
alert Beware of greedy member

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DomainsWeb.comTop Member
Hi everyone,

Beware of this new member https://www.namepros.com/members/matthewpataki.1069608 who created this thread https://www.namepros.com/threads/inherited-a-lot-of-domains-2500-looking-for-guidance.1325155

I discussed with him about some of his domains and he agreed to sell some of his domains and kept changing his stance multiple times on selling those domains, availability and prices as well. I've blocked this guy at WhatsApp and wanted to inform you guys to avoid dealing with this cheap and greedy person.

It's a risk to do business with him. You never know that you'll pay the agreed amount + escrow fees and later he backs out, you'll end up losing at least the escrow fees and your valuable time.

Thanks for reading and be careful whom to deal with around.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Lunch??? I have not had lunch or dinner, apparently last Friday night I did not feel well and then I think I went out my Sister thought I was dead, I was like no just a little dehydration.

Dude, take better care of yourself.

This, coming from someone who needs to take better care of himself.

Above all, stay hydrated!
Why TF would you call out a failed transaction based on Whatsup or even email, putting out the buyers identity? What is wrong with you? And on shit domains. 'C'mon Basit

You take a risk when via personal communications without a legitimate 3rd party security, in fact I am involved atm with a weird one myself but sure as heck am not going to call out the buyer. Poop happens.

We often say a handshake is enough but both you decided to bump elbows instead you hit the funny bone.

This sounds like a crap deal from the get-go and tbh you really have to have your finger on the pulse. Where's the greed here?

Your identity is lasting follow thru with deals but don't try and screw someone because they suck take it like a man. *not an endorsement btw for being sucky*
Well done for editing the thread title, I’ve spoken about this in the past, I’m big believer in not using your real name on a public forum, upset someone this can quite easy happen, in my opinion people should only know your real name who need to know your name (when actually in escrow/broker contracts/marketplaces etc).

People who are thinking about destroying someone’s identity on the web forever should not act on impulse and really think about if its warranted and be absolutely sure it is before you do.

Employers/future partners (dating and business) and even neighbours can search the web on someone’s name.

In my opinion only thing that warrants it is being scammed.
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This thread indeed has no winners, but it does provide many valuable insights. On X, today has been a quiet day with no drama. Much wisdom to the mods, for whom it must be a difficult task to properly monitor and moderate threads like this.
Well done for editing the thread title, I’ve spoken about this in the past, I’m big believer in not using your real name on a public forum, upset someone this can quite easy happen, in my opinion people should only know your real name who need to know your name (when actually in escrow/broker contracts/marketplaces etc).

People who are thinking about destroying someone’s identity on the web forever should not act on impulse and really think about if its warranted and be absolutely sure it is before you do.

Employers/future partners (dating and business) and even neighbours can search the web on someone’s name.

In my opinion only thing that warrants it is being scammed.
Thank you @ModServ.Com for editing the thread title, however --- he still specifically and purposely indexed both versions of my name.

Please report this post again, asking for the index doxxing to be removed.

Thank you to those of you who have had my back. I'm convinced the few people standing up for his actions were alternate accounts..
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I'm convinced the few people standing up for his actions were alternate accounts..

Don't be convinced so easily. If anything, the other side is thinking the newly created accounts that were supporting you are alternate accounts of other members. The domain industry can be cliquey, with some figures seen as semi-demi gods who can do no wrong.

Please report this post again, asking for the index doxxing to be removed.

Thank you again for your support on this, to all members of the community. I'm convinced the few people standing up for his actions were alternate accounts..

The mods (or at least @Bravo Mod Team) appear to be aware of the situation:

See: https://www.namepros.com/threads/beware-of-sharks.1326003/

Names removed from the titles of both threads. Unnecessary.
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@jberryhill Your a namepros'er of strong moral fiber. Are you going to chime into the debate?
@jberryhill I assume John views this as nonsense, not worthy of a serious response. We have important stuff happening in this world, and Abdul gets his panties in a twist and slanders a random person, because that person wised up before being taken advantage by Abdul the SHARK.

One thing to note, while everybody loves @jberryhill and his free advice, he does have paying clients. One of them being OP.

So just to be clear to everybody tagging him for legal advice, you're asking him to comment for free on a legal matter pertaining one of his current or former paying clients.


This was the 6th UDRP filed on one of our domains FreedomChurch.org at NAF and was represented by John Berryhill. The last 3 UDRP wins came in the shape of Kitchn.com, PrintFactory.com and AguaDulce.com.

Legal advice tends to cost money, but advice on how to be a decent human being may be free.
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BodyArt.com a great name. 6 figures IMO.
Good Luck
It's not about the price. It's about an honor. He agreed to sell for a certain price and then backtracked because he got a better offer. Repeated the same thing for another domain for which I remained silent thinking he is new to this business but once the same pattern was repeated again, that's when I decided is enough and won't deal with him. He should've honoured the deal after the written agreement on WhatApp. That's it.
And then tried to bully him online here!
So not quite so innocent for an experienced domainer.
I don't think it's paranoia I think the initial thread was always going to be wild after you look for advice from so many.

What do you think Greenerdays.com or Demonsoft.com is worth, I bet everyone in this thread will be different and some by a wide margin. Now greenerdays.com we know the market has spoken six times on that name. https://namebio.com/greenerdays.com
Look how all over the place those prices are 2021 was interesting.
Greenerdays can tie into the whole crypto/stock market POV.

I think it's a decent name, arguably better than the singular, greenerday, IMO.
I think the initial intention of AbdulBasit was simply to give people a heads up , so people don't waste their time. being as the seller of the domains is new to NPs, I think it was simply a heads up and explanation of the complications that Abdul incurred from the seller.

If you aren't a shark in this industry, then you are sitting back watching sharks. which means you could be eaten lol. it's a business to sharks and at the end of every of day, the sharks are looking at volume, debits and credits.

Time Is Money, account for every minute spent, wasted time to a certain level is expected, to much wasted time is unacceptable.

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One thing to note, while everybody loves @jberryhill and his free advice, he does have paying clients. One of them being OP.

Advise(s)*. This tragic move is/was unnecessary

forge let me get my money though
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Some guy sent me his uncle's portfolio, whatever names I saw before deleting were rubbish and I would not take them for free..He probably mixed them with a view valuable he did not own to attract and scam buyers, I warned you since his first post..
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I think the initial intention of AbdulBasit was simply to give people a heads up , so people don't waste their time. being as the seller of the domains is new to NPs, I think it was simply a heads up and explanation of the complications that Abdul incurred from the seller.

If you aren't a shark in this industry, then you are sitting back watching sharks. which means you could be eaten lol. it's a business to sharks and at the end of every of day, the sharks are looking at volume, debits and credits.

Time Is Money, account for every minute spent, wasted time to a certain level is expected, to much wasted time is unacceptable.

One of my pet hates in life is the whole ‘don’t waste my time’ saying– That whole saying is like you don’t want anything to do with anyone/talk to anyone/do anything for anyone and entitlement where if you don’t get money for talking/typing/helping/trying to buy something you are wasting energy and time and someone somewhere owes you something for that.

If anyone values ‘time’ and expects to get money for every minute you put into trying to buy/sell a domain then domain investing is not for you, most domains people invest in probably won’t sell and many people may put 200+ hours into trying to sell 1 domain and may never sell and don’t ever get paid (just ask brokers).

My whole issue with what Abdul did was the thread title, the throwing the toys out the pram, the entitlement, the unwillingness to accept people can change their mind and then trying to take the moral high ground that he was in the right and conducting himself well in business, no you are not – You are praying off a new person’s inexperience, trying to get this persons deceased family members assets (that was handed down) for peanuts and because you didn’t, attempted to potentially effect this person’s life forever by putting their name on the web alongside words like ‘greedy’ and telling people not to do business with them, when the only real greedy/immoral person here was the thread starter.

When it comes to money people who think they are a good moral person or act like they are will often show their true colours when things don’t go their way.
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One of my pet hates in life is the whole ‘don’t waste my time’ saying– That whole saying is like you don’t want anything to do with anyone/talk to anyone/do anything for anyone and entitlement where if you don’t get money for talking/typing/helping/trying to buy something you are wasting energy and time and someone somewhere owes you something for that.

If anyone values ‘time’ and expects to get money for every minute you put into trying to buy/sell a domain then domain investing is not for you, most domains people invest in probably won’t sell and many people may put 200+ hours into trying to sell 1 domain and may never sell and don’t ever get paid (just ask brokers).

My whole issue with what Abdul did was the thread title, the throwing the toys out the pram, the entitlement, the unwillingness to accept people can change their mind and then trying to take the moral high ground that he was in the right and conducting himself well in business, no you are not – You are praying off a new person’s inexperience, trying to get this persons deceased family members assets (that was handed down) for peanuts and because you didn’t, attempted to potentially effect this person’s life forever by putting their name on the web alongside words like ‘greedy’ and telling people not to do business with them, when the only real greedy/immoral person here was the thread starter.

When it comes to money people who think they are a good moral person or act like they are will often show their true colours when things don’t go their way.
Couldn’t agree more
sharks (cheap) vs style
constant theme
I'm finding this thread totally unforgiveable. I just googled the person's name whom this thread is attacking, and it appears second to his LinkedIn page.

The mod team have seriously got to delete this thread ASAP. If not, Namepros deserves a cease and desist letter from a lawyer.

And as for Mr Basit, you totally knew what you were doing when you began your slanderous attempt at bringing down the reputation of this newcomer to NP. Shame on you.
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I'm finding this thread totally unforgiveable. I just googled the person's name whom this thread is attacking, and it appears second to his LinkedIn page.

The mod team have seriously got to delete this thread ASAP. If not, Namepros deserves a cease and desist letter from a lawyer.

And as for Mr Basit, you totally knew what you were doing when you began your slanderous attempt at bringing down the reputation of this newcomer to NP. Shame on you.
Mods are telling me they do not have the ability to delete or edit the first post without management approval and apparently Basit cannot either though he doesn't look to be willing to do that as he seems to have moved on having caused this chaos

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I would rather have a modicum of style, ethics and morals.
Sharks have ethics and morals, or they wouldn't be sharks in the industry, giving other domainers a heads up in a domain forum is not crossing the line, it's also an opinion of observation. he didn't say anyone was scamming, or trying to scam, or anything of that nature, IMO, he was simply giving an opinion of his observation of a new member in the forum that he felt was not conducting business on a level that may be "In Some Peoples Interest"
What's gets me is that the Mods even allowed this thread in the first place .

If I posted a similar thread they would of deleted my account .
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Sharks have ethics and morals, or they wouldn't be sharks in the industry, giving other domainers a heads up in a domain forum is not crossing the line, it's also an opinion of observation. he didn't say anyone was scamming, or trying to scam, or anything of that nature, IMO, he was simply giving an opinion of his observation of a new member in the forum that he felt was not conducting business on a level that may be "In Some Peoples Interest"
It shows no integrity and certainly no emotional intelligence.

To be a shark by definition is to have no morals and ethics otherwise he would have deleted his posts / asked mods to but he carried on naming and shaming.
What's gets me is that the Mods even allowed this thread in the first place .

If I posted a similar thread they would of deleted my account .
this just a guess. If the person weren't new to the forum, and domain selling, Mods may have intervened, but with that said, had that been the case then Abdul probably wouldn't haven't posted. the issue is, people have entered this forum that have had bad intentions, to many people through the years, so when a BRAND "NEW" member comes here, if something is off, someone will be telling it, it's nothing new and has gone on since i joined the forum in 2005. Abdul was giving a heads up on "His" situation - observation and his opinion with this brand new member and potential seller. Abdul didn't say the new member was trying to scam or anything of the likes.
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