The official .mobi, .asia, .IDN sucks thread

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The official .mobi/ .asia/ .me/ .TV sucks thread

It seems every good thread these days gets filled with .mobi/ .asia/ .IDN/ .TV/ .us, debates. So here's a thread we can have at it! We can also refer people here if things get heated.


I'll start with a neutral statement:

WTF is the point of .mobi?
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Sam said:
The problem is,

I don't create hype threads and hype posts and I still sell my cctlds for more money then your .mobis .

What gives?

congrats on making more money than me. this isnt really a competition, but i should ask, do you want the pink ribbon or the yellow one?

i dont create hype either, just get accused of it.
mjnels said:
congrats on making more money than me. this isnt really a competition, but i should ask, do you want the pink ribbon or the yellow one?

i dont create hype either, just get accused of it.
Please send me yellow ribbon. Donation of 200 NP and I will buy one.

Sam said:
Please send me yellow ribbon. Donation of 200 NP and I will buy one.


lol... i didnt actually mean the ones you can buy from the forum.. forgot about those.

i just meant the prize for making more money... an actual ribbon, like the ones they handed out for field day in 3rd grade when you got 5th place. but i can always paint it blue......
scandiman said:
You fixate on things that have no bearing to the present or future of .mobi.

What? :-/

EVERY single, consistent point I raise, or question that I believe should be answered promptly ... directly relates and has impactful bearing to the current state of affairs mTLD / "dot Mobey", and its future (and the future of those - for better(for a very select few), or for worse (for most all others) - who have chosen to invest in it), IMHO. :gl:
For anyone to state otherwise, is both desperate and slanderous! :guilty: :imho:

Your hate knows no bounds.

"Hate" is not the word, and you know that Paul ... I think what's clear here is that it's unfair that ANSWERS cannot be provided as they should be, and should have been all along IMHO. It's deceptive that mTLD has changed their game plan along the way - including erasing the key information about the RFP process and now not enforcing the development requirements mandate, among others (all well DOCUMENTED ad infinitum here in the volumes of threads)! :|
You are, again, conveniently ignoring the FACTS!

I love the #1 Namepros Community™ ... and don't want to see any more unnecessary victims of this unsubstantiated hype and propoganda, IMHO.
I've been asking, perhaps demanding, for real substance, but instead of getting any I am personally assaulted ... I'm sure that is very obvious to most watching this discussion and I appreciate their assistance, as well, in seeking the TRUTH and - most importantly - answers to the questions! :imho:

Thanks for understanding,
-Jeff B-)
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Someone should tell that m. that just switched over
to mobi that they made a mistake :lol: Oh, I guess
they're just noobies!

Notice where their mobile link takes the .mobi
instead of that nasty site they used
to have. Man, that took forever for me to type that m.
address just now...gotta go rest ;)
Jeff said:
What? :-/

EVERY single, consistent point I raise, or question that I believe should be answered promptly ... directly relates and has impactful bearing to the current state of affairs mTLD / "dot Mobey", and its future (and the future of those - for better(for a very select few), or for worse (for most all others) - who have chosen to invest in it), IMHO. :gl:
For anyone to state otherwise, is both desperate and slanderous! :guilty: :imho:

"Hate" is not the word, and you know that Paul ... I think what's clear here is that it's unfair that ANSWERS cannot be provided as they should be, and should have been all along IMHO. It's deceptive that mTLD has changed their game plan along the way - including erasing the key information about the RFP process and now not enforcing the development requirements mandate, among others (all well DOCUMENTED ad infinitum here in the volumes of threads)! :|
You are, again, conveniently ignoring the FACTS!

I love the #1 Namepros Community™ ... and don't want to see any more unnecessary victims of this unsubstantiated hype and propoganda, IMHO.
I've been asking, perhaps demanding, for real substance, but instead of getting any I am personally assaulted ... I'm sure that is very obvious to most watching this discussion and I appreciate their assistance, as well, in seeking the TRUTH and - most importantly - answers to the questions! :imho:

Thanks for understanding,
-Jeff B-)
Ok, Jeff, but why do you demand these answers from the domainers here, instead of MTLD??? Because others here don't answer your 'questions' or have the 'answers' you want to hear, you deride the domainers and investors as having agendas, being disillusioned, etc? And why don't you demand these same questions and answers on other extensions and registries??

You cloak yourself in 'back patting' comments like - 'you don't want to see any more unnecessary victims of this unsubstantiated hype and propoganda' (nice spelling by the way), yet you don't ask the ones who can provide the answers! If you were 'truly concerned' for others and their investments, you'd be taking your rantings to ICANN, MTLD or any other registry instead of 'criticizing' those that invested their money in them! IF!!

Actions speak volumes, not ego inflated criticisms.
mjnels said:
lol... i didnt actually mean the ones you can buy from the forum.. forgot about those.

i just meant the prize for making more money... an actual ribbon, like the ones they handed out for field day in 3rd grade when you got 5th place. but i can always paint it blue......
Please send me one.

Jeff said:
What? :-/

EVERY single, consistent point I raise, or question that I believe should be answered promptly ... directly relates and has impactful bearing to the current state of affairs mTLD / "dot Mobey", and its future (and the future of those - for better(for a very select few), or for worse (for most all others) - who have chosen to invest in it), IMHO. :gl:
For anyone to state otherwise, is both desperate and slanderous! :guilty: :imho:
Now you accuse me of slandering you? :lol: You slander yourself.

Jeff said:
"Hate" is not the word, and you know that Paul ...

Hate - to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest

Describes your agenda perfectly, towards both mobi enthusiasts and mTLD. This is why there is no reasoning with you about .mobi, you demand for other people to go get information for you, all with the intent to discredit anything .mobi.

Jeff said:
You are, again, conveniently ignoring the FACTS!
OMG, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You say there is no corporate adoption of .mobi while there are so many examples you ignore. You say there is no adoption of generic .mobi domains by corporations and conveniently ignore, which is fully promoted on their .com site. You carry on about the usual suspects without naming names and being specific. You say there is little development while there are thousands of .mobi websites today and the numbers increase all the time. You say mTLD has abandoned the RFP process while they are working right now to release some of their most valuable domains via the RFP process. You say mTLD does nothing but greedy and deceptive while they actively support their community with quality development resources.

Talk about conveniently ignoring the facts. There is no reasoning or discussing issues with people full of hate. No amount of information will satisfy you.
hawkeye said:
Actions speak volumes, not ego inflated criticisms.

Obviously, I am and always have been truly concerned for our #1 Membership!

I'm simply stating my humble OPINIONS here in an ".MOBI Sucks" general open discussion thread ... and I have repeatedly asked for answers (from both mTLD and those that have a closer affiliation with them than most do) to many of the questions and increasing concerns regarding the registry and extension, but instead of obtaining actual candor and answers ... I (and others, if you follow the entire dialogue) instead get highly concerted subterfuge and personally attacked! :|
It's deceptive to not provide actual substance and answers! :imho:

Have a nice weekend, friend!

scandiman said:
No amount of information will satisfy you.

Real ANSWERS will satisfy me (and most others, I'm sure)! :snaphappy:

You're distorting again, Paul ... I've been talking about GENERICS and not defensive corporate ™ domains! "" was not a generic sold at Traffic, that was the original point and you well know the context of the discussion. mTLD, did in fact, abandon the RFP process and subsequently removed the text from its website! - you know this as FACT. They are not enforcing their mandated development requirements - you know this as FACT. They are going to release non generic, "premium" domains for even more :$: GREED MONEY - and you know this as FACT. Meanwhile, 1,000's+/+ of domains languish - again, you know this as FACT, Paul! :sick: :imho:

scandiman said:
Now you accuse me of slandering you? :lol: You slander yourself.

C'mon, Paul! :bah:

-Jeff B-)
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This is dangerously closed to being closed. Remember, reople are entitled to their opinions, as wrong as you might feel they are.

Let's keep the personal attacks OUT of the thread.
Jeff said:
unfair that ANSWERS cannot be provided as they should be, and should have been all along IMHO. It's deceptive that mTLD has changed their game plan along the way - including erasing the key information about the RFP process and now not enforcing the development requirements mandate, among others (all well DOCUMENTED ad infinitum here in the volumes of threads)! :|
You are, again, conveniently ignoring the FACTS!

I love the #1 Namepros Community™ ... and don't want to see any more unnecessary victims of this unsubstantiated hype and propoganda, IMHO.
I've been asking, perhaps demanding, for real substance,

This might be a good place to get some answers if you live near any of these events: It's free and it's guaranteed to have one or more dotMobi registry executives present. It's a good opportunity for you to ask mTLD your questions directly and stop asking domainers. We don't know.

We registered our names with our own money based on what we thought we could do with them. I feel badly that skedaddle and quintet didn't meet your expectations. These are not names I would've picked. It's good that you love Namepros, and it's good that you're looking out for people. But maybe, just maybe, you could be a bit fair once in awhile and point out the things that are going right?

DomainTalker has near a dozen premium domain names. He isn't in it to sell the names, he's developing sites. He has a business model he follows, and he knows the technology isn't present yet to do all he wants with the sites and plans to rebuild them when the technology catches up. The point is, he is buying it to develop it, and that's what SHOULD be the goal of people buying .mobi names because as you can all see, .mobi doesn't act like .com in any way, shape or form, not the least of which is its value undeveloped.

WARNING: .mobi is a developers' tld. If you don't want to develop, register something else.

You want to talk about enforcement? It's being talked about. Should it have been perfect before the names were sold? Sure, why not. But guess what - the people who made those decisions aren't there anymore. To clarify, I don't know who they were or why they left, and I certainly mean no disrespect to anyone who laid the foundations for .mobi. Thank you, if you are reading, for all that you have contributed.

That said, there are new people in the executive offices and they are making progress. This is why people who like .mobi get frustrated with your posts, Jeff. You make no allowances for course corrections. You ask the same questions over and over and when the answer is "they're working on it," it isn't good enough for you. A lot of people are working on it, Jeff. It's not been forgotten.

Furthermore, I don't understand why it isn't good enough to say "register .mobi only if you plan to develop and have a business plan or buy a live site that is already making money." What is underhanded about that? Nothing IMHO.

Caveat Emptor, exactly. And that goes for whose comments you read, too, pro or con.
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Jeff, at least one of your earlier posts in this thread seems now to be missing...!!...:o

I've checked every post of yours in this thread, and I can't now find it...

I'm sure I saw an earlier post of yours, in this thread, that specifically said (among other things):

(i) There are no major Corporates that have gone .mobi - and are promoting it. - And, that Corporates aeren't buying their .mobi domains at TRAFFIC Auctions - Implying that .mobi is therefore failing, as an extension.

(ii) Somehow, you posed the question about which mobi domains have sold at TRAFFIC, and have been developed - Suggesting somehow that the number of domains bought/sold at TRAFFIC - and subsequently developed - was in some way a measure of success, or failure, for an extension.

First....You're just wrong about major Corporates, and .mobi.

(i) Here is a sample of major corporates that have gone .mobi, for example (with thanks to GetSmart)...and, more everyday... (Ford Canada) (Air New Zealand) (American Automobile Association)

...And, here are some major global banks, that have gone .mobi, too (with thanks to BocaVision):

Grupo Banco Popular (Spain) - (a Spanish bank with 2.7 billion Euros in revenue)

First National Bank (South Africa) - (one of the BIG 4 South-African banks .

Great Florida Bank -

1ST National Bank (Texas) -

Miami FireFighters Credit Union -

Washington State Employees Credit Union -

Bank Atlantic -

Travis Credit Union -

Caja Murcia (Spain) -

Bank of America -

Wachovia -

Deutsche Bank (Germany) -

Barclays (UK) -

Standard Bank (South-Africa) -

UniCredit Group (Italy) -

Kreissparkasse Stade (Germany) -

RBC Royal Bank (Canada)

Plains Capital Bank (U.S.)

Leyard National Bank (U.S.)

MemberSource Credit Union

Sovereign Bank

...And, if you'd like to see how each of these Banks are promiting their .mobi sites, please go here, for links to their their individual .mobi promotions:

As for TRAFFIC Auctions - and the development of names sold at TRAFFIC - somehow being a barometer for an extensions success...

Please answer honestly, and with substance:

Why would Corporates necessarily come to a domainer TRAFFIC Auction, exactly?....And, why would they're not being in attendance, in numbers, be any kind of barometer about an extension's potential success, or failure?

(a) What percentage of .com names, ever sold at TRAFFIC Auctions, were subsequently developed into sites?

(a)(i) Is that percentage for .com developments (after being sold at TRAFFIC) higher, or lower, than for .mobi domains sold at TRAFFIC Auctions?

(a)(ii) If the .com percentage is lower than .mobi's - does that mean that you believe .com is a poor investment domain extension?

(b) Please explain why TRAFFIC Auctions are a better indicator of an extension's potential success than, say, Sedo, Afternic, private sales, or any other sales channel.

...And, where did that/those posts, in this thread, on these subjects, go, again....?

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Opinions are welcome!

coast said:
WARNING: .mobi is a developers' tld. If you don't want to develop, register something else.

^ Well said, thanks for your balanced input and opinions Coast ... I'm hopefull that mTLD truly recognizes this as well, and acts accordingly (ie., following up on the enforcement of the development mandates immediately, (re)embracing the abandoned RFP process for these generic / "premium" terms, and getting those LITERALLY 1,000's and 1,000's+/+ of languishing domains into the hands of real End users / developers)! A.S.A.P. :gl: :imho:
Thanks, too, RJ! :music: :talk:

PS. DomainTalker ... I've been talking all along about GENERICS and not corporate defensive ™ domains and other insider's propaganda "news" hype of them, etc. :guilty: :imho:

-Jeff B-)
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Jeff said:
^... I've been talking all along about GENERICS and not corporate defensive ™ domains and other insider's propaganda "news" hype of them, etc.
As YOU say they are! Why not you call those companies and confirm your above 'assumptions' to be true, for us all to know it so, and the peace of mind such answers will bring to all.

hawkeye said:
As YOU say they are! Why not you call those companies and confirm your above 'assumptions' to be true, for us all to know it so, and the peace of mind such answers will bring to all.

What generic "dot Mobey" domains have been "sold" at Traffic (or Sedo) ... and are now fully developed "on the go" websites that are being used and promoted to the masses? :gl: :snaphappy:

Thanks for the assist.
-Jeff B-)
Jeff has been extremely effective at riling it up.

From the initial "concerned" posts of 2006 to the current multiple anti-mobi footers and "mobey" statements.

And, I think I can sum this up after taking a step back from the NamePros community.

It's just entertainment.

It's show biz.

Once I figured this out, I've been able to really enjoy Jeff.

He's funny!

Jeremy Padawer

^ Hammer. Head. Nail. :snaphappy:

PS. Exactly as I posted a couple of days ago in a very similar thread and "dot Mobey" discussion: :gl:
My educated guess is you'll now start to see some new "Press Releases" out of mTLD (and a new hype push drivel here on the forums) to try to buy it more time (and, as always, including :$: GREED CASH), but in the end it will have no effect on this (.mobi) downward spiral, IMHO. :guilty: :imho:

Caveat emptor, friends! :tri:
-Jeff B-)
hawkeye said:
I believe 'ducky', this is your area of disillusion according to 'Master Condesending', and that you backed the wrong horse too!! He knows!!!

Frankly, I don't give a toss whether you lot manage to work it out or not. The point is you won't have the excuse that nobody told you afterwards.

I am in the process of transacting a few domains for a big chunk right now. I will probably have a dozen or so on the block in Paris and those will be at reasonable reserves because I had a cash quota I needed to meet. We have now met than and some, so frankly I probably wouldn't have even bothered to put up for Paris had I known.

Have I ever put domains up here for sale? How many of you even have much of a clue about what we are holding? We are not really in this to sale, we are simply holding on until the traffic arrives in droves, and my guess is that once the hype over IDN.IDN starts in Paris, we won't have long to wait.

But don't worry, I won't be able to spend much of my time humilating all those that missed out in public. There will be too many high profile names on my list to make mocking people here much of a diversionary activity.

Obviously top of my list will be Domain Muppet.
jeremyp said:
Jeff has been extremely effective at riling it up.

From the initial "concerned" posts of 2006 to the current multiple anti-mobi footers and "mobey" statements.

And, I think I can sum this up after taking a step back from the NamePros community.

It's just entertainment.

It's show biz.

Once I figured this out, I've been able to really enjoy Jeff.

He's funny!

Jeremy Padawer

I think that there is a lot of people who invested a lot of money buying domains with traditional TLD (com, net, org). So they are a bit worried that their market could decrease.
They attack all new TLDs and they consider like children people who pay 10 euros for each domains with the new TLD.
Jeff is one of these people, in effect he seems more like a spammer than a member of the staff or a "staff emeritus" :hehe:
davnin said:
I think that there is a lot of people who invested a lot of money buying domains with traditional TLD (com, net, org). So they are a bit worried that their market could decrease.
They attack all new TLDs and they consider like children people who pay 10 euros for each domains with the new TLD.
Jeff is one of these people, in effect he seems more like a spammer than a member of the staff :hehe:

Frankly, at times Child Abuse is a very good analogy. Greedy people are vulnerable people, and most come into this "Industry" on the promise of high profits. Like most Gold Rushes, for the majority, it always ends in tears. And many of those people making most of the money at the moment are those selling the shovels, not actually digging.

I am not saying it wrong to be ambitious, but I do think it is wrong to take people's money when you know they are not going to see it back ever.
Rubber Duck said:
Frankly, at times Child Abuse is a very good analogy. Greedy people are vulnerable people, and most come into this "Industry" on the promise of high profits. Like most Gold Rushes, for the majority, it always ends in tears. And many of those people making most of the money at the moment are those selling the shovels, not actually digging.

I am not saying it wrong to be ambitious, but I do think it is wrong to take people's money when you know they are not going to see it back ever.

you can say this to the people who invest thousands of euros for each domains, not in a generic way.
We can accept a reasonable risk in every market, and a few new domains represent a reasonable risk.
.MOBI Agenda™ ...

davnin said:
Jeff is one of these people, in effect he seems more like a spammer than a member of the staff or a "staff emeritus" :hehe:

I've always shared my humble opinions freely, and posted pretty fluidly ... and we've been reading these types of personal attacks and attempts to discredit me (and others raising the SAME QUESTIONS of the "dot Mobey") since 2006 ... this is nothing new, IMHO. :sick:

What's as consistent as these attempts, though, are the concerted lack of ANSWERS and SUBSTANCE to the actual .mobi / mTLD topic at hand! :| :snaphappy: :imho:

Why won't anyone adequately answer the questions raised here in the thread? :|
Tick. Tock.

-Jeff B-)
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Jeff said:
I've always shared my humble opinions freely, and posted pretty fluidly ... and we've been reading these types of personal attacks and attempts to discredit me (and others raising the SAME QUESTIONS of the "dot Mobey") since 2006 ... this is nothing new, IMHO. :sick:

What's as consistent as these attempts, though, are the concerted lack of ANSWERS and SUBSTANCE to the actual .mobi / mTLD topic at hand! :| :snaphappy: :imho:

Why won't anyone adequately answer the questions raised here in the thread? :|
Tick. Tock.

-Jeff B-)

Hey Jeff,

We're just enjoying you.

jeremyp said:
Hey Jeff,

We're just enjoying you.


^ I must have somehow struck a nerve in the heart of the "dot Mobey", welcome back Jeremy! :snaphappy:

I know that you'll continue, as you always have, to attempt to discount and counter (and to paint an all "rosey" picture of the extension and its registry) my thoughts and opinions here, but I'm glad you've posted and you're enjoying your jollies ... more importantly, would you care to please address the mounting QUESTIONS and increasing CONCERNS that have been repeatedly raised regarding mTLD and the highly problematic "dot Mobey" extension at this time? :gl:

-Jeff B-)
IDNS will be popular...albiet IMO its going to be a looong adoption process.

All the IDNers are making a big mistake going with the .com instead of the local cctld.

Big, big mistake.
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