
Problems, Bugs and Fixes at Afternic - Report Problems Here

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I suggest a new thread titled Problems, Bugs and Fixes at Afternic - Report Problems Here. Then we can all list our issues so Afternic have to fix them. These Afternic probs have been repeatedly flagged up across numerous threads on here over a period of time, including the need for 2FA. Godaddy own Afternic and have the resources and motivation to fix it - this risky mess is unacceptable and reflects badly on their brand.

For info, Afternic keep reverting some of my domains to "In Review" status for no reason, and I only know that if I log in there to check on them. Until I then ask support to take them out of Review they are not listed for sale and will not sell at Afternic.

@Joe Styler When can we expect Godaddy to take action on Afternic, including implementing 2FA?
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There is an easy way to see your domains that are in review. Go to Domain Portfolio ---> In Review.
Hi thanks for that - it is in the Beta version, had to try out Beta version to see it.
Hi thanks for that - it is in the Beta version, had to try out Beta version to see it.
I have it in the old version, but I'm glad it worked out for you.
There is a much easier way in the Beta version of AN. It is coming for everyone at some point. Choose to see 500 names at once and sort by status. Or you can filter and add columns you want to see etc. Look at the screenshots.


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@Joe Styler Do you have any plans to add Payoneer as a payment method on Afternic?
I guess it has been asked for years by many different people:

Please, why do we have to contact support to remove fake listings of our domain names? I mean when I want to list example.com on Afternic, but example.com is already listed under a different Afternic account. In this case I have to contact support to remove that fake listing.

You could use TXT verification for example to automatically prove domain ownership.

It is not efficient for both parties. It must be very expensive for Afternic to pay support staff just to answer these duplicate listing inquires. I guess you receive a lot of requests about this issue daily.
Big bugs using make offer with afternic...
Leads are completely lost...
Why afternic not using TXT verification as a prove of domain ownership , instead of wasting time by contacting them each time to remove fake or previous owners listings !!??
Also it will save afternic staff efforts and times of responding to loads of emails .
@Joe Styler

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Afternic is being revamped this year and into next. You should have seen some improvements in the new beta view. One of the things I know they have in mind is helping with previous listings. one of the things they did this year is allowing listing on Afternic from GoDaddy. if you have a domain in your godaddy account and you list it for sale there it will trump another listing because we know for sure you own it. There are other things coming.
@Joe Styler many things are not working properly on afternic it's near to impossible to make a sale using a make offer.
If i have afternic offers through a partner the lead is lost somewhere.. even on godaddy...
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I wonder if it is just being closed. That is part of the overall new design for Afternic as well, making communications more clear and transparent. I am in charge of Auctions, backorders, appraisals and the product side of our brokerage. I work with Afternic closely but I dont own it so take what I say here with a grain of salt, things might change or have changed and I'm not always in the loop.
The way it works now is that you get an offer on a domain that doesnt have a Buy it now price or there is a minimum offer set and the offer from the buyer meets that but not your BIN price.
The sales team will try and sell it. They need a price though from you before they can work on it that you would accept. Then they go and talk with the buyer. This is where they really shine I might add. If after talking with the buyer and attempting to get them to see a high value in the domain the buyer still will not make a decent offer they normally close it out and you do not hear from them again unless the buyer comes back to the table.
So for instance you have a domain for sale with no BIN price and an opening offer at $100. The lead comes in and the buyer says I want to buy this domain. The sales rep asks you what you want for the domain since there is a lead. You say $5k bottom line. They get on the phone and talk with the buyer about why it is worth more than $5k and try and close it out above that in many cases and leave the $5k as an option. The buyer despite their attempts to help the buyer see the value of this domain for their business in real terms says, no way am I paying more than $100. I'm going to buy the 3 word dot biz domain for $15 instead! At that point they dont get back to you. They tell the guy if he changes his mind he knows where to find us and they close the lead.
This scenario is the same if you have a $100 min offer and a $5k BIN or floor price set. In this case though the sales team knows the bottom line you want. They have the same conversation and they close it out. The lead isnt lost but it wasnt a good one. This guy only wanted to pay $100 and despite their best efforts he wasnt budging. So in this case we got the lead, we worked it and closed it, but you dont know that happened.
This is what they are working on making more transparent in the future. There is a massive redo underway of Afternic some of which is in the Beta version out now. It will be much improved at the end of it.
Right now the best way to get this kind of insight into the leads is to email [email protected]. They can give you some more info on the lead they are working or completed and what happened. They'll also be able to confirm they are getting them. I really think they are but it is the scenario above you are encountering. However, I could be wrong and if so they will know about the lead getting there or not and if it is not we would certainly want to fix that ASAP.
2 of my friends and me made offers using godaddy on mydomains. I received price requests after a few hours for these domains but nothing else.
Neither my 2 friends neither me have received any emails from afternic brokers...
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If you replied back with prices then you should have been contacted. If not they cannot work the leads, they have no price they can sell your domains at. If you did get back to them with pricing then I would follow up on the email I posted and they can look into what happened.
Does Afternic support .gg? I submitted a few domains and they are "under review" for over a month
Afternic is completly buggy for domains using make offer.
Everytime leads are lost, the only way to have the godaddy venue using make offer and no BIN is to not list on afternic, but to list on godaddy auctions.

I tested myself as a buyer and seller, using mine and friends godaddy and afternics accounts.
Domains are properly listed with make offer on godaddy but the leads are lost as a seller i cannot negotiate and have zero news from offers.

When listed through godaddy auctions offers are received instantly and can be negociated properly.
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Afternic is completly buggy for domains using make offer.
Everytime leads are lost, the only way to have the godaddy venue using make offer and no BIN is to not list on afternic, but to list on godaddy auctions.

I tested myself as a buyer and seller, using mine and friends godaddy and afternics accounts.
Domains are properly listed with make offer on godaddy but the leads are lost as a seller i cannot negotiate and have zero news from offers.

When listed through godaddy auctions offers are received instantly and can be negociated properly.
Can I list on Godaddy Auctions a domain that was registered via another registrar?
I'm uploading my domains to Afternic using csv a few times a week. Today and yesterday nothing happens, even no notifications in the dashboard. Anyone else experiencing this, as well?
I'm uploading my domains to Afternic using csv a few times a week. Today and yesterday nothing happens, even no notifications in the dashboard. Anyone else experiencing this, as well?

Yes. Uploads are not working.

I just emailed support.


Go back to "Afternic 2.0 interface" and "leave the interface" from the menu.

Then it appears to work again - though I have to test more.

It seems new interface disables the upload as it doesn't have it implemented yet. The csv files must have been sent to Nirvana directly.
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Go back to "Afternic 2.0 interface" and "leave the interface" from the menu.

Then it appears to work again - though I have to test more.

It seems new interface disables the upload as it doesn't have it implemented yet. The csv files must have been sent to Nirvana directly.

I happened to try the new interface a few days ago and when I noticed that uploading was still done via the old page, I switched back to the old interface. It could very well be that this is confusing uploading right now (but the page says "Thank you" after uploading). Of course it shouldn't. I'm gonna delete some cookies as well... Thanks @twiki.
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After clearing cookies, and new login, I have 1 notification in the dashboard: "You have successfully uploaded 0 domain name(s)." That is from previous tries.

I'm gonna try uploading again.
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