
debate How to make a 7-digits domain sale !

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
.Best Staff

I create this thread because I start to understand one big paradox of this industry.

Everyone has its own chapel and certitudes on everything whatever is domain name appraisal, dotcom vs ngtld, blablabla ... - why not ?

But the reality is that only few of you as already sold something for 7-digits in his/her life to a buyer - whatever it's a domain name or anything else.

The first time, I had this chance, I was 20 years old (a long time ago;), I was very lucky because it was not just a domain - it was a full website, a marketplace, but I learned something for the rest of my business life :

What makes the price of a domain name is not the domain itself (whatever is the name or the extension) - it's the buyer - it's the business opportunity or the threat for the buyer !

All the rest : sales tactics, story, emotions .... are pure cosmetics and/or bullshit to go to the deal.

So, to answer the initial question : How to make a 7-digits domain sale ?

The right answer is : Don't chase after the perfect domain, chase after the perfect buyer !

and then bring the perfect domain to your buyer.

You will see - price will then be secondary at the end of the game.

Hope it helps.

All the .Best,

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
perfecthotels.net Reg fee, dropped, never used always parked.

hotel.site and hotels.site $6,499. right now on Godaddy.

hotel.xyz $3,249.
hotel.watch $499.
besthotel.info $699.

Reg free all:
besthotel.travel $32.00
besthotels.club $1.99
besthotel.io $32.88
besthotel.me $3.49 reg fee
besthotel.pro $6.99
greathotel.co $11.99
besthotel.one $12.99
besthotels.one $12.99

hotels.horse $23
I don't treat anybody like ignorant. I answer all the questions that people ask me. If you look at the thread from the beginning, you will see that someone asked me how we found buyers and I created this thread after asking for an appraisal of the domains hotels.best+hotel.best coz someone asked me explain how we make the deal. No more. I just see the paradox that 99% of the people that want to judge us, don't know anything about us or didn't achieve 1% on what we did in this industry. But I don't want to hurt anybody or make anybody love the .best. Everybody is free to have its opinion based on its own experience. Us also.

And equally we have seen your type of approach, Many, Many times here at Namepros. It dosen't help when it looks like came here like a 'Bull in a China shop' with you promotional agenda for .best . don't play the blame game for your statements just because somebody posted a question. You know better
50k domains. OK so your no Newbie to domains or indeed domain boards, so why come on here treating everybody else like their ignorant of the realities of the domain game. Surely you must have realised this is NOT the place to expect servitude to your one sided agenda.

Give us some facts and we will read and listen - play the pump game and we will deflate you, whatever your threats (as per the other thread)

FYI, I already contact namebio (Michael) to ask him how to register all our .Best premium sales in namebio for the future.

And our legal team is also working with our buyer to see which part of the contract we can disclose. Part of the team is mitigate but we are working on this part.

As for you and also everybody else that want to insult me/us or disrespect us - think about it twice - you will always find me/us also. Respect is all what I am asking here - no more.

We can disagree on everything but with respect.
Then equally don't disrespect or insult the members here on Namepros, or even worse your threats, What's that all about.? take time-out. and think about whatworks, maybe this isn't the place for you and .best promotion

Your obviously an intelligent guy. By all means bite-back but don't be over-sensitive if your going to post here. It isn't going to get any easier
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No disrespect intended but just curious if the offer letter mentioned any "pending formal/recognized/legal appraisal" clause?
Ok but based on what ? you, the dotcom community ? It's fully subjective.

Based on nothing. The same as what your projections are based on.

"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."
https://horse.best/ twilight sparkle is the best horse.

Ok but based on what ? you, the dotcom community ? It's fully subjective.

Like I said, what makes the final price of a domain is not the domain, it's not you, it's not me : it's the buyer.

Specially for high premium sales.

And difference is we already have premium buyers. Just look at our twitter, FB, linkedin accounts.

Everyday we sell premium names.

Wwithout even mentioning that we reached this first target of 10K domains in 6 months with still a wholesale renewal handicap at $70 that will get down and change in August.

The name isn't even taken in .com form, pretty obvious this is worth nothing. This is another tld where the words are around the wrong way, should be "best nyc hotel" not "nyc hotel best".
We can disagree on everything but with respect.

Cool, I would argue the following things are disrespectful to the community -

1.) Spamming discussion threads with sales pitches.
2.) Opening new threads just to spam sales pitches.
3.) Throwing around baseless legal threats.
4.) Making wild projections / unsubstantiated claims based on limited or no data.

If you expected to just show up here and have experienced people swallow this manure that is not going to happen. You can expect to get push back.

If you want respect, give respect. This is a community, not a place for you to spam .best all over the place.

Cool, I would argue the following things are disrespectful to the community -

1.) Spamming discussion threads with sales pitches.
2.) Opening new threads just to spam sales pitches.
3.) Throwing around baseless legal threats.
4.) Making wild projections / unsubstantiated claims based on limited or no data.

If you expected to just show up here and have experienced people swallow this manure that is not going to happen. You can expect to get push back.

If you want respect, give respect. This is a community, not a place for you to spam .best all over the place.


I agree with these points which could have been handled better.

though overall I find op has handled himself pretty well and tried to be as polite and professional as he could master.

as did np members considering how sensitive a subject it is to everyone here to see 1 million sale claims with zero proof.
For us Brits it's gonna be George.Best (The Man Utd player of the 1970's) that has his place in the Best hall of fame.

There you go Cyril, we can see the positive side of best domains
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Show us the proof
"Each single .Best domain" sounds like you are speaking about all of them, and I don't think anyone besides you would say those you listed have a minimum value of $500

Only one sale for .best on Namebio for $150, do you have supporting data that is not "future projections"

You seem like quite the successful guy and I wish you the .best of luck Cyril sir but that is quite misleading

Like I said we didn't report any sale to namebio for the moment

FYI, We sold daily premiums names. Look at our social media accounts and you will retrieve most of them on twitter, linkedin, ... coz we don't even communicate on all of them. I think one of the last one was course.best

What you have to understand is that for instance, godaddy that was our major registrar before the start of our promotion was selling us at a standard retail price of more than $150 / domain before nov 2018 ($70 i think right now) (and i am not speaking about premiums) and Godaddy sold +700 domains at a cost of +$150. So +700 of our domains domains were sold +150 usd already.

Our "standard" premiums names category are sold by registrars from $300 to $10K / domain and we have a limited number of very high premiums like hotel.best/hotels.best, realestate.best, ... that we sell in 1to1 for a specific buyer at a specific price.

Moreover, FYI we also just close a big deal with a major player in the finance industry that will be announce early next month i guess. Keep tuned.

Communication meeting with the board of this industry player is on 20th march and they bought us :
+3000 .Best domains !

And we are just at beginning - we just take over the .best few months ago but we have as strong support from registrars now and customers like our domains that is the most important !
For us Brits it's gonna be George.Best (The Man Utd player of the 1970's) that has his place in the Best hall of fame.

There you go Cyril, we can see the positive side of best domains

Yep, was registered by a japanese I guess ;)
OK, Well welcome to the Shooting Gallery Cyril that It doesn't have to be. Approach us with your aspirations and we will acknowledge your risk, your hopes and your work. even keep an eye on your extension - out of investment interest of course.
I think there was an opportunity to This thread is like a home where the children are playing with unicorns and mommy and daddy have been hitting the Liquor bottle. Far out.

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In my personal opinion, some members here act kind of unhinged.

I think we should all treat each other with respect, and certain kindness and joy, even if you disagree with someone.

And not like a pack of rabid monkeys, just because it is an online enviromnent, and you think you can. Honestly, you can not & you should not. I am not impressed at all, as I had much higher opinion of certain long-term members here (well, not too high, but certainly higher then I have now). The way some of you in this thread behaved was just not easy for me to even read. Imo.

What you send out will come back to you - so why to send out negativity, when you can send out something good and positive instead :)

Yours, lolwarrior
In my personal opinion, some members here act kind of unhinged.

I think we should all treat each other with respect, and certain kindness and joy, even if you disagree with someone.

And not like a pack of rabid monkeys, just because it is an online enviromnent, and you think you can. Honestly, you can not & you should not. I am not impressed at all, as I had much higher opinion of certain long-term members here (well, not too high, but certainly higher then I have now). The way some of you in this thread behaved was just not easy for me to even read. Imo.

What you send out will come back to you - so why to send out negativity, when you can send out something good and positive instead :)

Show attachment 112282
Yours, lolwarrior

no offence but I see no respect or kindness in your post above ;)

in fact I find your post and words the most disturbing, negative and unfriendly comments and words offered in this thread so far.

perhaps next time you will want to practice what you preach so rest of us "unhinged pack of rabid monkeys" can actually learn something from you. :)
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Please, give more precision. This is your moment.

Please feel free to explain your strategy if you feel there is "outlandish claims."

Also, would reporting a $1M offer, with no proof or facts, qualify as being an "outlandish claim"?

OK @Internet.Domains, so be ready coz it should be long ;

Regarding our THE.Best social network, I would suggest for those who have an interest that you look at our Namescon presentation that you can find on https://www.go.best

But in few words here is our domain name strategy :

Most ngtlds are focusing on selling domains to SMB or Corps. We want to sell domains to SMB through our registrars (go.Best), to Big Corps through our Best Protection Program (brands.best), and ... to the social media users through our own social network (THE.Best)

On the SMB and Corp side we totally disagree with all generic tld : .Best is not a competitor of the .com will never be. All the ngtld that claim/would like to replace the .com are already dead or will be absorbed time after time.

As for THE.Best social network here it is : It's the First social network based on a TLD where you can review anything you want.

Our 4 main differences are :

- Decentralized : Each user has a a real website with a real .Best domain instead of just having a social media account (ex : https://www.cyril.best vs https://twitter.com/FremontCyril)

- Responsible : each user is the owner and so the reponsible of its content (one think that could be usefull here sometimes;) ) This avoid us for instance to have to moderate our user content.

- Rewarded : We share/paid our contributors based on the number of visits/clics/engagement they have on their reviews. Like on youtube.

- Global : As for the decentralization we are already working with the MIIT to be accredited newt year on the .Best TLD and so will be the 1st social network to be in USA, Europe & China.

As for the business model here it is - fast your seat belt :

On the B2C side :

THE.Best will be a buyer of .best domains . THE.Best social network will buy domains for its users but not any .Best domains (numeric domains) that will be put in a specific class of domains dedicated to the social network.

Means it's a FREEMIUM business model on the user side : You register, we give you a free .Best domain with a real website like (cyril.best) and if you want to customize your name (as this is exactly the main and principle asset of all social media users and influencers), then you have to pay a membership for your domain.

On the B2B side :

Brands will pay a membership fees to :

- monitor their reviews coz it's fully decentralized so they have to pay a membership by brand/trademark/competitor they want to follow.

- sponsor users reviews

Don't want to go too far in details here coz it's not the problems of domainers except on one thing.

You all saw .tk collapsing. and they collapse for one reason, because it was not protected.

So now listen, THE.Best social network will be FREE as .TK was, it is fully protected coz it's a full content solution not just a domain name, and it will be rewarded !

Now guess what .TK whatever you or everybody can think is still the 2nd largest TLD in volumes with 22M. It was blacklisted like i said for all th reasons we know.

But what will happen my friends and I bet whatever you want on it is that we will spread more .best in the root than .TK and fully protected with real and unique user content for google.

So our objective is not 22M - our objective is about 100M users = .best domains by 2023 !

Yep 100M users = domains by 2023.

You think I am crazy !

You are right : I am conservative compare to quora for instance that start to reward its users for content and is now +300M active users !

So, for the .Best registry, what will be the boom effect. Like I said first, if you look at what happened right now you will see that people our now even buying social media names on ebay, ...

So we think thaht this is exactly what will happened also for us on the aftermarket with our .best domain names. Plus, using strong keywords in your name to make related reviews on hotels in NYC for instance will help get more traffic and so more money for the reviewers. So same, those names will have get some added value on the field.

Voilà, it's about 3:87 my friends and I would say that today you killed me. Answering 5 thread where people shot you is too much for me now. I assume it was the NP's initiation so I am good with that.

And I apologize if I hurt and/or seems disrespectfull for any of you - that was not my intention.

And sorry for my english or pardon my french ;)

I have nothing against the trader community and don't be offense but it's true my dream is not to be a trader (nothing agains that), but I want to be game changer.

One last point, I chased the .Best acquisition since 5 years and worked with 10 of my close friends on THE.Best social network since 2 years.

We'll open it to the public at the WEB SUMMIT in Lisbon in November in front of 20K people :

Like I said, I am/ we are not a scammer or trying to pump the .Best - if we say /announce something it's happening - I know exactly where I am going and what I am doing.

Of course, we are not perfect, there is still a lot of work to do but we have a strong vision, the innovation and we are just now starting the execution. and trust me execution is my fav part of the game.

As for the deal, I will get back to you once we had the return from namebio so please be patient and try to not to kill me during the next days coz I have plenty others things to do right now.

I said and I will give you all information in a fully transparent mode like I did since the beginning so keep cool and be patient.

I said we have the engagement letter for the moment (no more).

Once we will take/accept the final sales decision, we will communicate on this.

Our Engagement Letter is valid for 30 days so we have time to take the right decision at the right price.

no hurry.

All the .Best for you, your domains and your business no matter which domains you like, you byu, you sell - I wish you success.


Cyril FREMONT - CEO .Best & THE.Best
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