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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Alex Jones & Millie Confront Google CEO Sundar Pichai...
Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai testifies before the House Judiciary Committee regarding allegations of censorship and bias against conservatives. Alex Jones, Roger Stone, Millie Weaver and many others confronted Pichai in the halls of the House.

I like his “Google is Evil” spectacle and bringing this censorship to the net. Nice. What he is doing is great exposing this tech mess.
You mean like going back to the Free Market system, the way it should be. No socialized wealth transfer program where the middle class subsidize the poor. Your ability to pay = your standard of care. If you are high risk, then high premiums your employer or you pay. Not the rest of the taxpayers. This isn’t the EU. Healthcare isn’t a free entitlement, unless you believe in Bernie Sanders Cortez.

Passed law making it legal to buy / sell insurance across state line. What took so long..
It's going to happen one day, Universal, Medicare For All, something along those lines. There is already support for it from both parties and it'll just continue to grow.

Majority of Republicans supports 'Medicare for all,' poll finds

Seventy percent of Americans support 'Medicare for all' in new poll

Glad I am not there, I won’t be paying into it, you will. Lol.

98% of people want free stuff too. Free medivac flights for illegal aliens too, that cost $50,000. too. The US is Circling the drain.
Glad I am not there, I won’t be paying into it, you will. Lol.

98% of people want free stuff too. Free medivac flights for illegal aliens too, that cost $50,000. too. The US is Circling the drain.

How many countries have universal health care?
Developed Countries With Universal Health Care. Out of the 33 developed countries, 32 have universal health care. They adopt one of the following three models. In a single-payer system, the government taxes its citizens to pay for health care.

United States is the only one that doesn't. And it's not free.

Conservative Think Tank: 10 Countries With Universal Health Care Have Freer Economies Than The U.S.

Study the different models. What works, what doesn't.
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Passed law making it legal to buy / sell insurance across state line. What took so long..

I used to have Blue Shaft insurance, they were all across the states. But it was getting expensive, that was over 10 years ago. Now I am required by law to pay into socialized medicine though never ever use it. Its cheap though. Instead, I pay a fraction of US pricing for dental and excellent medical care in private, first class hospitals. Many North Americans travel for quality medical tourism btw.
I used to have Blue Shaft insurance, they were all across the states. But it was getting expensive, that was over 10 years ago. Now I am required by law to pay into socialized medicine though never ever use it. Its cheap though. Instead, I pay a fraction of US pricing for dental and excellent medical care in private, first class hospitals. Many North Americans travel for quality medical tourism btw.

Wait, so that seems better. So you're talking about South America? It's socialized but cheaper and better than America?
Kathy Griffin
‏Verified account @kathygriffin

Hmm. Come on, Kathy Griffin? And... You criticize Alex Jones for being a wacko?
We need some more humor here.

Wait, so that seems better. So you're talking about South America? It's socialized but cheaper and better than America?

Am I reading it wrong or something? At first you were saying you were glad you're not in America if they were going to go that route, then followed up with (it looks like) saying how great it is.
Wait, so that seems better. So you're talking about South America? It's socialized but cheaper and better than America?

No, read what I wrote. I don’t use socialized, its not good for me, not good for everyone, but great if you are poor. They make you wait in long lines, 6 mo appts, etc. I pay for private, 1st class care, so do many. Wages are 10% of US, so more for your $$$. I walk a few blocks and get blood tests, Xrays, etc for $60, instant results in a couple hours via email.
No, read what I wrote. I don’t use socialized, its not good for me, not good for everyone, but great if you are poor. They make you wait in long lines, 6 mo appts, etc. I pay for private, 1st class care, so do many. Wages are 10% of US, so more for your $$$. I walk a few blocks and get blood tests, Xrays, etc for $60, instant results in a couple hours via email.

"I pay a fraction of US pricing for dental and excellent medical care in private, first class hospitals. Many North Americans travel for quality medical tourism btw."

Why is that, a better system down there? Then you see the point you made about North Americans having to travel? Shouldn't have to do that, so obviously things can be better here.
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Am I reading it wrong or something? At first you were saying you were glad you're not in America if they were going to go that route, then followed up with (it looks like) saying how great it is.

Another thing, it depends on what you need done. Minor stuff, handled in clinics. Major operations, depends. Local Friend died, no heart valve replacement so he died.

On the other hand I knew a jerk gringo who used socialized and never paid his bill of $300k for 3 months ICU, they deported him. He cant come back. Did the same thing in another country I was told, and they won’t allow him to leave and he is broke.
"I pay a fraction of US pricing for dental and excellent medical care in private, first class hospitals. Many North Americans travel for quality medical tourism btw."

Why is that, a better system down there? Then you see the point you made about North Americans having to travel? Shouldn't have to do that, so obviously things can be better here.

I had a surgery, cost about 20% of US cost. Excellent care, no unionized bitch nurses, nice experience. I have had several friends have dental work same thing, fraction of US prices. Dr.’s overhead, salaries, malpractice insurance, subsidize the non payers, high LA rent and all that b.s. make equal care in the states much more expensive. Have 3 US friends who are retired Doctors, none have anything good to say about the US system.
Some Health issues in the states are environmental and people are tied up in major job stress, overconsumption, buying things they cant afford, high mortgages, traffic jams, etc. there are areas where people routinely in S America who live to 100, who are poor but happy. Eat fresh food, no costco packaged crap. Agrigarian lives.

If you are reasonably healthy and dont smoke, dont drink too much, and eat fresh foods that are right and have somewhat good genetics, it works. Personally, I walk, today about 8 miles, leisurely. I don’t believe in elective surgeries, nor do high impact exercise, high risk sports, careful about where I go and walk, etc. so it works here for me. I have several friends in their late 70’s healthy and doing great. I have several just the opposite, like w Parkinsons. And at least 10 gringoes I have known died, mostly from from excess. Overweight, unlucky genetics, cancers, alcoholics, ODed, etc.

The locals who have socialized emergency care, but they have to pay for it, % out of paycheck. Most complain of long waits, and free loaders from other countries
( yea, just like the US) Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, Hondurans, etc fled and arrive with no ability to pay and are subsidized by those who do pay. But, they are improving remodeling major hospitals all over.
Glad I am not there, I won’t be paying into it, you will. Lol.

98% of people want free stuff too. Free medivac flights for illegal aliens too, that cost $50,000. too. The US is Circling the drain.

If I didn't know better, I might have interpreted the above as suggesting that a person's right to life saving medical treatment should be based on their legal status and ability to pay...
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I know this happened to a few people....talk about people going into and through hell for ages....

This is the kind of thing that happens only in the worst and most oppressive regimes. And yet, rather than being up in arms, many Americans are so brainwashed, brain-addled, and addicted, they think it's a good thing that kids are being snatched from their homes. They really have no clue how far over the line the country has gone. It's astounding.
Apparently, no rumor, no gossip, no accusation or racist attack is too gross or to base to repeat and laugh about when you're a progressive democrat.

...So we have some speed freak, drug abuser as President

Kathy Griffin
‏Verified account @kathygriffin

I've known @CaslerNoel for years. He has always been super professional and discreet. I'm so glad he's decided to reveal this important information about Trump. Thank you Noel, I know this isn't easy.

The Best Theory of 1992: Donald Trump Took Amphetamine-Like Diet Pills

On the other hand, when your mocking a progressive genius, then you better keep the joke PC.
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walk a few blocks and get blood tests, Xrays, etc for $60,

Costs in this country are one thing that’s very broken with the healthcare. That would cost you hundreds here. Or more.

I cut my finger - freak accident - and went to urgent care - cost me $150 to essentially clean, put a pressure bandage on it and glue it. That was WITH insurance. Without insurance it would have cost me $275.

Insurance premiums are brutal, especially as you get older (regardless of your individual health status). I’m not overweight, don’t smoke, no pre existings, cheapest silver plan runs about 10k a year. If you can’t afford insurance or choose to not have it, you get charged more when you need care. A catastrophic accident or illness without insurance is bankruptcy and/or a death sentence. Either way, you pay.

And premiums were worse before ACA.
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Federal court rules against the President Trumps immigration policy: There are no conservative or liberal judges, just judges dedicated to the law.

Federal court rules against President Obama's signature legislation: "Republican Judge in Texas" ...

I love double standards.

If I didn't know better, I might have interpreted the above as suggesting that a person's right to life saving medical treatment should be based on their legal status and ability to pay...

Flying a charter flight was only done as a political stunt. Enough pressure and hot water and media coverage of the caravan caused that. Like these “high risk” mountain climbers, they get stuck, break a leg (their risk is by choice, not taxpayers), need a med Evac flight and are US Citizens, I read the Govt is billing them now. So why a risky trek across desert and illegally entering as person is an exception? Oh, Of course. Who pays? Taxpayers. Great, just great. The irresponisible father endangering his child should be charged, and incarcerated.
But Democrats will make it this big emotional campaign to blame Trump. So f ing stupid.
So why a risky trek across desert and illegally entering as person is an exception?

How much risk was there to remain where they were? Frying pan, meet fire. You can’t compare running from a life threatening situation to a sport people do for recreation and pay to do.

Crossing at an illegal entry point is a misdemeanor. Asking for asylum is legal.
Costs in this country are one thing that’s very broken with the healthcare. That would cost you hundreds here. Or more.

I cut my finger - freak accident - and went to urgent care - cost me $150 to essentially clean, put a pressure bandage on it and glue it. That was WITH insurance. Without insurance it would have cost me $275.

Insurance premiums are brutal, especially as you get older (regardless of your individual health status). I’m not overweight, don’t smoke, no pre existings, cheapest silver plan runs about 10k a year. If you can’t afford insurance or choose to not have it, you get charged more when you need care. A catastrophic accident or illness without insurance is bankruptcy and/or a death sentence. Either way, you pay.

And premiums were worse before ACA.

I am in the same boat, but by choice live where medical costs are lower.
American Personal financial responsibility is a huge problem. You and the rest as an Americans are paying 10k premiums for covering the electively dumb, the uninsured, the smokers, overweight and bad diet people. Do you like that? I don’t.

Well, even with 10k insurance you aren’t necessarily “covered”. The complete system is broken by subsidizing the poor, expensive equipment, wall street dictated earnings for insurance and hospitals, huge drug costs, abuse of insurance, doctors and patients. What about Football players injured in High School, or Martial Arts injuries, should the rest of us pay for their risky choice? Trial lawyers abusing in malpractice settlements, etc. Look at this stupid opioid “crisis”. This is crooked. Why should taxpayers pay for this? Self induced misery, like illegal drug addicts. I had opioid pain killers, but refused to use them as I knew they were addictive, this was years before this crisis. When I did, have to use them, it was a week, I withdrew in pain. I didnt look for Govt help. The Govt cannot legislate “common sense”. Nor intelligence, nor corporate greed, nor anything.

Brutal, I am well aware. I mentioned before a friend earning 6 figures is paying 5 figures for his self employed rip off Obamacare plan. Basically subsidizing the poor who cannot afford to pay.

When I was there, accumulatively over many self employment years have paid in Blue Shaft premiums over my $200k, yet never once had a claim or used it. I despise insurance companies. Such a scam and rip off. I have had up to 5 year Periods, where I chose not to pay for insurance. I paid cash for my surgery where I was as I went without insurance to save money, I have never received any freebies, ever. Yet many americans and non americans abuse the system, so everybody who works pays for the rest.

Health Care in hospitals should be non-profit, operated by churches as it was years ago. No unionized nurses, no malpractice lawsuits either. A kinder, caring system without Wallstreet earnings pressure. Doctors used to be a good high paying profession too, not big insurance companies. The system needs private clinics, not more “for profit” hospitals.

Btw, you need to prepay in cash or a credit card to enter a private hospital with emergency service in Latin American. They are business registered as “hotels”, that way they dont have to treat anybody, they wont treat the poor or take public ambulances. That keeps the cost down for the rest of those who do have a little money or savings for inexpensive $60 xrays. No payment up front, you go to social medicine hospital. So, illegals obviously jump the border to take advantage of the broken “free” US system.

The govt should only help the retarded, the autism, born with downs syndrome, those really unfortunate. Not people who make bad choices in their diet or lifestyle and do extreme sports.
How much risk was there to remain where they were? Frying pan, meet fire. You can’t compare running from a life threatening situation to a sport people do for recreation and pay to do.

Crossing at an illegal entry point is a misdemeanor. Asking for asylum is legal.

The news media is making this bigger than it is. I know quite a few Nicaraguans. Some lived through the civil war. Hard working too, really much respect for them. I help them with giving them work or just donating. People live through terrible violence, but many know how to deal with it. There are plenty of people who have stayed in Honduras too, not all flee. This refugee thing is a small minority, look at the interview videos I posted. They should have taken Mexicos offer, and been closer to their place of birth. But they are greedy, to get the entire consumerism thing, the big house and car American dream, and unfortunately paid a high price for it. I don’t want sound like an asshole, its a tragedy this small girl dying. Horrible. But her father is an idiot. Most don’t bring children in, or climb walls with a baby in their arms. That is child abuse and they should be arrested!

Its a choice to do something illegal and risky. I live in a dangerous place too. I don’t go walking out at night, I keep a low profile. I have had before to pay off people to avoid problems. Also have an armed guard when needed.
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