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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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Cuban Missile Crisis JFK biggest fail (?)
Overall, Cuba foreign policy was JFK’s worst

Look up “Bay of Pigs” double down learn fail.
Unsurprisingly? chose ignore foreign policy fail
Ripples still felt to this day. JFK was Dem btw!

“Goya” is an example of “Cancel Culture” LOL. I never stop laughing when i see it. 🤣🤣 LOL
the boycott backfired,Left Cancel Culture OG
GOYA brave stand in face of hate its patriotism
anything Cuba (worst of JFK) nothing b proud. Cuba is still Communist Right? All proof need

And so the question remains..
How bad will fake news’ polls wrong this year?
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She’s alive! Dont take this personally, always better with you here :) Intelligent discourse; think ur side need major reinforcement.. losing

Monmouth County represent! only part red?!!

@enlytend, since i know busy w life and stuff, any chance see NJ “swing state” this year ;)

I agree with Samer, Its better with you in here , how can we have political discussions without being objected, Oh well, I understand. Glad to see you, I hope all is well with you and your family.

Awww - nice to know I'm missed :) All's well here - I can't complain. 30 million unemployed and somehow the little agency I work with lands a big enterprise account and I end up as their new virtual in-house. Go figure - lol. Onboarding was insane, settling in now but it's still nonstop there.

NJ will remain overall blue with the usual holdouts :).

How are things in Texas? Hope all's well with you and yours too, .X.

(Anybody here donate big money to buy Bannon's yacht? I warned you all Kolfage was running a scam years ago when they launched that GoFundMe.)
I think the only support Trump has left is from those that are greedy, angry or ignorant. Can't win with that.
100% agree

Since 2016, Trump hasn't gained support, he's lost some. He didn't have any to lose.
That is something his supporters either don't understand or just don't want to believe.
Trump has done nothing to try and gain new supporters or grow his base.
Instead he has pushed people away.

His supporters have blinders on and they cant see that the sentiment for Trump is really sour and that people are just sick and tired of his crap.

As I have said, it's not a question if he will lose? its a question of how bad he will lose?
Awww - nice to know I'm missed :) All's well here - I can't complain. 30 million unemployed and somehow the little agency I work with lands a big enterprise account and I end up as their new virtual in-house. Go figure - lol. Onboarding was insane, settling in now but it's still nonstop there.

NJ will remain overall blue with the usual holdouts :).

How are things in Texas? Hope all's well with you and yours too, .X.

(Anybody here donate big money to buy Bannon's yacht? I warned you all Kolfage was running a scam years ago when they launched that GoFundMe.)
You are very missed :xf.frown:
Awww - nice to know I'm missed :) All's well here - I can't complain. 30 million unemployed and somehow the little agency I work with lands a big enterprise account and I end up as their new virtual in-house. Go figure - lol. Onboarding was insane, settling in now but it's still nonstop there.

NJ will remain overall blue with the usual holdouts :).

How are things in Texas? Hope all's well with you and yours too, .X.

(Anybody here donate big money to buy Bannon's yacht? I warned you all Kolfage was running a scam years ago when they launched that GoFundMe.)

Very cool, Congrats to ya on the new position!!

We are doing good, just working, it felt great to return to work.
What executive orders are you hoping for? If it's something deemed bad by Dems, it's just him keeping Dems fired up.

I dont think you understand;

Anything he does, fires them up. :xf.wink:
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You'd have to believe he wrote his own speech.

Thats a false analogy bro....the way things went back then politically isnt a guarantee at all of how things will go today...they gonna throw your filthy, useless boy out...i mean, he proved us rght about rotten, toxic, abusive, white toxic masculinity, and its kinda hard to find too.

That was because he had no years of govt service to account for...BUT THIS TIME HE WILL...

cuz he sold a lie that gullible, uneducated, unexposed white Americans loved...like the charlatan he's always been(and like his niece confirmed)....he's never had any service in government, or public policy..nada...just white male privilege, conning his way through US institutions, LIKE EPTSTEIN.

No it wont..because your boy is so bad at governance, his incumbency advantage wont be able to save him...he already jokingly told a news reporter that Biden was gonna be her president. why would he say that? yup..he knows he's prolly gonna lose.

Here again, This election to the Silent Majority isn't about Trump, Biden, Harris or any other one person, It is about Americas Republic, Socialism and Communism. nothing else matters to us this election. whoever can keep Americas Republic, Constitution and Liberty together is who we will vote for. we don't care who the President is as long as we keep America in the system it was founded. The founded system need A LOT of work, that work can be done by the President of 2024 election.
You've just twisted the truth 180º. Many Conservatives fear retaliation if they go public about voting for Trump. Liberals are nasty, vindictive people if you don't agree with them... that's why Trump is gonna kick Joe's ass in November... because of the silent majority!
I wasn't trying to. I was just watching tv earlier today, and there was a former Trump official that had quit and clearly stated on Fox News that he was receiving death threats and other personal attacks for speaking publicly of chaos in his department. It's no secret that Trump is thin skinned and vindictive in nature. Some people might find that attractive.

Every voter is entitled to make their own decision, but personally, as one that is more of a candidate voter than a pure party voter, I could never vote for Trump. I do believe that in his own way, Trump loves this country, but IMO, what he represents will only lead to suffering, even for those that supported him.

What appears attractive about Biden is his life experience and his openness to listening. He won't try to solve issues on his own. I think that's better.

Honestly, imo, it has never before been so clear. I could go on with my perspective but suffice to say that I personally could never support Trump. No conspiracies, just think the guy is bad, bad news.

I am not impressed in the least with Trumps intellect, acumen, temperament, relationships, nor his clear aversion to making public his financials. Truth be told, I personally think he's a bit nuts.

I concede that there are those that will cast their vote for him, but I truly believe that Trump is not worthy of the highest office. I believed that in 2016 and I believe it more than ever almost four years later after seeing how he performed and behaved.

Let's see how the debates go. :)
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Here again, This election to the Silent Majority isn't about Trump, Biden, Harris or any other one person, It is about Americas Republic, Socialism and Communism. nothing else matters to us this election. whoever can keep Americas Republic, Constitution and Liberty together is who we will vote for. we don't care who the President is as long as we keep America in the system it was founded. The founded system need A LOT of work, that work can be done by the President of 2024 election.
I hear you but that's sort of the problem. Seems to me, Trumps handling of his job has felt a lot like some sort of dictatorship. More than any other time in recent history. I actually think Trump wishes he was a ruler or king versus an elected official with a defined term. I watch politics every day, Even a big tv on the wall in my office. Trump has sewn the seeds of chaos and division. I've heard his words. They are what they are.
I have learned something though...

Three and a half years ago, I thought to myself, the Democrats are at a real disadvantage. Trump had it all. But then I learned that the Democrats are savvy. They fight and fight for what they believe. It has been truly amazing to watch the wheels of politics turn.

I think this election will be a continuation of the 2018 mid terms. Repubicans lost 40 seats. People sent a message at the half. It wasn't a good one for Trump.
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