
alert Beware of greedy member

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DomainsWeb.comTop Member
Hi everyone,

Beware of this new member who created this thread

I discussed with him about some of his domains and he agreed to sell some of his domains and kept changing his stance multiple times on selling those domains, availability and prices as well. I've blocked this guy at WhatsApp and wanted to inform you guys to avoid dealing with this cheap and greedy person.

It's a risk to do business with him. You never know that you'll pay the agreed amount + escrow fees and later he backs out, you'll end up losing at least the escrow fees and your valuable time.

Thanks for reading and be careful whom to deal with around.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
half of namepros fell for it.
I can appreciate warnings, but when you are using someone's real name (a persons identity life) and blackening their name on the world wide web which can have an affect on a life (future employment etc):-

Show attachment 256551

you have to be scammed in my opinion to justify doing this, was Abdul scammed or did a verbal agreement just fall through?

We are on a forum where many advice others to raise their asking price when interest is shown, sites like HugeDomains raise their prices after interest is shown, I've read occasions where Abdul himself has raised prices during negotiations.

As said unless Abdul's experience with this person cost him money, this thread shouldn't be made and even then I'd argue if the deal fell through in escrow it shouldn't be made, many deals in escrow do fall through not just domains (houses etc), but I would see the justification and sympathy with Abdul a little more if that did happen.


+ This thread seemed Sharky when among other missing details, OP Name And Shamed Matthew without actually naming the domains involved, or sharing proof of an agreement.

IF they were top tier domains that Matthew didn't know the value of, hence why he came to namePros to learn, it could turn into a new headline:

Beware of Greedy Low-Baller Abdul Basit: A Wolf in Sheep's clothing

Perhaps @matthewpataki will create a new thread with the "Beware of Abdul Basit" headline so he can share his side, and have the Abdul Basit name be disparaged and indexed in search engines... Seems fair? Or unnecessarily petty like this thread?

The phrase "unnecessarily petty" describes behavior or actions that are focused on minor details or grievances in a way that's disproportionate to the situation. Here's a breakdown:

  • Focus on the trivial: Overly focused on small, unimportant things.
  • Unkind or spiteful: Motivated by a desire to cause minor annoyance or irritation.
  • Lack of perspective: Failing to see the bigger picture or the insignificance of an issue.
  • Exaggerated response: The reaction is far out of proportion to the actual issue.
  • Pointless: The behavior or complaint serves no real purpose.
  • Creates more problems: It causes more trouble or conflict than the original situation warranted.

An examples of unnecessarily petty behavior:
  • Getting angry at a barista because your drink order had one too many ice cubes.

Why it's important to avoid being unnecessarily petty:
  • Damages relationships: Petty behavior can create tension and resentment, eroding trust.
  • Creates a negative atmosphere: It contributes to an environment of negativity and pettiness.
  • Wastes time and energy: Focusing on insignificant issues takes away from things that matter.
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I can appreciate warnings, but when you are using someone's real name (a persons identity life) and blackening their name on the world wide web which can have an affect on a life (future employment etc):-

Show attachment 256551

you have to be scammed in my opinion to justify doing this, was Abdul scammed or did a verbal agreement just fall through?

We are on a forum where many advice others to raise their asking price when interest is shown, sites like HugeDomains raise their prices after interest is shown, I've read occasions where Abdul himself has raised prices during negotiations.

As said unless Abdul's experience with this person cost him money, this thread shouldn't be made and even then I'd argue if the deal fell through in escrow it shouldn't be made, many deals in escrow do fall through not just domains (houses etc), but I would see the justification and sympathy with Abdul a little more if that did happen.

Written agreement was multiple times abused by Matthew Pataki. He backtracked from the agreed price for selling those agreed domains at least thrice. So yes, the agreement was broken, not verbal but written.

Also instead of blaming that you've read occasions where I've raised the prices *during* the negotiations, kindly share it where have you read that.

+ This thread seemed Sharky when among other missing details, OP Name And Shamed Matthew without actually naming the domains involved, or sharing proof of an agreement.

IF they were top tier domains that Matthew didn't know the value of, hence why he came to namePros to learn, it could turn into a new headline:

Beware of Greedy Low-Baller Abdul Basit: A Wolf in Sheep's clothing

Perhaps @matthewpataki will create a new thread with the "Beware of Abdul Basit" headline so he can share his side, and have the Abdul Basit name be disparaged and indexed in search engines... Seems fair? Or unnecessary like this thread headline?
Naming the domains doesn't matter when the main thing is the person backtracked from what he agreed to sell and the price he offered me after consulting with his partner.

I can understand that there are people who're very greedy and jealous like yourself with the success of others and cannot digest it. But you know what, I wish you all the very best.

And I still stand on what I've shared with the community. Everyone is free to do business with that guy but I've played my part in warning the members and readers of this forum.
I can understand that there are people who're very greedy and jealous like yourself with the success of others and cannot digest it.

There you go again, being unnecessarily petty, and slinging passive insults without posting evidence. Please point to a post that demonstrates me being very greedy and jealous of success of others? You can't because it's a lie.

You say you can understand, but I don't think you can understand anything that doesn't directly benefit you. Hence, beware of greedy Abdul Basit.

This warning thread reads almost reads as an ad gone wrong:

Got a relative who just died? Inherited a bunch of domains that you don't know their worth? Feel like being taken advantage of, then name shamed if you don't agree to being taken advantage of, then contact the wolf in pro's clothing:

Being in the domain business for more than a decade, has bought and sold domains for 7 figures (USD) in total. We’ve vast experience of all aspects of domain business.

Whenever it’s difficult to decide where and when to invest in the right domains, there are a number of elements to consider so we’re here to guide you to reach your objective.

We are offering the following services:

How to get started as a domain investor.
Advice about any particular domain name.
Advice regarding domain sale negotiation or domain acquisitions.
Help you to build your own domain portfolio.
Domain consulting fees:
For domain consulting you’ll be required to pay in advance for a minimum of 1 hour consulting fees ($250 per hour).

Email/chat (5 responses only).
Video session (1 hour only).
For portfolio building, we require at least an advance payment of 3 hours of time ($250 per hour).

For domain appraisals, we require a minimum of 25 domains to appraise and the cost for each domain appraisal is $10.

Your prepaid hour(s) must be used within 1 month from the time of payment. In case of no-show, your 30 minutes time/$125 will be cancelled. Payment must be made at least 24 hours in advance of the session.

How to contact us to avail our services:

Email — [email protected]

Skype – abdulbasituae or search by [email protected]
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Wow! This is pathetic!

You want to slander my name because I wasn't immediately willing to liquidate my uncles inheritance for peanuts when I have 50 other email offers?

You ultimately wanted 15 out of the top 30 names for less than $2500.


You got frustrated when you found out that one of the names you wanted, for $165, called "foreverphoto", was being brokered by grit brokerage (ASKING FOR $9000).

We had never fully agreed on an offer. Not once did our talk move towards escrow.

You essentially lowballed me for the best names in the portfolio, and then got mad/frustrated whenever I wanted to NOT SELL one of the names you were requesting to buy, at the "bulk price" of 165$ a piece.

Why dont you go ahead and share the list of names you were trying to purchase??

Good news to the rest of the community who doesn't have ill wishes, I'm in talks of selling one of the domains for 149k!!!

Bad news is I lost Abdul's offer of $1,600 and now have to worry about slander!

Any advice to get this garbage removed -- please email me at [email protected]
I can appreciate warnings, but when you are using someone's real name (a persons identity life) and blackening their name on the world wide web which can have an affect on a life (future employment etc):-

Show attachment 256551

you have to be scammed in my opinion to justify doing this, was Abdul scammed or did a verbal agreement just fall through?

We are on a forum where many advice others to raise their asking price when interest is shown, sites like HugeDomains raise their prices after interest is shown, I've read occasions where Abdul himself has raised prices during negotiations.

As said unless Abdul's experience with this person cost him money, this thread shouldn't be made and even then I'd argue if the deal fell through in escrow it shouldn't be made, many deals in escrow do fall through not just domains (houses etc), but I would see the justification and sympathy with Abdul a little more if that did happen.
He was never scammed. We never even fully agreed on a deal.

I didnt even try raising the price on anything. I just told him that some of the names in his "bulk request" were being brokered, already expired, or have received offers more than 5x his offer.

There is nothing greedy about not wanting to make a deal in 10 minutes of texting negotiation with someone who clearly has a short fuse

He was unwilling to hop on a call from the get-go -- claiming that his english wasn't good enough. I never once pressed him.
You offered $165 for a name that was worth $800 to another investor.

Seems to me that you were not offering good value for money to someone who admittedly stated they had no clue as to the value of domain names. Give him some slack and remove his name from this thread.
Please. It is pathetic.

He offered 165$ for a domain that Grit Brokerage is seeking a $9000 asking price on.
If your experience with this guy left you out of pocket and cost you escrow fees that you can’t get back, I agree with this thread.

If you are not left out of pocket , I don’t agree with this thread and sounds like someone throwing their toys out of their pram and attempting to blacken someone’s name because you didn’t get a bargain or what you wanted.

You are an experienced investor, so I’m sure you’ve had deals fall through in the past, people can and do change their mind on verbal agreements and many potenital deals do fall through (even in escrow) and many people are tough to deal with, I’m sure buyers who dealt with you in the past may have felt you was tough to deal with and until a deal is over the line, an asset that you have agreed to buy is not yours and people do have a right to change their mind 1) selling the asset and 2) change their mind on price, simple as that.
Any advice on how to get this public slander removed?
He offered 165$ for a domain that Grit Brokerage is seeking a $9000 asking price on.

In fairness, if a .com was listed on a marketplace like BrandBucket, BrandBucket would only offer about $80 for a domain they appraised for $9,000. Which is 1% - $10 renewal.
Naming the domains doesn't matter when the main thing is the person backtracked from what he agreed to sell and the price he offered me after consulting with his partner.

I can understand that there are people who're very greedy and jealous like yourself with the success of others and cannot digest it. But you know what, I wish you all the very best.

And I still stand on what I've shared with the community. Everyone is free to do business with that guy but I've played my part in warning the members and readers of this forum.
Thanks for the warning Abdul. Since this thread has gotten combative it might make you feel like you should remain silent I for one am glad you didn’t. After the last scammer that hit up so many on this forum I appreciate the warning.

The pricing is of zero consequence if he agreed to it. Anyone standing by anything else is a hypocrite on the subject. You come selling your wares to other domainers you will always get low offers. Thats what we do—acquire low.
In fairness, if a .com was listed on a marketplace like BrandBucket, BrandBucket would only offer about $80 for a domain they appraised for $9,000. Which is 1% - $10 renewal.
I guess more importantly was that it received an offer of 800$
He was never scammed. We never even fully agreed on a deal.

I didnt even try raising the price on anything. I just told him that some of the names in his "bulk request" were being brokered, already expired, or have received offers more than 5x his offer.

There is nothing greedy about not wanting to make a deal in 10 minutes of texting negotiation with someone who clearly has a short fuse

He was unwilling to hop on a call from the get-go -- claiming that his english wasn't good enough. I never once pressed him.
Any advice on how to get this public slander removed?

@Bravo Mod Team
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Please. It is pathetic.

He offered 165$ for a domain that Grit Brokerage is seeking a $9000 asking price on.
Well to be fair Matthew that happens every day. There are names that expire on GoDaddy auctions that in the past had a broker trying to get 5 figures and the name never sold. Someone either let it drop or did not pay attention and the name goes for mid three figures. There are people on this very forum asking for 7 and 8 figure pricing in TopDomains. That will never most likely see those names sold. Asking price means very little. If you told me Abdul offered you $165 for ok that's nuts.

No domainer was never going to offer you end user pricing, Grit Brokerage is trying to get you end user pricing.

I know the guys at Grit why did you not just give them the whole portfolio to go over and let them say what they wanted to broker and what they did not? If there were names valued at $5000 and up they would have taken those names on.

In your original thread @BaileyUK who is an established member said the following:

Oh dear, A fellow member has DM'd the list. I feel even more sorry for the OP/inheritor now. If there is 20 domains of even mediocre value, I'd be surprised. I truly hope he realises his uncle didn't have a clue about domains. The whole story is a tragic one. God only knows how bad the dropped three and half thousand were.

All that I can really see going forward is to strip the entire portfolio down to around 20 to 30 that have a decent shot at a resale in the hope these would bring in around $6,000 in total. 200 to 300 each And even that will take time

So a lot must have changed if there are now so many valuable domain names which look I am glad you have more value, but it seemed initially like Grit taking on and were the cream of the crop.

No one should expect to negotiate in 10 minutes but that does not seem to be what Abdul is saying happened, so it would be great to hear some common ground on this.
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I guess more importantly was that it received an offer of 800$

No... more importantly would be whether or not you officially agreed to sell him the domain for $165.

Put speculation to rest, and post the chat logs for full transparency,
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No one has more class here than you Abdul. Sorry your kindness is coming back to bite you.
Thanks for letting us know, I kinda believed the guy and felt sympathetic.
No... more importantly would be whether or not you officially agreed to sell him the domain for $165.

Put speculation to rest, and post the chat logs for full transparency,
There are no chat logs after he blocked me
No... more importantly would be whether or not you officially agreed to sell him the domain for $165.

Put speculation to rest, and post the chat logs for full transparency,
Exactly Chris, I one time here offered a name and someone pmmed me I will give you $250. I said ok, before they replied to me, I got a pm offering $700. I said sorry it's already sold, I agreed, I was not paid yet they did not have my PayPal but I agreed.
There are no chat logs after he blocked me

Well what information can you provide?

How did he reach out, email or namePros? Then somehow the conversation moved to WhatsApp?

How could Abdul have gotten in his mind that yall had agreed on a deal?
This reminds me of 27 years ago, My Nan passed away, My Mom's mother. And she did not live in the greatest area, It was once nice but she lived there for many decades, my grandfather was actually shot and killed in the store they ran which was right below the house.

Some guy came up to my Mother and was like hey I buy houses, that house needs work you probably don't know how to do it, I will take the house as is here is $15K cash. Do it, do it now. He was not caring that my Mother lost the person that meant beyond the most in the world to her, he saw it as this is a fair deal for as is, but sure if they are going to take their time, fix things up, advertise there was once a store that someone could open and maybe get a lottery machine for guaranteed income in the store, they would do much better. He knew that would take time, money and effort, Here was $15K you don't have to do a thing.

In domaining when people seem like wow I inherited something that bankrupted a family member many, not all, but many are going to think that person might want to move fast.
I'm not sure if this image will be posted, but I have no reason to hide anything here.

Look at my next post to find the url -- i couldn't post it straight out because it requires a premium namepros membership

We never agreed on anything. This was the most recent email that he sent to me, that I never replied to in email because it had two issues:

1: I dont even own greenerdays anymore

2: demonsoft had received multiple offers and I didnt want to sell it

Is there a problem with that?

When I told him that I lost greener days he said "I will only move forward when you have all the domains" or something of that sort. I replied and told him that he's either 1. being rude, or 2. not interested in the deal (because if he was really in the domain business for 15 years, he'd know that an expired domain is lost)

He reassured me that it was a miscommunication, but when I told him I didnt want to sell demonsoft, he went off on a rip calling me greedy and now publicly slandering my name. This is what happened.
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I'm not sure if this image will be posted, but I have no reason to hide anything here.

i tried posting it but it wouldn't work. Since I do not pay for membership, I cannot post URL's, so I am going to share it with Chris via email.

We never agreed on anything. This was the most recent email that he sent to me, that I never replied to in email because it had two issues:

1: I dont even own greenerdays anymore

2: demonsoft had received multiple offers and I didnt want to sell it

Is there a problem with that?

When I told him that I lost greener days he said "I will only move forward when you have all the domains" or something of that sort. I replied and told him that he's either 1. being rude, or 2. not interested in the deal (because if he was really in the domain business for 15 years, he'd know that an expired domain is lost)

He reassured me that it was a miscommunication, but when I told him I didnt want to sell demonsoft, he went off on a rip calling me greedy and now publicly slandering my name. This is what happened.
use the https intro -- then ibb "." -- and then "co" --- followed by 02hk6q6

to see the screenshot
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Any advice on how to get this public slander removed?
I've gave my views, from what i can see you've done nothing wrong, this never went to escrow and even if it did, i still think this thread and title would have been extreme, you've not tried to scam anyone, so having your name in this title alongside "cheap" and "greedy" and warning to all not to deal with you all sounds a bit petty in truth and exactly what i was warning you about here:-

A shark as come your way, you interacted and because they didn't get a free/cheap meal, they got grumpy.

I'd have a word with mods to delete the thread or at least censor your name out but may still be indexed for a while.
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I'm not sure if this image will be posted, but I have no reason to hide anything here.

Look at my next post to find the url -- i couldn't post it straight out because it requires a premium namepros membership

We never agreed on anything. This was the most recent email that he sent to me, that I never replied to in email because it had two issues:

1: I dont even own greenerdays anymore

2: demonsoft had received multiple offers and I didnt want to sell it

Is there a problem with that?

When I told him that I lost greener days he said "I will only move forward when you have all the domains" or something of that sort. I replied and told him that he's either 1. being rude, or 2. not interested in the deal (because if he was really in the domain business for 15 years, he'd know that an expired domain is lost)

He reassured me that it was a miscommunication, but when I told him I didnt want to sell demonsoft, he went off on a rip calling me greedy and now publicly slandering my name. This is what happened.

use the https intro -- then ibb "." -- and then "co" --- followed by 02hk6q6

to see the screenshot

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