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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Since when do you believe what you see on TV?

I haven’t read it yet either, but use some common sense - nobody’s going to do that on a whim. If the language of the bill allows that, it’s probably to ensure that the life of the mother (and possibly a healthy twin) aren’t jeopardized on a legal loophole if something goes horribly wrong late-term.

That what a c-section is for. BTW, abortion isn't birth control, it's killing a human baby.
So how did the bank shooter fall through the cracks?

"The shootings were not a shock to Alex Gerlach, who identified herself as Xaver's former girlfriend. She said he's long been fascinated with the idea of killing, but no one took her warnings about him seriously. For some reason, he "always hated people and wanted everybody to die," Gerlach told WSBT-TV in South Bend, Indiana, near his former home in Plymouth, Indiana.

"He got kicked out of school for having a dream that he killed everybody in his class, and he's been threatening this for so long, and he's been having dreams about it and everything," she said. "Every single person I've told has not taken it seriously, and it's very unfortunate that it had to come to this."

Gerlach told The Washington Post that Xaver said he purchased a gun last week and "no one thought anything of it" because he had always liked guns."​

Plenty of red flags there. Sounds like people should have "taken this seriously" long ago. Poster child for someone who shouldn't have been able to purchase a gun.
So how did the bank shooter fall through the cracks?

"The shootings were not a shock to Alex Gerlach, who identified herself as Xaver's former girlfriend. She said he's long been fascinated with the idea of killing, but no one took her warnings about him seriously. For some reason, he "always hated people and wanted everybody to die," Gerlach told WSBT-TV in South Bend, Indiana, near his former home in Plymouth, Indiana.

"He got kicked out of school for having a dream that he killed everybody in his class, and he's been threatening this for so long, and he's been having dreams about it and everything," she said. "Every single person I've told has not taken it seriously, and it's very unfortunate that it had to come to this."

Gerlach told The Washington Post that Xaver said he purchased a gun last week and "no one thought anything of it" because he had always liked guns."​
Plenty of red flags there. Sounds like people should have "taken this seriously" long ago. Poster child for someone who shouldn't have been able to purchase a gun.
Yeah, but, but, but... It was the gun's fault!

He just happened to be carrying it when it decided to go off on it's own and kill all those people.

(Not picking on you entylend. I'm just being cranky this morning. Your article -- and highlighting -- shows that it wasn't the gun's fault.)

NOTE: I was already (slightly) editing my comment to entylend above when he posted his response further down. I didn't want my comment to suggest that he was blaming the gun. I knew he was pointing out the many red flags that had or may have been raised about the "alleged" shooter prior to the event.

My sarcasm was directed at those that blame guns for all shootings.
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Rodger Stone arrested, CNN tipped off and waiting outside his house an hour before the arrest.

Why didn't Muller let Stone surrender? Unless he wants to damage the President.
Yeah, but, but, but... It was the gun's fault!

He just happened to be carrying it when it decided to go off on it's own and kill all those people.

(Not picking on you entylend. I'm just being cranky this morning.)

Everyone’s cranky sometimes. This thread is as good a place to act it out as any...

I didn’t say it was the guns fault, but with his history of red flag behavior that guy shouldn’t have been allowed to buy one. Probably should have had some kind of psychiatric intervention.

Very concerning that nobody would listen to the girlfriend’s warnings, unless she just wasn’t telling the right people. If that’s the case, the public needs to be better informed about what to do in a situation like that.
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Some clarification of the language in the NY bill, from a NICU nurse - it sounds like people are getting upset about the language and jumping to conclusions without understanding what it means.


With those definitions in mind, (re)read it.
According to the Times Union, under New York’s previous, 49-year-old law, illegal abortions that took place within the third trimester of pregnancy were categorized as felonies. Those who committed one could receive up to seven years in prison. The Buffalo News reports that, under the old law, late-term abortions were only permitted if they were necessary to save the life of the mother. The new law, however, allows abortions after 24 weeks if they are deemed necessary, not merely to save the mother’s life but also to protect her health.

Mental health, emotional health as determined by who? Nurse? Mid-wife? Dr?

"Another notable aspect of the new bill is that in its explanation of homicide, a “person” is defined as “a human being who has been born and is alive"

This law is in direct conflict with reality.
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I agree! And THAT was the exact point of my post -- and the counter point to your post and picture.

Sorry... I guess I was wrong in assuming you would recognize and understand this point without me having to explain myself. Carry on.

Be best!
Why should I have to understand your point of view when you don't understand mine? And I really don't need your Liberal explanation for anything... thanks!
Looks like Trump caved.

Sort of ... "temporarily" re-opening government...
More like given the issues with Stone, the air traffic controllers, etc. he's changing the news cycle.
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Sort of ... "temporarily" re-opening government...
More like given the issues with Stone, the air traffic controllers, etc. he's changing the news cycle.
We will see how Trump's boss's Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh see it :xf.wink:
Greta Van Susteren @greta
CNN cameras were at the raid of Roger Stone...
So FBI obviously tipped off CNN...
Even if you don’t like Stone, it is curious why Mueller’s office tipped off CNN instead of trying to quietly arrest Stone;
Quiet arrests are more likely to be safe to the FBI and the person arrested

Laura Ingraham @IngrahamAngle
The @FBI arrest of Roger Stone at dawn, with dozens of helmeted agents, brandishing weapons, was totally unnecessary. Treated him like El Chapo.
Political motives clear withCNN
Looks like Trump caved.

Trump announces deal for government to reopen for three weeks, ending longest shutdown; no money for his border wall

#TrumpCaved trending -

I think this kind of thing just might push him to National Emergency route. He doesn't like to be made fun of/lose. This must be driving him crazy, he could do something drastic.


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Roger Stone getting out of jail today, smiling, raising his hands, saying - the only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about. Reminds me of the Ted Bundy documentary on Netflix I just started watching last night. Ted loved the press, always smiling, engaging them.

Pelosi/Chuck live now.

Oh, "hopefully the President has learned his lesson" - Chuck

They're digging at him. National Emergency coming up.
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Why should I have to understand your point of view when you don't understand mine? And I really don't need your Liberal explanation for anything... thanks!
LOL... You're right! It's very clear you really don't understand me, my point or my political leanings.

Again, carry on and be best!
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Brutal out there.

Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States.

Trump tweets about Roger Stone raid, "Who alerted CNN to be there?" Just think! If you were president, you could haul the FBI director's ass into the Oval Office and ask him yourself.
Ann Coulter‏Verified account @AnnCoulter 2h

All these from Mike Cernovich

Trump is a broken man. It's over for him.

Nancy Pelosi is alpha.

I'm vicariously embarrassed for Hannity and others, who have to spin this pathetic and weak display.

We are now taking calls to talk about the Commander-in-Soy's blabbering "speech" today.

80% of you are MAGA, and I respect your point of view. But....An honest question. Aren't you tired of having to make excuses for Trump?

Mike Cernovich 🦍🇺🇸‏Verified account @Cernovich 2h

Pelosi dog walking Trump

Latest Trump Approval Poll
ABC News/Wash Post 1/21 - 1/24 RV
Disapprove - 58
Approve - 38
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Brutal out there.

Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States.

Trump tweets about Roger Stone raid, "Who alerted CNN to be there?" Just think! If you were president, you could haul the FBI director's ass into the Oval Office and ask him yourself.
Ann Coulter‏Verified account @AnnCoulter 2h

All these from Mike Cernovich

Trump is a broken man. It's over for him.

Nancy Pelosi is alpha.

I'm vicariously embarrassed for Hannity and others, who have to spin this pathetic and weak display.

We are now taking calls to talk about the Commander-in-Soy's blabbering "speech" today.

80% of you are MAGA, and I respect your point of view. But....An honest question. Aren't you tired of having to make excuses for Trump?

Mike Cernovich 🦍🇺🇸‏Verified account @Cernovich 2h

Pelosi dog walking Trump

Latest Trump Approval Poll
ABC News/Wash Post 1/21 - 1/24 RV
Disapprove - 58
Approve - 38

Who knew Nancy Pelosi had a bigger set of balls then Trump?
Trump sure didn't :xf.laugh:
Microsoft Teams with Establishment ‘NewsGuard’ to Create News Blacklist
Without consulting with its users, Microsoft has installed an establishment media browser extension, purportedly designed to rate the accuracy of news websites, as a default extension on mobile versions of its Edge browser. In practice, it creates a news blacklist by warning users away from sites including Breitbart News, The Drudge Report, and the Daily Mail.

The browser extension, called “Newsguard,” presents users with a red warning label if they navigate to a website that it judges to be unreliable. A “green” rating is given to websites that NewsGuard considers trustworthy.

A number of pro-Trump websites, including Breitbart News, are given a “red” rating by the extension.

The website of the conservative-leaning British newspaper The Daily Mail, which has the third-highest circulation in the U.K., is also given a “red” rating. Newsguard says the site “fails to maintain basic standards of accuracy and accountability.”

WikiLeaks, which has never had to retract a story due to false or misleading information, is also given a “red” rating.

Among the websites given a “green” rating is BuzzFeed, which was recently humiliated for publishing alleged details about the ongoing Mueller investigation that were contradicted by the speial prosecutor himself. BuzzFeed did not retract the story, and even led with it on its frontpage … after Mueller contradicted it.

“This is what censorship and thought control looks like”
Who knew Nancy Pelosi had a bigger set of balls then Trump?
Trump sure didn't :xf.laugh:

He's probably plotting revenge ... if Nancy lets him...

That lady is 78 and is on her feet for hours at a time in 3" heels. Have you seen the shoes she wears? Standing all day in those heels would make a Marine cry. She's tough!

She's also got decades of experience in politics and he's a noob.

Seriously, though he's vindictive - I wonder if he's planning to do something crazy, like invade Venezuela or declare a national emergency, or worse...
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Daily Mail is crap, along with the Sun. Ragtag tabloids, biggest peddlers of hate in the kingdom.
I don't need an app to understand that.
Yet this not censorship if you are free to access the 'information'.
On the other hand it could be argued that some of those publications are not leaving any space to diversity of thinking, dissenting opinions.
When you have twisted reporting, selective coverage of events isn't it also a form of censorship.
He's probably plotting revenge ... if Nancy lets him...

That lady is 78 and is on her feet for hours at a time in 3" heels. Have you seen the shoes she wears? Standing all day in those heels would make a Marine cry. She's tough!

She's also got decades of experience in politics and he's a noob.

Seriously, though he's vindictive - I wonder if he's planning to do something crazy, like invade Venezuela or declare a national emergency, or worse...
I have always said since he won that the man is dangerous.
Lot of bad reviews in the app store.

Microsoft Teams with Establishment ‘NewsGuard’ to Create News Blacklist
Without consulting with its users, Microsoft has installed an establishment media browser extension, purportedly designed to rate the accuracy of news websites, as a default extension on mobile versions of its Edge browser. In practice, it creates a news blacklist by warning users away from sites including Breitbart News, The Drudge Report, and the Daily Mail.

The browser extension, called “Newsguard,” presents users with a red warning label if they navigate to a website that it judges to be unreliable. A “green” rating is given to websites that NewsGuard considers trustworthy.

A number of pro-Trump websites, including Breitbart News, are given a “red” rating by the extension.

The website of the conservative-leaning British newspaper The Daily Mail, which has the third-highest circulation in the U.K., is also given a “red” rating. Newsguard says the site “fails to maintain basic standards of accuracy and accountability.”

WikiLeaks, which has never had to retract a story due to false or misleading information, is also given a “red” rating.

Among the websites given a “green” rating is BuzzFeed, which was recently humiliated for publishing alleged details about the ongoing Mueller investigation that were contradicted by the speial prosecutor himself. BuzzFeed did not retract the story, and even led with it on its frontpage … after Mueller contradicted it.

“This is what censorship and thought control looks like”
Microsoft Teams with Establishment ‘NewsGuard’ to Create News Blacklist
Without consulting with its users, Microsoft has installed an establishment media browser extension, purportedly designed to rate the accuracy of news websites, as a default extension on mobile versions of its Edge browser. In practice, it creates a news blacklist by warning users away from sites including Breitbart News, The Drudge Report, and the Daily Mail.

The browser extension, called “Newsguard,” presents users with a red warning label if they navigate to a website that it judges to be unreliable. A “green” rating is given to websites that NewsGuard considers trustworthy.

A number of pro-Trump websites, including Breitbart News, are given a “red” rating by the extension.

The website of the conservative-leaning British newspaper The Daily Mail, which has the third-highest circulation in the U.K., is also given a “red” rating. Newsguard says the site “fails to maintain basic standards of accuracy and accountability.”

WikiLeaks, which has never had to retract a story due to false or misleading information, is also given a “red” rating.

Among the websites given a “green” rating is BuzzFeed, which was recently humiliated for publishing alleged details about the ongoing Mueller investigation that were contradicted by the speial prosecutor himself. BuzzFeed did not retract the story, and even led with it on its frontpage … after Mueller contradicted it.

“This is what censorship and thought control looks like”

"The feature isn’t enabled by default,"
NO WAY JOSE!! 58,000 illegal aliens have voted in TX elections.

Ken Paxton‏Verified account @KenPaxtonTX
VOTER FRAUD ALERT: The @TXsecofstate discovered approx 95,000 individuals identified by DPS as non-U.S. citizens have a matching voter registration record in TX, approx 58,000 of whom have voted in TX elections. Any illegal vote deprives Americans of their voice.

Imagine how many voted / vote in California..
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