
advice We'll register all - We need your help (Not your money)

Spaceship Spaceship
Before starting to share with you what we're going to do, I'd like to ask to all skeptics to avoid any possible negative comment because we're just asking for your help (as you'll read below), not for your money :)

This's a stange but true story of course even if I'll not share all details of it to safeguard the privacy of the interested parties.

One month ago, a friend of mine knew a rich businessman to a business seminar in Rome (Italy) so they took a coffee together and talked for few hours about multiple topics.
This person explained he's actually leading multiple successful companies (in diff. fields) with a turnover of few million euros per month.

He loves the capitalism but he's even more interested in new ways to invest his funds for an easy and high return.
He loves the risk especially where there's a chance to quintuple a big capital in few months.

Few days ago, I talked again with my friend about his businessman and I spend few hours to explain him what "web domains" are, the big speculation around this market etc .. ok he learned a lot by me so we decided to approach again "his new friend" to propose him a big and ambitious project: registering all remaining (excl those with 0-4) to dominate the niche.

Well, he had a first long phone chat with this businessman, he knoe what "domains" are but not the market around them and not even about the growing numeric market.
Now he wants to meet again my friend to discuss more in details the whole project and he'll come with other 2 rich partners.
We've given him a general idea of the needed investment before calculating the number of available 7N etc ... $15M
He didn't get impressed especially when my friend explained it's a totally legit activity and once we'll have reserved all these numbers, their market value will instantly start to grow.

Now he wants to know more details about this project and we're working on them.
He advanced we'll not administer his money (obviously) but his lawyer will do it by following carefully our instructions.
There're still many steps to follow, to write a legal agreement which will safeguard the interest of the involved parties etc ...

If he'll agree to move forward, this will probably happens in the first week of December.
My friend explained him this's a middle term investment but he confirmed to have no hurry to monetize the important is to have a way to verify his investment is getting a good return in terms of value of the acquired assets (as he called the "domains").

I know this will be an hard venture, we'll have to ask for the cooperation of our Gd agent to register a so big number of domains by getting directly in touch with the lawyer who'll adminster the funds etc ...

Ok this's our problem but if the investment should go through, "all players will benefit" by the growing value of this niche.

Why am I sharing this story with you ? :)
We've no way to check the availability of a so big number of domains and not even a way to be sure to have extracted all 7N without 0-4

May someome confirm the number if possible 7N combimation excluding 0-4 ?
We should be aroud 2,097.730 (more or less) but I'm not a mathematician so I've used some complex techniques to setup this list.

If someone has a way to quickly check their availability and to supply the full available list, we'd appreciate it.
Here's the full list of 7N (excl 0-4) that I've created:

If you can help with the following steps, the game will start soon :)

You can email the list to: domainsales (at)

***Last second update:
We've just been confirmed that 7N w/out 0-4 are exactly 2097152 so we only need your help to find a way to check for their availability in bulk in order to give an estimate budget to our investor even if every week some dozens of thousands are sold out.
The easy way will be to ask to our Gd agent/Gd staff to grab all the available ones at the time of receipt of the funds but I must know first how many of them are still available and "a first version" of the list if someone knows how doing this job :)
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
According to ms Domainer regging names is a crime:P
Hmm why not just buy up 4 n, 4 l dot com at end user prices that have a higher guarantee to rise in value?

You have less qty but quality dot com portfolio.

How about you buy up my 5n & 4l dot co portfolio while you were at it !??lol

According to ms Domainer regging names is a crime:P

According to you its not and your right. Just like buying stocks is not but put in a greedy investor in the equation and some hype and poof! instant popularity and misleading value. Suddenly the price goes up up up!! and then it goes down down down!! guess who gets left holding the bag? And I in no way believe that what I just said describes anything unethical or illegal (Cough! Yes Cough I do!) but it sure does smell that way.
This isn't SilkRoad..Its NamePros. and we stand to protect our industry not damage it..
Are you?
Hi all,

Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy elsewhere but now I see it's time for a public clarification of this whole matter.

Firstly, I'm not a scammer and I find offensive such accusations because I'd have no advantage in exposing publicly my company and my reputation with a stupid useless scam from whom we'd have made absolutely no profit.

There're some good reasons (apart knowing your opinions) if we've decided to make the whole thing public in advance and surely not to convince others to start grabbing random 7N in bulk before our final buy out (you've already had your chances to grab some of the best available patterns in the latest weeks).
We've also made public a list of the best ones still available for registration just few weeks ago here in the forum and with no personal profit considering those patterns were of first quality (with formats like 1222825 or 2588385 ... you got the point).
If our intention would have just been to convince you to invest heavily on 7N, we'd have just proposed to do that without using a so dirty tactic.

But now let's go back to the original thread.
It's correct, we're in touch with a rich businessman with important financial resources who knows absolutely nothing about this market and who's just looking for new profitable and safe investments for its capitals (do you see it as something of unrealistic ?)

My friend has just called this person a couple of times (long calls) to start explaining in general lines what we were going to propose him, he's ready to meet him with other 2 partners to furtherly clarify all the ascpects of this business.
He has no issue in investing few millions on something (this's the point), he knows nothing about numbers so our role will be to convince him about the advantages of such investment just because we believe in it but we'll also sign a disclaimer to assume no responsibility about the future evolution of this market so he'll decide freely if moving forward or quitting this investment idea.

If you see the whole thing from the wrong perspective, it might appear as unrealistic and expensive (he'd buy only numbers, that's correct) but we've a diff. point of view, follow me.
Let's say we'll still find 1M of available numbers and we'll acquire them (once he should agree to invest an average of $8/9M in this deal, we'll approach few registrar for a quote).

Basically it's like playing to a lottery or going to a casino, this's the real point.
Once this buy out will have completed, market prices will start to raise so he'll logically see a first advantage in having invested a so large amount.
Going forward with the clarification, this's not a cybersquatting activity, let's be honest because we've just grabbing numbers (not generic words, company names or long acronyms potentially trademarked by others) so what do you see of illicit in such activity ?
We're not stealing something and we're not indirectly influencing the stock market (which might be unethical), it's just a game where we're playing a licit game with licit money; are we violating any international law ?

We're playing for profit and this's correct; do you see anything wrong in this concept ?
If this deal will go through, we'll probably dominate half of the 7N market but it's just a game, we're not affecting any existing business with it nor we're subtracting to other internet users something of precious considering such numbers have been unclaimed and unregistered for years :)

Now, why have we done this whole matter public ? Just to share with you all our big enthusiasm and to collect some feedback because we're not secretly planning the acquisition of a big company, we're just planning to enter in this game with some important capitals so there's no secret here considering no game is fun if played alone ... Don't you agree ?

Part of the original idea was to show him this posting too (with all your feedbacks) but it's no longer a good idea at this point considering it might affect negatively his opinion of this "new game".

I think someone is taking too seriously this matter instead of calling it with its real name: a game.

I'll reveal you something more: we had no reason to create a panic situation by announcing this imminent buy out because the 7N registrations ae moving fast quite quickly since the second half of August (basing on our studies on some samples of 50/60k random numbers).
Every week 10/30/+k of them get registered and you might have your own way to verify that.

Obviously I thank the people who believed in our idea and offered their help to make it happening.
Once again, I can't know for sure this will happen but surely our intentions are serious even if the final decision will not be ours.

We'll try to speed up things but we're always talking of an investment of few millions (something of normal for this person but I don't think he'll accept to invest next week on a market totally unknown to him ... We'll just do our best to make the dream become true soon).
We'll soon update this thread with the new developments.

We've an evident advantage, getting a lifetime 10% rev-share on all profits deriving by this investment but it's important to clarify (once again) it's all theorical for now but considering he loves risky investments when the chances to quintiple a so big capital are high ... Who knows what will happen.
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I think most people here are doing the same thing but on a much smaller scale. Buy a few domains in whatever category is moving and sell once the buyout occurs.
The unconvincing part is you are unable find available 7Ns while planning to spend millions to register them. I'm sorry but it seems to me that you are just looking for list of all available 7Ns, probably to register some good ones.
How exactly are you planning to make money out of this ?

Please don't take it the wrong way because I know you are honest and legit but it doesn't seem like a good idea at all.

It's correct, we're in touch with a rich businessman with important financial resources who knows absolutely nothing about this market and who's just looking for new profitable and safe investments for its capitals (do you see it as something of unrealistic ?)
Investing in a business he doesn't understand at all... how could he know he's doing it right ?

My friend has just called this person a couple of times (long calls) to start explaining in general lines what we were going to propose him, he's ready to meet him with other 2 partners to furtherly clarify all the ascpects of this business.
If they have a lot of money to invest, then they can buy solid, quality domains but in limited quantities. Thus the risk is minimized. Buying (and renewing) millions of domains comes at staggering costs.

Once this buy out will have completed, market prices will start to raise so he'll logically see a first advantage in having invested a so large amount.
Buyouts do not boost prices. They have limited influence, that is on the domainer market. Everybody can see the results in .us .in etc. The scarcity does not make domain names valuable when there is no (end user) demand.
The ongoing Chinese crazy shouldn't fool anyone.

I think someone is taking too seriously this matter instead of calling it with its real name: a game.
A very expensive game...

PS: I am attaching an excerpt from the Domain game book (recommended reading !). I think it's a good read for any domainer.
This is about a long-forgotten story, the story of 24hournames, possibly one of the biggest failures in domaining. This is a story about a guy who tried to 'corner' a niche and failed, and I think the proposition here is very similar.


  • 24hournames.pdf
    715.8 KB · Views: 38
As of 2 hours ago there were 1139098 premium 7N left out of 2 Mil 97K total, almost half gone. (There are a million more CHIP that exist (3.2 Mil, I do not know the remaining amount) and everyone buying 5Lcom are talking buyout. This is the nature of this market. I have followed this closely since March of this year when I started buying some 6N.coms and people thought that was ridiculous and a buyout would never happen. The 7N I was buying in September are all getting back ordered at NameJet. I am still buying. Based on scarcity, 7N is the best hand reged .com play there is now. Sure there is risk, but the market is growing and new people are waking up and entering this space. Yes, people can manipulate this market but with all due respect to those in this thread that think a conversation about buying them out is unethical or wrong, this is economics 101.

In October, I kept asking myself why are all the's not being grabbed by a big player. There were around 500K left and if you do the math it seemed like a no brainer (and it was) eventually they started getting grabbed in bulk (or as some say "manipulated"). If this market sustains its growth for 3 more months, the data says that when premium 5N hit a 10K floor 6N will be 1K and 7N will be 100. If that does not happen the market is slowing. No signs of that yet. There will be corrections in pricing and consolidation as the guys who hand reged look to cash out early but bigger players have been there for the next wave buying 6N premium at 300-500 to double their money in a few months if growth holds. I think we will see some downturns before the ultimate peaks based on the consolidation that is occurring but the new investors will hold these domains and if demand is there the prices will rise. Again a calculated gamble. This will not go on forever but 3 more months seems a worthy gamble to me. I built advanced technology with the purpose of tracking this market. I see every 2-3 hours what 7N have been reged along with a complete nameserver report. 41,500.00 7N have been registered per day on average over the last 11 days. Those number fluctuate daily, some up and down, but they keep getting bought up by the Chinese every single day. 95% are Chinese name servers. This buyout will happen with or without threads like this on namepros. People are speculating on a new rising commodity market that has formed. Nobody knows what is going to happen but buying up domains to sell based on scarcity in an emerging commodities market is a legit way to make and lose a great deal of money. Even if nobody steps up to grab a big chunk of 7N as the numbers drop, at the current burn rate they will be gone in 27 days. I will keep people updated in this thread from time to time. If anyone wants lists of avail 7N and more regular updates, PM me and I will put you on a list to contact. I wish everyone happiness and good fortune.
Go for it, man. I wish I had the capital to do something similar.
As of 2 hours ago there were 1139098 premium 7N left out of 2 Mil 97K total, almost half gone. (There are a million more CHIP that exist (3.2 Mil, I do not know the remaining amount) and everyone buying 5Lcom are talking buyout. This is the nature of this market. I have followed this closely since March of this year when I started buying some 6N.coms and people thought that was ridiculous and a buyout would never happen. The 7N I was buying in September are all getting back ordered at NameJet. I am still buying. Based on scarcity, 7N is the best hand reged .com play there is now. Sure there is risk, but the market is growing and new people are waking up and entering this space. Yes, people can manipulate this market but with all due respect to those in this thread that think a conversation about buying them out is unethical or wrong, this is economics 101.

In October, I kept asking myself why are all the's not being grabbed by a big player. There were around 500K left and if you do the math it seemed like a no brainer (and it was) eventually they started getting grabbed in bulk (or as some say "manipulated"). If this market sustains its growth for 3 more months, the data says that when premium 5N hit a 10K floor 6N will be 1K and 7N will be 100. If that does not happen the market is slowing. No signs of that yet. There will be corrections in pricing and consolidation as the guys who hand reged look to cash out early but bigger players have been there for the next wave buying 6N premium at 300-500 to double their money in a few months if growth holds. I think we will see some downturns before the ultimate peaks based on the consolidation that is occurring but the new investors will hold these domains and if demand is there the prices will rise. Again a calculated gamble. This will not go on forever but 3 more months seems a worthy gamble to me. I built advanced technology with the purpose of tracking this market. I see every 2-3 hours what 7N have been reged along with a complete nameserver report. 41,500.00 7N have been registered per day on average over the last 11 days. Those number fluctuate daily, some up and down, but they keep getting bought up by the Chinese every single day. 95% are Chinese name servers. This buyout will happen with or without threads like this on namepros. People are speculating on a new rising commodity market that has formed. Nobody knows what is going to happen but buying up domains to sell based on scarcity in an emerging commodities market is a legit way to make and lose a great deal of money. Even if nobody steps up to grab a big chunk of 7N as the numbers drop, at the current burn rate they will be gone in 27 days. I will keep people updated in this thread from time to time. If anyone wants lists of avail 7N and more regular updates, PM me and I will put you on a list to contact. I wish everyone happiness and good fortune.

This is surely one of the best posts in the thread.

While I'd be sorta amazed to see every 7N, including those with 0's and 4's to sell out... Stranger things have happened... Like they bought out all the 6N's with 0's and 4's when that seemed strange and crazy. Before that, the horror, 5N's got bought out. I was buying 4N when it was crazy to pay $300 each -- regardless of the quantity available overall -- thankfully still holding 10.

On the otherhand, I think it makes more sense to buy out premium 7N and move out to premium 8N instead of junky poor pattern 4 havin' 7Ns. The premium 8N's are going quick. Look for niches and combinations that are limited and they're zooming right away.
As of 2 hours ago there were 1139098 premium 7N left out of 2 Mil 97K total, almost half gone. (There are a million more CHIP that exist (3.2 Mil, I do not know the remaining amount) and everyone buying 5Lcom are talking buyout. This is the nature of this market. I have followed this closely since March of this year when I started buying some 6N.coms and people thought that was ridiculous and a buyout would never happen. The 7N I was buying in September are all getting back ordered at NameJet. I am still buying. Based on scarcity, 7N is the best hand reged .com play there is now. Sure there is risk, but the market is growing and new people are waking up and entering this space. Yes, people can manipulate this market but with all due respect to those in this thread that think a conversation about buying them out is unethical or wrong, this is economics 101.

In October, I kept asking myself why are all the's not being grabbed by a big player. There were around 500K left and if you do the math it seemed like a no brainer (and it was) eventually they started getting grabbed in bulk (or as some say "manipulated"). If this market sustains its growth for 3 more months, the data says that when premium 5N hit a 10K floor 6N will be 1K and 7N will be 100. If that does not happen the market is slowing. No signs of that yet. There will be corrections in pricing and consolidation as the guys who hand reged look to cash out early but bigger players have been there for the next wave buying 6N premium at 300-500 to double their money in a few months if growth holds. I think we will see some downturns before the ultimate peaks based on the consolidation that is occurring but the new investors will hold these domains and if demand is there the prices will rise. Again a calculated gamble. This will not go on forever but 3 more months seems a worthy gamble to me. I built advanced technology with the purpose of tracking this market. I see every 2-3 hours what 7N have been reged along with a complete nameserver report. 41,500.00 7N have been registered per day on average over the last 11 days. Those number fluctuate daily, some up and down, but they keep getting bought up by the Chinese every single day. 95% are Chinese name servers. This buyout will happen with or without threads like this on namepros. People are speculating on a new rising commodity market that has formed. Nobody knows what is going to happen but buying up domains to sell based on scarcity in an emerging commodities market is a legit way to make and lose a great deal of money. Even if nobody steps up to grab a big chunk of 7N as the numbers drop, at the current burn rate they will be gone in 27 days. I will keep people updated in this thread from time to time. If anyone wants lists of avail 7N and more regular updates, PM me and I will put you on a list to contact. I wish everyone happiness and good fortune.

Can you tell me how many 7n's got regged after this thread came into existence? If possible, give me a breakup Chinese regs Vs nonchinese regs
DomainAgency nailed it.

The Chinese are regging away while everyone else says it isn't going to happen.

Ground floor opportunities are drying up.
If this market sustains its growth for 3 more months, the data says that when premium 5N hit a 10K floor 6N will be 1K and 7N will be 100.

So this is the bet.

Good post, thx for sharing.
Bad bet.

Your investor will probably make money, while leaving the stooges holding the bag.

This is precisely why large buyouts of stocks by one or two people on the stock market is illegal.

This is just a variation of the well-known Ponzi scheme: corner the market, sell what you can for big bucks, then sell for fewer bucks, and then get out (allow domains to expire), flooding the market with useless domains.

But I won't be one of the stooges. I already have all the 7N that I need, and I will continue to diversify my portfolio.

Quite frankly, your rich investor is a bit late to the game and would be better off going after some undervalued aftermarket domains, but what do I know?
It looks strange to me, but when I thought over it, I realized that it will definitely pay him off. Think of it this way; if very few people are holding the keys of world virtual properties in their archive and when they are needed, you must look for it at all cost.

But before the buyout, I wish you think over the renewal fees in case of the left overs.

7 is a precious number and Chinese will definitely buy them from him if the western world refuses to buy. Period.
I see both sides.

If a domain category becomes hot, we ALL want the opportunity and the foresight to register as many of the best names in that category that we can afford. Most of us can become players in the market, but cannot afford to invest in such a scope that we manipulate the market.

The market will likely be consumed by domain investors anyway. We might not have the intent of personally having a hand in making sure these domains become scarce and artificially inflating the value, but all of us who are snatching up these names are betting that it will happen and investing with the hope of benefiting from it.
Perspective : lets say 100 million end users in china. A very small percentage of the population of 3 billion
Go even further buy up all the 8 and 9 combos too. Numbers are the communication tool.
Now that your convinced, you should also buy up all of the short NNL, LLN NLN, LNL combos in .com, .net,.org too as they are selling well on the chinese market places. Don't stop there. buy up all of the left over 4N 5N 6N 7N 8N 9N's in .top .xin, .co, .win which are also popular in the chinese market.
Almost forgot you may need a chinese partner to divest.
The strategy is somewhat flawed given all of the other combos available.
I am happy to have a 10% commission on the money your investor saves by saying no.
I hope you have the ethics to present the whole picture.
Cheers !
Perspective : lets say 100 million end users in china. A very small percentage of the population of 3 billion
Go even further buy up all the 8 and 9 combos too. Numbers are the communication tool.
Now that your convinced, you should also buy up all of the short NNL, LLN NLN, LNL combos in .com, .net,.org too as they are selling well on the chinese market places. Don't stop there. buy up all of the left over 4N 5N 6N 7N 8N 9N's in .top .xin, .co, .win which are also popular in the chinese market.
Almost forgot you may need a chinese partner to divest.
The strategy is somewhat flawed given all of the other combos available.
I am happy to have a 10% commission on the money your investor saves by saying no.
I hope you have the ethics to present the whole picture.
Cheers !
Hmm China has approx 1.3 billion as a correction as if it matters lol!
Are there still patterns left in 7N?
thank u for catching the typo artstar. yes 1.3 billion and yes lol with all the other options available
Yes, there are a fair few patterns in 7N. Not much in the way of 888's or 88's. Drops with those are harder to find too, since they're picked up within hours.
Random 7N's, 8N's, etc. will be worthless. Period.

In fact, random 6N's are dubious.

Barnum and Bailey got it right: "A Sucker is Born Every Minute."

This is why Ponzi schemes continue to make money for con men and women.

And this silly buyout scheme is a hilariously obvious Ponzi scheme in the making, similar to schemes in which a group of operators buy up penny stocks for dirt cheap, create a demand, artificially drive up the price, create a frenzy via hype, sell at a higher price, make their money, flood the market with worthless paper, dump their remaining inventory, and then skip town (in this case, park their money in the Cayman Islands, LOL).

Just keep in mind that trusting "trusted" members can have negative outcomes; in this case, it looks as though the OP is being played by someone with nefarious intentions (a good con requires a patsy, an outsider) and who may or may not have deep pockets to pull it off -- or may be someone who uses early earnings to buy more cheap inventory and churns out more sales (the frenzy).

A truly wealthy person would buy prime aftermarket domains at wholesale prices and sell at end user prices (or hold).

All you need to do is read the very long thread right here on Namepros about a formerly trusted domainer who took a lot of people for a financial ride:

For you newbies who haven't read this thread, I urge you to do so. It's an eye opener and depicts how people who present themselves well aren't always what they seem.

This is especially true on the web, where eye contact is not possible and body language non-existent.

The 7N buyout of random numerical crap (should it really occur) -- keeping in mind that the cream is already gone -- by a limited number of rich investors will have a negative outcome for 99% of the rich investor's buyers, who will be left holding the bag.

In fact, the entire current Chinese demand for lesser domains (5L, 6N, and anything except .com, for example) may very well turn out to be a bad deal, due to collapse at any moment.


I have invested somewhat in the Chinese mania, but I'm taking a close look before investing in anything else. In fact, I think that most reg-fee opportunities have already passed.

You heard it first here.
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