
question-answered Why most domainers are not willing to reveal their full portfolio?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I shared my portfolio as much as possible for the simple reason that I see it obviously better to have my domains reach more people.
However, I have noticed that most domainers do not do that. Is my observation right? Why?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Never give people valuable free info that offers you absolutely zero benefit.

So one of the main activities of scum is to steal ideas. Not only from portfolio, but especially from "Domain Buyer Requests", "Showcase".
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if you don't want to show your domains, you should not be in this business.
Well, of course, if the portfolio is posted somewhere, then it will be seen one way or another. I rather meant to minimize its publicity. This is just my opinion, but based on something.
There's nothing you can do. On the one hand, promotion is necessary, on the other hand, showing off in front of everyone is harmful. I think it is better to open a portfolio for payment. Like 30 attractive names for 10 bucks, or something like that)) sorry for my english just in case)
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I don't share my portfolio for the same reason that I don't share what I eat for lunch.

When you take a picture of your lunch, sometimes the picture contains the GPS location, the time, the date, and the device information that took the picture. You could be in trouble if someone wants to use that information maliciously.

I've shared a few domain names I own in public forums like this one over the years. However, even years after I sold the domain names, I continued receiving spam inquiries, which were just annoying. Your experience might be different, but I don't believe sharing a portfolio would help me sell my domain names.
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If you are selling to end users there is absolutely no benefit to making your portfolio public, and you only increase risk.

We're not selling pop, candy and chips here, and a buyer who is looking to purchase an expensive domain for 5-figures is never ever going to think "gee, I wonder what other domains he/she has?". :xf.rolleyes: :ROFL:

But it does increase a domainer's risk level, as now everyone can see which domains you own, and if these are expensive domains then you quickly come under the radar of 3rd-world scammers and identity thieves.

Also, if a company is thinking of initiating a UDRP against you then they have an open view of your portfolio (negating WHOIS privacy) and are free to pick and choose a few select ones (out of the hundreds or thousands) that fit their narrative of portraying you as a scumbag IP squatter.

Never give people valuable free info that offers you absolutely zero benefit.
Some good points there, and you get my upvote.
but a couple of years back I was negotiating for a domain here with someone, and it was [specific industry related] I was curious to know what other he has because at that time I was thinking of opening a specialized website for selling domains and branding related to that industry. Had he agreed to share his portfolio I could have bought them all and executed my business plan, for some reason he created some excuses and did not show me his portfolio. sometimes we don't know exactly what we want and seeing what he had would have pushed me into buying. even if you are selling expensive jewelry you still show them all.
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I shared my portfolio as much as possible for the simple reason that I see it obviously better to have my domains reach more people.
However, I have noticed that most domainers do not do that. Is my observation right? Why?
Why would we want to share?

What is this "reach more people" you are talking about, and what for? What people? How are you going to "reach people"? Are you going to reach end users? Do you do outbound? We don't. Then are you going to reach other domainers and push them your bad domains for $20? Look man your site doesn't even have SSL configured, who will gonna buy at insecure site?
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I am bumping into this thread when I tried to find free software to create my portfolio web site. Would appreciate any ideas/tips as I am just starting domaining :) Thanks .... And yes I am going to publish my portfolio :)
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I am bumping into this thread when I tried to find free software to create my portfolio web site. Would appreciate any ideas/tips as I am just starting domaining :) Thanks .... And yes I am going to publish my portfolio :)
with a few clicks, I was able to create my own domains portfolio website using the white-label market of Squadhelp
(I already had my domains listed with Squadhelp and my domains landing page pointing towards their servers)
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with a few clicks, I was able to create my own domains portfolio website using the white-label market of Squadhelp
(I already had my domains listed with Squadhelp and my domains landing page pointing towards their servers)
Thanks much for the information. I just configured inside SH and set it up. It was cool and easy. One thing I noticed somehow my http saying page not found, only https works... If http still not coming up after sometime, will contact their support. Thanks much again for sharing your knowledge !
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Thanks much for the information. I just configured inside SH and set it up. It was cool and easy. One thing I noticed somehow my http saying page not found, only https works... If http still not coming up after sometime, will contact their support. Thanks much again for sharing your knowledge !
yes between SH support and your host, you will figure this out. I had simmilar issues. SH support is excellent and their platform is beyond amazing.
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Thanks much for the information. I just configured inside SH and set it up. It was cool and easy. One thing I noticed somehow my http saying page not found, only https works... If http still not coming up after sometime, will contact their support. Thanks much again for sharing your knowledge !
Thanks much for the information. It looks like SH is still in beta for WLM. After a couple of days raising the issue, they now redirect to . Their support is great. Even though it’s free, they sent a personal support email on the issue and notified the fix. I looked around and still noticed same issues for some of their WLM customer sites still work only for https and not http
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Thanks much for the information. It looks like SH is still in beta for WLM. After a couple of days raising the issue, they now redirect to . Their support is great. Even though it’s free, they sent a personal support email on the issue and notified the fix. I looked around and still noticed same issues for some of their WLM customer sites still work only for https and not http
Man I love SH in every way! They keep on building and innovating ( trust me I am not affiliated with them in any way.) they have some bugs sometimes but they work on them fast and get your issues resolved.
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Do you have multiple domain names with BIN set & targeted for the same or very similar niche? — then it may not be very wise to confuse potential buyers with competing names.

BIN is supposed to promote quick buying decisions. Confusing them with all sorts of different but competing names may not be a good idea for this very reason.

For domain names without BIN set, this logic is not applicable. But still there are other reasons why a domainer may or may not share their entire portfolio.
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Do you have multiple domain names with BIN set & targeted for the same or very similar niche? — then it may not be very wise to confuse potential buyers with competing names.

BIN is supposed to promote quick buying decisions. Confusing them with all sorts of different but competing names may not be a good idea for this very reason.

For domain names without BIN set, this logic is not applicable. But still there are other reasons why a domainer may or may not share their entire portfolio.
this is interesting and insightful, thanks!
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Selling on NamePros is for fun, while the real money is in end user sales.

Very unlikely that an actual end user would find a domain name of mine on here that is interested in paying end user prices.

Why disclose all your domains, expose your niches and have more competition?
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Selling on NamePros is for fun, while the real money is in end user sales.

Very unlikely that an actual end user would find a domain name of mine on here that is interested in paying end user prices.

Why disclose all your domains, expose your niches and have more competition?
End users do not read boring domain news like namepro
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Some good points there, and you get my upvote.
but a couple of years back I was negotiating for a domain here with someone, and it was [specific industry related] I was curious to know what other he has because at that time I was thinking of opening a specialized website for selling domains and branding related to that industry. Had he agreed to share his portfolio I could have bought them all and executed my business plan, for some reason he created some excuses and did not show me his portfolio. sometimes we don't know exactly what we want and seeing what he had would have pushed me into buying. even if you are selling expensive jewelry you still show them all.

That's totally different as it was a PRIVATE bulk transaction between two parties and I'm referring to a PUBLIC sharing whereby everyone on the world can potentially view and catalog your entire portfolio.

If you take part in end user sales, there is absolutely no benefit in mass-promoting your portfolio for everyone to see. There is only risk.

It's one in a million that a specific end user a) finds one of your domains he likes and b) has the cash to pay for it, so what do you think the odds are a buyer is going to miraculously find 2. 3. 4 or more of your domains that fit their needs?

We're not selling fast food here and domains are very niche items with very specific buyers.
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I also don't think many domainers don't show their portfolios because of being scared or lack of confidence.
It's more like - what do I get from this, how would I benefit? And the answer is - it's zero benefit for you as a seller. If you have been in this game for a while, you learn (and pretty fast in reality) that you don't want to sell anything to other domainers. Then why would you present your portfolio? And there are lots of downsides of this on the other hand - people can case-study you, mimicking your keywords or buying other tlds. Even the newbies can do it if they are smart enough. Analize portfolios of 5-6 leading domainers (I am not one of them, definitely), generalize across, and you might understand some nice-ass tactics.
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Last time i sent my portfolio to a kind domainer who DM'd. He said he is willing to broker all my names.
Out of the blue i started getting crazy low ball offers to my best names at Godaddy. I knew immediately it was that domainer. I let the Godaddy Broker know they have to come higher than $100. ofcourse they ran away. We have developed a habit here to make reselling seem like a domain must be for $25 or else its not a deal. But if i see a great domain I beleive i can get 5-10k for, i don't mind spending a few hundred for it atleast. I did that with and made good money. i made that with and made 10k.. i did that with literally emptied my paypal account to buy it for a few hundred and i sold it for almost 7k. The return you can get is what makes it wholesale. That's just one of the many reasons i assume others may not share their whole portfolio.

Also, some may want to take advantage of a trend before others catch on..and maybe their portfolio would reveal some juice. I for one share trends...i reg 2-3 and share. But as someone above mentioned... cornering the market is fair play.
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The return you can get is what makes it wholesale.


"Golden Words"!

"True definition of Wholesale!"
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I have noticed that most domainers do not do that. Is my observation right? Why?
For the same reason why domainers with good names tend to not respond to tempting buyer requests. It makes no sense. Just like the requesters have no money and no taste. Yes, and the Requesters require opening name-cards for free. In a fair game, showdowns must be paid.
And answering requests means creating a free image of an investor for some guy who is incomprehensible by raising his topic, who can buy/sell at least 100 domains for $1 each and have a nice rating
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Embarrassment. My portfolio dropped from well over 3,000 to its current level of under 300. This was the result of external pressures demanding a lot of my time, and the increased difficulty in getting payments in Bitcoin. I should have a bit more time next year, so hopefully I can increase my domain name activities.
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the reason is share the portfolio here doesn't help the sale...the true buyer(the end users)target the particular names only...not ther portfolio.
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