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randypendleton.comTop Member
This thread was created to bring a local new story to light, which can be viewed below:

JACKSON, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio school district decided Tuesday night to keep a portrait of Jesus hanging in the school where it's been 65 years, denying a federal lawsuit's claim the portrait's display unconstitutionally promotes religion in a public school.

The Jackson City Schools board offered a constitutional justification of its own in voting 4-0 to keep the portrait up in its middle school, saying it must protect students' free speech rights. The vote drew cheers and applause from the dozens of people gathered in the elementary school gymnasium.

Read all of it here:;_ylv=3

I posted his here @ NP to see what ppl had to say on the issue. As it turns out, this sparked many debates. I've considered closing this thread but after multiple suggestions, I decided to keep it open. Feel free to join in the topics but per forum rules, please refrain from obscene, threatening, rude, or insulting posts.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Pat Condell, your favorite guy on YouTube, thinks you're nuts Gilsan.

Waiting for Jesus - YouTube
Yes, I'd seen that video before. As I said on my previous post Pat Condell is an Atheist, not a hypocrite like you lefties.

"I'll bet the same women and the millions of people including Liberals would be in an uproar if 1.2 million animal fetuses where slaughtered legally every year in the US, but don't even wink an eye for 1.2 million babies. Amazing hypocrites"

Probably not. I'm a big time meat eater, meaning live animals need to die.

As far as that grandma, violently attacked? She got pushed over, they didn't charge the person who did it. And if you stalk and harass people, you have it coming.
You didn't even read what I wrote. I said ANIMAL FETUSES, not animals. In other words, if they did 1.2 million abortions on animals, like they do on 1.2 million babies, would you be OK with that?

She got pushed over? :lol: You're defending an obvious aggression? Come to think about it, what else could anyone expect from a hypocrite like yourself.
Yes, I'd seen that video before. As I said on my previous post Pat Condell is an Atheist, not a hypocrite like you lefties.

You didn't even read what I wrote. I said ANIMAL FETUSES, not animals. In other words, if they did 1.2 million abortions on animals, like they do on 1.2 million babies, would you be OK with that?

She got pushed over? :lol: You're defending an obvious aggression? Come to think about it, what else could anyone expect from a hypocrite like yourself.

So you think killing something not alive, is worse than killing something that is?

That's a sucker video Gilsan. You didn't see what happened before the incident. And they use grandma and 12 grandchildren to garner sympathy, typical tactic. What does it matter if she was 20 or 60, had no kids or a gang of kids. If she wasn't out there starting trouble, harassing folks, she wouldn't have ended up on her butt. It's kind of like with paparazzi, getting into the faces of celebs, trying to get a reaction out of them and when they react, the paparazzi cry and act like they've been done wrong. When they got the reaction they wanted. Same thing here. And again, the person wasn't arrested. Why do you think that is?
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So you think killing something not alive, is worse than killing something that is?

Say what????? Have you been smoking some good stuff?

I posted a video of jihadists that target and kill christians, is that being anti christian???
"Hey Samjones got any videos that shows all the slaughters by Muslims dating back thousands of years, till presently? I'm sure you don't because you are obviously a christian hater. It's easy to read between the lines in your posts" Sure I am sure I can come up with that, I will go to you tube and look. So what? I also have talked about how not so great of a place Saudia Arabia is to live if you look at it compared to lots of other countries. Is this anti-christian?
No, what you were saying several posts back is that Libya had a higher standard of living than Saudi Arabia. Totally different from what we are talking about now. Don't try to fool me because you won't be able to do it.

Now go and find me a video that shows all the massacres committed by Muslims against the Infidels in the past few thousands of years till 2013

In the mean time here's a video about Muslim Schools Teaching Kids To Hate Non-Muslims... in the UK

[ame=""]Muslim Schools Teaching Kids To Hate Non-Muslims - YouTube[/ame]
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No, what you were saying several posts back is that Libya had a higher standard of living than Saudi Arabia.
How are you guys measuring the standard of living? Do you mean just the country's total wealth? Just men? Just the royals? Housing? Actual per capita income (excluding the royals)?

Now go and find me a video that shows all the massacres committed by Muslims against the Infidels in the past few thousands of years till 2013

Be fair and also list all the killings by Christians against other religions or declared enemies of the Christian religion.
How are you guys measuring the standard of living? Do you mean just the country's total wealth? Just men? Just the royals? Housing? Actual per capita income (excluding the royals)?.

Ask Samjones. He's the one who bought up the subject where he says that Libya has a much higher standard of living than Saudi Arabia.

Be fair and also list all the killings by Christians against other religions or declared enemies of the Christian religion.

Samjones has already put up a video showing the barbarity of the Christians in the past hundreds and thousands of years ago. Now I'm waiting for him or you to put up a video that shows how the "Religion of Peace" has treated other religions and continues to treat other religions till the present date.

I can put up hundreds of those videos, but I want you or Samjones to do it, to show that you are not biased towards Christians.... or are you? :|
. . . to show that you are not biased towards Christians.... or are you? :|

"Anything biased generally is one-sided and therefore lacks a neutral point of view." As such both Christianity and Islam faiths are biased in their views of other religions. I'm equally biased at their bias.
"Anything biased generally is one-sided and therefore lacks a neutral point of view." As such both Christianity and Islam faiths are biased in their views of other religions. I'm equally biased at their bias.
Everyone is biased in one way or another, but what you are saying is that Christians are as bad as Muslims and don't get along with all other religions, like Muslims?

How about Atheists. Seems like the "Religion of Peace" hate them to death as well.

‘Hang atheist bloggers’: Bangladeshi Muslims call for execution of blasphemers

I don't recall Christians in the US threatening to kill Atheists who were offended by and were able to have Nativity scenes removed from certain cities in the US

Amazing that you put Islam and Christianity at the same level and still continue to defend Islam despite all the evidence of their hatred and intolerance towards everyone who isn't a believer.
"No, what you were saying several posts back is that Libya had a higher standard of living than Saudi Arabia."
That was before the manufacuted "rebelion" that did away with a secular state with a high living standard and replaced it with an islamic goverment. There is a long post in the political section with details which include many factors not only GDP.
GILSAN you have already made up your mind about the truth in the world. What do you want?
I understand what your opnion is. Christianty- Good Islam-Bad / Anyone that does not have the same opinion as you - Liberal Muslim lover / Islam=problem with DNA
Thanks for the enlightment. I dont agree with you. That is ok. I think its great that you just came out with it, that you think people in the middle east have DNA issues. That really made it much easier to understand where you are coming from.
I dont think this is good:
[ame=""]''Return of khilafah - from Syria insallah'' - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Emotional letter of Syrian martyr before his death | وصية شهيد مؤثرة من درعا - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]The Islamic Revolution: The call for Khilafah in Syria [Inspiring capture of the Syrian Revolution] - YouTube[/ame]
But I think this is great
[ame=""]Christians ( Hardcore ) - YouTube[/ame]
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California Proposes Law to Force Insurance to Cover Homosexual 'Infertility'

"The state of California is reportedly considering legislation that would force group insurance policies to provide infertility treatment for gay and lesbian couples."

"Two men who have sex with each other for a year and do not produce a baby would be considered “infertile” under the proposed legislation. So would two women having sex.

:lol: And this is just the begging. Only Liberal Lunatics would think up such BS :lol:
Agreed. Schools are grounds for imparting Worldly knowledge and education. Religious teachings in a school would most probably lead to some conflictions and contradictions amongst young minds that can be harmful for the bright future of any country.
Agreed. Schools are grounds for imparting Worldly knowledge and education. Religious teachings in a school would most probably lead to some conflictions and contradictions amongst young minds that can be harmful for the bright future of any country.
Then why was this permitted?

"Texas public school students don burqas, learn that Muslim terrorists are freedom fighters"

Read more:
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Everyone is biased in one way or another, but what you are saying is that Christians are as bad as Muslims and don't get along with all other religions, like Muslims?.
Oh, please. Muslims and Christians don't matter; it's th s extremists on both sides that have perverted both religions and moved on to thinking their God is the one true God, and if He doesn't appear and smite the people of the false religion, then people like you will spread the message of hate and violence.

I don't recall Christians in the US threatening to kill Atheists who were offended by and were able to have Nativity scenes removed from certain cities in the US.
good grief.

Amazing that you put Islam and
Christianity at the same level and still continue to defend Islam despite all the evidence of their hatred and intolerance towards everyone who isn't a believer.

Again, you don't get it. I'd defend the poodle down the street against dog-haters, just as I would defend you against Porto haters spouting the same ridiculous nonsense that's being spouted here.

It's not religion that's the problem; it's the close-minded zealots of the religions that get my goat . . . the ones who can't see two inches past their extremist pugnacity.
PC issues kept me away from NP for awhile. Since I left, there have been 5 pages of posts added to this thread. I'll read them over in a bit. But I saw something while skimming: Is there a debate here about whether a fetus is truly 'alive'?
No. I think you're confusing a fetus with namepros.
:lol: Nearly wet my pants with that one :lol:
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Again, you don't get it. I'd defend the poodle down the street against dog-haters, just as I would defend you against Porto haters spouting the same ridiculous nonsense that's being spouted here.

It's not religion that's the problem; it's the close-minded zealots of the religions that get my goat . . . the ones who can't see two inches past their extremist pugnacity.
Oh I get it all right. It's you who who doesn't smell the coffee. You are trying to convince me that Islam and Christianity are equally bad. Christianity is not in conflict all over the world, with other religions, as Islam is.

Didn't you see Muslims rejoicing and partying all over the world after 9/11? I did and it made me really pissed off, because on that day it wasn't just Americans they were killing, it was all the infidels in the world who didn't believe in their God.

Now could you explain what Porto haters are?
Benfica fans
OK, But here we are talking about soccer fanatics, I'm a Benfica fan but not a fanatic, so I get along very very well with all my Porto fan friends. We watch games together and I always root for Porto in international competitions.

BTW, Benfica will play Newcastle in an hour or two for the Europa League at Newcastle after beating them 3-1 in Lisbon. Should be a good game. The Brits are always dangerous playing at home. If Benfica wins they go into the final 4
OK, But here we are talking about soccer fanatics, I'm a Benfica fan but not a fanatic, so I get along very very well with all my Porto fan friends. We watch games together and I always root for Porto in international competitions.

BTW, Benfica will play Newcastle in an hour or two for the Europa League at Newcastle after beating them 3-1 in Lisbon. Should be a good game. The Brits are always dangerous playing at home. If Benfica wins they go into the final 4

I'm going for the Magpies!

Portuguese teams suck and I hate them.... they're so bad their good players go to Spain and play with real teams. :lol:
I'm going for the Magpies!

Portuguese teams suck and I hate them.... they're so bad their good players go to Spain and play with real teams. :lol:
Benfica is gonna show the Magpies how to play football tonight. Personally I love to watch English football, or for that matter Spanish, German + Italian football as well.

It's true, the Portuguese create some great players then sell em off. Not enough money in our league to hold the best players

EDIT: Game over: Newcastle 1-1 Benfica. :kickass: The Magpies had no chance. They needed to eat more Cottage Pie to have any chance of beating us.

Benfica are through to the semi-finals on a 4-2 aggregate. B-)
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EDIT: Game over: Newcastle 1-1 Benfica. :kickass: The Magpies had no chance. They needed to eat more Cottage Pie to have any chance of beating us.

Benfica are through to the semi-finals on a 4-2 aggregate. B-)

But it was close in the end.. 3-2 and Newcastle pressing...

Typical Portugal though rolling around on the floor like it was a March Madness leg break chewing time of the clock at the end of the game.
But it was close in the end.. 3-2 and Newcastle pressing...

Typical Portugal though rolling around on the floor like it was a March Madness leg break chewing time of the clock at the end of the game.
True, it was close. Benfica were better in the first half and Newcastle better in the 2nd half.

All teams chew time to their advantage. If the Magpies had scored a 2nd goal and Benfica had to score they'd do the same.

20-30 years ago British teams never chewed time but now that they are mostly using foreign players, they have changed. I preferred the attacking English football of the past.

BTW, the Benfica president and coach laid flowers at Sir Bobby Robson's statue, as a sign of respect for that great player and coach, who coached Porto and Sporting FC during his 4-5 years in Portugal. Everyone loved and respected Bobby here.

Big surprise: :O Totenham are out after penalty shoot-out against theoretically weaker Basle of Switzerland
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Oh I get it all right. It's you who who doesn't smell the coffee. You are trying to convince me that Islam and Christianity are equally bad.

Once in a while you need to read what has been written to you and actually think about it instead of firing off you normal 'brainwashed liberals, lefties are the anti-Christ reply.

Religions are themselves static and have the opportunity to be beneficial to believers or be twisted by hate-mongers spreading misery, arrogance and intolerance in the name of their religion. It's the people who determine the actions and beliefs in the name of their religion.

"Christianity is not in conflict all over the world, with other religions, as Islam is." What wars and military actions has the US engaged in in the last 20 years? What was their religion? Why is it we chose to invade? And what has the sacrifice of soldiers and civilians on both sides brought us?

Now could you explain what Porto haters are?[/QUOTE]
nah...something to keep you thinking about.
A religion discussion on a business forum? Really??

Who came up with this brilliant idea?

[ame=""]George Carlin Religion is bullshit - YouTube[/ame]
A religion discussion on a business forum? Really??

Who came up with this brilliant idea?

It's NIMBY at work. This is like a black hole for senseless bigotry.

Discuss religion all you want but NIMBY....then where? here....

It was needed.
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