
PARKED.COM - Official Thread!

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Welcome to the OFFICIAL PARKED.COM thread! :)
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donny which account manager is best at keyword selection and optimizing domains/templates?
I can't imagine how anyone of integrity would answer that in a public forum.

netmeg said:
I can't imagine how anyone of integrity would answer that in a public forum.


Why? nothing unethical about it. he stated each are good at diffrent things and these are areas i would like to learn more about not sure where the problem is
domainsusi said:
Good to hear some of you are making a few $$

I have over 200 domains at parked - revenue past 4 days is less than $3 - CTR 4.60%

Some of these are getting zero hits but received good traffic (up to 1,000 per month) elsewhere. Is there something I am missing?

That is indeed grim. I would change keywords until you get a consistent 40-55% CTR.
janiema said:
donny which account manager is best at keyword selection and optimizing domains/templates?

There all good at it or they would not work at Parked.com
I just wonder how we can get 1 lander site?
rexvnus said:
I just wonder how we can get 1 lander site?

get better domains that are specific. Example cashadvances.com would be a 1 page lander and instantcash.com would be a 2 page lander
janiema said:
donny which account manager is best at keyword selection and optimizing domains/templates?
No one with integrity and respect towards their staff members would even consider answering such a question.

Are they at Parked??? I dont think so
Mike said:
No one with integrity and respect towards their staff members would even consider answering such a question.


respectfully I disagree

I run a sales business I have an employee that sells bigscreen tv's better than anyone and more knowledgeable than the rest of my sales staff. customer says to me I have 6 rooms in my house and need 6 big screens but I dont know a lot about them and need educated to make the right purchase. What do you do turn them over to the average or below average person or send them to your best so they can learn what they need and make the right purchase so they dont go to best buy and purcahse there. next guy comes in and needs a new washer do you give him to the tv guy? no you give him to the washer guy. Third guy comes in and says I need a 55 inch hitachi plasma model number XXXXXXXX you say ok any of those guys back there in the tv dept can help you. It isnt disrespectful to identify your best at each thing esp when asked by a customer who might have needs that they want addressed
You don't talk about the merits (or lack thereof) of your employees in a public forum. You just don't.
I do not judge our account managers by who does a better job optimizing domains or by who does this or the other. I won't make that available even if it's something I know myself. Remember that it's just not the account manager who is optimizing domains, we have an entire CS staff that is optimizing domains as well who you will never even hear about.

If somebody tells me they don't like the job their account manager is doing and for what reason, I have no problem moving them to another account manager. But that's my decision on where they go. All of our account managers do a good job, if they don't, they aren't an account manager for long.

I think something bit me in the @$$. I was on here just a few weeks ago talking about how awesome I was doing money wise at parked. Its all gone down hill HAHA. okay so not really. im still making ABOUT the same amount but my RPCs are REALLY outrageously low especially compared to what they were. I heard another rumor (sorry for this again Donny) that with ALL search domains around Dec-begining of Feb for some reason the RPCs are always low. is this really true or was someone pullin my leg again? They didnt have a reason as to WHY this was supposedly happening they just assured me my RPCs would go back up after Dec and Jan were over. Also my contact manager uh guy said something about one of the back up feeds giving u guys problems.

And another question directed at Donny or who ever else wants to or can answer it. After Donny answered my one concern I decided to start adding MORE domains like you guys suggested. And ive noticed with my FIRST domain which I was making REALLY good money from has really low RPCS, but the other 14 i have seem to switch HIGH and LOW RPCs evey single day. like one day Domain A will be really high, but the rest will be low, the next Domain B will be really high the rest will be low. Does parked have anything to do with it happening like that? Is it happening for a real reason or is it just my domains?

Long winded questions yea I know. But its been bothering me the last couple weeks. Figured id get it off my chest. Thanks guys.


oh and btw as far as account managers go mine hasnt been super friendly LOL but he always gets the job done and then some.. like I had a problem with keywords and he fixed me right up!
awegrzyn said:
Donny, I may have few answers to your bomb today.

Just regged daswetter.tv (German for theweather.tv) and parked it with Parked - is there any way I can get German ads. to show up on the domain, when I use the German word 'wetter' I get ads. that are not about the weather. Anybody know what I need to do ?
advaita said:
Just regged daswetter.tv (German for theweather.tv) and parked it with Parked - is there any way I can get German ads. to show up on the domain, when I use the German word 'wetter' I get ads. that are not about the weather. Anybody know what I need to do ?

Are you viewing it aus Deutchland?
Will Parked optimize my domains and templates? I have over 400 domains....that would be cool :)
texasgamer said:
Will Parked optimize my domains and templates? I have over 400 domains....that would be cool :)

TexasGamer.....Regarding the sites in your sig, are they parked somewhere or mini-sites that you developed?
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WB - no I'm in England - do you think people in Germany will see German ads. if I use the word 'wetter' ?
advaita said:
Just regged daswetter.tv (German for theweather.tv) and parked it with Parked - is there any way I can get German ads. to show up on the domain, when I use the German word 'wetter' I get ads. that are not about the weather. Anybody know what I need to do ?

i think the only way: develop a minisite with google ads and german metas. if done, i can give you some german "wetter" provider with free content. or park it at namedrive and use german keywords. we also do, and it works.
Thanks for the info Chris - I was thinking of maybe developing something and will be looking into the possibilities this weekend so I may be in touch - my web developing skills are nil !
advaita said:
Thanks for the info Chris - I was thinking of maybe developing something and will be looking into the possibilities this weekend so I may be in touch - my web developing skills are nil !

PM me if i can help.
If you are in Germany, you will see german ads. If you are in Japan, you will see Japanese ads.

Donny said:
If you are in Germany, you will see german ads. If you are in Japan, you will see Japanese ads.


right, but:

advaita said:
when I use the German word 'wetter' I get ads. that are not about the weather.

any ideas ?
Are you pulling the domain up from Germany or from the US? If you pull it up from the US, you might get some type of "water sports" links. :)

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