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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Ukraine, Georgia... Yes, parts of Europe are definitely under siege and Trump is not helping by befriending the aggressor.

Yes, the US is a problem country too. But the US is our ally (or used to be), Russia is not.

Besides, it never crossed your mind that behind the rhetoric it's all about trade ?

Not under siege. Ukraine and Georgia are both complicated issues, not as simple as you are suggesting at all. And the Washington Post is the American left's version of RT. They are both useful in that they will print what no other media outlets do, but they both have agendas.

Why isn't Europe cowering in fear over Serbia? They are certainly aggressive, and have invaded other countries. They too have a fraction of the economy of Europe, like Russia.

The whole Russian narrative is an ironic joke. The "anti-war" left has seamlessly morphed into the party of war, and taken up the Domino Theory that led the US into Vietnam and other disasters that we still haven't cleaned up. It's simply rubbish. The world has moved beyond the acquisition of territory by force. Any country that does so will be shooting itself in the foot, as there is little to be gained and much to be lost.

You should be worried about the rise of dictatorships - and to that end, Turkey, Russia and China are a concern. Yet, Western Europe and the US seem more eager to emulate them than to convert them. And dictators/authoritarian governments always need enemies. Like America, Western Europe is not in danger of invasion, but in danger of internal authoritarian and totalitarian governments - probably following social/economic collapse.
You should be worried about the rise of dictatorships - and to that end, Turkey, Russia and China are a concern. Yet, Western Europe and the US seem more eager to emulate them than to convert them. And dictators/authoritarian governments always need enemies. Like America, Western Europe is not in danger of invasion, but in danger of internal authoritarian and totalitarian governments - probably following social/economic collapse.
I am worried, and I have made that clear. Democracy is in retreat and this is big deal, because it threatens peace.
Democracies normally don't wage war onto each other. But countries that cease to be democratic don't abide by the same norms, they have no qualms about resorting to violence, war, repression. It never ends well.
So yes we are in trouble, and it's our own fault.

And right now the US cannot exactly be described as a thriving, functioning democracy. Things could get worse.
Westerners have grown accustomed to peace and relative freedom, but it's not something you can take for granted. You can lose it all pretty fast, and it is happening.

Technology can also be an enabler of tyranny. Nowadays it's becoming hard to tell the difference between China and us. I'd say China is just a few years ahead of us and we're heading in the same direction.
People just don't care but they are not ready for the world that is awaiting them.
Heros of the left, or as CNN calls them... Black men reading from the Bible.

Surprised that these vile POS swines can behave in this way publicly, without being arrested or beaten up
And right now the US cannot exactly be described as a thriving, functioning democracy. Things could get worse.

Our republic is working as designed.

The real danger is from the left, upset because they've lost power, feel entitled to rewrite our founding principals for their own advantage.

The corrupt media creating more division attacking people and institutions that don't agree with them.

Westerners have grown accustomed to peace and relative freedom, but it's not something you can take for granted. You can lose it all pretty fast, and it is happening.

The USA has been at war for two decades.

Technology can also be an enabler of tyranny. Nowadays it's becoming hard to tell the difference between China and us. I'd say China is just a few years ahead of us and we're heading in the same direction.
People just don't care but they are not ready for the world that is awaiting them.

Compare the "new" batch of democrat like AOC to Cuban, Chinese government.
Surprised that these vile POS swines can behave in this way publicly, without being arrested or beaten up

Yeah, even the cop that talked to them looked intimidated. These are there videos!
Sorry, mr-x. I am so accustomed to arguing with Kate, I was surprised to read her post something that I agreed with 100%.

If the republic is working as designed, then there is a design flaw that allows systemic corruption. I doubt the founding fathers would say it is working as designed. They would be shocked at the government overreach, massive taxes without representation and the suspension of rights. The constitution has long since become obsolete, sadly. Heck, even Eisenhower would be shocked.

Yes, the media and other influencers are dividing the nation. Which is why it's not so simple just to blame the left. The so-called right is in the game as well, talking out of both sides of their mouths.

The US has been at war for two decades, indeed. Isn't that a disgrace? How is that different from Orwell's perpetual war in 1984? Who is the war against exactly? Where is the front? The answers seem to be potentially anyone and anywhere. It is a limitless "war" with no defined objectives - but serves as a great excuse to strip away the rights of the citizenry (and to make money for the defense and security industry and their pet politicians).

Sure AOC is a nutter. But I don't hear anyone on the right decrying the 24-hour surveillance state or out-of-control government except Rand Paul. And people think he is a nutter for doing so. At least the Chinese know what kind of government they have - they are not out lecturing the world about how free they are.
Yeah, I'm sure glad that the T-man has never associated with or had HIS picture taken with anyone that might be of questionable character. That sure would be embarrassing wouldn't it?!?!?




By the way, has anyone else noticed he seems to own just one suit and tie???

Maybe we need to start a GoFundMe page and take up a collection.
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By the way, has anyone else noticed he seems to own just one suit and tie???

Maybe we need to start a GoFundMe page and take up a collection.
Perhaps you could start that GoFundMe page. Let me know when you do...

It really is so piss easy to get pictures to match and beat yours...


...It really is so piss easy to get pictures to match and beat yours...
I agree! And THAT was the exact point of my post -- and the counter point to your post and picture.

Sorry... I guess I was wrong in assuming you would recognize and understand this point without me having to explain myself. Carry on.

Be best!
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you shouldn't be surprised if they prefer to shop for weapons elsewhere.

Maybe the chinese will dupe the dummies in Brussels and sell them fake bombs filled with iron filings instead of gun powder. Merkel wouldn't know the difference.

annexing territories

That's plural. I don't recall any place but one- the Crimean Penisula. Am I wrong?

Trump wants Europeans to raise defense spending so that they buy more American weapons.

3.xx% of the US GDP is huge- compared to the puny contributions from EU. Maybe they should feel like spending some money out of guilt for the trade imbalance, and some of the EU has not paid up their agreed contributions for more than the time Trump has been in office.

NATO’s obsolete.

Exactly. I have been saying that since Trump gave his speech to NATO about their reneging on agreed payments. The American public myself included had no idea, no media covered that story for years. Part of the Globalist thing.

That's a pretty ignorant post

I know, I don't have your Mensa IQ. Sorry.

Pure brilliance.

I haven’t bought an American made vehicle in years - last one I had was a total POS.

Same here. I had issues enough issues and switched but to both japanese and american made japanese autos, the 80's were bad for crap quality cars- unionized labor to me is partially to blame. Toyota and Honda had plants in the midwest and without union labor and better management did great and built good cars for the American market. Problems start at the top. US Auto industry is an example of how not to do manufacturing.
But the Europeans do not owe the US money.


I see, so if somebody paid for your lunch for several years and you promised to pay them in full, but didn't, you wouldn't feel obligated because they were "richer" than you? Is that the theory? If so, sadly, that's like the theory of the uneducated poverty folks in 3rd world countries who feel about foreigners "Oh they are rich, they stole it from someone else, so I can steal it from them, or they can pay" that sort of attitude doesn't fly very far.
I wonder if the "good" Christians liberals keep talking about support infanticide?

I haven't read the new NY law, but what I heard on TV was allowing abortions up to nearly birth? If so, that is complete lunacy- unbelievably inhumane and disgusting if true. Even EU countries don't allow past 90 days.
Forced labor is normally illegal.

Nobody would miss them if they stayed at home anyway. Remember lot's of non-essentials. This might the great downsizing of Govt if this lasts a year. Maybe obsoleted by AI and Robots by then. lol. But, Union protection of course will insure they have a lifetime job at taxpayer expense.
I know, I don't have your Mensa IQ. Sorry.

Pure brilliance.

If you had just a little bit, you wouldn't be a Birther.

Trump up late:

A third rate conman who interviewed me many years ago for just a short period of time has been playing his biggest con of all on Fake News CNN. Michael D’Antonio, a broken down hack who knows nothing about me, goes on night after night telling made up Trump stories. Disgraceful!
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 4h4 hours ago

Doesn't seem much to get triggered about:

Biographer Michael D’Antonio: Trump’s Reaction To Nancy Pelosi Proves He’s ‘Scared’
D’Antonio also doubted whether the decision to postpone the State of the Union was actually Trump’s.

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I don't think this Shutdown will last much longer, another week at most. Today is the 2nd week of no pay. A 3rd one next Friday, things will go next level. Already had people being arrested days ago, that's just after 1 week. 3 weeks, White House is getting rushed. I imagine something will happen before then.

Republicans already breaking from Trump, Dems just need to hold out a little longer.

Collapse of Two Plans to End Shutdown Propels Urgent Negotiations

In back-to-back votes, the Senate first blocked Mr. Trump’s proposal to add $5.7 billion for his border wall to legislation to resume funding for the government, then turned back a Democratic measure that omitted the wall. Neither side was able to garner the 60 votes needed to advance its bill.

But the results undercut the president by revealing that his proposal drew less support in the Republican-controlled Senate than did the Democrats’ plan, which attracted a half-dozen Republicans willing to break with Mr. Trump. And with the shutdown reaching a grim milestone on Friday as 800,000 federal workers miss a second consecutive paycheck, pressure is mounting in both parties to find a solution.

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I haven't read the new NY law, but what I heard on TV was allowing abortions up to nearly birth? If so, that is complete lunacy- unbelievably inhumane and disgusting if true. Even EU countries don't allow past 90 days.

As explained to me, up to birth, health of the mother includes emotional health and determination can be made by a nurse practitioner. Pretty low requirements.
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Buhbye Roger. Finally - that stonedefensefund site that he set up a while ago might get some action. Wonder if he’ll flip?


Visit RogerStoneDefenseFund to help.

Hmm...muy interesante - they have texts. Did nobody in that clown car have a clue about secure communications?!

If you’re keeping count, now 45’s campaign manager, his deputy campaign manager, his lead attorney, his lead advisor and his National Security Advisor have all either been indicted or convicted.

Also news today that Carl Kline was overruling career security specialists and granting top security clearances to Kushner and others who failed to meet background requirements. Brilliant!


POTUS tweetstorm in 5...4...3...2...

Meanwhile yesterday a 21 yr old white guy shot and killed 5 people in a bank.
How many would be immigrants stormed the border yesterday and killed people?
That would be zero.
Just sayin’
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I haven't read the new NY law, but what I heard on TV was allowing abortions up to nearly birth? If so, that is complete lunacy- unbelievably inhumane and disgusting if true. Even EU countries don't allow past 90 days.

Since when do you believe what you see on TV?

I haven’t read it yet either, but use some common sense - nobody’s going to do that on a whim. If the language of the bill allows that, it’s probably to ensure that the life of the mother (and possibly a healthy twin) aren’t jeopardized on a legal loophole if something goes horribly wrong late-term.
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Sorry, mr-x. I am so accustomed to arguing with Kate, I was surprised to read her post something that I agreed with 100%.

If the republic is working as designed, then there is a design flaw that allows systemic corruption. I doubt the founding fathers would say it is working as designed. They would be shocked at the government overreach, massive taxes without representation and the suspension of rights. The constitution has long since become obsolete, sadly. Heck, even Eisenhower would be shocked.

I think your right that the human authors of our Gov would be shocked at the autonomy and authority states have given up to the federal Gov..

But, the American Revolution was against an unfair, corrupt monarchy. American founders understood the human condition, were well educated in Christian and libertine values. Hence, a flexible, hard to control republic designed to give states autonomy, while granting limited power to federal Gov authority.

They wanted to protect America from both a monarchy and unlimited democracy and did a pretty good job. Unfortunately, there is no human government that is not vulnerable to bad leadership and corruption. We have some of the best check and balances on power in the modern world.

Today the threat to freedom is from the left. We have communist OAC, Ilhan Omar and others who are darlings of a corrupt, progressive media. Identity politics exploits peoples resentment and seems to encourage racism and self-victimization.

We have a President who thrives on chaos, a corrupt media that thrives on chaos, two decades of war. All in all, I'm surprised were doing this well.

Yes, the media and other influencers are dividing the nation. Which is why it's not so simple just to blame the left. The so-called right is in the game as well, talking out of both sides of their mouths.

The US has been at war for two decades, indeed. Isn't that a disgrace? How is that different from Orwell's perpetual war in 1984? Who is the war against exactly? Where is the front? The answers seem to be potentially anyone and anywhere. It is a limitless "war" with no defined objectives - but serves as a great excuse to strip away the rights of the citizenry (and to make money for the defense and security industry and their pet politicians).

Sure AOC is a nutter. But I don't hear anyone on the right decrying the 24-hour surveillance state or out-of-control government except Rand Paul. And people think he is a nutter for doing so. At least the Chinese know what kind of government they have - they are not out lecturing the world about how free they are.

Surveillance state is more like corporate surveillance. Have a conversations about a product, then see ads for that product. We happily carry a surveillance device. Even if you leave your phone turned off in the other room, the person your talking with is probably carrying a phone, or you're TV is listening.
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