
Opinion on New GoDaddy Logo

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I think the new GoDaddy Logo


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Give your opinion on the new GoDaddy logo

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When you need a press kit to explain your branding and logo...probably not a good sign.


Lol, Welcome to the world of design/branding. I was working with a company past week that rebranded. They have a 50 pages long brandkit. Their logo is a plain circle, I kid you not. Whoever wrote that up must have been foraging the good kind of mushrooms :).

On subject: I don't particularly like the logo as it doesn't seem fitting for this industry. It does somehow match their entire rebrand though... which doesn't really match the industry either.

But like you wrote on another post, they obviously don't see themselves as just a registrar but more like a digital enabler. It's not that bad concidering what is hot and trending designwise atm. Most of it is well executed. If only they would put the same effort in their backend :P
I agree. It looks like a dating site. Awful. One thing I do like is their fairly new big "G" used in their favicon. There is no confusing which Tab in the browser is GoDaddy's. Excellent IMHO. More companies should to try to emulate that rather than use a favicon you can hardly see, let alone tell who it is.
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Simple is better! I like the one before this one.
As an old customer of theirs, this logo looks real bad. After multiple viewings.

But Godaddy would have put a lot of efforts into this!
Wow, that godaddy logo out of the thousands of logos for various sites and companies that is the best logo I've ever seen and I'm been on the web since it was first invented!
Wow, that godaddy logo out of the thousands of logos for various sites and companies that is the best logo I've ever seen and I'm been on the web since it was first invented!

Your talking about the old logo, obviously :)
Your talking about the old logo, obviously :)
Sorry, to put you on the hook but I mean the new logo which is greatest
Terrible... It looks like a dating website for daddies to date with girls.
guys it's just for THE HYPE.;)
look everyone talks about the logo more hype more traffic more leads more sales;)
I voted sucks. To be fair I didnt like the old logo either. But yeah I like how alot of people say it looks like a dating site logo...I can see that.
I vote great.
previous logo is too bold and is too boring. with the head is an outdated.
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They should bring back this guy!
+234 909 297 4501 20191204_083923.jpg
I personally like the new logo much more then the old one.

It is abstract, modern, clean, clear, visually coresponds with semantic element "Go" which is part of the company name, while it has kind of heart shaped frame.

It is a huge global company, and this will represent it to it's clients and customers much better then some strange picture of orange-haired guy.

It might take time for some old timers to get used to it, but it is just because it is brand new.

Just my personal taste, and I see many of you have much different :)
Oh, and I appreciate they used .design to communicate it, exactly how it should be, from my perspective :xf.smile:
Oh, and I appreciate they used .design to communicate it, exactly how it should be, from my perspective :xf.smile:

If that's the best design they can come up with under .design banner then they best start using .com again.

This is not professional looking design and doesn't reflect their business very well. As a domainer and logo designer, I would love to give Godaddy a consultation about this.
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