
.tv Announcment: The 2007 .TV PrimeTime Auction!!!

Spaceship Spaceship
well folks- we are ready to start rolling ou the PrimeTime Auction!

the website is here:

the auction dates are: 8/6 - 8/10

there will be a live chat auction each day so we are not trying to sell off 300 names in one sitting-

depending on the amount of names submitted, we will have a silent auction going on in the backround all week- this is if there is an enormous amount of names-

what names will go in the live auction? well, there is a small committee who will go over all the names and have to make that decision. and it will be based on some simple guidlines. but if there is just enough names for 5 days of live auction, there will be no silent auction-

how much will this cost? there will be an entry fee- there will NOT be a percent taken from sales :) the entry fee will cover several things- it is not free to do one of these things- there is hosting, advertising, etc.. the business associated with running the site- that is what your fee goes to. if you do get a sale, it is all yours :) the entry fee is $10.00 per 10 domains.
to keep things easy is is just done in those blocks- so 10 domains would be 10.00- 14 domains would be 20.00. 19 domains would be 20.00, 26 domains would be 30.00- get it?

will i sell my domains? well, if i could predict that, i would be pretty dang rich. we are going to do everything we can to get the word out about the auction- and, since this is such a tigh-knit group, i am really hoping those involved will also help in promoting the auction- is there a chance no one will come? yes- there is. is there a chance this will be successful? yes- there is :)

if you have any questions please post them in this thread and they will be answered in the thread-

now, some reality talk... this is an auction. even tho people may come knowing the prices "can" shoot thru the roof, if the place is filled with high dollar reserves for medium quality names, you might not pull the bids- i just want you to keep that in mind- at auction you only put in names with a reserve set at the absolute lowset you will take- and be happy with that if it sells for that- but if you submit something like ILoveJersy.tv with a $1000 reserve, well we may not even put that live.
i am NOT saying go low, I am just saying that is how an auction goes- so keep this in mind when choosing your domains and you reserves- i am going to do a mix- some excellent, and some good, with the good names having very low reserves, to get people bidding on my names-

now, i have to get dinner on for the kids- i will be back tonight with more details- so start goin thru your portfolios!
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
i dont but i can help you out, pass me the forums you want me to post and also pass me the text.

ps: i have an account at iwebtool with 1-2 posts
smashfactory said:
does anyone post regularly on these boards?











the list was given to me- but if you are a regular, your post might not end up deleted or in thread jail since i would be a firtst time poster, posting an ad-

if not, i will go ahead and do it

Smash: I'm the one who gave you those links....I do post from time to time on there. Once the site is up and running for preview PM me with "a promo release" and will post it on those sites.
i am passing on the info to change the name servers right now- yes, wait to post anything for 24 hours- if they go, and it is not there during propagation, well then blah ;-(

onSpot- i am getting to your pm!

if ANYONE sent me names, and you never heard from me- yes, it is possible- please email me right back!

Nattydomain said:
Smash: I'm the one who gave you those links....I do post from time to time on there. Once the site is up and running for preview PM me with "a promo release" and will post it on those sites.

yes you are a sweetie for doin so :) i was just seeing if there were any regulars to the boards to us help out- thanks natty!

by tomorrow when the site is swotched over, i can set up a [email protected] email- that can switch out for my smashfactory one in anything posted- so by tomorrow night if it has propagated and the email is running, i will then pass the info on to ron for dnjournal-
so we must wait until dns get updated
on!SPOT said:
so we must wait until dns get updated


also- for those who would have liked to see banners- here are some numbers for namepros- it is $10.00 CPM with a 500.00 MINIMUM-
Hey Dottie, have added a link on Amazed.tv. Maybe you can get others (like map.tv) to do this too!

Cheers, Chris
thanks chris :) i was hoping many would have-

HasRob said:
I also plan to send emails to potential endusers about the auction and my domains. So when it gets up (the list and info) please advise so I can forward link.

cool- thanks!

once the site has propagated, the [email protected] email will work- i will also be organizing the names for auction- and of course ya'll can get in there as soon as i am done- the deadline passed days ago, and there is people still sending names- so i am just trying to get everybody in there-
I also added a link on whistle.tv last weekend. Hopefully many more do the same!
Do you have a few banners we could use?
smashfactory said:
[sigh] first, other than here, there are no .tv forums. if you know of any, by all means post it, and i will pop the news in there- second, if i am correct, this is namepros.COM-
I was not implying that you needed to find ".TV" forums. The question realy was more where other than forums where the VAST majority are ".COM ONLY" members and realy could care less about other extensions.
smashfactory said:
and we are tucked away in here, yes? .tv lovers can be anywhere-
My mis-understanding. I was under the impression that this was an aution format to seek out END USERS, not other .TV domainers, that outside two or three members here don't spend a whole lot in the secondary market.
smashfactory said:
third- it is impossible to advertise in any sort of reputable magazine on the few bucks made on this-
I am painfully aware of print advertising costs, and was quite curious how you were going to target end users by charging such a low fee for inclusion in the auction.

My comments are not ment as derogatory or as a negative spin on what you've done and are doing. I misunderstood the intent of the auction.

ps; Get rid of the Borat/.WS Geeks on the Info page. 8-X
Showbiz said:
Do you have a few banners we could use?

i can make some banners- give me a day to do them!

westblock said:
I was not implying that you needed to find ".TV" forums. The question realy was more where other than forums where the VAST majority are ".COM ONLY" members and realy could care less about other extensions.
My mis-understanding. I was under the impression that this was an aution format to seek out END USERS, not other .TV domainers, that outside two or three members here don't spend a whole lot in the secondary market.
I am painfully aware of print advertising costs, and was quite curious how you were going to target end users by charging such a low fee for inclusion in the auction.

My comments are not ment as derogatory or as a negative spin on what you've done and are doing. I misunderstood the intent of the auction.

ps; Get rid of the Borat/.WS Geeks on the Info page. 8-X

the geeks stay- i like them-

apparently, i am the one in the brain fart galaxy. why does everyone keep saying- domainers? i thought we were going for "end users"-

i dont know how else to explain this anymore.... does anyone really think the ceo's of delta, panasonic, ford, sears, etc.... buy domains? have we not heard that the "general" concensus of "direct email" to companies goes fruitless?
how about a newbie, who goes online and types "buy a domain" into google- seems that "mainstream news sources" do not come up in the results-

there were a handful of premium names that were submitted for auction- names like Map.tv that just might get an answer from an mail proposition because of the quality. other than that, most of the names will have buyers who understand domains, what to do with them, and how to make money from them. there are more deep pocket buyers (take bonkers2) who KNOW domains, frequent domain type places, that buy names, than the wing and a prayer billion dollar company who for some reason needs FreeBob.tv.

i do not belive that the majority of the forums just care about .com- namepros is the one rare place that opened a nook for all those in here, who DID care about other tlds- other places they are all just mixed in-

everyone seems to think that anyone who cares about .tv lives in our forum.... and that is just sooooooo not true.

i know you, as well as others, did not mean anything bad- i am just really amazed at the comments sometimes- the world is a huge place- and there are LOTS and LOT of people who believe in .tv- sites open all the time, from people who are NOT on our little forum- "domainers" change course all the time! man, i have barely bought a .com in in 6 months, compared to the ton of .tv's i bought- some aftermarket, most not. many good names gone now- aftermarket is going to kick in- anyway, i NEVER bought .tv- now i always buy .tv-

i am thinking, there is going to be an awful lot of people who are going to take this auction, and when their names do not sell, blame it on everything outside of the sky high reserves- like i said in my very first post- is there a chance no one will come? yes, there is a chance- i said that up front- how else are we going to further push the .tv extension if not for events like this? who else is doin it??? no one. so we kept it cheap, to keep any losses LOW. our first priority thru this was everyone elses pocketbook, which i am hoping to help get fatter, but will not lose much.

i tried to be very upfront about what we were doin here- it is very apparent that i did a very bad job at that as many have had the same questions over and over- as far back as post 18 i tried to explain about "end users" and that my goal was to get these names in front of people who know domains, that we were not headed ror usa today. i am assuming people did not thnk i was going to sit here and research and email the heads of hundreds of corperations-

let me ask.... where are these end users everyone is talking about- the ones who are different from "my endusers"- one would have thought if you knew where they were, you would have contacted them already pertaining to your names- no? unless you are developing or holding, you are selling. please guide me- who exactly are the endusers, and can i have their emails-

i am asking this is all sincerity- look back at the posts- as everyone asks, what endusers are you reaching??? and see how many actually offered up some endusers, where to find them.

the 'intent" of the auction, is to get these names in front of people who is willing to pay your price. if you want $500.00 for a certain name, who cares if showbiz buys it, or the ceo of toyota- as long as you get what you want for it.

this is rather long- i apologize- i will be happy when this auction finally is finished.
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Dottie, if it's any consolation I understood from the outset what the auction was about. Perhaps others did too.

Maybe next time you can run an international tv and radio ad campaign and mail the CEO's of all Fortune 500 companies to make everyone happy.

Shame that what you're doing has been questioned to this extent. I am sure this has now put you off from doing this again. Given your extensive efforts and dedication to the cause (which seem to be wholly unappreciated), I find this rather sad.

I secoond Gig TV's remarks...god bless you sweetheart...

in all fairness, it was anyting that Dottie said, it was a statement by equity, and this is paraphrasing, about going "getting end-users". I quoted this earlier.

In further fairness, they BOTH also stated that sky-high assinine reserve prices would just turn people off.

I believe one or both of them said something about 30K and 50K reserve prices on quite a few names. That is simply retarded.

I am not saying they aren't worth that, but realistically, this auction will not, under any conditions, bring that kind of player to the table. Thinking so is simply unrealistic. If you have a name you feel is worth that much, for god's sake PULL IT FROM THE AUCTION, so that the other names stand a chance of getting people there that are willing to bid. If people see prices like that, they won't even show up because they will think it is an auction that is A) Out of their range, or B) An auction by people out of their minds. (I would think B)

I want this auction to work, and the only names that will sell, assuming people show up, are the names that are priced for a realistic market. I too would love end-users. End user to me meant, people and smaller companies. I had no illusions about CEO's of Fortune 500 firms. But alas, that will not happen unless we all do more. I am waiting for banners to start plastering everywhere.

And far be it from me to tell people how to do things......how big is your friends list on Me.tv? Myspace? Youtube? MidgetCrawler(oops, nevermind that one). Are you going to blog about it? Send an email? Put up a banner? I am. If we all just plaster the thing everywhere we can, it will help.

I think anyone with a friends list anywhere should be doing this.

I'm spent. Showbiz out.
i want to make sure everyone knows- i do not think anyone is questioning how much work is going into this- my issue, or rather concern, is how people are viewing an end user-

this is a concern beyond this auction, because you can go under buying a ton of names, and waiting for those end users-

equity was not incorrect in his statment- the buying field is not a level place- if you do not realize the different sector of buyer, and know that the "end-user" makes a small part of the pie chart, you are not going to do as well as you can be doing.

end user does not always mean big money either, which i think is a common misconception. i had a site that was bought by a mom, who planned on developing, but she did not have a lot of cash, at all. she was still the end user on a 49.99 sale.

i care for alot of people on this forum, but i worry for a lot of them. i hope you are not letting money walk past you while you wait for he "end user".

now, back to business- the auctionsite email now works- i apolgize for the delay, but i can only say it took me this long to get this done this way-

i am working on the 5 day layout of all the names- and we did accept almost ALL the names. at first we thought we were going to go top names, to try and draw deep pockets. and equity and i talked, and wanted to just try to sell as many of ya'll names as possible for you- so he is going to be auctioning his heart out for ya'll those 5 days-
No Problemo.

westblock said:
ps; Get rid of the Borat/.WS Geeks on the Info page. 8-X
smashfactory said:
the geeks stay- i like them-
the $$$$ that guy made- cute pic :)
I'm really looking forward to the auction, and I thank Smash & EQ (and any others) for all their hard work. It will be interesting to see when the list is published what reserves people have set, I think they will vary wildly.

Ideally there will be "end users" having a look and bidding, but I wonder how many domainers from this forum will like the look of someone else's domain, consider it a bargain, and make a bid!!
dont know if i said hello already, but welcome syrup!
Hi Dottie,

Just tried to access the banners but the link is not working for me! Anyone else having this problem?

Len said:
Hi Dottie,

Just tried to access the banners but the link is not working for me! Anyone else having this problem?


Worked ok for me.

Dottie, on the big banner you have the year as 06, you may want to change this !!
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