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I recently bought the domain a week ago for the hell of it, and I put a quick godaddy site on it. Within the last couple of days, if you do a yahoo search for "Fix plumbing nationwide", it's on page 1 of yahoo. For just the search term of "Fix Plumbing", it's on page 5 of yahoo. This is all in a few days. The point is, is that the search engines seem to be extremely friendly and receptive to those new extensions. I believe "fix plumbing" will soon be on page 1 of yahoo, and I will soon see what Google does with it. I'm pleasantly surprised that the search engines like those next extensions. I will be putting adsense ads on it soon. Pleasantly shocked about all of this.

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Not to burst your bubble mate, but don't get over-excited about this.

Such exact-match domains are treated differently by Google and Bing, Yahoo!. The trick is how you maintain your site on a regular basis, i.e. how you show search engines that your site is not just a one-time-update only site, and that you will keep your site updated on a regular basis, like a proper site.

As far as placing Adsense on your site is concerned, I would suggest not to place ads yet as the site is new and I am sure it is not receiving such traffic yet.

Good luck,
Yup, it is called the honeymoon period with search engines. This is the time when they (search engines) are evaluating your website and on which position they should put you.. If you won't have good content and update the site on a regular basis, your site will go down in the serps..
That's Google Dance where search engine evaluates your site based on various metrics and put your site in a position.... Search for "Google Dance"...
do you get any traffic ?
cant see your site in top 3 pages for Fix plumbing nationwide
Try googling the phrase "google sandbox".

It's a known phenomenon that they put you on the front page for a few days after you launch a new site, then it's off to page 5 or worse.

Why? No idea, maybe to make you want to buy Adwords ads from them to get back to the front.
I'm actually aware of all this. It ill take a little while to settle on the right pages. Although, with the right search phrases, people will find it even if it's a few pages back.

The whole point to this, is that if it was a .us, .info, .co, .biz, etc..... extension, it wouldn't be found anywhere on the search engines, period. The new extensions index similar to . com. net, and .org, and possibly better. I was doubtful that it would show anywhere at all. Again, if it placed similar to a .us or .info, which is no placement at all, that would be very bad news for the future of those extensions. For all we know, they may ultimately be a little strong than .com. Time will tell.
The whole point to this, is that if it was a .us, .info, .co, .biz, etc..... extension, it wouldn't be found anywhere on the search engines, period.

Why do you say that? In my experience non countrycode domains do fine, especially .info.
Hi Carob, only because I've tried to get them on the search engines myself, with no luck. And because I'm still yet to ever find one on the search engines. Ever seen one on page one before? Heck, I can't remember the last time I've seen one on Google or Yahoo, period, on any pages.

Yes I know.... Google says they're all equal.... yada yada yada. Bull sh*t.
Bing & Yahoo continue to rank favorably exact match domain names (EMDs) so if the search phrase has meaningful search volume, an EMD can get some traffic at Yahoo & Bing even though Google does not place the same weight on EMDs. Note that 90% of search traffic is from ranking on page one and most of that from ranking in the top three or four positions. In recent years the search engines have begun placing paid ads in the top search results such that even a site which ranks organically in the top few positions may no longer get as much traffic as it would otherwise (because now it is no longer one of the top few spots on the page).

Despite all the hoopla about Google's Penguin and Panda search engine algorithm updates a few years ago, for non-competitive terms I have seen even some relatively simple sites still rank on page one of Google for the exact search phrase. It should be noted that ranking for a phrase that few people search for in any TLD other than .COM is not going to yield sales. I have sold brandable .COM domains with zero search volume. Years ago I used to register the .Net of my better .COM domains for protective purposes. Very rarely did I ever sell that .Net but I wasted a lot of money on .Net renewals so I eventually let most of them drop and in some cases developers and companies picked them up and launched sites on the .Net while I still own the .COM :)

Google Keyword Planner shows the following monthly search volume for these phrases...

Fix Plumbing 70

Fix Plumbing Nationwide 0

IMO this domain should have never been registered. If you are going to take the risk of speculating on non-proven extensions (nTLDs where oftentimes the renewals are much higher than .COM) at least register something that people search for.
Google Keyword Planner shows the following monthly search volume for these phrases...

Fix Plumbing 70

Fix Plumbing Nationwide 0

Well that shows why the domain can rank, it's a almost non-existent keyword phrase which is obviously very easy to rank for.

Nothing to do with gTLDs.

The whole point to this, is that if it was a .us, .info, .co, .biz, etc..... extension, it wouldn't be found anywhere on the search engines, period. The new extensions index similar to . com. net, and .org, and possibly better

I think there is zero data that would show the new extensions are better than .com exact match or better than .info etc.

You rank for a keyword phrase that no one is ever using.

This reminds me of the other gTLD hype. When .com are dominating the sales charts and development, no one takes notice. If one single gTLD is in the news people start screaming how .com is outdated and dying.

When millions of .com are ranking no one cares. When .info shows up in the results they are ignored.
If one gTLD shows up in the results, they are suddenly considered to be equal to .com or even superior.
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I still dispute that 70 exact match hit. Obviously more people will type that in. My wife is likely to use it 10 times on her own by mistake. I also didn't necessarily buy it for adsense or to start a site, but to possibly resell it to a plumbing co.

Again though, the whole point to this is basically one purpose. If it was another extension, such as, or, or, it would never bee on Yahoo whatsoever. With Fix.Plumbing, "Fix Plumbing" is on page 5. Any other extension like the other I mentioned, and it would be nowhere. So the future of the new extensions is good and rivals the .com's with placements. It could have easily gone the other way. With the right name on the new extensions, a site could dominate. I also own and, although not sure what to do with them. I have and that has 22k exact monthly searches.
Also again, that exact match of 70 a month for "fix plumbing" is ridiculous. I have already had 30 visits in the last few days from Yahoo.
Simply put, new extensions are not superior for SEO, regardless of what registrars or other parties with a vested interest are saying. Can they rank ? Yes. Will they be indexed ? Yes.
But it's not hard to rank well for expressions with low search volume.

I would guess searches for plumbing will usually be geo-sensitive queries like "plumbing + city".
Also again, that exact match of 70 a month for "fix plumbing" is ridiculous. I have already had 30 visits in the last few days from Yahoo.

here is the data from wordtracker:

plumbing 15,624
fix it plumbing 463
plumbing fix 21
fix plumbing leak 8
fix plumbing leaks 6
how to fix shower plumbing 3
assure fix plumbing 2
we fix it plumbing 2
fix plumbing 2
fix it plumbing home 1
fix roof plumbing
You're wrong. They are far superior to .us, info, .biz, etc.... Have any of you even purchased a new extension and tried it yet? Well I have. I would suggest trying it first before you make claims.

They are far superior to .us, .info, etc..... and that's the a fact. About similar to .com, .net, and .org. Possibly better, but still early. Like I sad, people would actually have to try it first to find out. If you think would be anywhere on Yahoo at all, that's crazy. And if you think .info places as good as .com, that's even crazier. Surely people know this....

Like I sad, the new extensions are better than .us, info, and .biz, and as good or better than .org and up. But then again, maybe Google has a vested interest in the new domains we don't know about.
Like I sad, the new extensions are better than .us, info, and .biz, and as good or better than .org and up. But then again, maybe Google has a vested interest in the new domains we don't know about.

have you tried for the same keywords with other extensions?

To me a page 5 ranking for "fix plumbing" on yahoo does not seem extraordinary.

The SEO people are usually the first to exploit algo changes and new trends if the gTLD worked so well i think we would hear about it.
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You guys might want to track analytics to your own sites. Word tracker is not too accurate. I own the forum at and word tracker has it at 300 words for every search phrase relating to avian flu, yet I get approx 300 + visits a day.
Dordamai, I'm simply saying again, that it's significantly better than .us, .info. .biz , .co, etc.... and similar to .com. I won't make any money off it, but just letting people know that the new extensions are read by the search engines, unlike .us, etc... It could have easily been NOWHERE to be found AT ALL. Like .info would be. I will know how receptive Google is to the new extensions soon.
Not saying in any way that new gTLDs would rank better than something else, but I have to say that I've seen newish sites on ngtlds rank suspiciously well for high competition search phrases. Ranking is, of course, based on zillion factors so could have nothing to do with the new g's.
Just someone who has it in his mind that his domain is the best and will be always on top of searches.
No matter what anyone says.
He will find out what happens soon.
What's funny is that I bought US.Directory, and I guess is owned by Yellow Pages. Normally there could be a trademark or cyber squatting problem, but I'm in the collection business (debt buyer and collections), and so I decided to start a people locating service, since part of our job is to skiptrace and locate people. Anyway, I like putting the name US.Directory at the top of my site. It might be a little misleading as people may think I'm affiliated with, but that's not my problem. I own the name and I have a related business for the domain. So, the name of the actual business is, which is forwarded to "Find People" was by far the #1 search phrase, so had to use that domain URL for obvious reasons. Was all there was left for domains and SEO purposes, but around 136k direct monthly matches for "Find People". Search engines don't care about hyphens thank God. And then to top it off, I put US.Directory all over it for added credibility. What do you think? Ya, need to also shameless post a link for SEO, but again, it's all related to the this topic, so it should be okay.

Any thoughts on using US.Directory like that?

Another question, will it help my SEO if i put a link back to NamePros, to loop the links? I already did, but just curious on any insight on that.
Please understand that G don't rank domains rather it rank content.(intially)
Big G wants to provide best value to searchers and is continually improving and uses more than 200 ranking factor to rank website.
Once website begins to get lot of attention via backlinks ,social signal it's authority increase and so its ranking power.
Domain should merely be seen from branding point of view.
Ya that's where Google screws up and haa gotten carried away. For example, I've had for a decade. The first dedicated avian flu site in the world, and the oldest. Even on wikipedia. And still on page 5 of Google if you search Avian Flu, and new content is added daily. Go figure.
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