
question About 1/4 of my "confirmed sales" ends up like "no sales"

Spaceship Spaceship

Top Member

I sell my domains either via the most common domain market places. or via my own landing pages. A small amount is also via WHOIS checks.

Like always, the buyer agrees with the price and I am waiting for them to submit payment so I can push or transfer the domain to them, but about 25% will never pay. If the payment is late I'll send a friendly reminder and most of the time they will reply with some kind of excuse that they are going to pay the next day etc. About 1/4 of them never pay at all. They appears "swallowed up by the ocean".

Before I used to contact the market place about the matter, but as this is happening so frequently, I often just let it pass. That's probably counterproductive, but you get bored.

Some of these people also seems to be scammers who are trying to get me to transfer the domain to them, even though I haven't received the payment. When I don't, they disappear.

Anyone else with similar experiences?
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Yeah it happens a lot.

Even the buyers who actually pay, sometimes take a lot of time to find the money, or just to convince themselves it's ok to pay 3 or 4 figures for thin air :P
Happened to me when buyer agreed for $3.5k for one of my domain.I asked him to use escrow..but no response from him..1 month 5 days passed ..
I also had a similar experience... was offered $1500 for one of my domains and I was over the moon cos it was funds that I needed but after the initial offer..I never heard back from the seller...he just vanished.. not even replying to my messages.
It happened for a 350$ deal. The guy even called and said I want it 15 mins after I had sent emails. I set up escrow, he never answered. Emails no answer.

Another 300$ & 350$ deals, person said I want it, how do we finalize.. Disappears..

Sometimes if you have a lander, they might re-offer who knows.

It's annoying as hell. My rule is if the money is not in your account, don't get your hopes up or go celebrating. Works out much better
Last year I had 3 offers for one particular domain, 2 came from GoDaddy and one from Afternic, similar amounts - low XXX. Domain is still in my account, renewed in the meantime.

Complaints to the market places are useless IMO, not sure if these "buyers" were properly penalized and expect these things to keep happening.
i don't think they are scammers, just accidental joe turning aroud : )
Had a few deals that never materialized over the years. Seemed to happen lot more though when I was using other anonymous markets though Sedo etc... Since using my own sales pages happens occasionally but rare. I still stick to the "Don't count the dough till the Escrow wire drops." to avoid any frustration.

I sell my domains either via the most common domain market places. or via my own landing pages. A small amount is also via WHOIS checks.

Like always, the buyer agrees with the price and I am waiting for them to submit payment so I can push or transfer the domain to them, but about 25% will never pay. If the payment is late I'll send a friendly reminder and most of the time they will reply with some kind of excuse that they are going to pay the next day etc. About 1/4 of them never pay at all. They appears "swallowed up by the ocean".

Before I used to contact the market place about the matter, but as this is happening so frequently, I often just let it pass. That's probably counterproductive, but you get bored.

Some of these people also seems to be scammers who are trying to get me to transfer the domain to them, even though I haven't received the payment. When I don't, they disappear.

Anyone else with similar experiences?

Yeah often. I even had it from a very active member here on NP recently. Agreed everything, set up escrow and then nothing....

Didn't even reply to my messages asking if they still wanted the domain.
Today it happened again.

An Asian guy did not pay and when I sent a reminder, he asked to cancel the transaction.

But I agree. I do not consider a "sale confirmation" as a sale, until the money is in my account already.
Happened to me when buyer agreed for $3.5k for one of my domain.I asked him to use escrow..but no response from him..1 month 5 days passed ..

counting them days? :p
yeah...even time...hahahha...U know when u get good offer u even count seconds...

Unfortunately, I have never gotten any offers in my three month domaining career.
Unfortunately, I have never gotten any offers in my three month domaining career.
U never know...... an offer knocks ur door anytime....dont afraid of low offers...coz low offer is the starting step of big success(negotiation)... I am 10months old in this industry but learning from my partner,namepros members,frankly speaking from everyone...
I had a startup contact me for a domain, agreed on a price, setup an escrow, never paid. 6 month later, their website was down.

I see this just part of the business, regardless what industry you are in.
Unfortunately, I have never gotten any offers in my three month domaining career.

Good luck and hopefully it changes, but consider changing your investment pattern... Word+Word works mostly in .com, Word+Word+Word works very rarely even in .com, bitcoin is fading, and creative prefix like Accu+Word might sound ok, but is quite a stretch as well...
Recently had an inbound offer for 750$ from a landing page, from a valid email. I sent an email saying the offer is accepted.
The person opened the email more than once, but no response since then. Some people might be trigger happy, then rethink their offer, or they're just wasting everybody's time
Yeah, happened to me on 2 different numeric domains in 2 different market places, first offer was for $1K & the other for $1.5K....offers were accepted from my side but the other ends never paid
Got emails from the support saying these folks will be penalized...Who knows!
This has happened on several occasions for me. I'll say however, it happens more often for me on inbound inquiries than it does when I do outbound marketing.

I've had 2 outbound flake on me, but I'd say it's been about 8 or 9 times with inbound.
Never happened to me, I tend to smell scammers from a mile away, even though I haven't sold many domains. I have purchased domains, so maybe because I recognize how a deal is formed from the start I can tell if the other side is a scammer or flake.
Like many I have had a 3 significant sales never pay( $2,500, a $3,000, and a $7,500). All three of these were sales on SEDO.
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