
discuss Looking for action-packed domaining

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Lyrical GangsterUpgraded Member
Hi guys. Like many of you, I quite enjoy domaining. It’s not about getting rich, per se; rather, it’s an exciting & creative outlet — when you can keep your inner addict in check.

That said, I obviously would like to make money at this in time. Right now, I’m mostly looking for action & trying to get a feel for how the game is played.

Is there a venue for those looking to “play” so to speak, with other creatives or thrill-junkies, where buying / selling happens quickly — even at the risk of lower profits? I’ve yet to try holding an auction; is that what’s missing in my life? Thanks in advance.
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@D Haynes — I’m new to the forum but have gotten the impression you might be into this sort of thing. Penny for your thoughts? Thanks.
Hi Molly and welcome to the forum.

Domaining can certainly be an exciting thrill ride. There's no feeling like when you think you've grabbed an absolute bargain in the expired auctions or when you get that congratulations you sold a name email.

The problem is unless you own a huge amount of names your not going to get that feeling too often.

Personally I get just as much if not more joy from searching for and purchasing names as I do selling them. I certainly buy more names than I sell so that makes sense. In fact sometimes I wish I could find more and buy more names than I do.

Unfortunately this isn't the industry where you can get a thrill a minute and generally there isn't a venue where quick buying and selling happens. Maybe here at NPs you can try selling names for a quick turn around but generally speaking this a game of patience. Patience to find a name worth buying for the right price and patience to wait for the right offer to come in to sell.

I totally understand your thrill seeking feelings because I feel them too as I'm sure everyone here does.
I see your site/portfolio is made in partnership with Atom. Can you share how this works and what was the process when you contacted Atom? I was thinking about making my own site, the way you did with them
Hi Molly and welcome to the forum.

Domaining can certainly be an exciting thrill ride. There's no feeling like when you think you've grabbed an absolute bargain in the expired auctions or when you get that congratulations you sold a name email.

The problem is unless you own a huge amount of names your not going to get that feeling too often.

Personally I get just as much if not more joy from searching for and purchasing names as I do selling them. I certainly buy more names than I sell so that makes sense. In fact sometimes I wish I could find more and buy more names than I do.

Unfortunately this isn't the industry where you can get a thrill a minute and generally there isn't a venue where quick buying and selling happens. Maybe here at NPs you can try selling names for a quick turn around but generally speaking this a game of patience. Patience to find a name worth buying for the right price and patience to wait for the right offer to come in to sell.

I totally understand your thrill seeking feelings because I feel them too as I'm sure everyone here does.

Thanks so much for thoughtful note!
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Hi guys. Like many of you, I quite enjoy domaining. It’s not about getting rich, per se; rather, it’s an exciting & creative outlet — when you can keep your inner addict in check.

That said, I obviously would like to make money at this in time. Right now, I’m mostly looking for action & trying to get a feel for how the game is played.

Is there a venue for those looking to “play” so to speak, with other creatives or thrill-junkies, where buying / selling happens quickly — even at the risk of lower profits? I’ve yet to try holding an auction; is that what’s missing in my life? Thanks in advance.

I kinda always thought quick trades of domains between us here could be fun... I think I made post
on it b4... basically we just pistol our folios in plain text... if someone likes your names they reply which ones... then u check their folio and pick ones u like.. once u both have your like lists u try to trade.. can be anything . no rules... one name for 3 names..if u agree both... or 2 names for 5 names plus or minus some cash if u rules.. just trading fun.. this can work because... different folk like different names to different degrees... if iown qtm,co and u own qtm, io... well maybe u like co better and I like io better... so we trade... every happy or happier lol... fun huh... I should totally so this thread heheh

countless options and possibility...
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I kinda always thought quick trades of domains between us here could be fun... I think I made post
on it b4... basically we just pistol our folios in plain text... if someone likes your names they reply which ones... then u check their folio and pick ones u like.. once u both have your like lists u try to trade.. can be anything . no rules... one name for 3 names..if u agree both... or 2 names for 5 names plus or minus some cash if u rules.. just trading fun.. this can work because... different folk like different names to different degrees... if iown qtm,co and u own qtm, io... well maybe u like co better and I like io better... so we trade... every happy or happier lol... fun huh... I should totally so this thread heheh

countless options and possibility...
It’s an interesting idea — in one permutation or another, and definitely worth exploring!
and ps @alcy, in the event it’s helpful - I followed the link in your signature out of curiosity. When I selected buy now, the page wouldn’t load. It may be worth testing yourself.
and ps @alcy, in the event it’s helpful - I followed the link in your signature out of curiosity. When I selected buy now, the page wouldn’t load. It may be worth testing yourself.
tnx lol that's an ancient link.. and ancient things are usually dead heheh... thx no used to show all links.. now its click here to show it... this sucks.
It’s an interesting idea — in one permutation or another, and definitely worth exploring!

great idea imo
I'll post it now. hehhe
Any other ideas? This thread has been viewed over 400 times; surely one of you has something to add.
Bueller? Yes, you. Penny for your thoughts?
Depends largely on how you define action.

Most salespeople will define that as sales.

In that case, you should look into outbound sales. You’re skillful with your words and articulate, so you will excel at outbound once you learn the basics of it.

Luc Biggs (@Federer) has a lot of great content on NamePros about his success with outbound.

Then it’ll just be a matter of trial and error. Tip: You can cut down on your learning costs with domain tasting via grace deletions.

Enjoy the ride!
Depends largely on how you define action.

Most salespeople will define that as sales.

In that case, you should look into outbound sales. You’re skillful with your words and articulate, so you will excel at outbound once you learn the basics of it.

Luc Biggs (@Federer) has a lot of great content on NamePros about his success with outbound.

Then it’ll just be a matter of trial and error. Tip: You can cut down on your learning costs with domain tasting via grace deletions.

Enjoy the ride!

Thanks so much for this, @Bravo Mod Team!
This business has been described as watching paint dry so thrill seekers will be bored silly.

Its all fun and creative until renewal time. Your exuberance will be tempered with experience.

I would suggest to anyone to master the art of finding great names before dropping serious money on domaining. And to never spend more than you can afford to lose.

In jest it has been said often here about the addictive nature of acquiring domains.

Addictions have to be kept in check and in this case grounded in the reality that domaining is not dependable income unless you have an enormous portfolio of good names.

You never know when that next sale will come. The uncertainty and waiting is not what I would call thrilling.
Is there a venue for those looking to “play” so to speak, with other creatives or thrill-junkies, where buying / selling happens quickly — even at the risk of lower profits?
Liquid domains are another perfect representation of what you’ve described, similar to cryptocurrencies or the stock market in some categories.

Among liquid domains, four-letter .com domains are probably the most accessible and active with a low volatility.

Here’s an article by the industry’s foremost expert on this topic:

Lots of action to be had there.

Caution: Rabbit hole. 🐰
Thanks for the topic @Molly M., which has already initiated a number of interesting and insightful comments from our community.

I think anything that could be done to make the market more dynamic, the sell-through rate higher, and more interaction between those who hold domains and those who want them or will use them, or ideally both, is all to the good.

To me, the most dynamic and exciting part is to see a domain name that I had a role in creating, securing. and presenting put into rapid and meaningful end use. I would rather sell 5 domains that get used than 10 that did not get used. Perhaps that is just my point in life, or background, but it is another part of action packed.

Thanks again for the topic.

I really appreciate the tip on grace deletions. And that article was written several years ago; how much longer, do you think, until 5L is where it’s at?

Funny thing is that my first sale (just last week!) was a whopping 13L domain! It has reinvigorated my efforts, though my pocketbook isn’t yet thrilled about that.
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So, perhaps I’m getting desperate in my search for action. (Thanks for the offer, but it’s not that kind of action I’m looking for.)

I’m hoping it’s true that if you build it, they will come. I started my domaining journey telling a story — sharing a message, so to speak, and am trying to stay true to that goal.

What’s it going to take to pique your interest? I’ve tried posting some domains for sale on NP — at a discounted price, but am realizing you’re not the end-market.

A 25% discount off retail price may be meaningful for endusers, but what about you? Is there a max amount you’re willing to spend to acquire domains, or a minimum discount off retail?
Hi @twiki. I saw one of your posts where you describe under-pricing in hopes of quickly moving product. This is a practice I engage in, too — I crave action-packed domaining, so to speak, even if it means lower profits.

I’m wondering, do you use a specific rationale or formula when determining just how low to price? I sometimes worry I’m “devaluing” my domains in the eyes of potential buyers because they’re underpriced. Thanks in advance.”
Downpricing your domains is tricky and risque. You get a bit more adrenaline perhaps, but overall depending on your names, chances are you might bank a loss.

I generally do it only with domains I do not intend to renew, or I am torn about renewal.

It is not a valid overall strategy for most domainers
. Unless you get your domains at registration cost, which I do for most of my domains (they are either drops, or hand regs).

It is especially not valid for selling retail value domains. You only lose by reducing price too much.

I do it for part of my names, that match the criteria above. Generally reducing gradually price before the domain expires.

I'm a discount domainer, but I don't discount much for valuable retail domains.

The trick is to match your domain with what seems to be an affordable price, yet not cheap.
Just believable and a good deal for both you and the seller.

If you discount too much, you actually will hinder sales as it will be perceived as low value by the potential buyer. Yes, it is counter-intuitive perhaps, but that's how the mind of most buyers function.

Edit: In summary: there is always a gap between the Ask and the Offer price (between buyer and seller).

If you do trading, crypto, you likely know about this. A sale is only made if one of the two goes past the gap.

I generally get good sales ratio by making my move across that gap, but not too far. Just to meet where I think buyer perceived price is.

That's how you increase your STR well while still maintaining an overall good ROI. But it depends on the acquisition price of the entire stock, must be cheap enough for this to be worth it.
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Downpricing your domains is tricky and risque. You get a bit more adrenaline perhaps, but overall depending on your names, chances are you might bank a loss.

I generally do it only with domains I do not intend to renew, or I am torn about renewal.

It is not a valid overall strategy for most domainers
. Unless you get your domains at registration cost, which I do for most of my domains (they are either drops, or hand regs).

It is especially not valid for selling retail value domains. You only lose by reducing price too much.

I do it for part of my names, that match the criteria above. Generally reducing gradually price before the domain expires.

I'm a discount domainer, but I don't discount much for valuable retail domains.

The trick is to match your domain with what seems to be an affordable price, yet not cheap.
Just believable and a good deal for both you and the seller.

If you discount too much, you actually will hinder sales as it will be perceived as low value by the potential buyer. Yes, it is counter-intuitive perhaps, but that's how the mind of most buyers function.

Edit: In summary: there is always a gap between the Ask and the Offer price (between buyer and seller).

If you do trading, crypto, you likely know about this. A sale is only made if one of the two goes past the gap.

I generally get good sales ratio by making my move across that gap, but not too far. Just to meet where I think buyer perceived price is.

That's how you increase your STR well while still maintaining an overall good ROI. But it depends on the acquisition price of the entire stock, must be cheap enough for this to be worth it.
Thanks for this, @twiki. Do you tend to use BIN, or make offer, more if you know it’s a domain you’re willing to part with on the cheap? I would imagine BIN, but it seems like many sales occur within the domaining community, who seems hellbent on buying dirt cheap — even if I’m listing 10-25% of retail pricing.
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