Emails from domainers selling crap names

Spaceship Spaceship


GreenFriendly.comTop Member
i thought it would be real nice to share some of the emails i receive from fellow domainers trying to sell their crappy names.

hopefully, some of you will read these and stop sending or see the mistakes they make so you won't make them too.

here is one from Andrew Brad, and if he is a member here...he's a clown! why? because he included every other email address he sent this mail to. thus one could harvest his list and spam them too.

To whom it may concern,

The premium generic aged domain FREDLOYAINSURANCE.NET is up for sale and I am emailing several parties that have registered similar domains OR use "[fredloya], [fredloya insurance], [loya insurance], [fred loya claims], [fredloya locations] etc." as keywords in their advertising campaigns.This is a 6-year old domain, with no drops since it was registered in 2006.

According to the Google Traffic Estimator the keywords ‘Fredloya Insurance’ receive over 40,500 searches every month, thus making this a high SEO premium domain worth thousands of dollars.

Right now, the asking price for is just $250, and is available on a first-come-first-served basis. Yes, you read it right, $250 ONLY.

This is a great opportunity to acquire a great domain at a throw-away price. If you have any questions don't hesitate to send me an email or call me directly at +91. 939-2774-412.

All transactions will held either via Paypal or via the secure services of

Best regards,

Andrew Brad

Domain Broker,

+91. 939-2774-412

if any of you receive such emails, feel free to post them so we can expose the spammers.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Only contact endusers that you have pre-qualified as being a business or individual that would actually benefit from owning your ONE specific domain.

I only contact websites and/or companies that are of the same industry as the domain I am offering.
Now I haven't had much luck yet, but I have only been sending out emails for little over a month so far and not as often yet as I should, been busy.

I search out the top dogs and that's not easy, some companies are the subsidiary of another company and that company maybe a subsidiary of a bigger parent company so it can take time just to get all the correct information. Especially with Gaming companies, they like to hide ;)

I looked at Leadrefs and it seem that most of the info it provided was mostly domain squatters, and I dont think I want to send out emails to other domainers that may turn out to be one of you guys and then my email gets plasterd and torn apart on NamePros...
You have to follow Can-Spam act and only email end users if you want to be a clean business. Forget other domainers or using tools that rely on finding similar domains. Those are not necessarily end users. Skip sites with adsense, those are not end users either. I have been selling names for almost 3 years now with 0 complaints. I follow the law even if it means more work and inspect all sites one by one.

I do receive the type of emails shown here as well and yes, they are wrong. But reporting it will only hurt the industry in general. I just have my spam filters set to throw these emails into my spam folder and they don't bother me like this as they just sit there with the other 100 of viagra related spam emails...
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But reporting someone is really a waste of time and makes a bad image for the industry.
That's the whole point of this thread, reporting people. Do you think this thread is useless then ? I think it's very educative, nearly as much as the selling to end user thread. It's full of tips about how not to pitch your domains. It also shows that the legit domainers do not endorse spamming.

Also, I noticed more hacking probes against servers today, more crap coming in. Certainly a coincidence.
You have to follow Can-Spam act and only email end users if you want to be a clean business.

Even I wasn't aware of the full Can-Spam law until now. Thanks for the heads up.

Can-Spam Law

Sending Unsolicited Commercial Email
In the event that your department sends unsolicited commercial email, you must comply with the
following guidelines:
1) You may not send unsolicited commercial email to any wireless device without express
prior authorization.
2) Any unsolicited emails sent for a commercial purpose, not in the course of an established
business relationship, must be clearly and conspicuously identified as an advertisement.
3) You must include a valid physical postal address.
4) The message must also contain an opt-out notice with a return email address or other
internet-based response mechanism that is valid for at least 30 days after the message is
5) While you may provide the choice to opt out of only certain types of messages, you must
also include an option to opt out of all future email correspondence.
6) You must comply with an opt-out request within 10 days of receipt.
Penalties for Violating the Law
The penalty for an infraction under this law is up to $11,000 per violation. Additional fines may
be imposed to senders who act fraudulently or perpetrate other related computer and internet

Seriously, if you REPLY to any of these solicitation emails, they will just drag your email address to their spam distribution list because they know there is a human reading their spam. And they will spam you again in the future.

The best response, is no response.
I dont think I want to send out emails to other domainers that may turn out to be one of you guys and then my email gets plasterd and torn apart on NamePros...:lol:

It is important to remember there is a big difference between those who are legit domainers (such as yourself), and the individuals who are being profiled in this thread. I personally don't mind receiving the occasional [legit] email from another domainer. We are all domainers, it is to be expected. Read it, delete it, move on with the day. However, I stress occasional.

When I receive several emails weekly from these fools, and more often lately, daily; I find it quite irritating. Especially when the names they are trying to peddle are soon to be (or already) expired, which means they most likely do not actually own the names, but rather are just trying to get folks to register crap handregs through them.

I can get handregs on my own any day of the week. If I wanted a hyphenated version of a name I own with a few random numbers thrown in, I can find that junk all day long, as well. I certainly do not need (or want) some stranger raping the whois for my personal data trying to sell me such crap. People who engage in such activity, and/or those who condone it, are in no way domainers, IMO.

Don't report anything as you will only hurt the industry. Stop crying about an email and find something else to do!

I find this thread is a way of protecting the industry by bringing to light the very fools trying to damage it by way of spam, etc. An email once in a while is fine. Several per week or day are unacceptable! The purpose of this thread goes far beyond anyone complaining about "an email."

If the folks reading through this thread are actually paying attention to the emails being profiled, the type of names these half-wits are trying to sell and the format they use, etc; it is quite obvious and easy to see these spammers do not value the industry, or anything else for that matter. They certainly do not take selling seriously and are making a mockery of domaining in general while exploiting its weaknesses, IMO.

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Here is a new one, from one of the same spammers.
Along with the same poor wording, now there is a dubious claim about parking revenue.

We have and found that the domain is pretty useful for you to explore market. If you choose to, you can "brand" your business in internet. Do you know this domain can earn $100 each month in parking ?

Please let me know if you are interested. We could give a fair price and finish the transaction through a international Domain trade agency ! Other you can make offer in this domain name !
Last I look forward to hearing back from you.
Best regards,

Domain Investment Services Inc
There's no way you can stop these spam.

As what i've read in one post in the other thread on 'How To Find Potential End-Users', the guy said there if he makes one sale (or valid lead) out of 1,000 spam emails (which just takes one click of effort), then he said it's worth it.

I think you guys have to surrender the "contacting end-users by email" tactic, to these spammers. If you use the same tactic, the end-users will just dump you along with the rest of the garbage that lands on their inbox.

You'll just have to let the end-users conact you. If they need your domain, they'll find you.

I can also see that many domainers, also enjoy making business with other domainers. Kind of just circulating the merchandise among themselves. Perhaps if you dig this kind of model, then you'll just have to deal with spam as part of your business.
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Do you know this domain can earn $100 each month in parking ?

Can and will do not mean the same thing. I can sell you a domain right now that has a high PPC / could make you $3-5 a click. But that means nothing. They receive no traffic & seriously, they're not great domains, to begin with.
You'll just have to let the end-users conact you. If they need your domain, they'll find you.

Basically what I do now as ROI is higher when someone comes knocking on your door first. Few times I have reached out was when brokering others domains which turned out successful but I'm using real name, real address, real phone etc... which helps.

There's no way you can stop these spam.

Generally yes but on the few that are persistent depends how far ya wanna push it or who ya know.

Some registrars will lock domains with spam complaints and charge $80 administration fee, some web hosts will do the same, then can always click bomb the parked ones. Guess it just depends how mad you get over it and if ya wanna invest some time to cause some drama. I got spammed by one made for adsense site and now they might not have an adsense account which might have only taken me 1 email.
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Ok here is this "Alex" guy who is bombarding me daily for the same domain. All his addresses are Fake. In each email he has a different address.


[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

and many more.....

Here are just few examples



That Alex nitwit, is a huge pest of epic proportions. There's no way of blocking him. He keeps changing his landing email.

He doesn't really own any of his domains. If guys like this trashbag is giving the "industry" a bad name, then he's getting good at it. Because everytime i see a solicitation subject line on my inbox from anybody, my blood pressure boils as i hit the delete button.
I wonder if Alex had ever made $1 in his life.

Answer: Likely no, thus he tries harder & ruins it for the rest of us.


I'm actually a nonchalant person but asswipes like him bring out the worst in me.
I do receive daily emails like the ones shown here and from those same people. However, reporting them would only hurt the industry as a whole. But this spamming is also affecting the industry as I have encountered emails bouncing back because the word "domain name" is prohibited. So it could be these lazy spammers are costing the real domainers like me some money. But the real seed of this issue are the automated tools offered within the same domain industry.....
since i've been ragging on the crap emails, thought it would be good to post an example of an email that i would rate as "acceptable".

the name being offered actually is related to one that i own, and it's one i wouldn't complain about, because it was composed well.

Mr. Williams,

I'm going to be taking this domain name to market in the coming months, but thought it might be prudent to reach out to other TLD owners to see if they would like to compliment their own domain(s) in advance of doing this.

I see that you own, and thought that you could also benefit from acquiring

Many thanks for your time.

Michael Rhodes

whatcha think?
whatcha think?
Well your domain is parked for sale at Sedo so it doesn't look like you are an end user. What makes him think you are a qualified buyer for that domain ?
It's a domainer bugging another domainer.

He probably just sent a canned E-mail to a bunch of domain holders who own 'similar' domains, but slightly personalized.

Only you can tell if that E-mail is acceptable, it's still a fail to me :P
since i've been ragging on the crap emails, thought it would be good to post an example of an email that i would rate as "acceptable".

the name being offered actually is related to one that i own, and it's one i wouldn't complain about, because it was composed well.

whatcha think?

He starts out with a lie since he is really taking it to market now with offering it to you and probably many others but it is short and sweet and to the point so I would give him a 6 out of 10
If he would re-word it and just say
"I am now taking it to market"
I would give him a 9 out of 10 :)
What makes him think you are a qualified buyer for that domain ?

I guess that would depend on his asking price. I wouldn't mind getting this email as long as he has priced his domain at reseller prices. *Added* Of course this doesn't mean I want to see a bunch of poor quality domains sent to me at "reseller pricing" **

He dangled this one out on NameJet a few weeks back, but, it never went to auction.
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I got an e-mail from This guy was trying to sell me my own name. He picks out the domains that are in auction at and sends out an e-mail with a price tag of $199.00. If some sucker falls for it then he'll take their money and use it to buy the domain for them.
Well your domain is parked for sale at Sedo so it doesn't look like you are an end user.
i could be an end-user, just not end-using that one at the moment


---------- Post added at 02:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 PM ----------

I got an e-mail from This guy was trying to sell me my own name.


Another joker who's trying without knowing what to do. But I assume he suffers from moderate retardation so I won't criticize too much.

Hello <edit>.com,

We understand that you are the owner of the domain name
We have a domain for sale which you maybe interested in - <edit>.in. Since it is closely related to the keywords in your domain name, we thought that you might be interested in acquiring this one as well.

. According to the google Traffic estimator the keywords ‘<edit>’ receive over 30000 global searches every month , thus making this a high SEO premium domain We are only asking $1288 for this premium SEO domain. If you are interested, please let us know. Else, we apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Bryan Thomas

This was a one time mail sent to you for this domain name. You will never be contacted again for the same in future. In case you wish to unsubscribe from all our email communications please reply back with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

I think I might just quit domaining. Sad sacks of $hit like this loser is killing off prospects.

His email addy: [email protected] Yeah, I'm gonna give him more than $1 for a lousy domain. And I'm gonna trust someone who uses a gmail account. Sure.
you have to know that in some countries most people don't give a shit about Trademarks,etc. like china for instance. So its not so much the fault of the people, but more the goverment, because there are no harsh rules and no education about rights of other companies, etc.
Twice in a row from the same source.

From: balux263 <[email protected]>
Friends, if you because of your site without a good domain name was not a significant grade website regret or anxious?we found that the domain( )is will help your business.If you have any question,you can email to [email protected] .At last,Sorry for the disturb if any
Best gards

Contact InformationShaoyang Digital Equipment Co.,LTD
Web: http://www.xjxj.Net ID : [email protected]
Address: Room 503 Shaoshui Dong Road.Shaoyang City
Zip: 422000
MSN ID: [email protected]

From: balux263 <[email protected]>
Subject: Highly searched keyword domains for sale
Friends, if you because of your site without a good domain name was not a significant grade website regret or anxious?we found that the domain( )is will help your business.If you have any question,you can email to [email protected] .At last,Sorry for the disturb if any
Best gards

Contact InformationShaoyang Digital Equipment Co.,LTD
Web: http://www.xjxj.Net ID : [email protected]
Address: Room 503 Shaoshui Dong Road.Shaoyang City
Zip: 422000
MSN ID: [email protected]

The domains are actually registered. I hope they will be dumb enough to renew them and be stuck with worthless domains :|
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