
auctions Sedo .Ai auction results

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
The Sedo .ai domain name auction wrapped up today. There were no big sales as the greatest names just had reserve ranges much too high for investors. There are currently two auctions still going, Asmr.ai and Czar.ai. ASMR.ai looks like it will be the top sale if paid as it's currently at $5,100.The high reserves just make little sense as the auction participants are mostly domain name … [Read more...]
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The Sedo .ai domain name auction wrapped up today. There were no big sales as the greatest names just had reserve ranges much too high for investors. There are currently two auctions still going, Asmr.ai and Czar.ai. ASMR.ai looks like it will be the top sale if paid as it's currently at $5,100.The high reserves just make little sense as the auction participants are mostly domain name … [Read more...]
Outside the couple ongoing auctions, there were (25) total sales for $10,793 total.

22 of those 25 sales were in a 3 digit price range.

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If I'm not mistaken, hardwares/ai had exceeded the reserve price ($9,999).
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SEDO needs to do a better job of selecting high quality domains, in sellable price ranges.

It doesn't really help to have great domains at crazy reserves and bad domains with low or no reserve.

Several of the terms in the auction would not even have that much value in .COM, never mind .AI.

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SEDO needs to do a better job of selecting high quality domains, in sellable price ranges.
Indeed, Sedo does not appear to understand which terms are relevant to the .ai TLD. But neither do the buyers. Fortunately?
SEDO has kind of a chicken and egg problem when it comes to high quality domains at low/no reserve.

Why would a domain owner put up a great domain at no reserve, when the results have been bad?
It's not really worth the risk.

Are the results bad because of a lack of good domains at low/no reserve?

Or, are they bad because of others reasons like the venue itself?

Are the results bad because of a lack of good domains at low/no reserve?

Or, are they bad because of others reasons like the venue itself?
is it possible that an additional factor may be the higher renewal costs also involved with tlds such as .ai?

Even if there is no reserve. would some domain investors be hesitant to purchase a domain that they feel the need to either sell or drop within a year?
is it possible that an additional factor may be the higher renewal costs also involved with tlds such as .ai?

Even if there is no reserve. would some domain investors be hesitant to purchase a domain that they feel the need to either sell or drop within a year?
Marginal domains are certainly less appealing with renewal costs of around $70 - $100+ per year.

This is .AI, not .COM.

It's not like you can stick any marginal term before .AI and it has a chance of selling.

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It looks like Namebio's saying asmr ended up going for $6,601.
I'm not an AI investor, But, it all seems to me to be far too early in the AI growth period for anybody to be risking coherent domains, those matching the best potential futures. Apart from those AI holders approached directly, the rest just seem to be chancers with very little matching key words.

We are definitely a few years away from really seeing any real growth in usability. Even those businesses claiming to be AI enabled are really fairly useless, Chance you could see a user benefit or enhancement today is practically nil
Sedo also may want to consider, especially for future auctions, to have better clarity about their payment methods up front.

It seems that marketplaces in general make the payment methods readily visible either on the main page or within a click or two from it. It was hard to find on Sedo, and I was still unclear after fnding it whether they accept crypto.

Also, if they still don't accept crypto, then their future auctions may be at an obvious disadvantage compared to other platforms.
It looks like Namebio's saying asmr ended up going for $6,601.
Yes correct when I was writing the post it was still going on and I will update the post with the final price. Thank you.
is it possible that an additional factor may be the higher renewal costs also involved with tlds such as .ai?

Even if there is no reserve. would some domain investors be hesitant to purchase a domain that they feel the need to either sell or drop within a year?
You make a good point but investors don't seem to mind paying four and five figures in the expired auctions at whois.ai now Dynadot each month.
SEDO has kind of a chicken and egg problem when it comes to high quality domains at low/no reserve.

Why would a domain owner put up a great domain at no reserve, when the results have been bad?
It's not really worth the risk.

Are the results bad because of a lack of good domains at low/no reserve?

Or, are they bad because of others reasons like the venue itself?

That's an excellent point, and it does come down to how much you believe in the promotion of the auction. I also think Brad, maybe I am wrong that some sellers think there are going to be a lot of end users bidding because no investor is pay $500K to $1M for your .ai not even Andy Block.
These auctions are sold to other domainers at a giveaway price. No end users here. Someone needs to set up an invitation only auction in Las Vegas for end users and not us squatters.
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Yes correct when I was writing the post it was still going on and I will update the post with the final price. Thank you.
Of course, thanks for your post! That was helpful to see it like that!
At Sedo did humans or machines choose these names/reserves? :unsure:
I like sedo 4L auction, last month i bought three 4L in cheap price.
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