
discuss Acquire.com vs Acquisition.com

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Before I begin I want to clarify that I do not own either of these domains, nor am I affiliated with the owner or businesses of the sites hosted on them.

In November 2022 acquire.com sold for $240,000, and in April earlier that same year acquisition.com sold for $350,000.

This came as a bit of a surprise to me, and it's one of those sales that have bothered me ever since. While I recognize that both domains are incredibly valuable (and I believe acquire.com was a steal), my intuition says that acquire.com should be worth at least five times as much. It's shorter, it's easier recognized when typed out, etc. But for some reason it sold for almost 50% more.

Since acquisition.com was bought before acquire.com I can't even make the early-bird excuse. After all, the owner of acquisition.com should've been able to get acquire.com instead.

I'd very much like to hear people's opinion on this.

I'll also make some referential comparisons, to get the ball rolling:

Acquire > Acquisition
  • Registered in more extensions (176 : 151)
  • Easier to spell and recognize
  • Fewer characters (7 vs 11)
  • Fewer syllables (3 vs 4)
  • Root word > derivational affix
Acquire < Acquisition
  • 3 times higher search volume (72 : 24)
  • More common as a keyword (14K : 5K)
  • Noun > verb
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Acquisition is the exact business (corporate finance) term and that's what Alex Hormozi wanted. Acquire is more open vessel.
Acquisition is the exact business (corporate finance) term and that's what Alex Hormozi wanted. Acquire is more open vessel.
Could you elaborate on this?
First thing you need to understand is this:

Domain names have no objective prices.

You could look at a domain name and say "it's definitely valuable. Maybe 6 figures."
But you cannot take a look at a domain name and say "The exact price is $154,300."

In the end, the price of a domain name depends on a host of factors outside the domain name itself.

Some of them include the seller, buyer and their ability to negotiate.

For instance, some sellers may have acquired a great name so cheaply that they consider 90k an incredible ROI.

Other sellers perceive their domain names as unique and appreciating assets and shoot for the moon with their pricing regardless of what other people think of their domain names.

For instance, Mike Mann consistently sells name I consider average at INSANE price levels.

On the other hand, there are sellers who don't even know the value of their domain names. They just happen to have the domain name for a future side project or a failed one.

For such sellers, anything beyond what they paid for the domain name could be considered a good price.

On the buyer side:

Some buyers are desperate to have the domain name and get their business on it ASAP. Others think their business would do well on any domain name.

Their approach and willingness to pay depends on which ends of the spectrum they fall. And also, their pockets.
We do not know the details of the negotiations if there were any. You cannot get 50k for your domain if you ask 10k. I see people being amazed at those big sales and hoping they make a big sale too one day. You go to their portfolio and all their names are prices under 2k maybe a a few for about 5k. What do they think? You will ask 5k and the buyer will beg you to take 250k?
We do not know the details of the negotiations if there were any. You cannot get 50k for your domain if you ask 10k. I see people being amazed at those big sales and hoping they make a big sale too one day. You go to their portfolio and all their names are prices under 2k maybe a a few for about 5k. What do they think? You will ask 5k and the buyer will beg you to take 250k?

BIN or "make a bigger offer", who will be the first to implement that?
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If I were to chose one to own it would be Acquire.
Acquire is a steal, totally right

- this is why the whole story is so special. Other than that, it wouldn't be.

Seller of acquire must had been run out of money or something... or didn't get any substantial offer for his domain over years.
Acquire is a steal, totally right

- this is why the whole story is so special. Other than that, it wouldn't be.

Seller of acquire must had been run out of money or something... or didn't get any substantial offer for his domain over years.
or he had a opportunity that would make him a lot of money, more than the domain ever will.
or he had a opportunity that would make him a lot of money, more than the domain ever will.

however you want to see that,

but as @MKA correctly outlined, acquisition.com sold for far more.

Although, as I agree with him, acquire seems to be the superior name.
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Btw, the acquisition of acquisition.com was reported in April 2022, but it was acquired before that. This video is from March 2022 (he has an interesting price anchor):

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So acquisition.com was proposed to him as alternative to marketing.com? That makes a bit more sense.
So acquisition.com was proposed to him as alternative to marketing.com? That makes a bit more sense.

to his wife :xf.wink:
Yeah, but my point is that he didn't seem to spend too much time trying to find the best domain.

Let's say that you want a domain for an automated scaling service, and you end up with a bunch of alternatives: autoscale.com, autoscaler.com, autoscaling.com, and autoscalability.com, which all technically would work. But you'd probably prefer autoscale.com, right?

Similarly I thought he had gone through the alternatives: acquire.com, acquired.com, acquisition.com acquisitions.com, etc. and hand-selected acquisition.com instead of acquire.com.
If I were to chose one to own it would be Acquire.
”Less is more”
Acquisition is too big a word.
I like acquire more, too.
it's one of those sales that have bothered me ever since

unless you know the parties involved... the what's and why's that closed the deal,
then what's the point?

still, i'd rather have the plural version "acquires.com".


unless you know the parties involved... the what's and why's that closed the deal,
then what's the point?

still, i'd rather have the plural version "acquires.com".

Acquires isn't plural because acquire isn't a noun. Acquires is the third-person singular simple present indicative of acquire, e.g. "John acquires a driver's licence."

I don't think acquires.com is as valuable as either acquire.com or acquisition.com.

Acquisitions.com is probably more valuable than acquisition.com, since the service is (hopefully dealing with more than one acquisition), but acquire.com is a tier above them both in my opinion.
Acquire is definitely better. It's more memorable, brandable, sounds more like modern dot com brand at all.
I like acquire.com since it vibes of the active tense. I see it person oriented mainly and to a lesser extent entities looking for a thirty party to make a buy happen or to secure an asset.

With acquisitions.com more open to the likes of management & services, and such treatments once a transaction has been completed for those looking to target in on this. Also or at least, while being more suited toward the interests of business-class asset purchases than the 1st.
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When we look at why acquire.com might be more valuable, one good reason is that it's shorter. Short domain names are usually better because they're easy to remember and quick to type. Acquire.com has only seven letters, while acquisition.com has eleven. Short names are also rare and can seem more important, which is why they are often preferred by businesses. Even though acquire.com was sold for less, it could be because of the timing or what buyers were willing to pay at that moment.
”Less is more”
Acquire - call to action
Acquisition - field / a subdivision of ... many

After all, the owner of acquisition.com should've been able to get acquire.com instead.

He was not able to get ... bc sometimes the DN owners care more about the "using for" and "networking (business )" than $6fig or $7fig now.

Kind regards
I like acquire.com since it vibes of the active tense. I see it person oriented mainly and to a lesser extent entities looking for a thirty party to make a buy happen or to secure an asset.

With acquisitions.com more open to the likes of management & services, and such treatments once a transaction has been completed for those looking to target in on this. Also or at least, while being more suited toward the interests of business-class asset purchases than the 1st.

You're right, acquire*.com is for to be acquired e.g a marketplace and thats why andrew choose it (previous name was microacquire*.com targeting smaller saas market)

acquisition*com is corporate lingo aka M&A i.e merger and acquistions, post acquire
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