
New Possible Scam...

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I only ask this because I have 2 very generic .net's which are protected by privacy protection, they are extremely generic in value. I received 2 seperate emails at the same time for both these domains from "Aldo Landucci"

Dear Sirs,

I'd be interested in a possible purchase of your domain xxxxxxxx; please, let me know if you wish to sell and your best asking price for a possible quick deal or, at least, your price expectations around whom negotiating.

I'm serious and I can guarantee a smooth transaction closed through EscrowDns.com or any other authorized domain brokerage services or, if you're a verified paypal.com member, I can pay in advance through them, no problem. You'd transfer the domain in my hands only at payment confirmed, we'd discuss these details in a second time.

Just for your curiosity, I'm acquiring few generic domains to develop with targeted content in the next months during my spare time so, if you've other domains no longer useful to you, kindly send me a list to talk about a possible sale of the same, I guarantee a quick reply in any case.

Kind regards

Mr. Aldo Landucci

Anyone have any experience with this?
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I am not sure what the potential scam is but I received a couple of these exact emails as well.

I am guessing the reply would hold the key, I googled it, there are tricklings of this email going to many domainers, but nobody really has any idea on any motives. Seems like dictionary words were targeted via the email.
Possibly creative spam for EscrowDns.

No real reason to think that though. Just putting it out there.
he has not asked for money or an appraisal ............seems worth answering
If you decide which process of buying is yours you can sell your domain names if intersted.
received this today as well for one of my generic .net

up till now it does not seem like spam , you have to reply and wait

may be someone targetting generic .net thinking they are cheaper than dot com

I am also hesitated to reply but if anyone got a reply please let everyone knows
When they start out with "Dear Sirs," a little light goes off above my head.

Yeah, I got one too, for a .net domain.

Replied with,
"I've been looking for a buyer for years. Anything above registration fee will be considered. Thank you for your interest."

No reply, yet.

Same guy as mentioned by thread starter.
He's using a free hush.com email account.
He's using a free hush.com email account.

That's sort of a red flag ...

There's a post at another certain big domain forum by the previous owner of EscrowDNS saying he doesn't know who this person is and that they aren't affiliated with the escrow service.

Sounds to me like it could be a variation on the appraisal scheme form letter. Why discuss payments before you know if the domain's available? Why that last paragraph? That's the same format as those other letters, just different wording. And "around whom negotiating?" If this were a major investor one would think he'd have someone proofread his grammar before sending out that many emails.

Or it could be someone legitimately looking to buy a bunch of generic domains .. I guess the only way to find out is to reply and report back when you hear something.
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Aldo Landucci

Yes, received same email for a generic dot net...

I will ignore it...

also got one. No reply after a two days...
It's good to be suspicious. But there's also a possibility that somebody got a bit spare funds and looking to get and develop a big name.
It maybe that he's just looking for generic options and trying to find a good deal.

Or he might not have replied due to threads like this.

But again "maybe". Though i'd be suspicious if he promises to buy many names. Lets see where this goes.
Possible clue, I decided to reply through a random email to this person, next day, I received a very lowball offer via sedo from a buyer based in Malaysia, I countered with a mid high $x,xxx counter, heard nothing back, likely this person created a script, that scrapes whois of generic domains, sends mass emails, and maybe can make some deals with owners who no longer care, or want their domains.
Something similar I get, spam, that says someone wants to buy other extensions of my dot com domain and ask if it's ok considering trade marks.
Received for a generic .net.
Replied with 5.000$ and never heard again.
It is 99% certain to be a scam. I joined a group to learn more about the ins and outs of Domain Name Selling .. so I do not want to give the game away entirely (having paid good money). However a valuable tip for you is : DO NOT STATE YOUR PRICE to the purported buyer. If your curiosity is too great then reply saying you might consider selling if you got a GENUINE OFFER from a buyer who disclosed their full particulars up front instead of hiding behind a veil of mystique!

p.s. ... there are various scams these phoney buyers try: from simple click a link to .. Oh before I part with $Xthousand for your domain name I need you to provide a proper valuation from the xyzshonkydomainvaluers.com (So you fork out money for a valuation from the scammer or his cronies)
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