
discuss Escrow.com - are they a colossal waste of space?

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I used escrow because of the glowing reviews on this site but as a seller they are a real pain and not very good.

Buyer send me an offer - accepted
Used escrow - 1st mistake
Buyer pays immediately
Takes 2 goes to get verified - KYC was iffy at best
Domain pushed with evidence
Buyer emails confirmation
Escrow will not release because buyer has not pressed some magical button
Currently they are a colossal waste of space and will not be using them again.
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So after speaking to 2 agents I just get the scripted you have to wait for the buyer to accept and no idea on how to escalate.

I have to say this is run by idiots and would never trust them again

Not sure why they get such good reviews.
Escrow will not release because buyer has not pressed some magical button
Currently they are a colossal waste of space and will not be using them again.
Yes, there have been comments before on NP about the process sometimes being a slow one. Hopefully, their added security measures don't delay or even lose the sale. But they likely have a reason for the added steps?
Yes, there have been comments before on NP about the process sometimes being a slow one. Hopefully, their added security measures don't delay or even lose the sale. But they likely have a reason for the added steps?
nope they will not release the funds until buyer presses button despite buyer having accepted the push, showing them the push email and the email from buyer showing happy with domain.

They will not proceed without buyer pressing button. Their reviews are terrible.

This isn't due diligence - this is purposefully being obstructive.

If I don't receive the funds by mon which will be 4 working days after the push will have to resort to legal action.

I would never use them or tell anyone to use them.
I have had to email the buyer to ask them to contact escrow. It is wholly unprofessional and hopeless.

I will look into a better escrow or talk to some colleagues at the FCA about starting one in the UK.
Escrow.com is fradulent and is a waste of space in this market.
Had similar situation, buyer thanked me for the domain, and pressed the confirmation button only after several reminders. No bad intention, he just moved on... What a joke. Went for escrow, to get the experience. Will stay with dan imported leads, no reason to choose escrow.com.
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