
Goggle Pagerank and more Questions Google Related

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Hey i see people saying high numbers like google listed and not sure how they got all these numbers! My questions is, Are there any sites that cna help someone like me out on the google stuff! Pagerank i have 3 for one on my site and 2 on the other an dnot sure how i got it! yes people link to me but when they say backlink does that mean links that meet each other example

www.mydowmain.com/links and linking to www.domain2.com/links

do www.domain2.com/links have to link directly to www.mydowmain.com/links or can it link to www.mydowmain.com

thanks any google help will do good i want to get few domains i have to get pagerank Thanks

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Backlinks = number of pages linking to your site/page.

Google listed = it could mean google directory or backlinks/linkpop.

And to get high PR, all you need is backlinks.

Yea thanks that link goes to area with lots of information! Very helpful you all were now maybe i can try to get my PageRank higher :D

Looks like i gonna have to get so backlinks that all i really have to do!
List your site in dmoz and you will get rank 4 automatically.
webdome said:
List your site in dmoz and you will get rank 4 automatically.

No you wont..
It depends on the PR of the page linking to you. :)

But there haven't been a (visible) pagerank update in months, and many "experts" speculates if there ever will be one again...
There has been some rumors about quarterly pagerank updates, so it's very hard to determine the pagerank of a site/page now.
The real pagerank (updated all the time internaly in google) could be something completely different than the one that shows on your toolbar or other pagerank checkers.

Don't focus too much on the pagerank, the most important think to rank high is to get links (lots of links) pointing to your site with your keywords in the anchor text.

One Pr 8-9 link can give you a Pr 7, but lots of PR 4 links with the correct anchor text will get you higher in the SERPS 99% of the times..
Redleg said:
No you wont..
It depends on the PR of the page linking to you. :)

But there haven't been a (visible) pagerank update in months, and many "experts" speculates if there ever will be one again...
There has been some rumors about quarterly pagerank updates, so it's very hard to determine the pagerank of a site/page now.
The real pagerank (updated all the time internaly in google) could be something completely different than the one that shows on your toolbar or other pagerank checkers.

Don't focus too much on the pagerank, the most important think to rank high is to get links (lots of links) pointing to your site with your keywords in the anchor text.

One Pr 8-9 link can give you a Pr 7, but lots of PR 4 links with the correct anchor text will get you higher in the SERPS 99% of the times..

DMOZ database used by at list thousand pages, but not all of this pages updated regularly, so you may need to wait for a couple month.

Don't focus too much on the pagerank, the most important think to rank high is to get links (lots of links) pointing to your site with your keywords in the anchor text.
After the well know spoofing 'Miserable failure' linking G. Bush; google is changing it also count what part of the traffic linking page direct to the target. For example: page has 100 links but only 10 of the regularly direct traffic to the some targets. This targets will get a higher ranking. Traffic counts via google toolbar.
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webdome said:
List your site in dmoz and you will get rank 4 automatically.
depends on whether the DMOZ page has a good rank. Some only have PR 7
webdome said:
After the well know spoofing 'Miserable failure' linking G. Bush; google is changing it also count what part of the traffic linking page direct to the target. For example: page has 100 links but only 10 of the regularly direct traffic to the some targets. This targets will get a higher ranking. Traffic counts via google toolbar.

Do you have any proof/source for this????
Never heard that the toolbar counts traffic.
As far as I know, there's no known evidence that the toolbar does that. It's obvious that it calls home numerous times (to check PR, directories, updates, etc) but no evidence whatsoever, and should it be the case, since it only take someone with a sniffer and some knowledge, it would have hit the news big time.

It's perfectly possible that they might eventually do it, like Alexa does to count traffic to a specific site. I have the gut feeling that if they ever introduce this feature it would be quickly exploited somehow to inflate the rankings.
Yeah, I hope they never will use the toolbar to count traffic and use it in the ranking algorithm (to any extent)... :|

Everything that CAN be exploited WILL be....
I never check/care about the Alexa ranking anymore because of all the Alexa "boosters".
It's too easy to fake the ranking.
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