
WhyPark Optimization, Support & Wishlist

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
ok guys,

i think we need a thread where we can all discuss whypark, get and give help to other users, talk about how to improve and all of all, a wishlist. Give your suggestion on which options and features you would like to see.

Just so you know,

I'm NOT related to the whypark team, I'm just a member, like everyone else.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
jerry t said:
Investing a hundred bucks is not going to make or break me.... stuff happens. I understand that part.

What I don't understand is the total lack of communications with people who have signed on with you. Whypark needs to address this problem first sir.

Have a great day :)
Lack of communications has been their Archiles heel, with many of us here at Namepros often complaining about it. Only recently has Craig come here on a few occasions.

Craig, you should make time to drop by more often.

GIL :)
I have an email going out to all customers in the next hour or so. We're also currently developing a lot of new features in the domain manager, like a customer forum, knowledge base, support center, etc. The framework is now in place in the Community tab. We started with the user suggestions feature and updates log. Watch for the other features to launch hopefully this month.

We always work to answer support emails as quickly as possible, but these updates will help us stay connected with our customers in many different ways. We're also going to be hiring additional support staff in the coming months and will be reaching out to WhyPark customers to fill those roles. That will ultimately free up my time to get more active here at Namepros too.
whypark said:
I have an email going out to all customers in the next hour or so. We're also currently developing a lot of new features in the domain manager, like a customer forum, knowledge base, support center, etc. The framework is now in place in the Community tab. We started with the user suggestions feature and updates log. Watch for the other features to launch hopefully this month.

We always work to answer support emails as quickly as possible, but these updates will help us stay connected with our customers in many different ways. We're also going to be hiring additional support staff in the coming months and will be reaching out to WhyPark customers to fill those roles. That will ultimately free up my time to get more active here at Namepros too.
Nice to hear that we will be getting more support from WhyPark and looking forward to seeing the new features.

GIL :)
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