worthless story imho. It's the same overzealous idiots that latch on to the stories to push an agenda that's usually not that full of merits to begin with.

This is rabble rousing at its worse, imho. It's the reverse coin of religious right - I hate the opposite side just as much.

That said.

What I can't stand even more is the arbitrary anti-muslim sentiment that gets thrown in for no reason whatsoever. There was NOTHING in this story about a Mosque but you feel the need to add in that snide remark of yours. Though I admit I'm surprised you didn't add something about being gay too.

Your comment has 0% to do with anything except to suggest that you have big balls and you're islamaphobe. I half comment because I'm hoping you stop making yourself look like an idiot.

It's not brave to be faceless and partially anonymous on a domain forum spouting off your judgmental and prejudicial bullshit. A number of members on this forum are going to be just like you - except they follow a different faith. Show them a little respect.

This is exactly why a political thread has no place here - it steps over the line from educated commentary to misinformed and uneducated crap that spews hatred for no reason. The good thing about it though is that it keeps the garbage in one place as well.

But you're right, I do need to stop posting and reading anything here because it makes your brain rot slumming down here in the most pointless thread of this entire forum.
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What I can't stand even more is the arbitrary anti-muslim sentiment that gets thrown in for no reason whatsoever. There was NOTHING in this story about a Mosque but you feel the need to add in that snide remark of yours. Though I admit I'm surprised you didn't add something about being gay too.

You've made your point. You're OK when Christians are mocked or criticized, as they have so often been on this thread, but get irritated if anyone criticizes the Religion of Peace.

This thread cannot be one-sided, you cannot have a one-way street of examples or news that is always anti-christian, because if that's what you want then it's best to just close it up.

I'm hoping you stop making yourself look like an idiot.

Your "holier than thou" attitude shows your arrogance in relation to others, but has absolutely no effect on me
Sometimes you hit the bull's eye, sometimes the 1; either can win the game.
Something similar was averted here:

Gov. Jan Brewer on Wednesday vetoed a Republican bill that set off a national debate over gay rights, religion and discrimination and subjected Arizona to blistering criticism from major corporations and political leaders from both parties.

Loud cheers erupted outside the Capitol building immediately after Brewer made her announcement.

"My agenda is to sign into law legislation that advances Arizona," Brewer said at a news conference. "I call them like I seem them despite the tears or the boos from the crowd. After weighing all the arguments, I have vetoed Senate Bill 1062 moments ago."

The governor said she gave the legislation careful deliberation in talking to her lawyers, citizens and lawmakers on both sides of the debate.

But Brewer said the bill "could divide Arizona in ways we could not even imagine and no one would ever want." The bill was broadly worded and could result in unintended negative consequences, she added.


Glad Arizona didn't take a giant leap backward.

I may be an atheist, but I was raised on the Bible. Nowhere in there does Jesus refuse service to anybody. In fact, he was criticized for keeping company with sinners.

Discrimination of the kind proposed in that Arizona bill is decidedly un-Christian.

I read that he liked, in particular, to service John.
I read that he liked, in particular, to service John.
Where did you read that from? Some article by Dan Savage or was it by Perez Hilton?
Where did you read that from? Some article by Dan Savage or was it by Perez Hilton?

A Chaplain, actually. Not all religious people are ignorant or morally repugnant :)
A Chaplain, actually. Not all religious people are ignorant or morally repugnant :)
Meaning that most religious people are ignorant or morally repugnant, right?

So according to you if you can talk shit about religion then you are smart and full of morals
Meaning that most religious people are ignorant or morally repugnant, right?

So according to you if you can talk shit about religion then you are smart and full of morals

Nope and Nope.

I mean that not all religious people are ignorant.
Meaning that most religious people are ignorant or morally repugnant, right?

So according to you if you can talk shit about religion then you are smart and full of morals

Just read that Joel Osteen had $600k of hard earned collection money stolen from his safe.
Just read that Joel Osteen had $600k of hard earned collection money stolen from his safe.
Good. I just hope that whoever stole all that money is poor and needy and will re-distribute it among the poor and needy.... but I doubt it. They're probably just a bunch of greedy capitalists like Osteen
Good. I just hope that whoever stole all that money is poor and needy and will re-distribute it among the poor and needy.... but I doubt it. They're probably just a bunch of greedy capitalists like Osteen

I don't understand. You're trash talking a very popular Christian evangelist. Why? Is it because of money?
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