The $2.74 Conspiracy?

Spaceship Spaceship


Mug RuithTop Member
Message to the average domainer. Stop obsessing about selling and start obsessing about developing. You only need to earn $2.74 each day to profit $1000 in a year from your domain names. So if you have 10 domain names it would be $10000 profit each year. Stop listening to all the hype about selling because it will most likely NEVER happen for you, and you will only realise this once you've lost all your money. Take heed NOW. Register, develop and monetise. Listen clearly, most domainers will FAIL. Nobody wants you to know this because they want to sell you their domains. This message will either be moved, deleted or down-voted or a combination of all three because the sellers can't profit from you. You can free yourselves by investing your time to learn how to develop your domain names into profitable revenue streams and sell later if you so desire. STOP LOSING MONEY, Stop buying worthless domain names. Stop dreaming and start WINNING.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I'm trying to help. How many help guides have you posted on the forum?
If you would bundle Brad's many postings into a guide, you would have a perfect foundation to succeed at least on this forum.
If you would bundle Brad's many postings into a guide, you would have a perfect foundation to succeed at least on this forum.
On what subject are the guides by @bmugford? Where are they to be found?
Anyway back to the o.p's o.p. you guys can all earn $ 100 or $ 1000 from your domain names by simply developing a website and earning a trickle amount from links and banners each day. All adds up at the end of the year, Yes it takes time but how much time do you already waste anyway? All these people losing money from trying to sell domain names could easily learn how to develop websites. Just be honest you like the thrill, the journey, the ride, not so much bothered about the end result or if you make any profit. That's fine, have fun, just don't complain when there's a simple solution to being lazy i.e. work hard. All this about you need skills, not true. You already have 95 % the skills you need. The other 5 % gets learned over time like anything. If you you're not interested in developing, and you're not trying to make a profit, why on earth are you even reading this thread?
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Anyway back to the o.p's o.p. you guys can all earn $ 100 or $ 1000 from your domain names by simply developing a website and earning a trickle amount from links and banners each day. All adds up at the end of the year, Yes it takes time but how much time do you already waste anyway? All these people losing money from trying to sell domain names could easily learn how to develop websites. Just be honest you like the thrill, the journey, the ride, not so much bothered about the end result or if you make any profit. That's fine, have fun, just don't complain when there's a simple solution to being lazy i.e. work hard. All this about you need skills, not true. You already have 95 % the skills you need. The other 5 % gets learned over time like anything. If you you're not interested in developing, and you're not trying to make a profit, why on earth are you even reading this thread?
You're not wrong, but everything you're saying about hard work can be applied to selling domains as well. People who want to sell domains don't need to give up and focus on developing only (although it's certainly a valid option).

Put in the time. Do the work. Start small and scale up. That's a great recipe for success in domain investing.

It seems like you're frustrated with investing/selling and are looking for opportunities to be contrary.
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It seems like you're frustrated with investing/selling and are looking for opportunities to be contrary.
I'm not frustrated in the slightest, just think creating something is tons more fun than simply flogging it to the highest bidder. It's like watching an auction but caring more about what the buyer does with the item. All I'm trying to do is highlight that the average person currently losing money on domain names could do the opposite fairly easily. I'm not frustrated in the slightest about not selling domain names, I'm sad that so many people are losing money and want to help them turn it around.
I'm not frustrated in the slightest, just think creating something is tons more fun than simply flogging it to the highest bidder. It's like watching an auction but caring more about what the buyer does with the item. All I'm trying to do is highlight that the average person currently losing money on domain names could do the opposite fairly easily. I'm not frustrated in the slightest about not selling domain names, I'm sad that so many people are losing money and want to help them turn it around.
Selling domains is a lot of fun too! Just depends on where your interests lie. I was just taking issue with the implication (or statement?) that trying to improve your buying/selling skills is a waste of time. Both are valid means of producing income. Both require a certain degree of know-how.

I've tried developing, but much prefer selling. To each their own!
your buying/selling skills is a waste of time.

What I love about domaining, a lot of the basic portfolio management can be done during a bathroom brake. No additional time or devices needed. Just a phone and your brain.

I love development like OP, but nothing beats closing a sale while taking a dump :)
What I love about domaining, a lot of the basic portfolio management can be done during a bathroom brake. No additional time or devices needed. Just a phone and your brain.

I love development like OP, but nothing beats closing a sale while taking a dump :)

I have been extremely sick this week. I have done hardly anything and sold (2) domains directly, and another one on an (8) month installment plan.

It sure is a lot less work to sell a domain than develop it.

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I love development like OP, but nothing beats closing a sale while taking a dump :)

I have been extremely sick this week. I have done hardly anything and sold (2) domains directly, and another one on an (8) month installment plan.

It sure is a lot less work to sell a domain than develop it.

Get well dude.
The key to success in domaining is creating a profitable system which can be repeated. If I could do that with selling then I might shift from focus on development. I agree with development takes more time but it just seems like a more logical journey in making profit as the end result. IF you choose the correct keyword domain names and IF you can build a website and IF you can then achieve traffic and after that IF you can convert that traffic into link and banner clicks THEN you'll make money, and I know from experience it works. I think it's the idea of this dev journey ending up earning $2.74 each day for one year it equals $1000 that makes more sense to me than a possible sale of a completely unique marketing asset like an undeveloped domain name. There's also the prospect of selling your developed domain name for $1000 at the end, which isn't an unrealistic prospect. A developed domain name (website) will only increase in dollar/pound/yen value over time if it updated often, gains traffic and some advert income. So a portfolio of 20 domain names could be worth $20000 each year. That is a realistic end goal for me.
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So girls and guys I know my style of delivery hasn't been the best, sorry for that, but I do have genuinely good intentions here. My goal is the same as yours, to create my own unique turnkey solution of making domain name acquisitions into profit. If we were all doing exactly the same thing it won't work. But I think in sharing tips and experiences we could all benefit together along this incredible domaining journey. I wish you all success in domaining and in life. Gonna take a 90% step back now and focus on practicing what I preach. Also want to apologise to the mod team @Bravo Mod Team you guys do a fantastic job maintaining Namepros and really appreciate all your hard work. Have a good weekend everyone.
This is a domaining forum, not a web development forum.

As much as I agree, it takes a lot to get $2 a day, and most don't have the skills to create a website worthy of a customer transactions.
This is a domaining forum, not a web development forum.

As much as I agree, it takes a lot to get $2 a day, and most don't have the skills to create a website worthy of a customer transactions.
@Clover as much as I agree with you on a wide range of topics you really need to define domaining, and be very specific, before you say developing isn't part of the domaining sphere. A domain name is at the epicentre of everything I do. It's the logo, it's the e-mail, it's the traffic source (keywords), it's the public face of the I.P. address, it's a huge part of establishing trust, it's a major factor in being able to sell later on, it's the brand. Really, apart from the template and content it's everything. Web development forums can't help me with 90% of what I learn from Namepros. If you don't like the thread nobody's forcing you to read it or to post on it. However this thread exists and it will be updated because some domainers do care, and some domainers are benefiting from it. Youe statement most don't have the skills to create a website worthy of customer transaction simply isn't relevant for two reasons, first I've not said anything ever about customer transactions on any domain name I've ever developed, and second because you DO have the ability to learn the skills. Real simple Google searches. So it's either you don't WANT to (in which case you can ignore the thread or ignore me) or you're being LAZY. That's kind of a compliment, I'm saying you are capable but you are choosing not to do it. It's just not that difficult any more, and I'm below average I.Q.
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One day. That's all it takes to set up a basic developed domain name. Then you're looking at 15 minutes a day for a year. Yeah that's 91 hours aggregate. For the record there's ZERO capital and ZERO marketing, it's just a time investment. If you're wasting your 91 hours trying to sell without success, then why not develop, earn your 30 cents each day and collect your $100? What's stopping you? Laziness is all I can think of, that's the cold hard truth of it, and you know it.

Total baloney, you're making up facts. There's no preaching going on here, it's the just combination of you being here trying to sell your domain names, and you preferring to type messages than develop your domain names, and you know it.

Have you even read it? I doubt it. Read it, then come back with some real questions mate.

At the risk of promoting non domainers, you're better off watching videos of Doug Cunnington and other niche site specialists to understand what it takes to monetize a site.
Researching and structuring articles (whether 'how to' or product review posts) takes time and spreadsheet work in order to understand basic SEO, keywords (competitive and non competitive), finding pictures (which might require using stock images), topics, catchy headlines and the energy to regularly post content in order for that site to get indexed by Google.

This is even before the issue of managing a WP/other CMS site yourself, plugin updates, regular promotion, link building and possible leadgen to build a marketing list if you want to be a hardcore affiliate marketer.

Site devpt isn't some heavenly path to riches when your domains aren't selling. As the saying goes, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
You're chatting complete and utter tripe mate. You ONLY need to buy a domain name. That's it. No other capital. If you say otherwise you have never developed a domain name for profit at the average John Doe domainer level. We aren't mostly agencies on Namepros. Most members are looking for a side hustle, a nice little earner on the side. They ONLY need to buy a domain name, the rest is FREE. Fact.

It's not so-called, it's actually called. Don't invent scenarios from newly-discovered planets HD 260655 b and HD 260655 c. Yes, you need to do marketing, and no it doesn't NEED to cost anything. ONLY buy a domain name, the rest is free. This isn't Wall Street, it's Main Street.

I seriously believe you haven't done site devpt or online marketing (at least to a successful level) before, because if you have, you'd be saying the complete opposite of everything you're typing here.

Again, site monetisation is not some easy, straightforward path to money.
At the risk of promoting non domainers, you're better off watching videos of Doug Cunnington and other niche site specialists to understand what it takes to monetize a site.
Thanks for the Doug Cunnington tip. What's your definition of a domainer? I guess by saying Doug Cunnington isn't a domainer you can identify the attributes needed to be classed as a domainer? Look forward to your answer on this, and on we gooo...
Researching and structuring articles (whether 'how to' or product review posts) takes time and spreadsheet work in order to understand basic SEO, keywords (competitive and non competitive), finding pictures (which might require using stock images), topics, catchy headlines and the energy to regularly post content in order for that site to get indexed by Google.
Yup, spot on my learned friend :xf.grin:
This is even before the issue of managing a WP/other CMS site yourself, plugin updates, regular promotion, link building and possible leadgen to build a marketing list if you want to be a hardcore affiliate marketer.
Yeah I mean technical work is required, of course. Fairly easy to learn if you have access to Google search in your country. I'm assuming you do? You can build an e mail list that's right, or build a social following on Facebook or Instagram or Twitch or Twitter or Tik Tok, or serve search engine adverts, or earn non-paid search engine S.E.O. visitors, or build/buy a You Tube channel, or just buy a bunch of decent links. It's pretty fun planning and launching a full-scale multi-faceted traffic campaign actually.....
Site devpt isn't some heavenly path to riches when your domains aren't selling. As the saying goes, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
There's nothing of substance in this comment so I can't argue one way or the other!
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I seriously believe you haven't done site devpt or online marketing (at least to a successful level) before, because if you have, you'd be saying the complete opposite of everything you're typing here.
Nothing really to comment on, again. You're entitled to your opinion. I just wish you'd ask some technical questions because then I could assist you in earning some greenbacks. We both know I'm not making this up so why not move on to technical matters. Come on buddy, it'll be fun!
Again, site monetisation is not some easy, straightforward path to money.
You keep saying this, and nobody has disagreed with you.
I just wish you'd ask some technical questions because then I could assist you in earning some greenbacks.
Might want to avoid going down the path of belittling others... Good way to lose credibility very quickly.
Might want to avoid going down the path of belittling others... Good way to lose credibility very quickly.
Ask me some technical questions so that you can earn money is not belittling others or risking my credibility, quite the opposite. It's empowering others and proving my credibility. I wish you'd just bloody well ask some technical questions about the process and stop beating about the bush trying to kick up dust. Man, some people here just love to stray off-topic. But hey, that's democracy for ya! :xf.wink:
Ok, moving swiftly back to the o.p. (cos the vultures are circling) here's the outline process you follow to earn $1000 each year on your $10 domain name registration

1) Register a keyword domain name

2) Develop domain name into a web site

3) Bring visitors to your developed domain name

4) Monetise the traffic to your developed domain name (at $2.74 each day)

optionally, you may also consider to

5) Sell your developed domain name
Ask me some technical questions so that you can earn money is not belittling others or risking my credibility,
It is when you say it to someone who has clearly implied that they have web development experience.

Just trying to help you out in case you're sincere in your desire to discuss. Seems more like you're intent on ruffling feathers, though.
It is when you say it to someone who has clearly implied that they have web development experience.

Just trying to help you out in case you're sincere in your desire to discuss. Seems more like you're intent on ruffling feathers, though.
This is really gonna annoy you @Joe N but getting swiftly back on topic.... :xf.wink:

I found a developed domain name while searching Google about pest control and it's bound to be earning at least $2.74 each day from link and banner adverts plus other income streams. The developed domain name is run by a guy names Zack DeAngelis from New York. He's got a really interesting story you might enjoy Anyway, I carried out some basic research on his three-years-old developed domain name

Here's some useful statistics for you

- Domain name registered July 2019

- 699 web pages in Google index

- 250000 monthly search engine visits to domain name

- 7000 back-links pointing to domain name

Domain name traffic monetisation methods include

- Google banner adverts

- Amazon text adverts

- Paid leads

Technical build (

- It's a Wordpress site

- Features the Cadence Child theme (

- Has Google Analytics installed

- Got the S.S.L. certificate

- Uses the Cloudfare C.D.N.

I can see this guy has really mastered copy-writing, S.E.O. compliance and advert placement. The images appear to be a mixture of stock and original works but I cannot find much use of video. The sitemap page provides a helpful list of the posts by categories like bears, spiders, bed bugs, bob cats and caterpillars here What do you think about Pest Pointers @Joe N? Do you have any technical questions? Do you have a domain name like this one? Are you more or less interested in developing your domain names having read this analysis? It's not a quick way to earn big bucks, that's for sure, but everybody starts somewhere, including Zack!
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This is really gonna annoy you @Joe N but getting swiftly back on topic.... :xf.wink:
Do you have any technical questions? Do you have a domain name like this one? Are you more or less interested in developing your domain names having read this analysis? It's not a quick way to earn big bucks, that's for sure, but everybody starts somewhere, including Zack!
Developing domains isn't really something that interests me. I've tried making some basic sites in the past (I wrote a blog for a few years), but found that I didn't have the motivation to put in the time/effort required to make it a succeed.

At this point, selling domains passively really is perfect for me. I put the time in years ago to get to a point where I feel confident in my name selection, so now it's just a matter of going on the occasional hunt, and listing what I find. I engage in a little outbound selling here and there as well.
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