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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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I am pretty sure the slavery justices are dead
You know, because America is just a few steps away from being a handmaids tail in nazi germany.
Thanks... I wasn't quite sure...
Of course they weren’t the “same” ones. The point being that SCOTUS isn’t infallible and has made bad decisions the past. Several others pertaining to civil rights, as I recall.

Who do you think POTUS should deal with? Kim's wife?

You’re completely (and probably deliberately) missing the point.

Actions like this are one reason sanctions were imposed to begin with. This is a cruel dictator, not the type of person you shower with praise as a great guy. admiring how his people sit at attention and listen when he talks. The US should be using human rights and the miserable way he treats his own people as a key part of any negotiations, instead of sticking heads in the sand like selfish cowards.

Corn and rice. He was publicly shot 90 times (by prisoners forced to be his executioners) for giving his unit additional corn and rice than their standard ration. Out of a surplus.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was turned in by one of the recipients.

Anyone wants some insight into life in North Korea, read A River in Darkness - a first hand account of a man who after several miserable decades escaped from there during the great famine of the 1990’s. Kim’s grandfather and then his father were in charge during the timespan of the book, but it shows you the legacy and mindset of the ruling family - I haven’t heard anything to suggest things there have changed all that much.

In other news:
On Russian state TV today a panel was discussing how they could exploit POTUS' vulnerabilities, like his vanity, for their own benefit. Right out in the open. So far no reprimands or comments from anyone in the US gov.
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The key to Justice Kennedy's retirement is that it is right in the middle of Trump's term, so there won't be any "let the next President fill the seat" argument
Trump will secure the constitution for another generation!
I believe Kate is referring to Dred Scott
Still talking about slavery? Almost 200 years later? At about that same time a country called Liberia in West Africa was created, for all those black people who believed they would face better chances of freedom and prosperity in Africa than in the US.

Not many Black Americans returned to their origins and a high % of the ones that did, had a hard time integrating with the local population and customs.

I really have very little time to discuss something that was ended over 150 years ago and that liberals and blacks are constantly talking about.

The main reason I really don't care anymore is because the island where I live was victim of many attacks from the Muslim Barbary Pirates from North Africa, who raided and pillaged the coastal towns, then captured (not traded) mostly women, who were then taken to the slave markets of North Africa and sold as sex slaves.

But we don't talk about it anymore. It happened at about the same time of the slave trade to the Americas. We've gotten over it a long long time ago...

It is estimated that up to 1.25 million Europeans were enslaved by the so-called Barbary Corsairs or Pirates, and their lives were just as pitiful as their African counterparts. They have come to be known as the White slaves of Barbary.

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Weird, It's almost like NPR and CATO institute are cherry picking data to support a political opinion.

The relationship between illegal immigrants and violent crime

Previous administrations have deliberately kept Americans in the dark about illegal immigrant crimes
Research conducted by the federal government oversight organization Judicial Watch in 2014 documents that 50 percent of all federal crimes were committed near our border with Mexico.

Of the 61,529 criminal cases filed by federal prosecutors; 40 percent or 24,746 were in court districts along the southern borders of California, Arizona and Texas.

The Western District of Texas had the nation’s most significant crime rate with over 6,300 cases filed; followed by the Southern District of Texas with slightly over 6,000 cases.

Arizona's Illegals More Than Twice as Likely to Be in Prison

By Laura Strickler CBS News July 22, 2010, 4:12 PM
Undocumented Immigrants Increasingly Filling Arizona Prisons
LOL... I'll believe that when I see elephants fly or when chicken grow teeth...

Two or three weeks ago I also saw an article in a German newspaper saying that crime in Germany had gone down in the past 10 years or so.

The article was partly true. Crime did in fact go down among German citizens, BUT what they failed to mention is that the crime committed by the millions of illegals that entered the country, was NOT included in those crime statistics.

Isn't that clever???
LOL... I'll believe that when I see elephants fly or when chicken grow teeth...

Believe what you want, but facts matter. Data matters. Expertise matters. 4 separate studies came to the same conclusion.

People who work in law enforcement and govern immigrants-heavy communities like Houston say the same thing. Governor of Houston quoted in the article.

Immigrants were included in the German study (the one showing crime was down.) Either you are talking about a different study or you’re reading conspiracy rags like Drudge Report again...
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A lot of democrats are regretfully contemplating Harry Reid's decision to end of the filibuster rule in the Senate this week.

Republicans should re-instate the rule, 5 minutes after the next Supreme Court Justice is confirmed.
New Fox chief cracks down on inflammatory statements
CEO Suzanne Scott summoned producers to a meeting to direct them to take more control over hosts and panelists.

Brings to mind something about a barn door and a horse leaving, but good for her. Some of the recent crap like “womp-womp”, “cotton pickin’ mind” we’re totally out of line and seem to be the rule around there rather than the exception. Maybe she will help them regain some respectability as a real news outlet. Not holding my breath, but it’s a step in the right direction.

(Cue the misogynistic comments...)
totally out of line and seem to be the rule around there rather than the exception.

Good for her. Both people who made those comments were criticized. Pretty tame compared to being called a racist nazi.

(Cue the misogynistic comments...)

Making my point for me.
I'd rather read Drudge Report 1000x, than the BS from the Biased Liberal Media...

And it shows....

Someone under investigation for gravely serious crimes tells you all the media critical of him are “fake” so you should only listen to the nice things (and fictional conspiracy theories) his friends are spouting - and you say “okey dokey” and do exactly that. No questions asked. Con artists love gullible folks like you.
And it shows....

Someone under investigation for gravely serious crimes tells you all the media critical of him are “fake” so you should only listen to the nice things (and fictional conspiracy theories) his friends are spouting - and you say “okey dokey” and do exactly that. No questions asked. Con artists love gullible folks like you.

Clinton lost the election.
Literally everything, you guys. EVERYTHING! LITERALLY!
I hope today's newsroom shooting not some fake news relation type of thing
And it shows....

Someone under investigation for gravely serious crimes tells you all the media critical of him are “fake” so you should only listen to the nice things (and fictional conspiracy theories) his friends are spouting - and you say “okey dokey” and do exactly that. No questions asked. Con artists love gullible folks like you.
Liberal Fake News Media only talk BS. They are not trustworthy, They lie, twist and hide information all the time, while kissing Liberal ass all the time, especially Obumer's and It's been proven thousands of times on this thread.

They are the enemy of the conservative people. They don't deserve any respect at all, that's why I love it when Trump bashes them, just like I have been doing for years, every opportunity I can, in this thread and even prior to this thread

As for your "Someone under investigation for gravely serious crimes tells you all the media critical of him are “fake”" --- yes it's fake and it will be proven fake someday...
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Violent crime rises in Germany and is attributed to refugees
JANUARY 3, 2018

BERLIN (Reuters) - Young male refugees in Germany got the blame on Wednesday for most of a two-year increase in violent crime, adding fuel to the country’s political debate over migrants.

Violent crime rose by about 10 percent in 2015 and 2016, a study showed. It attributed more than 90 percent of that to young male refugees.


Most Governments in the EU are giving false stats about crime to keep their native population in the dark about the true facts and to save their political asses from the disastrous open borders policy of allowing every Tom, Dick and Harry, or should I say, every Abdul, Kwanza and Mohamed in without any vetting whatsoever.

The Liberal Media is complicit in denying European citizens the right to the true criminal stats, because they don't want to be shown as being "racists"
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