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I am new to BrandBucket. Before getting my hands on this

I wish to experience about brandbucket from my fellow members

Thanks :)
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Just upload a few logos on a pretty page. They don't need a 'very large portfolio'. It really is that easy.

You appear to be forgetting that the current logo designers don't get paid until the domain sells. If the domain doesn't sell, they don't get paid at all, period.
@DoumB21 Any logo designer could come up with a design to any specifications, format, size etc...are you telling me the entrants who bid for jobs in the logo design section of this forum couldn't do that?...and they charge less than half of BB with excellent quality designs IMHO.

All I say is that BB can control logo quality and especially consistency easier by having the same group of designers that know what BB expect. Having to deal with images received from designers from everywhere is not ideal. Especially on Fiverr where we find a lot of "improvised designers" doing a job that is really not worth more than 5$.
@DoumB21 And all I'm saying is that it would be nice having another option other than to pay upto $500 for a logo. The design format, size and specifications needed by BB could be posted in their FAQ for sellers and they could review each domain as they do with the domain names, whilst us the seller would pay $25-$50 for the privilege of using the service, the money would go direct to BB and so would be more than enough to compensate the extra time need.

The system would also work out quicker in many respects as we the sellers would be uploading a logo at the same time as submitting the domain name after it being accepted...e.g. not having to wait up to a week for the design to be done by a third party. Like I said many times previously it's just an idea!

This is getting boring subject anyone?
One of my domain is listed on BB but they uploaded its garbage logo and because of that bad logo they used its not selling, i contacted them several times and gave them the logo which i designed but they don't want to use my logo which is Hundred times better then what they are using.

I also told them that if its about to pay the designer fee who designed current logo then no problem i will still pay him when domain sells but please upload my logo which they once again refused.
See this logo i created and its 100 times better then what they created!

Seeking your answers on this matter.
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All I say is that BB can control logo quality and especially consistency easier by having the same group of designers that know what BB expect. Having to deal with images received from designers from everywhere is not ideal. Especially on Fiverr where we find a lot of "improvised designers" doing a job that is really not worth more than 5$.

Same issue, their logo quality is extremely bad, you can also see my above reply on this matter.
Indeed their logo is not very nice.
One thing you should do is reduce the price by 5$. Common marketing stuff. It would make the domain much more appealing.
Just upload a few logos on a pretty page. They don't need a 'very large portfolio'. It really is that easy.

this what I was going to say too. i think there might be a difference of opinion on what "Large Portfolio" means. When I read that, and if I wanted to use my own logos, I would simply take a few from prior jobs and put them up as my portfolio. My guess is that they would approve you as long as the logos were truly appropriate and professional. I doubt that you would be rejected for an inadequate quantity. Honestly, until you try it, you are just assuming it won't work.

I actually think its a really good idea and may do it myself. I have a relationship with 2 people on Fiverr that I always use, you probably do too. They would be thrilled to be connected to BB and make $100 or whatever their cut is. In exchange I would just ask them to select my names and I would email them as soon as one was ready.
To be fair, I don't like either...but if you don't like a logo it seems unfair to be forced to stick with it...most designers, even at fiverr or PPH will do up to three revisions for free based on your feedback.
Indeed their logo is not very nice.
One thing you should do is reduce the price by 5$. Common marketing stuff. It would make the domain much more appealing.

Thanks for the Tip, i'll do it now.
Is it possible that this name can sell with the logo they are using?
One of my domain is listed on BB but they uploaded its garbage logo and because of that bad logo they used its not selling, i contacted them several times and gave them the logo which i designed but they don't want to use my logo which is Hundred times better then what they are using.

I also told them that if its about to pay the designer fee who designed current logo then no problem i will still pay him when domain sells but please upload my logo which they once again refused.
See this logo i created and its 100 times better then what they created!

Seeking your answers on this matter.
It's not selling because of logo?!?!?!?! C'mon guys!! This thread is geting ridiculous.
If you have good domain it will sell. With or without BB. End of story.
@cocaseco I understand that what you're saying but my point is that it would be disingenuous to do that after they've clearly stated that you may be excepted only if " are a professional designer with a strong logo design portfolio, we can consider you to join the community, and then you'll be able to upload your own logos for your own domain names."

Now if you feel fine about being dishonest and trying to circumnavigate the rules then great, I'm not sure what BB would have to say if every domainer suddenly became a logo "designer" over night but my point is that there should be another way so that this would not have to be the case...
It's there right now for free...

Edited: Never mind. You seem determined to argue about wanting your own logo from Fiverr but I'm not even sure who you expect to pay for it so I'll leave you to your own fury.
Thanks for the Tip, i'll do it now.
Is it possible that this name can sell with the logo they are using?

Absolutely. But this name is really niche market. It reduces the number of possible buyers. You have to wait for the right one.
@JimJammy Please go back and read my last post, then re-read it...and again until you understand. thanks
One of my domain is listed on BB but they uploaded its garbage logo and because of that bad logo they used its not selling, i contacted them several times and gave them the logo which i designed but they don't want to use my logo which is Hundred times better then what they are using.

I also told them that if its about to pay the designer fee who designed current logo then no problem i will still pay him when domain sells but please upload my logo which they once again refused.
See this logo i created and its 100 times better then what they created!

Seeking your answers on this matter.

IMO...Your logo looks nothing like BB's other logos. In other words... it doest fit in. You are doing too much. Maybe without the icon next to the logo it would fit in more. However i do agree when i first saw your domain on BB my first though was, why didn't they put the line threw the SS like $$. So i do like that about your logo, but i like their colors better.

@Yousaf Saeed .... you need a reality check!... "garbage logo and because of that bad logo they used its not selling" <--- your words. This domain has only been on BB for a VERY short time, you need to learn some patience! Its insulting you called the logo designers art GARBAGE! and it insulting you blame the designer because the domain didn't sell ASAP... how long has it even been?

Its one thing to say you don't like the logo they picked, but to call it a garbage logo is just disrespectful.
@JimJammy OK it seems pretty obvious that English isn't your first language by way of the quote below:

Edited: Never mind. You seem determined to argue about wanting your own logo from Fiverr but I'm not even sure who you expect to pay for it so I'll leave you to your own fury.

My suggestion is to re-read the posts in their entirety from the beginning and listen to my argument. We're really not getting anywhere with this.
@Jahfree i take my words back and i am new to this business so i maybe mistaken but what i was about to say is i didn't like that design :) I'm not disrespecting skilled logo designers even common people asks for many revisions of a logo if they dosen't like it. Yes, i accept saying it "Garbage" was hardest part i said and i take my words back.

Kindly see this link and you will see i have got 50+ designs of the same logo and each one is so good and i sent this link to BB too so they can select any logo from there and i'll pay for it but they refused.

Its been 5 Months domain is listed there.
I must be patient :)
Really sorry if i hurt anyone with my words, taken back already :)
@cocaseco I understand that what you're saying but my point is that it would be disingenuous to do that after they've clearly stated that you may be excepted only if " are a professional designer with a strong logo design portfolio, we can consider you to join the community, and then you'll be able to upload your own logos for your own domain names."

Now if you feel fine about being dishonest and trying to circumnavigate the rules then great, I'm not sure what BB would have to say if every domainer suddenly became a logo "designer" over night but my point is that there should be another way so that this would not have to be the case...

You are absolutely right. I tend to look at rules like this as suggestions, not hard facts. But I'm definitely a "beg forgiveness vs ask permission" type guy. I interpreted what they said as a guideline aimed at keeping the riff raff out, not aimed at stopping what you are trying to do. But still, until someone tries it, we are all just guessing.
@Jahfree One more thing i want to mention here is "Quality Control".
Art must have its own respect and if its not good enough then it must be called as a garbage because it is of no use as it is unable to define the theme/niche of your name/product.

So art must have to be made in a way that deserves respect :)
Please don't mind with my words, i'm just being practical.
You can see the quality work on link i sent in my above reply.
That is called the "Quality Art Samples"

@cocaseco I agree, but why would anyone choose to be a guinea pig to test the rules. I mean lets say you decide to test the rules and try it out,to see what happens then get banned from BB for breaking the rules...think i'd rather wait to see what happens to others then maybe go down this route.

Brand Bucket Terms and conditions

Section 6

(b) you will not impersonate or misrepresent your association with any person or entity; you will not forge or otherwise seek to conceal or misrepresent the origin of any content provided by you;
@Jahfree One more thing i want to mention here is "Quality Control".
Art must have its own respect and if its not good enough then it must be called as a garbage because it is of no use as it is unable to define the theme/niche of your name/product.

So art must have to be made in a way that deserves respect :)
Please don't mind with my words, i'm just being practical.
You can see the quality work on link i sent in my above reply.
That is called the "Quality Art Samples"

Those are all worse than Brand Bucket's logo.
@cocaseco I agree, but why would anyone choose to be a guinea pig to test the rules. I mean lets say you decide to test the rules and try it out,to see what happens then get banned from BB for breaking the rules...think i'd rather wait to see what happens to others then maybe go down this route.

Brand Bucket Terms and conditions

Section 6

(b) you will not impersonate or misrepresent your association with any person or entity; you will not forge or otherwise seek to conceal or misrepresent the origin of any content provided by you;

Then tell them that when you make your application!

"Here is a selection of logos by my logo designer...I would like to use my logo designers images on my accepted domains".

You are just looking for an argument.
@JimJammy Please stop trolling now, its getting boring.
You want to upload logos that you buy from Fiverr. I've spent time and been descriptive in explaining to you how to make an application to do that and you've done nothing but be rude to me, complaining about my language and calling me names.

Who is the troll here exactly?
I have stated on many posts that I believe that is against the terms of conditions of BB. I have not only quoted relevant passages from their TOS but also from their sellers FAQ. I have on more than one occasion explained that i actually don't have an issue with the fee but I would like another option to upload one as I don't believe i am allowed to currently as i am not a professional logo designer.

I assumed that English wasn't your first language as my arguments and proposals have been clear and concise and that to misunderstand/misinterpret some very basic ideas and concepts means this would have had to have been the case. If it is then no problem, your English is far better than my knowledge of your native tongue so no harm done.
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