news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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I can't often quote Liz Cheney, but these are strange times!

"There will be no normally functioning economy if our hospitals are overwhelmed and thousands of Americans of all ages, including our doctors and nurses, lay dying because we have failed to do what’s necessary to stop the virus."
Harvard's president tests positive for coronavirus

Harvard President Lawrence S. Bacow said he and his wife have tested positive for coronavirus.

"We started experiencing symptoms on Sunday—first coughs then fevers, chills, and muscle aches—and contacted our doctors on Monday. We were tested yesterday and just received the results a few minutes ago," he said in a statement to the Harvard community.

Bacow said he's not sure how he and his wife contracted the virus, but said "far fewer people crossed our paths recently than is usually the case" as they both began working from home on March 14.

"We will be taking the time we need to rest and recuperate during a two-week isolation at home," he added. "I am blessed with a great team, and many of my colleagues will be taking on more responsibility over the next few weeks as Adele and I focus on just getting healthy."

Earlier this month, Harvard announced it would be moving to online classes and asked students to move out of on campus housing.
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maybe instead of people worrying about virus.. they should start worrying about depression and their fiat going to zero... its not about getting richer during depression.. though some do too i guess.... but about preserving the hard earned savings you already have... for your kids, your family, your future.... and this preserving may not be doable with worthless fiat going hyperinflated... what are the answers then??? gold? anything else? silver? except now its hard to buy metals.. cause mints are shutting down due to virus... so are mines etc..

things aren't looking good! stop worrying about virus! start worrying about preserving the value of your money during the depression... else we won't have money to eat or shelter!!! wakey wakey!

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Italy coronavirus death toll rises by 743 in last day

Italy has reported an increase in deaths of coronavirus in the last 24 hours.

Another 743 people have died as a result of coronavirus. That is an increase from Monday, which had been the second day of a downward trend.

At least 6,820 people have died in Italy so far. There are at least 69,176 confirmed case of coronavirus in the country.
We are starting to see two fractures, or movements in society.

1. Movement that feels lock downs and social distancing plans are essential in combatting the spread. This group is diligent with social distancing. Most health experts are with this group.

2. Movement that wants to lift the "stay home" measures and get people back to work. They seem to think the economic crisis is worse than the virus. Many politicians and economists are falling in this group.

Our economy won't get back to full strength until all groups feel safe. Group 2 could lift the "stay home" measures, but that doesnt mean group 1 will be eating at the restaurant, taking a vacation or contributing to the economy. For the economy to grow we need everyone agreeing. It looks like, economically, we are in this for the long haul....imo
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people blindly accepting "new normal" like its nothing... zero questioning. truly, the best way to "Get" people has always been fear campaigns.

this whole virus design was just brilliant... remove a whole bunch of older people and sick people... keep the young and strong and productive ones... familiar with tech, new digital payments, new one world currency etc...

trudeau: "listening is your duty, and staying home is your way to serve".
there... thats basically the essence of it all... we're here to listen and serve.
same old story... peasants and kings.. masters and slaves...the more things change..

canada: they wanna pass bill whereby finance minister has unlimited power to do as he pleases with finances, taxes etc.. for couple years.. without need of parliament approval.

I don’t except it, they can kiss my whole American ass, we aren’t playing with the puppeteers in the southern states, they know that too, that is why you see west coast, east coast , then most of the northern states on lock down , but not the southern states , New York was a necessary to quarantine, but the others not so much IMO
well it doesn't really mater who believes what... there were serious economic problems since 2008.. it never got fixed just got worse.. so if the virus wouldn't pop the bubble like its doing now, then it'd be something else.. it doesn't even matter any more if virus is made on purpose or not... the problem was the debt bubble... and it had to pop... its happening now.. asnd it'll be real ugly... imo.

so yeah, you can have 2 groups arguing whats worse.. virus or the remedy... the end result is the same... we're in for a very rough ride imo... not sure if it'll result in nwo or what not.. but there is a problem, has been for longtime, and it had to pop... and because there is a problem, it'll need a fix.. nwo.. or something else.. we'll see..

listen to this.. clarifies it well... at this stage, virus, no worse than many other viruses we had before, is not even relevant or the issue any more.. the debt bubble popped.. its game over in so many ways for mankind..

Virginia nurse says her hospital is "exceptionally chaotic"

An emergency room nurse who works at a hospital in Virginia said the conditions at her hospital are “exceptionally chaotic.”

She said that nurses and doctors in her hospital who have auto-immune disorders and underlying conditions are being asked to wear the same protective equipment – one n95 mask for the entirety of their shift – as healthy nurses and doctors. She feels this is putting workers with underlying conditions at higher risk of contracting coronavirus.

She said last week, hospital staff used N95 masks as they are supposed to be used, one time and then you throw them away. This week, they are using the N95 masks until they are soiled because they are running out of supplies.

She said they are seeing “60, 70, 80 patients” in one shift, “the majority of them have cough, fever, shortness of breath, and you are out there, and you have full garb and you have that one measly mask for all of those patients.”

She feels like the hospital and the government were not prepared for the outbreak and the needs it would impose on hospitals.

“They should have been preparing when this outbreak happened in China,” she added.

In her emergency room, patients who potentially have Covid-19 are waiting in the same waiting room as people coming into the emergency room for other unrelated issues. This is where she believes the highest risk is for patients.
GOP senators urge Trump to listen to medical professionals before reopening economy

Republican senators told CNN that President Trump should listen to medical professionals before opening up economy.
  • Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst: “I think we need to be very cautious about that I want to make sure that we are putting the safety health and well-beings of Iowans, Americans, first. I think we do need to follow CDC guidelines and watch what our experts are saying. I would love to see the economy up and going as soon as possible, but lets make sure we’re taking care of people first.”
  • Nebraska Sen. Deb Fischer: “I believe that we should be following the advice of medical professionals, we are able to see some help in the future I think this net week is going to be tough, hopefully I will be back in my state, we have 60 or I think 62 cases right now, I anticipate that is going to continue to grow, and we should be listening to medical professionals.”
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Virginia nurse says her hospital is "exceptionally chaotic"

An emergency room nurse who works at a hospital in Virginia said the conditions at her hospital are “exceptionally chaotic.”

She said that nurses and doctors in her hospital who have auto-immune disorders and underlying conditions are being asked to wear the same protective equipment – one n95 mask for the entirety of their shift – as healthy nurses and doctors. She feels this is putting workers with underlying conditions at higher risk of contracting coronavirus.

She said last week, hospital staff used N95 masks as they are supposed to be used, one time and then you throw them away. This week, they are using the N95 masks until they are soiled because they are running out of supplies.

She said they are seeing “60, 70, 80 patients” in one shift, “the majority of them have cough, fever, shortness of breath, and you are out there, and you have full garb and you have that one measly mask for all of those patients.”

She feels like the hospital and the government were not prepared for the outbreak and the needs it would impose on hospitals.

“They should have been preparing when this outbreak happened in China,” she added.

In her emergency room, patients who potentially have Covid-19 are waiting in the same waiting room as people coming into the emergency room for other unrelated issues. This is where she believes the highest risk is for patients.

they should not let people who are more vulnerable and with other conditions work.
not in any line of work.
and those conditions and people are pretty easy to pick out from the crowd... asthma etc...
else your just basicaly murdering them.

to add to insult... nurses and doctors lack masks and other equipment.
while the fed is printing worthless fiat into infinity... and using most of it to bailout the big and the rich companies. like someone said on a video i posted.. let the airline companies go bankrupt.. who cares!!! the planes will stay.. pilots stick around... if the demand is there in future... then they'll just reopen under new ownership.. big freaking deal.
help the people.. not the big rich scums.
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From the beginning this was primarily looked at from a health perspective, which is understandable. Problem is that's where it stopped. Just where we're at right now, Total Deaths per million.

Italy is 56x worse than America:
Coronavirus United States - 2 per million
Coronavirus Italy - 113 per million

How about just in America vs. the normal flu and the Swine Flu, last pandemic we had, deaths per million:

Coronavirus - 2
Swine Flu - 40
Regular Flu - 186 using flu deaths for 2017/2018 season which was bad

Now, which one are people wanting to shut down the country over? And I understand the 2 per million will grow with Coronavirus, since it's not under control yet, and if we did nothing whatsoever, the numbers would be higher. But as of right now, it's nothing compared to Swine Flu or Regular Flu.

When I turn on the TV with this, I see media using younger people who have it, not the usual older people who get it. Has somebody under 18 died yet in America? I don't think so. Now imagine if you turned on the TV and saw reports of 120+ kids under 18 in the state of Florida have died. That's how many died just with the regular flu in 2018, in just 1 state.
like someone said on a video i posted.. let the airline companies go bankrupt.. who cares!!! the planes will stay.. pilots stick around... if the demand is there in future... then they'll just reopen under new ownership.. big freaking deal.
help the people.. not the big rich scums.

This doesn't make much sense. Who do you think works for these airlines, at the airports, at the businesses around those airports etc? People.

Go back to what I posted earlier, 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Just even 1 week without a paycheck could be devastating, and people are wanting months?

Isolate the most vulnerable, older crowd. Others get back to school, back to work taking extra precautions in doing so.
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Being from the UK, I’ve just been on a walk, something you are allowed to do for exercise under the new guidelines set by the British government yesterday and whilst on my walk was having a think about freedoms and what not.

The problem is western nations we are too spoilt – 100 years ago when the Spanish Flu was around and people was on lockdown, they had no entertainment, possibly a radio, it must have been hard!

Today we have the internet, I’m on the net right now, people from all around the world possibly reading this message, we have things like Skype, mobile phones, PS4’s, Sky TV with around 500 channels, Netflix with a whole library of movies/TV shows that you wouldn’t be able to watch every single thing even if you was in isolation for 10 years and wasn't updated again.

If everyone follows the guidelines set by governments (in most countries) we have more than enough entertainment to keep us occupied for 2 months or so to get on top of this virus, but I feel we (western nations) are less adaptable to countries like China for example, when their governments say do something they do it, that’s why China are getting on top of it now, UK and other western countries I fear it will be more of an uphill battle, we have been too spoilt with freedoms.
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This doesn't make much sense. Who do you think works for these airlines, at the airports, at the businesses around those airports etc? People.

Go back to what I posted earlier, 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Just even 1 week without a paycheck could be devastating, and people are wanting months?

yes but they're not working now that's the point.
and they won't be going back to work there for long while probably.
so when its all over, let new owners take over. they can hire same pilots. same other workers...
yes but they're not working now that's the point.
and they won't be going back to work there for long while probably.
so when its all over, let new owners take over. they can hire same pilots. same other workers...

Right, when they should go back to work. The longer they don't, the worse for the economy. The more problems. I posted examples earlier of not every country shutting it all down, while still being able to combat this. Take a measured approach. We didn't shut it all down last pandemic, which to this point killed 20x the amount of people.
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Being from the UK, I’ve just been on a walk, something you are allowed to do for exercise under the new guidelines set by the British Government yesterday and whilst on my walk was having a think about freedoms and what not.

The problem is western nations we are too spoilt – 100 years ago when the Spanish Flu was around and people was on lockdown, they had no entertainment, possibly a radio, it must have been hard!

Today we have the internet, I’m on the net right now, people from all around the world possibly reading this message, we have things like Skype, mobile phones, PS4’s, Sky TV with around 500 channels, Netflix with a whole library of movies/TV shows that you wouldn’t be able to watch every single thing even if you was in isolation for 10 years and wasn't updated again.

If everyone follows the guidelines set by governments (in most countries) we have more than enough entertainment to keep us occupied for 2 months or so to get on top of this virus, but I feel we (western nations) are less adaptable to countries like China for example, when their governments say do something they do it, that’s why China are getting on top of it now, UK and other western countries I fear it will be more of an uphill battle, we have been too spoilt with freedoms and what not.

yes ... entertainment wise we have it better.
but there is still a super serious fundamental economic problem and crisis... which had to pop sooner or later.. if corona didn't pop it then it'd be something else...

and that pop is the real problem. and it'll have huge effects. far greater than a virus no worse than most others... and it'll destroy and ruins far more lives than virus etc.. the only unknown is what kind of solution it'll take to fix it or stabilize things. becasue it'll be chaos when people have no income.. lose houses, jobs etc... can't afford basics of life.. all fiat hyperinflates cause this will be worldwide.. depression.. etc..

maybe this is just all preplanned... and that fix and solution is simply NWO... yes the same one you see daily on your dollar bill and same one which bush senior guaranteed in speech some years ago...

nwo is just a word... well 3 words... but its about the principles behind it.. one world everything.

don't get me wrong. nwo could be good. i just don't know for sure.... but i mean really who here can say we were living in eden up to and before corona? nobody....... so if nwo brings us even step closer to eden.... well.. sign me up scotty
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Right, when they should go back to work. The longer they don't, the worse for the economy. The more problems. I posted examples earlier of not every country shutting it all down, while still being able to combat this. Take a measured approach. We didn't shut it all down last pandemic, which to this point killed 20x the amount of people.

look its not complicated. there was a bubble. didn't get fixed in 2008. it got worse since.
it needed to pop.
its popping
or popped.
virus popped it.
if it wasn't virus it'd be something else.
which can bring question, was virus intentional and designed.
except at this stage, this question no longer matters. so we forget that question.
all that matters now is not the virus... but the popped bubble.
and how to deal with the economic crisis.
because if we do not deal with it.. then 432543543543 times more people will die from that than from some virus.
Being from the UK, I’ve just been on a walk, something you are allowed to do for exercise under the new guidelines set by the British government yesterday and whilst on my walk was having a think about freedoms and what not.

The problem is western nations we are too spoilt – 100 years ago when the Spanish Flu was around and people was on lockdown, they had no entertainment, possibly a radio, it must have been hard!

Today we have the internet, I’m on the net right now, people from all around the world possibly reading this message, we have things like Skype, mobile phones, PS4’s, Sky TV with around 500 channels, Netflix with a whole library of movies/TV shows that you wouldn’t be able to watch every single thing even if you was in isolation for 10 years and wasn't updated again.

If everyone follows the guidelines set by governments (in most countries) we have more than enough entertainment to keep us occupied for 2 months or so to get on top of this virus, but I feel we (western nations) are less adaptable to countries like China for example, when their governments say do something they do it, that’s why China are getting on top of it now, UK and other western countries I fear it will be more of an uphill battle, we have been too spoilt with freedoms.



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Largest lock down in history. 1.3 billion people. Tough but happy this decision was taken.

These measures had to be taken in order to curtail the spread of the virus, and considering its population density, India has been less impacted than other major countries. If people take proper precautions it ought to remain that way. The pandemic hit so fast, governments and people were unprepared and markets reacted. The fallout after industry grinds to a halt will be massive, but shouldn't be basis of a total meltdown. Better foresight would have prepared the market for the inevitable, but hindsight is 20-20.
I just hope the recession to follow isn't worse than the virus. I've self-isolated from early on and happy about my decision, as the government has now mandated for any traveller. Travelling just won't be the same again.
I have some old trinkets made in occupied japan. soon china will be mass producing products will say Made in Occupied America

will eliminate all tariffs

these lockdowns arent working...
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