
sales is going for 7 figures

Spaceship Spaceship


Domain Ward IncTop Member
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The bar is pretty low for making an offer there. I had a $1M+ offer on a marginal two word .ORG recently. I deleted it without responding knowing it was not serious.

Until the money is in the bank, it is not a sale.

Zero Google results for the name of the buyer is not real inspiring either. Most people who have an extra million laying around have some online presence.

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The bar is pretty low for making an offer there. I had a $1M+ offer on a marginal two word .ORG recently. I deleted it without responding knowing it was not serious.

Until the money is in the bank, it is not a sale.

Zero Google results for the name of the buyer is not real inspiring either. Most people who have an extra million laying around have some online presence.

Agreed. Except for bolded sentence. There are investors with minimal web presence.
I'm also quite interested to see how this turns out.

As for the "millionnaires", you've forgot that .XYZ is crypto "home" and I'm not sure all those crypto millionnaires are quite famous. 🤔
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Professional of vName posting identities of potential buyers, must be breaking data protection laws surely (I'm suprised Dan haven't requested this tweet be taken down as their name is all over it) and disclosing sales before they happen.
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Yeah but there's no one hyping xyz at every opportunity. I'm waiting for the day this mania (largely nonexistent) stops.
Nice offer. However, I'll clap when its paid
Professional of vName posting identities of potential buyers, must be breaking data protection laws surely (I'm suprised Dan haven't requested this tweet be taken down as their name is all over it) and disclosing sales before they happen.
Yeah, that is rather unprofessional IMO.

The sale has not completed. Even if it has completed that information should be redacted when reporting it.

Does reputation matter in domain investing?

Here is a good example of how it matters. I would have serious reservations about ever doing business with the person that is posting this information on social media.

Unless you have the $ - It isn’t sold

Don’t count your money at the table


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I get offers like these and I mostly delete them. They are usually not real. I will be checking to see if payment happens.
people trying to get exposure through these type of frivolous screenshots are causing harm... so many fake offers that people are using to get publicity.. there's no accountability.
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The bar is pretty low for making an offer there. I had a $1M+ offer on a marginal two word .ORG recently. I deleted it without responding knowing it was not serious.

Until the money is in the bank, it is not a sale.

Zero Google results for the name of the buyer is not real inspiring either. Most people who have an extra million laying around have some online presence.


Bored nobody with a made up name fishing for a price.

Nothing to see here. Next.
Very doubtful offer. I'll be happy to be wrong.
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is there anything stopping the company from buying the domain from itself for a large sum of money like this? it would be free marketing for them as many news websites will publish the domain, thereby creating a multitude of nice backlinks.
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is there anything stopping the company from buying the domain from itself for a large sum of money like this? it would be free marketing for them as many news websites will publish the domain, thereby creating a multitude of nice backlinks.
Well, a large commission on the sale that would receive.

I have no doubt in the past there are "sales" where the money basically goes from one pocket into the other.

This is not just true with domains. It has been done with collectibles and in other fields for years, and there is much evidence of this existing in the NFT world as well...where the same party is the buyer and seller in order to manipulate the market.

It would work a lot better with a company like though, where the commission over $25K is only 0.89%.

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Whatever. The domain is not going for 7 figures until it really sells for 7 figures. Don't count the sale until it's really paid.
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Actually counted 24 two letter .com
Yeah, he owns an incredible portfolio.

Still, you think he would know better than to post a offer with full information, before the sale even completed.

I hope they buyer knows that there are still a handful of single letter .xyz domains to reg... lol

Creation Date: 2022-01-18T05:47:02.0Z

Creation Date: 2022-01-18T05:47:02.0Z

And the buyer is stupid?
Pay 1 mil. but not pay 13k price direct from registry premium names ?!?
And the buyer is stupid?
Pay 1 mil. but not pay 13k price direct from registry premium names ?!?
I don't think the buyer is stupid, because I don't think there is a buyer. My account is cluttered with fake offers.

I really like overall, but wish there was some way to vet higher offers. That bar is really low.

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