
DAN.COM Domain Marketplace (Official Thread)

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Domain MarketplaceTop Member
:heavy_check_mark: Staff
DAN.COM (formerly known as is on a path to be become the biggest domain marketplace in the world. We use state of the art technology to solve everyday problems buyers and sellers in the domain industry face. At DAN.COM we focus on automating most processes required to buy & sell domains to increase a more efficient and active secondary market for domains.

What sets us apart is our strong focus on product development and customer satisfaction. We leave nothing to chance and every single feature and element we introduce is professionally and carefully designed and built.

DAN.COM is ranked in the top 5 best-rated marketplaces in the world (According to the biggest review platform Trustpilot) and in the domain industry, we're the domain marketplace with the highest rating with an average of 9,4 out of 10 points.

At DAN.COM you will get the highest value for the lowest commission around. Due to our domain transfer automation, we can offer significantly faster handling of domain transactions and payouts (usually within 24 hours) at the lowest fee charged by any domain marketplace.

We've been the first on many fronts and proudly will continue to keep innovating. We were the first to offer optimized for sale pages since 2013, the first to provide payment plans in the form of lease to own and rentals and also the first and only domain marketplace offering free SSL on all domains parked with us for over a year now.

Read more about DAN and our future plans here:

This thread is created to act as an informal communication board between the DAN team and the domain community. Feel free to post feedback here and to discuss how you use DAN.

What this thread is not meant for is support. Please contact our support team here: [email protected] when you need assistance.

Previous reviews under old brand:
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I'm sure, this processing fee is paid by all platforms to their payment processors like Adyen in DAN case.
Some of them include it in their total commission, others are more transparent - so you see it separately.

And it is fair fee for buyers.
If they don't want to send IBAN or ACH - it is their choice, not seller's fault.

Do you work with/for, or are affiliated in any way, with DAN?
Dan is so much greater than sedo though.

Dan is a better landing spot if you send traffic their way, but the site itself has almost no intrinsic traffic while Sedo offers a far more expansive marketplace. GoDaddy easily generates the most traffic, but they also charge 20%. Registrar partnerships do matter and potential buyers actually go to "shop" at GoDaddy, and to a lesser extent, Sedo.

I have sold domains at both Sedo and GoDaddy without forwarding, but prior to me changing the nameservers to Dan (and getting okay results), I had not received a single offer at Dan and site views were virtually non-existent.

Dan is very good for what it is (a good lander with low fees) but if you do not forward traffic to Dan, you are not going to have good luck selling there.
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This was going to be my question. @DAN.COM it seems like the "Meet the Seller" details (33 offers received, etc.) should be displayed on the default landers, as well. I didn't select the Brandable landers, so I guess that's why I'm not seeing it, even though I have it activated.

With the custom Header Image I'm using, selecting "Dark Overlay" actually produces a LIGHT overlay. That's not great, as the dark overlay on the former landers was helpful in making the white text "pop."

Can confirm this, the dark overlay is more of a light overlay.
Dunno what you and alcy are smoking back east but wow man. Jurgen happens to be one of the smartest people here, he just knows everything. Does not work for dan lol. Hopefully mods will delete your off topic post and mine. Lazlo and company are gonna have about 20 pages of crap chit chat to go thru on monday. Maybe thats why bigshots use twitter more, less background noise
Do you work with/for, or are affiliated in any way, with DAN?
Dan is a better landing spot if you send traffic their way, but the site itself has almost no intrinsic traffic while Sedo offers a far more expansive marketplace. GoDaddy easily generates the most traffic, but they also charge 20%. Registrar partnerships do matter and potential buyers actually go to "shop" at GoDaddy, and to a lesser extent, Sedo.

I have sold domains at both Sedo and GoDaddy without forwarding, but prior to me changing the nameservers to Dan (and getting okay results), I had not received a single offer at Dan and site views were virtually non-existent.

Dan is very good for what it is (a good lander with low fees) but if you do not forward traffic to Dan, you are not going to have good luck selling there.
I am positive most sales occur from direct type-in. End-users don't go shopping for domains like clothes, they already have the name in mind.

The only marketplaces that get browsed would be the brandable marketplaces because the end-user has a low budget and/or no idea what to name the brand.
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Do you work with/for, or are affiliated in any way, with DAN?
And that's why their lander 2.0 is dead completely for me 4th day already...
And that's why I continue to move my domains to Sedo, Epik, Bodis...
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Everyone loves these 2.0 landers, thousands of people.
For me Page Unresponsive warning in Chromium 91 (on Debian desktop) appears after ~30 seconds since endless loading starts...
And even during first ~30s I can't click any object or submit any bid (lander is dead completely).
The same I see in Chromium 92, just installed it.
Unresponsive/dead lander.
And this weekend (yesterday and today) BULK DELETE requests take hours to finish, even for 2-3 domains per request.
The same I see in Chromium 92, just installed it.
Unresponsive/dead lander.
I've noticed something similar on mobile. Maybe it affects only some users as I haven't experienced this on any of my landing pages, but yesterday I tried to send an offer for a domain and the page wouldn't load on my phone.

For example, does not fully load on either android or ios mobile modes. If I click on desktop mode on Samsung internet for example, it loads. On an iPad, it also works as well as in MacOS and Windows devices.

@DAN.COM Maybe something to look at as it appears to affect some users.
Thanks, my chat with DAN is pending 4th day...
Still not fixed and not even detected the reason.
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Dunno what you and alcy are smoking back east but wow man. Jurgen happens to be one of the smartest people here, he just knows everything.

Yeah, okay... Maybe it's a language issue then. But nothing is perfect in this world, yet Dan adds a 2% Buyer Premium (without telling any sellers) and according to Jurgen, it's great news and perfectly fine because Sedo does it. You don't like a bug or change in features, then screw you because that's what "sociologists would do".

Dan can do no wrong by Jurgen, no matter what they do, and he is clearly biased for Dan and against Sedo/GD. If Dan beat him up and stole his wallet he'd probably commend them as "he needed a new wallet anyway". Assuming he is somehow personally or professionally affiliated with Dan is not a big leap.

You need people calling out "hidden buyer premiums" that could adversely affect sales, undocumented 360-degree features changes, and myriad system bugs, and without all this Pollyanna syndrome with "Dan is great, everything is perfect, nothing to see here.. oh and BTW, Sedo did even worse" commentary.

Adding a hidden 2% Buyer Premium on CC payments is NOT good news for anyone but Dan, and that's a fact.
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When Bulk price editing

When changing min offer price ...I noticed

The dashboard portfolio view still shows my old offer prices, however if I view each name separately, I can see the min offer has been removed/changed.

EDIT: It's all working now! @DAN.COM

Apparently just a lag in the system to update

I think there just a lot going on with the update and everyone playing around traffic surge at once, even the name I summitted, which did not show up but email said did, it's all there now....I open chat window, though it can be disregarded now. System just need some extra time to adjust to my change of settings.

Thank You
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Most sales I did via Bodis/ParkingCrew and Sedo.
For 3 years on DAN: only 3 domains were sold via their lander/marketplace + another 4 were just imported to their escrow = 7
This is how I'm affiliated.
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It seems you have some serious comprehension problems.

Wow, good job Lemny, descending into personal insults over a domain marketplace. Tells me a lot right there.

You clearly are not reading his replies (or those that haven't been deleted) to me. There are many examples, but I called out the hidden 2% Buyer's Premium and he says "it's nothing" and I'm foolish for bringing it up. Nothing? Nothing?

Well if it's truly "nothing" then I'm sure Dan won't mind donating that "nothing" 2% Buyer's Premium to yours truly, right?

And I told several people that Dan 2.0 would include a "price increase" of some sort, as that's what newer competitors do - they come in low to undercut the established brands, then slowly but surely inch up the commissions and fees as their popularity grows.

And you know what ALL the replies were? A variation of "No, they would never do that". Well they just did.
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it seems like the "Meet the Seller" details (33 offers received, etc.) should be displayed on the default landers, as well. I didn't select the Brandable landers, so I guess that's why I'm not seeing it, even though I have it activated.
I disabled MTS in 1.0
But today detected in Settings that it is enabled - so it wasn't inherited correctly in 2.0
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We still don't know Adyen fees in 2021...
If increase was initiated by Adyen - then DAN just follows it...
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The same I see in Chromium 92, just installed it.
Unresponsive/dead lander.
I just switched page theme in Settings from Default to Brandable - and this another lander works! Including Trustpilot.
So Default theme is broken 100%, at least in Chromium 91/92.
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I just switched page theme in Settings from Default to Brandable - and this another lander works! Including Trustpilot.
So Default theme is broken 100%, at least in Chromium 91/92.

Switch your theme to Brandable in Settings...
Default doesn't work (see above), including your $2,995 BuyNow domains (I checked some).
I don't think that fixes the problem. Very weird...
It seems to be happening randomly. For example, trainee (xyz). Sometimes the page is functional but the "is for sale" text is very small and when you reload it, the text looks fine but the page is unresponsive. When the browser is in desktop mode though, it always works.
upload_2021-7-18_21-22-43.jpeg upload_2021-7-18_21-23-9.jpeg
I think dan says sav took their lander design..but seriously... now dan should just go simple and take sav lander ... that's all u need... no chat or other etc...
1. For me on Debian PC and with Chromium - this "solution" fixes it in full.
Brandable lander works not just on all my domains, but also on domains of another domainers.

2. I have reviewed all Settings - only Lander options were added in 2.0, and Default theme is broken;
+ minimum offer is invisible now (per our requests);
+ processing fees for buyers with CC/PayPal.
That's all for hype 2.0
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I'm reading all these problems with landers etc.. and I cant help wonder why yer all fixed and stuck on dan landers .. so many options reliable..bug free...

sure I like Dan's payment checkout.. tho less now with the new buyer fees..which is why I've been using their add lead most deals... but..their landers...meh... boxes..chats...slow..poor conversion nonpayers...etc..

I think dan should become like an escrow only company.
maybe if they put all efforts in one will be amazing result.. cause now it's like all over...bugs..speed.. nonpayers..etc..

frankly I'm disappointed.
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