news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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Yes...they have a home in one city has been hit hard and I assume that is where they were...came to US to 'get away' 3-4 days ago. Just told my friend to tell them to head to their home in Cayman until their 'allergies' subside. I'm sure that wont happen...they are staying in US...not sure where as they have a place in Florida, NYC and LA or San Fran.

See, this is what I am talking about, so they flew to the US, weren’t quarantined like other countries are doing, I talked to a friend of mine, he told me a co-worker had just returned from Iran , no symptoms , but just flew back from Iran , no quarantine, no nothing.

it damn near looks like someone intentionally wants this virus to spread in the US , otherwise people would be getting testing from the CDC and people coming from countries with outbreaks would have to be under quarantine, just like other countries
Really truly looks like we're gonna have to fend for ourselves in every aspect.....

- STOCK UP with a LOT of food, water, other supplies, NOW, before the virus has spread even further.
- Drastically limit our trips out if possible (think thrice before making that unnecessary shopping trip).
- Don't allow visitors (especially from known hotspots.... wth!)
- Frequent hand washing
- etc

IF this continues to spread, I expect we will at some point see a lot of looting happening in the worst-hit areas.

This could seriously be like Katrina on a national scale.

There's been talk of a civil war in this country for some time now. Well folks, imho, worst case scenario, this could be the catalyst. The conditions are ripe. Man, I hope I am wrong.
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CDC: US may be seeing “the beginning of what is happening abroad" with the coronavirus

"What is happening now in the United States may be the beginning of what is happening abroad,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters Tuesday. "We will continue to maintain, for as long as practical, an aggressive national posture of containment. That said, you might see some local communities taking specific actions to mitigate the disease.”

Hmm...... YA THINK?!
Really truly looks like we're gonna have to fend for ourselves in every aspect.....

- STOCK UP with a LOT of food, water, other supplies, NOW, before the virus has spread even further.
- Drastically limit our trips out if possible (think thrice before making that unnecessary shopping trip).
- Don't allow visitors (especially from known hotspots.... wth!)
- Frequent hand washing
- etc

IF this continues to spread, I expect we will at some point see a lot of looting happening in the worst-hit areas.

This could seriously be like Katrina on a national scale.

There's been talk of a civil war in this country for some time now. Well folks, imho, worst case scenario, this could be the catalyst. The conditions are ripe. Man, I hope I am wrong.

I agree, I don’t think we will have medical resources available to us if this begins spreading , supplies will have to last us and people who run out or did not prepare will be seeking out supplies, some could by any means necessary, lock&load , ration supplies as necessary and wait for it to pass.

FEMA is on standby and can be deployed at the presidents request right now , so
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3 more deaths announced in WA:

Coronavirus toll reaches 9 deaths, 27 confirmed cases in Wash. state

"One of the deaths confirmed Tuesday happened six days ago at Harborview Medical Center, but the coronavirus diagnosis wasn't made until well after the person's death."

This puts the current US death rate in these known cases at between 7% and 13%, depending on how you count. Granted, I believe many of the deaths come from a nursing home, so would be much higher-risk individuals than the general public.

Current total known cases in the US: 118
9 deaths in 118 = 7.6%
According to the CDC, 48 of those cases are from repatriated citizens.
According to CNN Health’s tally of US cases that are detected and tested through the US public health systems, there are 70 cases in 13 states.
So, for cases detected here, that's 9 deaths in 70 cases = 12.857%

Rate will be much lower once testing is more widespread and they're testing healthier individuals..... but it's still certainly rather alarming.
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I think the next announced case(s) will be in NC/ inside info, just a hunch.

"Just a hunch" huh??

First North Carolina novel coronavirus case confirmed in Wake County

"Officials said the patient contracted the virus after visiting a nursing home in Seattle, Wash., that is linked to seven deaths related to the novel coronavirus."

"Health officials also said they are looking into anyone that may have came in contact with the person on the airplane, at the airport or once they returned to the state."
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Stopped by my local grocery stores and pharmacies and gave it to the managers on duty, along with examples of local residents in my town re-selling these products in bulk on eBay at 5-10x retail.

That's insane.
Ordinary soap and water are just as good if not better, though if you're out and not near running water ...

People are losing their minds and that will just make it all worse. If it gets bad there may be supply chain issues - so buy some extra of everything - but its not the zombie apocalypse.
Hopefully the country (or at least the individual states) will get their acts together on testing and containment, because that's how to prevent the worst case scenarios.

A couple I know just flew back from Israel - they all wore masks on the plane. Won't keep germs from getting through, but it at least deters you from touching your face. People there are worried because some of the S Koreans who got it were a church group who were visiting Israel.
As for screening when they re-entered this country? They just asked them if they'd been to China or Iran (which would have been obvious from their passports.) :rolleyes:
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The link below is pretty looks like all you have to do is refresh the page as they are adding stories/links regularly (an update-able page/article).

Today I wrote a letter calling for purchases of items like hand sanitizer to be limited to 2 or 4 per person.

This is what should be happening it is commonplace in UK to see signs limiting hand sanitizer according to a couple of posts I've seen. A local walmart I visited this am had liquid soap filling the shelves where the sanitzer used to be. There was an employee there letting people they had none anywhere in the store and they should consider buying soap. About half was jarring to see the 'zombieish' look the customers would get on their face. Employee said he was considering making a sign saying 'we have no masks' because that is usually the second question.

Google cancelling IO 2020:
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I've been using that but also CNN, as their updates are more frequent.

but its not the zombie apocalypse.

Ehhh I'd rather deal with zombies than a willfully negligent government. :hungover:
That's insane.
Ordinary soap and water are just as good if not better, though if you're out and not near running water ...

People are losing their minds and that will just make it all worse. If it gets bad there may be supply chain issues - so buy some extra of everything - but its not the zombie apocalypse.
Hopefully the country (or at least the individual states) will get their acts together on testing and containment, because that's how to prevent the worst case scenarios.

A couple I know just flew back from Israel - they all wore masks on the plane. Won't keep germs from getting through, but it at least deters you from touching your face. People there are worried because some of the S Koreans who got it were a church group who were visiting Israel.
As for screening when they re-entered this country? They just asked them if they'd been to China or Iran (which would have been obvious from their passports.) :rolleyes:

his entry back into the US was last Wednesday, my friend told me that he said he had to fill out a questionnaire and date and sign it in Iran regarding his health, when he arrived at DFW airport, he said he went through customs , nothing more, he isn’t sick at this time so that is good, but Iran was in a denial government wise to the severity of the Coronavirus in their country.
Civil War? Looting? I think we're going a little overboard here. I've went thru many hurricanes, the one a few years ago was bad. I lost power for a day, some for weeks, in 90+ heat. There was no looting. Some tempers flared but that was about it.

Unless this info is wrong:

The CDC predicts that at least 12,000 Americans will die from the flu in any given year. As many as 61,000 people died in the 2017-2018 flu season, and 45 million were infected.

12,000 die from regular flu each year in the U.S.

9 with this. I understand the number will go up. We have 327+ million people in the U.S.

Why are people stocking up on water? I drink bottled water myself but if I run out, then use the tap.
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hi guys, you can't believe but in Moscow (the capital of russia) we have no masks. 👎
it was hard to finding a sanitizer. we are living like in Africa.
Why are people stocking up on water? I drink bottled water myself but if I run out, then use the tap.

I just had this conversation with a neighbor...I think part is feeling like they are doing something proactive in a situation in which they have no control. The primary reason, at least for me, is that I do not want to make a trip/stop at a store (or anywhere) unnecessarily. Because the city water in my area is so poor and we constantly get notices about things/chems beyond 'reasonable' levels, I turned to drinking bottled water a few years ago. Don't get me wrong...I despise having to pay taxes and a water bill to provide something they have to warn me about on a semi annual basis. Having a case or two extra will keep me from having to make an unscheduled stop at a store. btw, aldi has great tasting filtered water in bpa free bottles for about 2.25 for 24.
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Civil War? Looting? I think we're going a little overboard here. I've went thru many hurricanes, the one a few years ago was bad. I lost power for a day, some for weeks, in 90+ heat. There was no looting.

Unless this info is wrong:

The CDC predicts that at least 12,000 Americans will die from the flu in any given year. As many as 61,000 people died in the 2017-2018 flu season, and 45 million were infected.

12,000 die from regular flu each year in the U.S.

9 with this. I understand the number will go up.

Why are people stocking up on water? I drink bottled water myself but if I run out, then use the tap.

I don’t foresee any civil war or looting, but desperate hungry people could be a possibility, although I think FEMA would be deployed before it got to the point of people go after other people’s food and supplies IMO

but planes from Japan, Italy, China and ect have been coming in to the US loaded with passengers I am sure, although the passengers aren’t sick at the time of leaving a country and arriving in the US, doesn’t mean they won’t be getting sick, and if they do, how many people did they come in contact with, at work, the grocery store, restaurants, sporting events, concerts and so on.
BTW I have just registered


83% are mild cases
I don’t foresee any civil war or looting, but desperate hungry people could be a possibility, although I think FEMA would be deployed before it got to the point of people go after other people’s food and supplies IMO

That sounds like out of a movie. People going after other people's supplies. Why would they be desperate and hungry? I have grocery stores all over the place, restaurants all over the place. A hurricane is a bit different but I think the food situation was a little worse because a lot of people didn't have power but people didn't go crazy. Actually the opposite. People that had more supplies were actually helping out those that didn't. People that had power or generators let their neighbors come sleep over etc. They didn't raid each other for supplies. What's happening now isn't end of the world type stuff.

I just had this conversation with a neighbor...I think part is feeling like they are doing something proactive in a situation in which they have no control. The primary reason, at least for me, is that I do not want to make a trip/stop at a store (or anywhere) unnecessarily. Because the city water in my area is so poor and we constantly get notices about things/chems beyond 'reasonable' levels, I turned to drinking bottled water a few years ago.

I understand that. I've been bottled water for a long time now but worse comes to worse, then I drink tap. I know some areas water is better than others. I know every hurricane season it's stock up on water and that might be an issue for some places but not once have I personally had water issues. Power goes out but water is still on, can still take showers and baths. Still drink the water. I know some other areas could have issues. Then of course if it gets worse, people are not wanting to go out to grocery stores, contact with other people etc.

Just watching TV. Super Tuesday, lots of people standing in lines, around lots of other people. We'll see.
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That sounds like out of a movie. People going after other people's supplies. Why would they be desperate and hungry? I have grocery stores all over the place, restaurants all over the place. A hurricane is a bit different but I think the food situation was a little worse because a lot of people didn't have power but people didn't go crazy. Actually the opposite. People that had more supplies were actually helping out those that didn't. People that had power or generators let their neighbors come sleep over etc. They didn't raid each other for supplies.

if the virus spirals out of control, which I don’t think it will, but it could. I highly doubt restaurants will be open, grocery stores I don’t know, but should trucks stop running, supplies won’t be being delivered to stores that would put a ration on everything.

the thing with this virus right this minute, either people just do not know, or they aren’t talking. Both of which are not good, but I do feel we will be getting more useful information in upcoming days.
Why are people stocking up on water?
Civil War? Looting? I think we're going a little overboard here. I've went thru many hurricanes

To most Americans, it's crazy talk - I get that, so I'll spare you that conversation. (y)
But in short, to me, and many others, it's not so far fetched at all, for many reasons.
Obviously, that's THE worst case scenario.

I've went thru many hurricanes

Really no comparison to a hurricane here, imho.
Generally speaking, hurricanes are localized, short-term events: hunker down for a few days/weeks and then go back to normal life.

This has potential to be a disaster on a far larger scale, with a government that's massively bungling the response, in a way that really seems intentional.

So yeah, we could see looting, and worse. IMHO.

Perhaps you missed the part where 1 case sent 124 healthcare workers into quarantine. Another sent 25 firefighters. etc etc. Our country CANNOT handle this on a massive scale.

This goes FAR beyond just the dangers of the virus itself.
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To most Americans, it's crazy talk - I get that, so I'll spare you that conversation. (y)
But in short, to me, and many others, it's not so far fetched at all, for many reasons.
Obviously, that's THE worst case scenario.

Really no comparison to a hurricane here, imho.
Generally speaking, hurricanes are localized, short-term events: hunker down for a few days/weeks and then go back to normal life.

This has potential to be a disaster on a far larger scale, with a government that's massively bungling the response, in a way that really seems intentional.

So yeah, we could see looting, and worse. IMHO.

And the regular flu kills 12,000 a year in the U.S. Nobody freaks out about that. We're at 9. That'll go up some but this will pass. People are getting educated on this, just use common sense.

This has potential to be a disaster on a far larger scale, with a government that's massively bungling the response, in a way that really seems intentional.

I can understand incompetence. But we're also in an election year. I imagine the current admin will be going all out because they don't want any of the blame. It's already being used for political purposes.

We'll see. But the looting, raiding, Civil War stuff is over the top.
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The only scenario I could see having water problems would be if there are so many people sick at once that there’s nobody to do maintenance or repairs at the pumping station.
My water is iffy to begin with so I filter anything I drink or cook with at the tap. I should pick up an extra filter. I prefer bottled water, but I can drink filtered tap if I have to.
For electric, if there’s a shortage of workers it could delay repairs.
I don’t think people,will riot or loot - among other things, people will avoid going out to avoid getting sick.
And the regular flu kills 12,000 a year in the U.S. Nobody freaks out about that. We're at 9. That'll go up some but this will pass. People are getting educated on this, just use common sense.

I can understand incompetence. But we're also in an election year. I imagine the current admin will be going all out because they don't want any of the blame. It's already being used for political purposes.

We'll see.

I dunno @JB Lions , the President isn’t allowing any doctors , CDC or anyone else’s speak about the virus without consent from the White House.

less informed allows people to see things the way they want project them.
I dunno @JB Lions , the President isn’t allowing any doctors , CDC or anyone else’s speak about the virus without consent from the White House.

less informed allows people to see things the way they want project them.

That's what I read but then somebody posted on this very page:

"CDC: US may be seeing “the beginning of what is happening abroad" with the coronavirus

"What is happening now in the United States may be the beginning of what is happening abroad,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters Tuesday. "
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