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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Oh, just saw this video he posted on Twitter. He's going the Bush Mission Accomplished route, just stupid:

"We have won against ISIS"

Then all they need to do is pull off an attack.

Some replies:

Is that what Putin told you to do? Because nobody thinks this is a good move.

Never thought I'd see an American President capitulate to Russia from the front steps of the White House.

The Department of Defense says ISIL has not been defeated in Syria

Trump's special envoy for Syria flatly contradicted him last week: 'Reckless' to declare victory and leave

Seems to me this is a diversion. Claim the victory as if you did it, pull out troops for show --- all in a meek effort to make yourself look good at a time when you look very, very bad. GOP senators say it is the wrong thing to do. I hope it is done - Russia now has free reign.


Military Times article in the last hour:

US troops are leaving, but ISIS is not defeated in Syria

Trump's special envoy for Syria flatly contradicted him last week: 'Reckless' to declare victory and leave

A total U.S. withdrawal from Syria following the defeat of the Islamic State would be “reckless,” the US envoy to Syria said last week - days before President Trump decided on that very course of action.
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Then this happened today, they're still trying to find a way out of it, not happening. I'm not sure why Giuliani continues to go out there and do interviews and such, it seems he makes things worse for Trump. Just was caught lying about that letter of intent being signed, then sending unsolicited texts trying to wiggle out of a campaign finance law violation:

Giuliani makes new defense of Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal payments

In an unsolicited text to The Hill on Wednesday afternoon, Giuliani argued that those payments would not violate campaign finance laws "even if a purpose was to aid the campaign."

Such payments would be defensible, he argued, so long as "there is a strong personal component to a payment - like protecting your wife, children and family from scandal................

Giuliani's interpretation of the law is vigorously contested by many lawyers and other experts, who insist that any payment intended - even in part - to help a political campaign must be reported as a contribution."

Besides all the current investigations, I am wondering what they have that is concrete that they aren’t disclosing, I am totally floored by all this, I wouldn’t have thought this is a million years, it has to be a tender process so our country doesn’t go to hell in a handbag, this stuff is getting very serious, I feel quite sure not everything is transparent to the media to publish, that could crash the stock market amoungst a ton of other shit.
Oh, just saw this video he posted on Twitter. He going the Bush Mission Accomplished route, just stupid:

"We have won against ISIS"

Then all they need to do is pull off an attack.

Some replies:

Is that what Putin told you to do? Because nobody thinks this is a good move.

Never thought I'd see an American President capitulate to Russia from the front steps of the White House.

The Department of Defense says ISIL has not been defeated in Syria

Trump's special envoy for Syria flatly contradicted him last week: 'Reckless' to declare victory and leave


Military Times article in the last hour:

US troops are leaving, but ISIS is not defeated in Syria

I don’t think we have made a dent in Isis, my nephew is over in Afghanistan as I write this, has already done a tour in Iraq, is scheduled to come home, then be deployed to Syria.

If we can’t nix out our local gangs, how in the hell are we supposed to defeat terrorist groups that spread out all over the world.

We need to concentrate on homeland security pretty much solely at this point, there are radical fucks in our own country. Many Americans as we already know by the mass shootings, Islamic, Mexican, black, white, oriental , we have seen it in all races, religions and ect. Right here in our back yard, we best turn to handling our business in our own country.
I don’t think we have made a dent in Isis, my nephew is over in Afghanistan as I write this, has already done a tour in Iraq, is scheduled to come home, then be deployed to Syria.

Maybe he doesn't have to go to Syria anymore, if we're doing a complete withdrawal. We'll see how all this plays out. It does seem Trump's move caught everybody off guard, I mean:

"Trump's special envoy for Syria flatly contradicted him last week: 'Reckless' to declare victory and leave"

Reckless to declare victory and leave, the very next week, he does exactly that. This is exactly what Putin wanted as well. Also, lifting sanctions on 2 Russian firms today.

Just made a video, going against all the available information out there. Big Republicans speaking out against it. Cruz, Graham etc.
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DOW - 23,323.66 lowest of this year.
Dow slides to 2018 low after Fed disappoints

Last week:

Special Envoy for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS Brett McGurk Provides Progress Update

The one that said - 'Reckless' to declare victory and leave"

Trump, hold my beer - "We Won, we're leaving"

Trump has a new 2020 ad out, I was trying to just find the ad but couldn't. But found the ad in the video below. You can call a 1800 number to "deliver a personal Thank You to your President"

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Maybe he doesn't have to go to Syria anymore, if we're doing a complete withdrawal. We'll see how all this plays out. It does seem Trump's move caught everybody off guard, I mean:

"Trump's special envoy for Syria flatly contradicted him last week: 'Reckless' to declare victory and leave"

Reckless to declare victory and leave, the very next week, he does exactly that. This is exactly what Putin wanted as well. Also, lifting sanctions on 2 Russian firms today.

Just made a video, going against all the available information out there. Big Republicans speaking out against it. Cruz, Graham etc.

I hope you are right and he doesn’t have to go to Syria, we have vets with PTSD so bad they can’t get a nights rest after coming home, they are doing to many tours of combat. Also to mention the daily suicide rate of our vets.

I would far rather see him in our homeland serving our country on a border or homeland terrorism strike force capacity.
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F the republican swamp creatures.
F Paul Ryan and McConnell they had the ball, they are the swamp problem.
Your tax dollars at work.
Your obstructionist agenda. 2019, will be a shit show, nothing getting done.
Your future socialism.
Your millennials are soon to be the biggest voter base with their entitlement syndrome, "I am special, I got the achievement award simply for showing up", the POS society is rising.

Your open door, just let them all in, "Mr. Trump !!! Tear down this wall!".
Your new unskilled workforce, welfare recipients.


Your problem. Enjoy paying the bills!


Judge orders deported asylum seekers to be returned to US, in Trump administration rebuke
I would far rather see him in our homeland serving our country on a border or homeland terrorism strike force capacity.

Glad to see the pull out of Syria. The only thing is with all the new "refugee-fake-immigrants" from ME that the liberals will fight in the 9th circuit to allow into the states. Good luck with that.
DOW - 23,323.66 lowest of this year.
Dow slides to 2018 low after Fed disappoints

Did you break out the champagne and celebrate? Or are ya waiting until the Nancy and Chucky show arrives on Jan 2nd?
Did you break out the champagne and celebrate? Or are ya waiting until the Nancy and Chucky show arrives on Jan 2nd?

Nope, I didn't vote or support him. It's a big mess, it's looking like 2019 is going to be the worst year yet for Trump.


Looks like Stone got next

Mueller seeks Roger Stone’s testimony to House intelligence panel, suggesting special counsel is near end of probe of Trump adviser

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III asked the House Intelligence Committee on Friday for an official transcript of Trump adviser Roger Stone’s testimony, according to people familiar with the request, a sign that prosecutors could be moving to charge him with a crime.

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"Pentagon says 30,000 ISIS remain"

Invite them in, they are good people in the next caravan! Open Borders is what you want!

it's looking like 2019 is going to be the worst year yet for Trump.

huh? Trump doesn't get effected. He is rich and has no salary. I didn't vote either, but liked it until I can see nothing is going to get done and this status quo seems to be held up by the idiot republicans in office- it's clear that POS Paul Ryan did nothing, all this last minute crap. Another 4 years of the only real non traditional leadership. This hurts Taxpayers only.

The worst for the economy, Consumers, those Amazon shares you own (maybe ~$500 a share), (facebook crashing haha)
If there are 30,000 Isis remaining, then that is about as many as there were a couple of years ago, damn

With the amount of gangs we have in the US , I would venture to bet we far exceed 30,000 , so we actually could have a bigger problem in our country as opposed to Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria combined. Fucking incredible
Then this happened today, they're still trying to find a way out of it, not happening. I'm not sure why Giuliani continues to go out there and do interviews and such, it seems he makes things worse for Trump. Just was caught lying about that letter of intent being signed, then sending unsolicited texts trying to wiggle out of a campaign finance law violation:

Giuliani makes new defense of Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal payments

In an unsolicited text to The Hill on Wednesday afternoon, Giuliani argued that those payments would not violate campaign finance laws "even if a purpose was to aid the campaign."

Such payments would be defensible, he argued, so long as "there is a strong personal component to a payment - like protecting your wife, children and family from scandal................

Giuliani's interpretation of the law is vigorously contested by many lawyers and other experts, who insist that any payment intended - even in part - to help a political campaign must be reported as a contribution."
Oh, come on JB. Get with the program!

He didn't lie, he's just recounted/stated alternate facts...

Oh, just saw this video he posted on Twitter. He's going the Bush Mission Accomplished route, just stupid:

"We have won against ISIS"

Then all they need to do is pull off an attack...

My thoughts exactly when I heard this reported on the news this morning.
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U.S. Senate OKs government funding through Feb. 8 to avert shutdown

The U.S. Senate on Wednesday approved funds for several federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, to keep them operating through Feb. 8 without the $5 billion to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border that President Donald Trump had demanded.


Remember, just have $998,000,000+ million to go. This is going to fail miserably. Average donation is about $59. It's been about 2 days. So maybe about 3 years if it keeps the current pace, to reach 1 billion, which is still well short of the 5B Trump wanted. You guys gotta get fired up.

I'm going to keep track:
$1,624,097 of $1.0B goal at 10:22 PM 12/19

see what it is tomorrow, a week from now.

Already the jokes cometh, the clowning has begun:

Trump: Give me $5 billion for my border wall

Democrats: No

Trump: I'll shutdown the government if you don't

Democrats: Ok

Trump: I'll do it. Watch me, I don't care

Democrats: Go for it

Trump: Ok fine I won't

The #Democrats just kept the #Government open and didn’t have to give up $1 for #TrumpWall ! #NoWall #TrumpWall

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Democrats Ran Russian Bot ‘False Flag’ Operation In Alabama — And Media Fell For It

Liberal billionaire dark money.

Imagine the media outrage campaign if the Koch brothers did something like this. Speeches in the house and senate... duped victims tearfully telling their story on CFNN. Rachel Madcow explaining intricate conspiracies. JB posting links to articles and tweets insisting the end is near for President Chump.
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'Obama-like mistake': Republicans slam Trump over plan to withdraw troops from Syria
GOP lawmakers say vacuum will empower Russia, Iran and insurgent fighters.

FYI ISIS is NOT defeated. This big impulsive move was because the orange snowflake’s fragile ego had a personal need to win something after the pushback on that stupid-ass wall.*

I’m sure ISIS, Assad and Russia will be happy to see us go...

*strong borders = yes
But that wall is a waste of money
*strong borders = yes
But that wall is a waste of money

How would you know? A liberal activist on msnbc says so?

Every US Border Patrol supervisor says a wall would be very effective. Border wall in California near San Diego has been a HUGE success.
JB posting links to articles and tweets insisting the end is near for President Chump.

Actually, I'm just posting current news and I said 2019 is going to be his worst year and he'll get his ass whipped next election. That's what I literally said. I do agree with you calling him Chump.
Border wall in California near San Diego has been a HUGE success.
A couple of miles vs almost 2000 miles. Wall in SD keeps people out where the wall is and its a manageable size to patrol and monitor (cameras etc. monitoring where the wall ends).

Desperate people will go for the lowest hanging fruit - raise the bar they'll still find a way.

Aside from the logistics of building one contiguous wall for that distance across widely-varying terrain and all of the ecological and personal property its going to disrupt, what is it going to cost to have guards to monitor and patrol the entire length? Are we going to do like SD and have cameras monitoring large stretches of the wall? If we're going to have that redundancy, why not set up a high-tech system the full length? Also there's water on either side of that border. A lot of water.
How necessary is it actually? I have yet to hear the names or identities of those supposed "10 terrorists" 45 pulled out of his a** while speaking about it last week. Most of the terrorist threats to this country are citizens well within its borders.
Strong borders are good. Nobody wants "open borders." The wall is a fiasco and a money pit.
It was satire


Actually, I'm just posting current news and I said 2019 is going to be his worst year and he'll get his ass whipped next election. That's what I literally said. I do agree with you calling him Chump.
So your point is, a longer wall won't work because the wall does work in San Diego? No one is talking about a continuous wall. Maybe you should read more.

A couple of miles vs almost 2000 miles. Wall in SD keeps people out where the wall is and its a manageable size to patrol and monitor (cameras etc. monitoring where the wall ends).

Desperate people will go for the lowest hanging fruit - raise the bar they'll still find a way.

Aside from the logistics of building one contiguous wall for that distance across widely-varying terrain and all of the ecological and personal property its going to disrupt, what is it going to cost to have guards to monitor and patrol the entire length? Are we going to do like SD and have cameras monitoring large stretches of the wall? If we're going to have that redundancy, why not set up a high-tech system the full length? Also there's water on either side of that border. A lot of water.
How necessary is it actually? I have yet to hear the names or identities of those supposed "10 terrorists" 45 pulled out of his a** while speaking about it last week. Most of the terrorist threats to this country are citizens well within its borders.
Strong borders are good. Nobody wants "open borders." The wall is a fiasco and a money pit.
Walls have worked in every country that uses them, including EU and IL but somehow can't work in the USA because of technology or some other bullshit.

The reason democrats don't want a wall, you can't turn it off or stop it from working. It's an impediment to smuggling, immigration, sex trafficking.
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Heck you can have a one-line barbwire fence if you give the border patrol massive liberties to enforce it, huge numbers of officers, and the status of people crossing doesn't change once they place one toe on American land.

But since you don't have the above. You need a huge, long. daunting wall, fence, whatever you call it.
I didn't know it was this bad:

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

David Tepper says the 'Fed put is dead' and so cash is 'not so bad' as an investment now

"1. Powell basically told you the Fed put is dead.

2. Everyone is tight. Chinese money growth plummeting. ECB cutting the last of QE. And Fed still in tightening mode.

3. The net biggest issuance of Treasuries and worldwide fixed income is coming next year. Something is going to get crowded out. Bonds stocks etc.

4. Oh and there is this trade war question. I think we should be having a fight with China on different issues. But it is not conducive to confidence. Freezing some worldwide activity.

5. Cash is not so bad."

Why it might feel the end is near.

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