
alert Beware of Sharks

Spaceship Spaceship

Chris Hydrick

.Top Member
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I thought people keep saying these domains were rubbish yet they were clamouring to get them
all but predicted something like this would happen:

@Kingslayer using his wizards to look into the future!

it's not so much about predicting the future,
but knowing or seeing what has happened in past situations.

this is not the first time :poop: like this has happened, it's just that it was publicized, rather than a discovery.
just saying...

anytime a "newbie" or new person who has no knowledge of "the game", comes in with a similar situation/subject that presents an opportunity to be taken advantage of, by those who will take advantage, then that's what will happen.
it's human nature and applies to all facets of life and business.

Was there any need then to publicise that Abdul was upset and crying over losing his bids?

Millionaire Domain Investor Answers Your Questions in DOMAINX Live 2020, Abdulbasit Makrani - Part 4​

If he is a millionaire why is he crying over 2 domain names?
I find his behaviour and the behaviour of his devotees extremely odd
I don’t know Abdul’s story too well, ie:- background, I don’t think he become a millionaire through domain investing, I may be wrong but don’t think Abdul is involved in ultra-premiums (ie 6 figure+ assets), I think Abdul success has been selling domains for $10k-$30k range.

I don’t think he has any ‘devotees’ as such, but I think there may be people in middle-eastern nations who look up to him, people who relate and see themselves in him, see what he's achieved, think they can do that and that’s great and what domains is all about, people from all backgrounds can quite easy buy a domain reg fee to $1000 (which I think Abdul likes to do) and if it sells $10k-$30k it can change a life even in western countries, in less developed nations that amount of money is amplified even more.

Anyway a line should be drawn under this now; thread titles have been changed and indexing will clear eventually and I think both sides have moved on now – Everyone makes mistakes, it’s about learning and hope Abdul acknowledges he made a mistake (even if not publically) and thinks twice before attempting destroy someone’s name (life) in the future, a deal falling through/someone changing their mind on price during negotiations is not a valid reason for this in my opinion.
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"You learn in this business: If you want a friend, get a dog." 🐕 -- Carl Icahn
The Influence of Cultural Differences on International Trade Practices

Communication Styles and Etiquette​

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful international trade. However, cultural differences can greatly impact communication styles and norms. Directness versus indirectness, hierarchical versus egalitarian communication, and the use of non-verbal cues can vary across cultures. For instance, in some cultures, explicit communication and assertiveness are valued, while in others, a more indirect and subtle approach is preferred. Understanding these differences can help businesses adapt their communication styles to build rapport and avoid misunderstandings.

Negotiation and Decision-Making​

Negotiation styles also differ across cultures. Some cultures emphasize building personal relationships and trust before engaging in business negotiations, while others focus on efficiency and the bottom line. Decision-making processes can vary as well, with some cultures favoring consensus and collective decision-making, while others rely on hierarchical structures and individual decision-makers. Adapting negotiation strategies to align with cultural norms can lead to more successful outcomes and foster long-term partnerships.

Business Ethics and Practices​

Cultural differences also influence business ethics and practices. Perceptions of ethical behavior, bribery and corruption, intellectual property rights, and corporate social responsibility can vary across cultures. For example, gift-giving may be an accepted practice in some cultures, while it could be seen as bribery in others. Understanding the ethical standards and legal frameworks in each market is essential to ensure compliance and maintain business integrity.

Consumer Preferences and Market Demands​

Cultural differences significantly shape consumer preferences and market demands. Taste, lifestyle, religious beliefs, and cultural traditions influence consumer behavior and purchasing decisions. Products and marketing strategies may need to be adapted to cater to specific cultural preferences. Localization of products, packaging, branding, and advertising campaigns can enhance market acceptance and competitiveness.

Relationship Building and Trust​

In many cultures, building relationships and trust is a fundamental aspect of conducting business. Personal connections and networks play a crucial role in international trade, especially in relationship-oriented cultures. Investing time and effort in cultivating relationships and demonstrating respect for local customs and traditions can contribute to building trust and long-term business partnerships.

> source

(Focus on selling, marketing vs drumming)

Your objective is to make namepros look bad until they submit to your demands
Go sit in front of a university somewhere and hold a protest.
Your doing good job of making namepros look like fecal matter, keep it up


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The Influence of Cultural Differences on International Trade Practices

Communication Styles and Etiquette​

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful international trade. However, cultural differences can greatly impact communication styles and norms. Directness versus indirectness, hierarchical versus egalitarian communication, and the use of non-verbal cues can vary across cultures. For instance, in some cultures, explicit communication and assertiveness are valued, while in others, a more indirect and subtle approach is preferred. Understanding these differences can help businesses adapt their communication styles to build rapport and avoid misunderstandings.

Negotiation and Decision-Making​

Negotiation styles also differ across cultures. Some cultures emphasize building personal relationships and trust before engaging in business negotiations, while others focus on efficiency and the bottom line. Decision-making processes can vary as well, with some cultures favoring consensus and collective decision-making, while others rely on hierarchical structures and individual decision-makers. Adapting negotiation strategies to align with cultural norms can lead to more successful outcomes and foster long-term partnerships.

Business Ethics and Practices​

Cultural differences also influence business ethics and practices. Perceptions of ethical behavior, bribery and corruption, intellectual property rights, and corporate social responsibility can vary across cultures. For example, gift-giving may be an accepted practice in some cultures, while it could be seen as bribery in others. Understanding the ethical standards and legal frameworks in each market is essential to ensure compliance and maintain business integrity.

Consumer Preferences and Market Demands​

Cultural differences significantly shape consumer preferences and market demands. Taste, lifestyle, religious beliefs, and cultural traditions influence consumer behavior and purchasing decisions. Products and marketing strategies may need to be adapted to cater to specific cultural preferences. Localization of products, packaging, branding, and advertising campaigns can enhance market acceptance and competitiveness.

Relationship Building and Trust​

In many cultures, building relationships and trust is a fundamental aspect of conducting business. Personal connections and networks play a crucial role in international trade, especially in relationship-oriented cultures. Investing time and effort in cultivating relationships and demonstrating respect for local customs and traditions can contribute to building trust and long-term business partnerships.

> source

(Focus on selling, marketing vs drumming)

Completely agree
Were all pissing into the wind until we see the actual chat records. Remember the old saying

Make an informed decision on data
Your objective is to make namepros look bad until they submit to your demands
Go sit in front of a university somewhere and hold a protest.
Your doing good job of making namepros look like fecal matter, keep it up
No I think you are doing that yourself.

PS I don't live in USA and never have done. Wrong country amigo
You are so agreeable when someone says something you like. 🤗
Were all pissing into the wind until we see the actual chat records. Remember the old saying

Make an informed decision on data
MP shared some but conveniently Abdul the millionaire lost his
Well as Abdul disagreed with and disliked my post without giving a reason, which I thought was a complimentary post, one can only assume he still thinks he’s in the right, so with that, just want to make it clear publically (so can always go back to this post if need be) due to the risk of dealing with Abdul if a deal falls through/even negotiating on a potential deal and how he cannot be trusted with people’s personal information.

I will never knowingly do business with this guy (buying or selling) and if i discover Abdul is the owner of a domain I’m trying to buy or is the one trying to buy any of my assets, all offers/bids/BIN's are void.
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"You learn in this business: If you want a friend, get a dog." 🐕 -- Carl Icahn

Whatever happened to if you wanted a friend, you should join namePros?

Can't we just delete both of these threads and erase this madness?

Or must we be pitted against one another, like:

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Can't we just delete both of these threads and erase this madness?

Buying and Selling stress is always inevitable, especially if/when brain get a panic attack ... perceptual hijacking...& establishes causal effect called: Assumption. Lately, a lot of assumptions hitting the NPs.


Millionaire Domain Investor Answers Your Questions in DOMAINX Live 2020, Abdulbasit Makrani - Part 4​

If he is a millionaire why is he crying over 2 domain names?

I'm not actively participating in these two threads because I was uninterested.
I randomly clicked on this Thread and read it since it was not much to read—only two Pages.
Thus i even didn't knew who is mentioned, because the Names were already removed.

I'm not a Fanboy or anything Business-related with the user mentioned (don't Tag him) because of Indexing.

The only things I want to point out about this Video are:

  • I saw those Videos (tagged here) the first time, and I am currently playing the one that is tagged here
  • Besides the things that are in Chat, he is (seems to be) a very humble, helpful and respectful person
  • Those things you can't get by only reading the Chat
  • I understand his language since i speak the language fluently - the things he says seem to be insightful & kind
  • Of course, he can be the biggest liar in the world—the German Wirecard AG CxO, who committed the biggest fraud in German Stock Market History, seemed to be trustworthy as well, as did the former and actual German Chancellor.
  • I do want to compare him with J.M. from Wirecard AG, but to mention
  • Everything he mentioned (A.B.) in this Video, seems legit out of his experience, answering in-depth Questions on his way on how to Domain - which might be useless for others, but also helpful for Newbies (For example: Explaining how to Negotiate in Domaining)

I have just two things that are negative from my point of view related to this video are:
  • He says that he usually does not participate in NamePros Auctions because of personal reasons since he does not prefer many Domains provided here (like Junk Domains). But this is something we experience and might be subjective and might have changed after 4 years
  • For a professional presentation, my consultant's heart is bleeding while seeing the slides (optic)

Final thoughts: Tagging this Video doesn't say anything about his net worth, nor does it mention it in this Video.
I don't know who uploaded this Video. So that's not an indicator. By the way, A millionaire could also be in any currency :)))
But one other point, I think I mentioned here, I guess:
One day, I was at the airport terminal, and an income millionaire from my old company was with me. He wanted to buy something to drink when he saw the prices of the water, which was about 5x more expensive than water would usually cost. He did not buy it. He said after I asked him why he didn't buy it:
"Why should i support this? Its surreal pricing and also abusing the fact, that you are not able to bring your water from outside to the gate, thus i will not buy this overpriced water".

I think the point I want to make is clear: Everybody has their moral compass/standards. I probably don't cry about 2 Domains; he does. And in the end, it's about business; nobody wants to get fooled (I don't know anything about this topic, but that's a generic sentence).

Before I sent this message again, I had no business relationship with A.B.
A few days ago, I did not even know he existed. :xf.grin:
So, I'm only sharing my opinion based on the video, my interpretation, how ugly the slides are, etc.

There are "financial quotes" in Germany; one of them is dumb as hell, but it is the truth:
Geld haben kommt von Geld behalten
"Having money comes from keeping money." To have wealth, you need to manage it wisely.

That being said, have a great week.

Kind regards,
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