
alert Beware of greedy member

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DomainsWeb.comTop Member
Hi everyone,

Beware of this new member who created this thread

I discussed with him about some of his domains and he agreed to sell some of his domains and kept changing his stance multiple times on selling those domains, availability and prices as well. I've blocked this guy at WhatsApp and wanted to inform you guys to avoid dealing with this cheap and greedy person.

It's a risk to do business with him. You never know that you'll pay the agreed amount + escrow fees and later he backs out, you'll end up losing at least the escrow fees and your valuable time.

Thanks for reading and be careful whom to deal with around.
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Thank you. He became frustrated when I told him that I no longer owned greener days and couldn't sell it to him.

When we started discussing what the deal could look like without this domain, and that I was unwilling to sell demonsoft <200, he called me greedy, blocked me, and decided to go public.
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No... more importantly would be whether or not you officially agreed to sell him the domain for $165.

Put speculation to rest, and post the chat logs for full transparency,
He agreed to sell it for $165 and went silent for a couple of days or so and came back again by saying that now the price is $800 for this xyzdomain domain because I've received another. How can you entertain any other offer when you've agreed to sell that domain to me.

I'm not here to clarify this again and again but sharing it once last time to you because you mentioned that more importantly it would be better or not he agreed to sell. So yes, he agreed to sell and backtracked on some other domains as well and when he did the same thing multiple times, that's when I said enough is enough, I can't deal with this person.
We never agreed on anything. This was the most recent email that he sent to me, that I never replied to in email because it had two issues:

1: I dont even own greenerdays anymore

2: demonsoft had received multiple offers and I didnt want to sell it

Is there a problem with that?

When I told him that I lost greener days he said "I will only move forward when you have all the domains" or something of that sort. I replied and told him that he's either 1. being rude, or 2. not interested in the deal (because if he was really in the domain business for 15 years, he'd know that an expired domain is lost)

He reassured me that it was a miscommunication, but when I told him I didnt want to sell demonsoft, he went off on a rip calling me greedy and now publicly slandering my name. This is what happened.

Sounds like everything was still in negotiations, and nothing was ever finalized?

I mean heck, is trying to claim that he had a binding agreement before he even received the sellers information? Then instead of saving the binding chatlog agreement, he decides to block/delete the evidence, and opts to post this slanderous warning thread instead? JFC!
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Absolutely shameful.

Got a relative who just died? Inherited a bunch of domains that you don't know their worth? Feel like being taken advantage of, then name shamed if you don't agree to being taken advantage of, then contact the wolf in pro's clothing: Abdul Basit "
He agreed to sell it for $165 and went silent for a couple of days or so and came back again by saying that now the price is $800 for this xyzdomain domain because I've received another. How can you entertain any other offer when you've agreed to sell that domain to me.

I'm not here to clarify this again and again but sharing it once last time to you because you mentioned that more importantly it would be better or not he agreed to sell. So yes, he agreed to sell and backtracked on some other domains as well and when he did the same thing multiple times, that's when I said enough is enough, I can't deal with this person.

Thanks for clarifying, but was this thread/indexing somebodies name in search engines really warranted for this situation?

Seems like some water needs to be thrown on these flames, and put this thread to rest, starting with the title of this thread. None of this seems very professional.

I hope you two can resolve this amicably.
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@jberryhill Does this qualify under legal definition as slander?
There are no chat logs after he blocked me
Since I blocked you, no chat logs are available to me but it must be available to you.

Also since you've shared the email communication, why not share WhatsApp communication and let everyone decide. You're such a liar by saying the chat logs are not available as I blocked you.

To everyone, this person agreed to sell for $165 along with other domains and later when he received $800 offer, he backtracked it.
None of this provides both sides of the conversation. The only thing in question is what was said to make Abdul believe an offer had been agreed to in writing. I for one would like to see the conversation in its entirety although I understand if its not available because of Whats App.
You're such a liar by saying the chat logs are not available as I blocked you.

I'm unfamilar with WhatsApp, but google gemini seems to agree that the chat logs would still be available:

Prompt: What happens to chatlogs in whatsapp when somebody blocks you?

When someone blocks you on WhatsApp, the chat log itself remains on your phone. However:
    • You can't send new messages to them. Any messages you try to send will show only one checkmark (sent) and never a second (delivered).
    • You can't see their profile picture updates. Their profile picture will remain the same as it was when they blocked you.
    • You can't see their online status or last seen. Their online status and last seen information will be hidden from you.
    • You can't see any changes they make to their profile. This includes changes to their name, status, or about information.
    • If you were part of a group with them, you will still see their messages in the group chat.
    [*]Essentially, blocking on WhatsApp is a one-sided action that prevents you from interacting with the person who blocked you, but it doesn't delete the chat history on either side.

    You can find more information here:
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Since I blocked you, no chat logs are available to me but it must be available to you.

Also since you've shared the email communication, why not share WhatsApp communication and let everyone decide. You're such a liar by saying the chat logs are not available as I blocked you.

To everyone, this person agreed to sell for $165 along with other domains and later when he received $800 offer, he backtracked it.
I deleted it the second you blocked me, and decided to move on with my life.

Unfortunately, you wanted to be petty with someone mourning the loss of a relative. I wouldn't have known about this thread unless people didnt email me about it.
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@jberryhill Does this qualify under legal definition as slander?

Where is the goFundJohn that one can donate to everytime @jberryhill is tagged on namePros?

It'd probably be a drop in the bucket of his true worth, but I'd donate!

Gemini Prompt: Is a beware of thread on the public internet considered slanderous?

Answer: A "beware of" thread on the public internet could be considered slanderous or defamatory if it meets certain criteria:
  1. False Statement: The statements made in the thread must be false. Truth is a defense against defamation claims.
  2. Published: The statements must be published, meaning communicated to a third party. Posting on the internet satisfies this requirement.
  3. Injury: The statements must cause harm to the reputation of the person or entity they are about. This could include damage to their personal or professional life.
  4. Identification: The statements must identify the person or entity they are about, either directly or indirectly.
  5. Fault: Depending on the jurisdiction and the status of the person being defamed (public figure vs. private individual), there may be different standards for fault. For public figures, the statement must be made with actual malice (knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard for the truth). For private individuals, the standard may be negligence.
If a "beware of" thread meets all of these criteria, it could be considered defamatory. However, there are also some defenses that could be raised, such as:
  • Opinion: Statements of opinion are generally protected speech, as long as they are not based on false facts.
  • Hyperbole: Exaggerated or figurative language that no reasonable person would believe to be true is generally not considered defamatory.
  • Truth: As mentioned above, truth is an absolute defense against defamation claims.
Whether a particular "beware of" thread is considered defamatory will depend on the specific facts and circumstances of the case. If you are concerned that a thread may be defamatory, you should consult with an attorney.
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None of this provides both sides of the conversation. The only thing in question is what was said to make Abdul believe an offer had been agreed to in writing. I for one would like to see the conversation in its entirety although I understand if its not available because of Whats App.
Most of the conversation has happened via WhatsApp and I wish I knew in advance that if I'll block him, the communication would be gone entirely at my end. Otherwise he would not have any grounds to talk all these lies.

Also he is lying that he has no chat logs of WhatsApp because as far I'm aware, WhatsApp chat logs remains available for the person who is blocked by someone so he must have it. If he has the courage, then he should share all the chat logs.
None of this provides both sides of the conversation. The only thing in question is what was said to make Abdul believe an offer had been agreed to in writing. I for one would like to see the conversation in its entirety although I understand if its not available because of Whats App.
It doesn't matter if he believed that he had an agreement in writing if I didnt even own all of the domains in the agreement -- so of course we had to revisit the agreement and negotiate again!?

I will admit, that it was my mistake, providing a list that had some lost domains, but this is where I WILL use my inexperience as an excuse. Imagine immediately taking upon a 60k/yr expense business portfolio while doing a PhD and working for multiple startups. The spreadsheets are a disaster. Have some compassion.
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Most of the conversation has happened via WhatsApp and I wish I knew in advance that if I'll block him, the communication would be gone entirely at my end. Otherwise he would not have any grounds to talk all these lies.

Also he is lying that he has no chat logs of WhatsApp because as far I'm aware, WhatsApp chat logs remains available for the person who is blocked by someone so he must have it. If he has the courage, then he should share all the chat logs.
Abdul. How are you this dense and petty? I had the same option to block you too, which I did.
••• What outcome do you expect out of this thread? Is it just to open a can of worms that hurts someone reputation or do you expect him to sell any domain you want at the pricing you want after opening this thread?

I agreed to a deal that I couldn't make, because I didnt own the domain "greenerdays". That was my mistake. I owned up to it, and you became frustrated.

This is entirely uncalled for.
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I'm unfamilar with WhatsApp, but google gemini seems to agree that the chat logs would still be available:

Prompt: What happens to chatlogs in whatsapp when somebody blocks you?

When someone blocks you on WhatsApp, the chat log itself remains on your phone. However:
  • You can't send new messages to them. Any messages you try to send will show only one checkmark (sent) and never a second (delivered).
  • You can't see their profile picture updates. Their profile picture will remain the same as it was when they blocked you.
  • You can't see their online status or last seen. Their online status and last seen information will be hidden from you.
  • You can't see any changes they make to their profile. This includes changes to their name, status, or about information.
  • If you were part of a group with them, you will still see their messages in the group chat.
Essentially, blocking on WhatsApp is a one-sided action that prevents you from interacting with the person who blocked you, but it doesn't delete the chat history on either side.

You can find more information here:

Now this liar is caught red-handed. Read his previous statement where he said "There are no chat logs after he blocked me".

Now he is saying "I deleted it the second you blocked me".

See the contradiction is his statements.

The first one means that the chat logs were deleted automatically as soon as I blocked him. In his second statement, he is agreeing that he deleted chat logs.
Opinion: Statements of opinion are generally protected speech
Exactly and someone is entitled to the opinion someone is greedy. Doesn't mean they are right but entitled to the opinion.
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I agreed to a deal that I couldn't make, because I didnt own the domain "greenerdays". That was my mistake. I owned up to it, and you became frustrated.

This is entirely uncalled for.
This is nothing connected with greenerdays so don't act innocent here. You agreed to sell demonsoft .com for $165 and later you backtracked.

Now this liar is caught red-handed. Read his previous statement where he said "There are no chat logs after he blocked me".

Now he is saying "I deleted it the second you blocked me".

See the contradiction is his statements.

The first one means that the chat logs were deleted automatically as soon as I blocked him. In his second statement, he is agreeing that he deleted chat logs.

Except if he also blocked you, that might very well explain why he is also missing the chat logs...

Again I ask, what's it going to take to bring this to an amicable resolution?

Now this liar is caught red-handed. Read his previous statement where he said "There are no chat logs after he blocked me".

Now he is saying "I deleted it the second you blocked me".

See the contradiction is his statements.

The first one means that the chat logs were deleted automatically as soon as I blocked him. In his second statement, he is agreeing that he deleted chat logs.
Abdul what did happen in the conversation when he told you he no longer owned the name Thank you
@matthewpataki This could hurt your chance of selling on here, I hope the right thing is done. Sounds like nothing was in escrow. And he's entitled to opinion but didn't need to share it with 1+ million people.
Well I thought I saw the most bizarre response to a fallen sale with the Sedo debacle and now Abdul comes in guns blazing and this is now looking very playschool yard.

Do people need to go into detention?

Firstly the thread title and the claims made are libellous and I would recommend Matthew get a lawyer and start legal proceedings against Abdul if he doesn't remove the title.

Abdul you are honestly taking the absolute .... - first you tried it on then got angry because he sold it to someone else for a fair price. Stop being so pathetic and before you say it I really am not jealous of you. Trust me far from the truth.

Further, if Matthew takes you to court this message can be used in a court of law with my permission that Abdul was warned and told to remove this thread.
@matthewpataki This could hurt your chance of selling on here, I hope the right thing is done. Sounds like nothing was in escrow. And he's entitled to opinion but didn't need to share it with 1+ million people.
I can assure you that I am no longer going to be posting on domainer forums. Im grateful for the connections I made
T What outcome do you expect out of this thread? Is it just to open a can of worms that hurts someone reputation or do you expect him to sell any domain you want at the pricing you want after opening this thread?
The purpose of sharing is my experience with this person and other fellow members to deal with him accordingly if they still want to deal with him. That's it.
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