
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
U.S. lawmakers hit snag over vaccine costs in bill to battle coronavirus

A source close to the negotiations, who asked not to be identified, said that two issues must first be resolved: Democrats insist that the spending bill contain language stating that any coronavirus vaccine be priced at a “fair and reasonable” level. Democrats also want the government to help pay for vaccines to help those who might not be able to afford them.
Back from my weekly whirlwind tour into Los Angeles . . .

I am a healthcare professional at the #1 Eastern Medicine school in California.
There are several MDs, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors and Naturopaths on the staff. Some of the brightest minds from all over the world congregate here. We see a little bit of everything in the clinic.

What I learned today from the two Deans of the college . . .

The situation is much less dire than the media will have you to believe it is.

The death rates are about 3% for people over 60.
The death rates are a tiny fraction of 1% for people under 60.

We were reminded that the death rate from SARS was 10%.
This strain of Coronavirus is much less serious.

As @SirDrago pointed out Vietnam cured all 16 cases.

I also learned that the BEST medical institution in China has cured all of its patients and they have all been released and news will be coming out soon on this, at least in our field it will....We'll see if any mainstream media reports this.

Our clinic is not accepting patients who have recently returned from China, Italy or the area of Washington state that is affected. There is a big sign on the door saying to self quarantine for two weeks and to not come into the clinic if you recently returned from these places.

All staff and students who were recently in China, Japan or Italy have quarantined themselves.

And some information you likely won't find anywhere else....

Herbal Formulas to take if you are infected...

Equal amounts of these four:

Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang

Xiao Chai Hu Tang

Wu Ling San

She Gan Ma Huang Tang

And as prevention - take 1/4 doses of these four formulas in equal amounts.
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Over the weekend one of my meds got low so I did what all of us do that are stuck on BP medicine, I called for a refill. All came in other than the pharmacist had me call the doctor to 'push' them along. The first thing the nurse asked was if my heart had been fluttering...then she asked if I had a dry cough...then she asked if I had a fever. None of the things I've ever been asked before when calling to get a refill. Then it hit me as I woke up this morning...these are covid symptoms.

"as many as 98% of COVID-19 patients have a fever, between 76% and 82% have a dry cough, and 11% to 44% report exhaustion and fatigue."
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The situation is much less dire than the media will have you to believe it is.

The death rates are about 3% for people over 60.
The death rates are a tiny fraction of 1% for people under 60.

We were reminded that the death rate from SARS was 10%.
This strain of Coronavirus is much less serious.

As @SirDrago pointed out Vietnam cured all 16 cases.

I also learned that the BEST medical institution in China has cured all of its patients and they have all been released and news will be coming out soon on this, at least in our field it will....We'll see if any mainstream media reports this.

The media loves fear mongering it's great for their ratings hence you won't hear this on the news. Sadly one side of the government has chosen to weaponize this virus for political gain.
i feel like... if you're very healthy, it'd be best just to intentionally infect yourself with the corona in a controlled environment with all your vitamins and supplements pre-taken.

I mean, running away and trying to prevent something that's spreading so fast.. might as well face it rather than randomly get it when you're not prepared, right?
Herbal Formulas to take if you are infected...

Equal amounts of these four:

Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang

Xiao Chai Hu Tang

Wu Ling San

She Gan Ma Huang Tang

There is one large store near me (used to be a super big box store) that serves a substantial Chinese American community near me. Although I can't read most of the signs (some are in English) I go there for the fresh foods that are available. There is an area (cant call it a restaurant) where they make some of the best food I've eaten. I will print out this list and hope someone there will help me!

On a related note, I had to promise a health food store owner I have business with that I would go and get probiotics and start taking them immediately. They insist some of the healing happening in other countries is due to the gut biome (because their diet is better) and how it helps the immune system fight.
i feel like... if you're very healthy, it'd be best just to intentionally infect yourself with the corona in a controlled environment with all your vitamins and supplements pre-taken.

I mean, running away and trying to prevent something that's spreading so fast.. might as well face it rather than randomly get it when you're not prepared, right?
Seems logic but there is one catch - even if you get corona and you're able to defeat it - you can get ill a second time or countless times again and again.
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Seems logic but there is one catch - even if you get corona and you're able to defeat it - you can get ill a second time or countless times again and again.

imho, seems fishy.

"She first tested positive on 29 January and was discharged from hospital after recovering on 1 February, before testing negative on 6 February."

How do you recover from this scary disease in 3 days lol?
I think she just wasn't better yet.

"“Once you have the infection, it could remain dormant and with minimal symptoms, and then you can get an exacerbation if it finds its way into the lungs,” said Prof Philip Tierno at New York University’s school of medicine. He said much remained unknown about the virus. “I’m not certain that this is not biphasic, like anthrax,” he said, meaning the disease might appear to go away before recurring."
imho, seems fishy.

"She first tested positive on 29 January and was discharged from hospital after recovering on 1 February, before testing negative on 6 February."

How do you recover from this scary disease in 3 days lol?
I think she just wasn't better yet.

"“Once you have the infection, it could remain dormant and with minimal symptoms, and then you can get an exacerbation if it finds its way into the lungs,” said Prof Philip Tierno at New York University’s school of medicine. He said much remained unknown about the virus. “I’m not certain that this is not biphasic, like anthrax,” he said, meaning the disease might appear to go away before recurring."
Yes it is strange but I'm only posting what I've found. Probably we will get more reliable infos and wisdom after some time.
The nature of a virus is to mutate...that is why there is a different flu vaccine put out every year. That is one concern brought up at a meeting lately...this current spread will diminish once temps get high this summer but it will return in the fall...maybe stronger, maybe not...but it will have mutated to some degree. I found this doing a quick search.

"You can't get exactly the same one, as your body will have developed antibodies to it. But “cold and flu viruses mutate, so there are subtly different forms of the virus,” says Caroline Rudnick, an assistant professor of community and family medicine at St. Louis University."
The media loves fear mongering it's great for their ratings hence you won't hear this on the news. Sadly one side of the government has chosen to weaponize this virus for political gain.
As long as humans are reporting news, it will have some sort of a slant.
Once AI takes over... I expect there will still be a slant.

The wholesale bashing of "the media" is dangerous imho. That's not the answer. Without the free media, we would be FAR less informed about so many issues it's unfathomable. I for one would prefer to get news from a wide range of generally-reputable sources (even those with opinions which I may disagree with) - rather than from sources I generally only agree with.

People need to use critical thinking, no matter where they get their news.

Do you have a Drago-approved media outlet you'd like to recommend? Somewhere we can accept everything we read as Truth?

And as far as "weaponizing" this for political gain - that is nothing new, it's been done by both sides for many years and through many administrations. Our elected officials represent the people that elected them - and those people (in fact much of the general public) are PISSED at the government's response to this. If you need proof, check out the public's comments on any one of the WA Dept. of Health's twitter posts. This is the general public's reaction. You can't seriously expect elected officials on both sides to just ignore or sugarcoat the massively bungled response. Of course they're going to pounce - either side of the aisle would do the same, and I think you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise. (FWIW I am neither a Dem or Rep - imho both sides do a lot of repulsive things)
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NH’s 1st Coronavirus Patient, Told to Stay Isolated, Went to Event Instead

Good grief...... "we're all doomed!"

Mostly kidding, but wow, that is absurd! And this is a hospital worker, who should know the gravity of this even more than the average citizen!

I've said it from the beginning: self-isolation will not work very well in the US.
In some countries, I think they fear their government a little more than we do here...
Although I expect we'll be seeing an incredible number of lawsuits stemming from incidents like this. Not only from those he infects, but the facilities he visits, those who are now being ordered to isolate themselves as a result of his willful negligence, etc.

Sounds to me like someone is buying into the theory being pushed that this isn't a serious issue, that it's overblown.... and now the public suffers as a result.
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I've said it from the beginning: self-isolation will not work very well in the US.

Agreed...take the case of the world travelers I mentioned before. They have no concern who they may be infecting (of course, they insist it is just an allergy).

The next 7 days will be telling...more cases will be announced soon. If those that are knowingly walking around (like the person from the story above) dont self isolate, this will force local jurisdictions to impose what level remains to be seen.
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Here's just a little info about what's been going on in China. (Unfortunately since I'm not in Canada I can't watch the linked documentary.)

Documentary captures extreme distress in Wuhan, China

Many people have been forcefully quarantined in their homes. Measures include literally welding their doors shut. (I have seen many videos of this on social media.) Unimaginable.... and I fear greatly for the safety of those people.

There's literally ZERO chance that China's numbers are legit, btw....
Bodies have been cremated immediately, meaning the true numbers will never come out, either.

Also interesting:

China is disinfecting and destroying cash to contain the coronavirus
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Some US Gov recommendations, via

Before a Pandemic

  • Store a two week supply of water and food.
  • Periodically check your regular prescription drugs to ensure a continuous supply in your home.
  • Have any nonprescription drugs and other health supplies on hand, including pain relievers, stomach remedies, cough and cold medicines, fluids with electrolytes, and vitamins.
  • Get copies and maintain electronic versions of health records from doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and other sources and store them, for personal reference. Get help accessing electronic health records.
  • Talk with family members and loved ones about how they would be cared for if they got sick, or what will be needed to care for them in your home.

During a Pandemic

Limit the Spread of Germs and Prevent Infection

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick.
  • Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Practice other good health habits. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.
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Right now you can watch live stream -
Coronavirus Expert, Dr. Fauci, Testifies Before House
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- Sounds like 6 new cases
- Local emergency declared

Unfortunately, it will likely run rampant through the homeless community could easily overwhelm local hospitals.
Unfortunately, it will likely run rampant through the homeless community could easily overwhelm local hospitals.

I'll let you know if any of us see this happen at the Venice Family Clinic - where many patients are in fact homeless.
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