
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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Medically. Financially there is no hurt up here yet.
Look at graphs, numbers dont lie. Actually they do, the old cliche doesnt cut it anymore with bots and the such.
Their saying dont even go to your dr, call. Good luck with that. 2 days cant get thru
No dr, no chiro, no dentists. 3 people at my old job under quarantine. Glad i quit?
In what sense? Medically or financially?

in every sense,
except maybe for the way in which they keep the masses quiet at home.. afraid... riot free.. while governments are completing their old plans.. fear is oldest technique of control.

i leave a small spark of hope that powers that be still have our best interest in mind. despite the high human life sacrifice count and economical cost this will involve.

this is epic. i knew a global epic lifechanging event would occur sooner or later, i just didn't think it would happen within my lifetime really.
Question: when was the last time anybody made something by hand, as in real handmade? What's more valuable, time or money? People need to take a step back, reassess the situation and develop new skills in their downtime.
We just published some practical steps one can take to protect themselves. It came via a friend on FB and a colleague that works at a major hospital. The advice is practical for protecting oneself. Here is the link:

What We Can Learn From China About the Coronavirus
just heard this from doctor... saying we have to be real careful not to speed up vaccines.. else we end up injecting people with something much worse than corona..
so that'll take a while for vaccine.. and all those early shots could be real bad for those folks imo

he also says they found out corona can mutate into various strains etc... which he said is possibly the reason why some countries or places get hit much harder than others.. more deaths.. etc..

this can also make the vaccine very complicated... if not impossible.. to handle many strains at once..

meanwhile china fears getting 2nd wave of reinfections.. from outsiders this time.. so redirecting all arrivals to beijing for testing

all in all.. given the lockdowns and shutting down economies can be worse than ..well... no lockdowns.. herd immunity may remain not only our best option.. but our only option at this point imo... otherwise you expose yourself to longterm effects of closed businesses etc.. and longterm, this will cause more deaths, depressions, stress etc with people... not to mentiomn just plain lack of money and poverty... than letting everyone develop herd immunity.

there was story on news of young couple.. he owns small biz.. now closed.. her a dentist.. shut down now... she is 7 months pregnant.. so with no more income.. you can imagine the anexiety and stress levels of those people.. plus uncertainity of where to give birth, how etc..

so yeah.. thats one case of a family... you can add 7 billion more to that.
just heard this from doctor... saying we have to be real careful not to speed up vaccines.. else we end up injecting people with something much worse than corona..
so that'll take a while for vaccine.. and all those early shots could be real bad for those folks imo

he also says they found out corona can mutate into various strains etc... which he said is possibly the reason why some countries or places get hit much harder than others.. more deaths.. etc..

this can also make the vaccine very complicated... if not impossible.. to handle many strains at once..

meanwhile china fears getting 2nd wave of reinfections.. from outsiders this time.. so redirecting all arrivals to beijing for testing

all in all.. given the lockdowns and shutting down economies can be worse than ..well... no lockdowns.. herd immunity may remain not only our best option.. but our only option at this point imo... otherwise you expose yourself to longterm effects of closed businesses etc.. and longterm, this will cause more deaths, depressions, stress etc with people... not to mentiomn just plain lack of money and poverty... than letting everyone develop herd immunity.

there was story on news of young couple.. he owns small biz.. now closed.. her a dentist.. shut down now... she is 7 months pregnant.. so with no more income.. you can imagine the anexiety and stress levels of those people.. plus uncertainity of where to give birth, how etc..

so yeah.. thats one case of a family... you can add 7 billion more to that.
I am hearing reports by doctors that herd immunity is only good when a vaccine is used in conjunction. Without the vaccine, herd immunity would be devestating...... . .Just reporting on the arguments, from all sides. I remain fair and balanced. Looking for facts, when few are found.🤣
Announcing my new blog ( a work in progress)

I will monitor advice from leading public health and government agencies and will share any further updates and changes as they become known. www.closed.city


Some places already getting better.

Coronavirus: Germany 'flattens the curve' as Italy deaths rise to more than 6,000


Some are getting back to life. See post about Australia earlier.

Florida not shutting down, some people getting back to work today.

I think April will be people getting back to life month. People are just not going to stay shut in.
Misleading title that one of sky.com
I don't see the curve flattening anywhere.
In fact, Germany's head of the country's health institute said: "I will only be able to confirm this trend definitively on Wednesday."
For the moment as of Tuesday, the curve is far from flattening.
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I am hearing reports by doctors that herd immunity is only good when a vaccine is used in conjunction. Without the vaccine, herd immunity would be devestating...... . .Just reporting on the arguments, from all sides. I remain fair and balanced. Looking for facts, when few are found.🤣
Herd immunity is only feasible in paper, in theory. Or when you have a vaccine of course. If not, when the virus comes and people begin to death and the healdcare system begins to collapse, politicians begin to see the reality of the virus and the real situation.
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From the beginning this was primarily looked at from a health perspective, which is understandable. Problem is that's where it stopped. Just where we're at right now, Total Deaths per million.

Italy is 56x worse than America:
Coronavirus United States - 2 per million
Coronavirus Italy - 113 per million

How about just in America vs. the normal flu and the Swine Flu, last pandemic we had, deaths per million:

Coronavirus - 2
Swine Flu - 40
Regular Flu - 186 using flu deaths for 2017/2018 season which was bad

Now, which one are people wanting to shut down the country over? And I understand the 2 per million will grow with Coronavirus, since it's not under control yet, and if we did nothing whatsoever, the numbers would be higher. But as of right now, it's nothing compared to Swine Flu or Regular Flu.

When I turn on the TV with this, I see media using younger people who have it, not the usual older people who get it. Has somebody under 18 died yet in America? I don't think so. Now imagine if you turned on the TV and saw reports of 120+ kids under 18 in the state of Florida have died. That's how many died just with the regular flu in 2018, in just 1 state.

Without the propaganda, people would pay no more attention to this virus than they do the yearly Flu, the media has layered their propaganda into the minds of the people through out the world and brought fear to its highest level they can achieve. If the media covered the yearly Flu in every country like they are covering COVID-19. , we would be seeing much of the same we are seeing right now because they would be in every country showing Flu and the deaths that arise from Flu and everything in between pertaining to it. So it would be horrid and morbid just the same as we are seeing right now, but they never have world news footage of our yearly outbreaks of Flu to compare the Flu and COVID to.
First known juvenile death from coronavirus in the US

The death of a person under the age of 18 in Los Angeles County is believed to be the first from the novel coronavirus in the United States.

The juvenile lived in Lancaster, California, according to L.A. County health officials.


Morgan Stanley warns that lifting US coronavirus restrictions early could backfire

"If the White House were to relax the social distancing measures 'soon,' well ahead of the necessary timeline to have a significant impact on our view, it would raise the risk of increasing the peak or delaying the time to peak," Morgan Stanley analysts wrote in a report Tuesday.


Florida governor plans to expand order mandating self-isolation for travelers from NYC area

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced he plans to expand the executive order he issued for travelers from the New York City area.

During a news conference Tuesday, DeSantis said anyone who has traveled from the New York City area to Florida in the last three weeks will need to self-isolate and also provide a list of people they have been in close contact with in Florida. Travelers will also have to provide an address in Florida where they will self-isolate.

DeSantis said that members of the Florida National Guard were at Miami International Airport and Fort Lauderdale on Tuesday, providing information to travelers from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut in compliance with the executive order he issued Monday, which requires travelers from those states to self-isolate for 14 days. DeSantis added that the effort will be expanded to smaller airports as well.


US grocery chain wants its workers to have access to protective masks and gloves

National grocery chain Kroger said in a statement that its wants the government to help secure its workers masks and gloves.

"Our associates are on the frontlines, ensuring Americans have access to the food, services and products they need during this unprecedented pandemic. We are committed to protecting the health and safety of our associates," a Kroger spokesperson said in a statement.

"We’ve let our associates know they are permitted to wear protective masks and gloves. There is a national shortage of personal protective equipment like this, and we fully support America’s health care workers having first priority to obtain the equipment they need. We are advocating to government officials at all levels for help securing a priority place in line for all grocery workers — after health care workers — to have access to protective masks and gloves."
Without the propaganda, people would pay no more attention to this virus than they do the yearly Flu, the media has layered their propaganda into the minds of the people through out the world and brought fear to its highest level they can achieve. If the media covered the yearly Flu in every country like they are covering COVID-19. , we would be seeing much of the same we are seeing right now because they would be in every country showing Flu and the deaths that arise from Flu and everything in between pertaining to it. So it would be horrid and morbid just the same as we are seeing right now, but they never have world news footage of our yearly outbreaks of Flu to compare the Flu and COVID to.
This virus has 20x mortality than a yearly Flu. That's why no healthcare system on the world can absorb the care of the people infected by this virus.
Really, if you think that all the countries are closing and sutting down their industry, isolating the people and declaring the state of emergy just for fun, you are wrong.
Misleading title that one of sky.com
I don't see the curve flattening anywhere.
In fact, Germany's head of the country's health institute said: "I will only be able to confirm this trend definitively on Wednesday."
For the moment as of Tuesday, the curve is far from flattening.

You just selectively quoted. She did say what you just posted, but for some reason you left out the other things she said:

The same head of the health institute said:

"Germany's coronavirus infection curve could have now flattened, according to the country's public health chief, as cases across elsewhere in Europe and the US continue to surge.

Germany said the upward trend it was seeing in the number of COVID-19 cases seems to be levelling off, in part thanks to social distancing measures to deal with the outbreak.

Lothar Wieler, head of the country's health institute, said: "We are seeing signs that the exponential growth curve is flattening off slightly."

Why did you leave those quotes out? I think I'll take her expertise over yours.
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This virus has 20x mortality than a yearly Flu. That's why no healthcare system on the world can absorb the care of the people infected by this virus.
Really, if you think that all the countries are closing and sutting down their industry, isolating the people and declaring the state of emergy just for fun, you are wrong.

I am not saying this virus isn’t bad, all viruses are bad, what I am saying is , is that media is blowing the roof off of this virus to astronomical proportions, it is a virus , made in a lab, or natural by Mother Nature, it is a virus that must run its course, then it will go away. Maybe to return seasonally, maybe not, I can see the virus causing some very populated cities in the world to perhaps shelter in place because of the spread, but never a whole state, definitely never a whole country IMO, 7 million people died in the United States from starvation from the Great Depression in the 1930s , that from starvation alone , if we did nothing and kept going through this COVID virus, we would not loose 7 million people because the mortality rate says we wouldn’t. That if we did absolutely nothing to combat the COVID-19
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This virus has 20x mortality than a yearly Flu. That's why no healthcare system on the world can absorb the care of the people infected by this virus.
Really, if you think that all the countries are closing and sutting down their industry, isolating the people and declaring the state of emergy just for fun, you are wrong.

i think you are the only one using the word fun.

rest of us are just pointing out that shutting down countries and economy will result down the line in more deaths and complications than virus itself.

why deny this when even trump himself says he needs to make sure the remedy isn't worse than virus itself.
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i think you are the only one using the word fun.

rest of us are just pointing out that shutting down countries and economy will result down the line in more deaths and complications than virus itself.

why deny this when even trump himself says he needs to make sure the remedy isn't worse than virus itself.

yep, if 7 million people can die from starvation in a US depression, that is only from starvation, then a depression is damned sure worse than this virus.

close down the country for 5 weeks, you get both, virus + depression = starvation and living in a cardboard box on the street
You just selectively quoted. She did say what you just posted, but for some reason you left out the other things she said:

The same head of the health institute said:

"Germany's coronavirus infection curve could have now flattened, according to the country's public health chief, as cases across elsewhere in Europe and the US continue to surge.

Germany said the upward trend it was seeing in the number of COVID-19 cases seems to be levelling off, in part thanks to social distancing measures to deal with the outbreak.

Lothar Wieler, head of the country's health institute, said: "We are seeing signs that the exponential growth curve is flattening off slightly."

Why did you leave those quotes out? I think I'll take her expertise over yours.

Try to re-read what I posted, slowly, so you don't mislead my post.

I said: Misleading title that one of sky.com
I didn't say that what the German health chief was misleading, I said that The Title of the article was misleading, because the german health chief never said Germany 'flattens the curve'. She said "the courve could have now flattened" and "I will only be able to confirm this trend definitively on Wednesday." In my understanding, that's not exactly the same thing.
And again, you just have to see the curve as of Tuestday, that's far from being flattened.
Try to re-read what I posted, slowly, so you don't mislead my post.

I said: Misleading title that one of sky.com
I didn't say that what the German health chief was misleading, I said that The Title of the article was misleading, because the german health chief never said Germany 'flattens the curve'. She said "the courve could have now flattened" and "I will only be able to confirm this trend definitively on Wednesday." In my understanding, that's not exactly the same thing.
And again, you just have to see the curve as of Tuestday, that's far from being flattened.

I did read what you posted, I wasn't only replying to the title. I don't think you have read your own post:

"I don't see the curve flattening anywhere."

And then you left out the quotes from somebody actually qualified to see that.
Can you post those numbers/sources.
If you still ask this, you just prove you still don't have any idea of the effects of this virus.
Epidemiologists, scientifics working on the field around the world, say this, NOT ME. It's not my idea or my numbers, just for your information.
But I understand that you are still comparing the seasonal flu with the coronavirus, if you still don't have clear these numbers.
If you still ask this, you just prove you still don't have any idea of the effects of this virus.
Epidemiologists, scientifics working on the field around the world, say this, NOT ME. It's not my idea or my numbers, just for your information.
But I understand that you are still comparing the seasonal flu with the coronavirus, if you still don't have clear these numbers.

Great, why didn't you post the sources, what I asked for in my last post. I like to read these things. Please provide that info with your next post.
Can you post those numbers/sources.
Just go to a hospital attending coronavirus patients, and ask them if this is the same as a seasonal flu. Ask them why they are running out of respirators and masks and beds. Then maybe you will realise those numbers.
Just go to a hospital attending coronavirus patients, and ask them if this is the same as a seasonal flu. Ask them why they are running out of respirators and masks and beds. Then maybe you will realise those numbers.

Not seeing any sources in that reply, it's kind of like you're pulling numbers out of somewhere. I'm simply asking you to back the numbers in your post up, so far you have dodged that. And I expect that you will continue to do that, you'll prove me right in your next post.

Hospitals are running out of beds, respirators, matterial. People are dying right now for asphyxiation, and even for other diseases because of the shortage of doctors or medical stuff. Really, just still trying to compare the seasonal flu with the coronavirus in public is not letting you in a very good space.

Like I said.
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Great, why didn't you post the sources, what I asked for in my last post. I like to read these things. Please provide that info with your next post.
Hospitals are running out of beds, respirators, matterial. People are dying right now for asphyxiation, and even for other diseases because of the shortage of doctors or medical stuff. Really, just still trying to compare the seasonal flu with the coronavirus in public is not letting you in a very good space.
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