
domains Swetha starts 2022 off with a bang Bolt.xyz sells for $79,888

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Swetha starts 2022 how she ended 2021 with a quartet of sales including her highest ever, Bolt.xyz at $79,888. Bolt.xyz ties her highest sale ever with Glow.xyz. bolt.xyz 79,888
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Has she posted $400k worth of .xyz sales any other year? That’s the problem!

It’s all peaches when you post sales but they never talk renewal fees…

So why not just ask @DNGear if she is running at a profit rather than speculating?
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So why not just ask DNGear if she is running at a profit rather than speculating?
Math doesn’t need speculation. If @DNGear wants to confirm renewal costs, that’s up to her. I suspect it’s a portfolio that breaks even at best.
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Has she posted $400k worth of .xyz sales any other year? That’s the problem!

It’s all peaches when you post sales but they never talk renewal fees…
She already mentioned that her .xyz domains have a standard renewal fee of $10 in this forum and her Dan profile (swetha.xyz).

The XYZ Registry is the most transparent that provides info about premium .xyz domains. You can check the spreadsheet of premium .xyz domains (https://gen.xyz/premiums). Any .xyz domain that is not on the spreadsheet has a standard reg fee with a standard renewal fee.
She already mentioned that her .xyz domains have a standard renewal fee of $10 in this forum and her Dan profile (swetha.xyz).

The XYZ Registry is the most transparent that provides info about premium .xyz domains. You can check the spreadsheet of premium .xyz domains (https://gen.xyz/premiums). Any .xyz domain that is not on the spreadsheet has a standard reg fee with a standard renewal fee.
Are you accounting for the number of years holding 20k+ .xyz domains would cost? I'm guessing she didn't register them all this year.
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Are you accounting for the number of years holding 20k+ .xyz domains would cost? I'm guessing she didn't register them all this year.
I just answered his question about renewal fee. Whether Swetha has investment gain or loss over the past years, only she can answer.

But by current observation, 20,000 domains cost her $200K renewal cost per year. Her Jan sales this year already exceeded the yearly renewal cost.
I'm sure she is profitable overall. from what I remember hearing she started around my time..like 2015 or so.. of course she didn't aalways have 20k names.. not always renew same number etc.... we can only guess and I think most important number is our roi since we started domaining..

so that number for her case... well wild guess.. +400k.
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Why not? Do you know how much is 10 dollars in India. For some it is daily earning.
India is over a Billion People.
Many of the Indian American CEOs are born and raised, and educated in India, including the CEO of Google and Microsoft.
You are funny.
Yes there are many poor people, but they don't come and type in English on Global Forums

Not to negative but an Average Indian domainer is most likely a college grad with an engineering degree who just happened to have lost out on the birthday lottery.

The average wealth of the top 1% is just over $400,000
That is 1% of 1.2 Billion people.
600 Million people are under the age of 25 and we have cheap college education.

Just stating some facts.
India is over a Billion People.
Many of the Indian American CEOs are born and raised, and educated in India, including the CEO of Google and Microsoft.
You are funny.
Yes there are many poor people, but they don't come and type in English on Global Forums

Not to negative but an Average Indian domainer is most likely a college grad with an engineering degree who just happened to have lost out on the birthday lottery.

The average wealth of the top 1% is just over $400,000
That is 1% of 1.2 Billion people.
600 Million people are under the age of 25 and we have cheap college education.

Just stating some facts.
Maybe you know nothing about India.
In China for example there are tons of rich people but they all tend to hide their wealth so there is no correct data for the fact, people don’t come to namepros is just because there are few domainers in the world compared to other jobs, even the domain king only has 6k fans in Twitter.
India is over a Billion People.
Many of the Indian American CEOs are born and raised, and educated in India, including the CEO of Google and Microsoft.
You are funny.
Yes there are many poor people, but they don't come and type in English on Global Forums

Not to negative but an Average Indian domainer is most likely a college grad with an engineering degree who just happened to have lost out on the birthday lottery.

The average wealth of the top 1% is just over $400,000
That is 1% of 1.2 Billion people.
600 Million people are under the age of 25 and we have cheap college education.

Just stating some facts.
So? Two CEOs make the entire country noble? Look for Jim Browning videos on Scams and Money laundering. Country is filled with scam call centers defrauding 247.
So? Two CEOs make the entire country noble? Look for Jim Browning videos on Scams and Money laundering. Country is filled with scam call centers defrauding 247.
I'm wondering what you're trying to accomplish with these remarks.
I'm wondering what you're trying to accomplish with these remarks.

why someone needs to accomplish something or have bad intent when all they do is quote stats available to all as to which countries have most scams.

people take it personal when someone says india..nigeria..Romania.. whatever.. where there is poverty there is scams..its that simple... it's not a personal thing against every Indian or whatever country.. unless u are scammer why take it personal.when someone just quotes google rankings.
Math doesn’t need speculation. If @DNGear wants to confirm renewal costs, that’s up to her. I suspect it’s a portfolio that breaks even at best.

there is like 50 threads on np swetha sells this or that... 50k here ..10k here.. 20k there... 6fig in one day sales..5fig another day etc... I lost track of it all ... but I think it's like a million in sales per month so u do the math..can't be negative roi lol
Sadly this has deteriorated into Love/Hate Swetha with a side of Racism. Time for Mods to lock this thread up.
Anyone can write anything in a public forum creating fake usernames. Before we come to a conclusion on that topic, We should check the credibility of that person in this forum. Like their posts in this forum, reviews by other members.

Till then we don't need to bother, Just ignore.
Fair Dinkum So much said about about a person making sales .
Should be applauded in my opinion for the sales.
Hit disagree if you please. Cheers.
And I thought we are all in this together ?
Negative crap isn't helpful for all to read.
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Fair Dinkum So much said about about a person making sales .
Should be applauded in my opinion for the sales.
Hit disagree if you please. Cheers.

it's a forum. people discuss. delete yer account if u do not like.

nobody forces others to post their sales. it's their choice. but if u post em then be ready for comments. especially if u are the only person in all universes combined making consistent 4 and 5fig xyz sales.
Each to their own, but I think we have to respect the visionary approach she took and over the years she had the "balls" renewing domains that might looked worthless back in time. For many of us .com is still king, but one day no one would have thought .io or .co even .vc will be used by startup companies. Of course now it is extremely difficult and expensive to get into these "new" markets if you want cool names, but I think instead of being jealous we should congratulate @DNGear on the success. We should all ask the right questions here: is there any other extension out there where you might replicate similar success? What possibly made her think 5 years ago this extension might be popular in tech/web3/crypto space?
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Love is in the air 🥰
Then you get those really disrespectful comments from Alcy
Other day he called car.xyz a mental case. Guy pm me to apologize about his poor english.
Now you call member a moron for calling this a love hate thread. Which it is, as quite a few turn out on here now.
Love, hate, heated debate threads the new normal on namepros since around 2016
Still my opinion that due to racist almost discriminatory comments you should get the boot alcy
And other member comment about india and call centers, really ignorant.

Also, am i wrong in assUming Swetha does have registry premium names?
Someone earlier said her 20k renewals were 10 bucks a pop.
Correct me if i am wrong. But dont call me a mental case or moron k Alcy?
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Love is in the air 🥰
Then you get those really disrespectful comments from Alcy
Other day he called car.xyz a mental case. Guy pm me to apologize about his poor english.
Now you call member a moron for calling this a love hate thread. Which it is, as quite a few turn out on here now.
Love, hate, heated debate threads the new normal on namepros since around 2016
Still my opinion that due to racist almost discriminatory comments you should get the boot alcy
And other member comment about india and call centers, really ignorant.

Also, am i wrong in assUming Swetha does have registry premium names?
Someone earlier said her 20k renewals were 10 bucks a pop.
Correct me if i am wrong. But dont call me a mental case or moron k Alcy?

whats the point no?
it was 5 before. why do u invent different mantra?
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here u go another moron calling everyone racist just cause they quote google scam countries rankings.
I'm reiterating the term I see thrown around in this thread. But thanks for contributing to more name calling. All the more reason to shut down this thread.
I'm reiterating the term I see thrown around in this thread. But thanks for contributing to more name calling. All the more reason to shut down this thread.

what do u expect going round calling people racist? moron is angelic compared to racist. have nice life.
Why not? Do you know how much is 10 dollars in India. For some it is daily earning.
I am sure you haven't visited or know anything about India and therefore your prejudice is based on past hypotheses.

What you are saying about daily earnings is true and in fact, for many Indian, it's even less because of the average method but please remember you are talking about 1.3 billion people so do not make such a sweeping and general statement.

There are people in India who can buy your company without any bank loan or financial support and trust me that number is significant if not equivalent to the entire population of your country or province than definitely more than the total population of your city.

Now coming back to arithmetic:

1. She increased her portfolio only in the last two years when she witness demand and adaptation.
2. Please remember all her XYZ domains has a standard renewal fee which is less than $10 per year.
3. Before her sales report here at NP hardly 1% of domainers were focusing on this extension so even if she drop her domains after one year it would be much easier for her to backorder and re-register next year for the same less than $1 registration fee.
4. According to @DNGear nowadays for any good name she is spending more than $1000 per domain which was never the case in the past but then she is also earning well (last year more than a million-dollar & during this year already crossed $400K in January)
5. I agree with the members' concern about keeping such a big portfolio and its sustainability but she will face this issue now and in future because of awareness and demand of this extension amongst domainers.
6. Considering all the above points I'm sure that her portfolio is not only profitable but gives a much better margin than many legend domainers here.

Best wishes
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From an Article on .xyz sales of DNGear(an individual) to >>>>>> Spam, Scam, Financial Ability of an Indian to register, hold & renew 20k names, Daily Earning of some Indians, Money Laundering, Call Center Fraud, Are you from Nigeria? >>>>Lost the Track to the original heading.
The Thread Topic has not at all instigated any such comments.

Do we really need such Vicious, Below the Belt Comments which are not at all relevant to this thread, and which don't add any value to the post while reacting to a thread. It's adding only bitterness among ourselves while losing track of what we set out for(in this case healthy comments-both positive and negative to the thread topic). Of course negative comments are welcomed on a topic which are also a kind of value addition to the knowledge necessary to alert a domainer to avoid pitfalls while making investments and and make better suggestions to fellow domainers. But Life is imperfect.

Thank You.
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