
alert Beware of greedy member

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DomainsWeb.comTop Member
Hi everyone,

Beware of this new member https://www.namepros.com/members/matthewpataki.1069608 who created this thread https://www.namepros.com/threads/inherited-a-lot-of-domains-2500-looking-for-guidance.1325155

I discussed with him about some of his domains and he agreed to sell some of his domains and kept changing his stance multiple times on selling those domains, availability and prices as well. I've blocked this guy at WhatsApp and wanted to inform you guys to avoid dealing with this cheap and greedy person.

It's a risk to do business with him. You never know that you'll pay the agreed amount + escrow fees and later he backs out, you'll end up losing at least the escrow fees and your valuable time.

Thanks for reading and be careful whom to deal with around.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
what harm, please explain ... the post won't devalue the sellers domain names, it won't keep people who want to purchase the names from entering into negotiations with the seller, for example, if i were interested in what the seller has, i personally would contact them, if i liked the names and were able to come to an agreement on price, i would buy the names, however, after the post, i would probably be aware about negotiations with the said seller, nothing more
You're wrong here, if you openly mention someone real name and try to indexed on google because you are eager to revenge and this can damage his future life, this little mistake can ruined his entire life like: employment, etc.

I don't think this's a big issue and abdul basit have no right to damage a person reputation that who is doing domaining side hustle
I think I found why you two were mistaken:

There was once a member here named @PugDomains before he changed his username to @DomainGist.

BUT... the main difference here, besides the fact they're completely two separate people, is I believe @pugdomains (now @DomainGist) is/was from the UK whereas @pugdogdomains and @IdentityDots are from the USA

to the real Pugdomains, and Matt my apologies about mistaken the two members.
Sleep well to the real pugdomains and my apologies to Matt for me mistaking your uncle with the OP
You're wrong here, if you openly mention someone real name and try to indexed on google because you are eager to revenge and this can damage his future life, this little mistake can ruined his entire life like: employment, etc.

I don't think this's a big issue and abdul basit have no right to damage a person reputation that who is doing domaining side hustle
Oh look another newbie who knows it all and went straight to Basit threads upon arrival. Mods need to clean house.

Other entities have joined just to get in these threads. One big coincidence. I think not.
Oh look another newbie who knows it all and went straight to Basit threads upon arrival. Mods need to clean house.

Other entities have joined just to get in these threads. One big coincidence. I think not.
Thats exactly what i wrote in the other Thread, quite obvious.
I don't care about A.B. - he is just a random user to me, but this is clearly a sign of fake account

Oh look another newbie who knows it all and went straight to Basit threads upon arrival. Mods need to clean house.

Other entities have joined just to get in these threads. One big coincidence. I think not.
I have freedom to express my views on this thread and fyi i'm not joined namepros for only for this post, just check my joining date....Thanks
Thats exactly what i wrote in the other Thread, quite obvious.
I don't care about A.B. - he is just a random user to me, but this is clearly a sign of fake account


I'm hoping this isn't the prologue to another Beware of member thread.

The purpose of sharing is my experience with this person and other fellow members to deal with him accordingly if they still want to deal with him. That's it.
All you've posted are allegations. There are no screenshots or anything like that to verify the story.
Even weirder that mods would close the original thread shortly after namePros blogger @Acroplex had included that thread as the top topic of the week for that week.


A nP blogger promoting Matt's original thread one day after he joined nP and posted it, thus pouring more eyes on the thread, yet because namePros couldn't properly moderate the harassment Matt was receiving from other members, nP just opted to close the thread themselves?? ... Or the reason why nP closed Matt's original thread was???

Chris - On weekends, I peruse the forum's most active threads for the week and put together a summary of 5 links to posts, based purely on my own POV of what is "interesting." I thought at the time that an unfortunate event, such as the passing of a relative, would serve as a guide to how to handle an unexpected but confusing windfall of a few thousand domains.

I have no idea what might have followed that original thread, which might have been perceived as purely advertising material by the mods leading to its closure. I'm not a moderator and have limited time to allocate to what might have taken place.
I have freedom to express my views on this thread and fyi i'm not joined namepros for only for this post, just check my joining date....Thanks
Oh look the account is disallowed. Your “freedom” to have multiple accounts is no bueno 🤣
Chris - On weekends, I peruse the forum's most active threads for the week and put together a summary of 5 links to posts, based purely on my own POV of what is "interesting." I thought at the time that an unfortunate event, such as the passing of a relative, would serve as a guide to how to handle an unexpected but confusing windfall of a few thousand domains.

I have no idea what might have followed that original thread, which might have been perceived as purely advertising material by the mods leading to its closure. I'm not a moderator and have limited time to allocate to what might have taken place.
Dear @Acroplex ,
I appreciate your effort in writing so many Articles, even though the Bitly links / Banners are taking up about 60% of the Screen capacity. :) Just kidding—that should be normal, and I like reading your Articles!

Of course, you are not able to follow every single Post on certain Threads; that would take too much time. I mean, okay—technically, you could extract everything and make a summary with any AI tool—but I think with that amount of Articles, it would cost too much time.

And to be frank, nobody can say anything against you - I had a smile when I saw the Disclaimer:

Disclaimer: All posts, information and content on the web site DomainGang.com are fictional, humorous and depict a satire - unless a "100% True" image or statement is present.
DomainGang.com provides entertainment via the public release of content related to the domaining industry and social media. We are not to be held responsible for any damage caused by your failure to comprehend the context of satiric content. By accessing DomainGang.com and perusing the DomainGang.com information and content you fully agree that you are aware of and consent to this Disclaimer.

Source: https://domaingang.com/

In Germany, for example, those things are not necessary to declare that specific - but I have the feeling that in the United States, you even have to put a disclaimer for Redbull that you TRULY don't get wings and can fly.

Kind regards & thanks for your continuous engagement by posting valuable articles!

Thanks @zotix but Chris was referring to the NamePros Blog and this post in particular, not DomainGang.
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Beware of greedy member​

I bought a domain from the Non-Greedy member. Only hiccup was domain was at a registrar I never heard of and they took a long time to release it. Other than that smooth sailing.
You are taking an assumption that a bulk deal offer doesn't have to be renegotiated after it's found out that several domains weren't available.

To my understanding, Matthew offered him a fixed price on several domains and effectively assigned "prices" to each one to come out to a bulk price. Several domains weren't available and then Abdul attempted to force Matthew into selling one for the "bulk" price.

It is very obvious an experienced user was attempting to take advantage of someone and threw a fit when it didn't work out.

Lurker here, and 100% to your last statement.
I think I found why you two were mistaken:

There was once a member here named @PugDomains before he changed his username to @DomainGist.

BUT... the main difference here, besides the fact they're completely two separate people, is I believe @pugdomains (now @DomainGist) is/was from the UK whereas @pugdogdomains and @IdentityDots are from the USA.

Ha, just catching up on years worth of domaining gossip, I'm making a tentative return.

I changed my username from PugDomains to DomainGist because I built a little domain news RSS aggregator on DomainGist and wanted to promote it. I don't believe I've had any other usernames.

I don't own that aggregator anymore so I guess I'll need another username change!

I only own about 30 domains now, and 20 of those are .co.uk which I'm going to dispose of. Then starting again completely from scratch, attempting to rebuild an entirely .com portfolio entirely from GoDaddy Expiring auctions.

Three things I've learnt so far:

1. There is now a registrar called PorkBun, which has renewal fees that are the same as registration fees, so I should probably use that.

2. GoDaddy closeouts start off at a really high price now, its better to try and nab them from the expiring auctions!

3. To be very wary of any communications with Abdul Basit. His stock seems to have gone down massively as a result of this thread.

Is there a thread anywhere for people to share their best Expiring Domain snags? I vaguely remember one years ago.
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