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randypendleton.comTop Member
This thread was created to bring a local new story to light, which can be viewed below:

JACKSON, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio school district decided Tuesday night to keep a portrait of Jesus hanging in the school where it's been 65 years, denying a federal lawsuit's claim the portrait's display unconstitutionally promotes religion in a public school.

The Jackson City Schools board offered a constitutional justification of its own in voting 4-0 to keep the portrait up in its middle school, saying it must protect students' free speech rights. The vote drew cheers and applause from the dozens of people gathered in the elementary school gymnasium.

Read all of it here: http://news.yahoo.com/ohio-school-b...xzBHB0A3N0b3J5cGFnZQR0ZXN0A1Rlc3RfQUZD;_ylv=3

I posted his here @ NP to see what ppl had to say on the issue. As it turns out, this sparked many debates. I've considered closing this thread but after multiple suggestions, I decided to keep it open. Feel free to join in the topics but per forum rules, please refrain from obscene, threatening, rude, or insulting posts.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
"So that's your secret wish... send some lesbies over to bring my country down for disagreeing with you!"

lol, your country is already ok with it, since gay marriage is legal in your country. It didn't bring it down now did it.

And the title of your link doesn't make any sense. If it was up to you, you would keep people from getting married, I'm ok with it. It's their lives. This is something they want to do, that will make them happy, will not affect your life one bit. So who are you to try to stop that?
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I step away from this thread a day and it grows a page. Wow, I’ve got a lot to comment on. I’ll have to skip a few posts, as answering everything would take all day to do. But the biggies:

A. that still wouldn't be any of your business.
B. "Problem is there are not enough children for adoptions requested" that's false. Utilize Google every now and then, get some facts. There are kids right now waiting to be adopted. Many states don't allow gay couples to adopt.

As far as the other stuff, schools are supposed to be "religiously neutral"

"The Supreme Court ordered that all religious activities be removed from the public schools (Engel v. Vatale, l962) and in subsequent years strengthened its decision through further restrictions (Abington v. Schempp, l963; Stone v. Gramm, l980; Graham v. Central, l985; Jager v. Douglas, l989"

Read page 2, first couple of paragraphs, and tell me how that doesn't make any sense.


I also wanna point out that most adoption agencies will not allow single people to adopt, either. This applies to the conversation in that it limits the amount of adoptions just as with gays adopting. Yeah, it’s not totally relevant but still, just a note.

You are overreacting in you tolerance. In fact - the white christians are so tolerant, that soon they will kiss asses, spit on their traditions and maybe will be afraid to tell that they are christians in their home country, which is .... still,but i guess not for long predominantly christian.

You said it is a 60 years of tradition with this picture. And you want to ruin the tradition because... why?

Because not everyone is a christian?

What a stupid logic!

“Stupid logic” is keeping a tradition just for the namesake of keeping a tradition. If it was a tradition to systematically kill people with red hair (for whatever reason), I see no point in an argument that the tradition should never end “because it’s tradition.” It’d be barbaric & shouldn’t exist any further. Point: there has to be more than tradition for a side to be taken. Besides, who ever said a tradition was good? Many in this thread are against hanging this painting up. So its hanging doesn’t quite come across as “a good tradition” to many here, anyway. Yet this painting should stay up to protect the integrity of a tradition (that many oppose, anyway)? This follows the same logic that ppl remain romantically involved merely outta love. Dude, it takes more than love to make a relationship work.

Personally, I'd much rather have a God that truly is all things to all people at all times. Life and death would be so much better.

But everyone has opinions. I think there is a church hymn entitled “My God Is Better Than Your God.” There are so many factions and denominations & so many different religions, in general. And too many conflicting perceptions and rationalizations and interpretations of the Bible and on and on and on. Some ppl believe there is just one way--the right way. And they have conflicting ideas of what constitutes are ‘the right way.’ As a baseball fan, I know damn better than going to St. Louis (MS) & screaming “THE CINCINNATI REDS ARE BETTER THAN THE CARDINALS!” You’d walk away (assuming you could still walk, at all) with a few teeth missing.

That's the beauty of it. The kids will be mildly exposed to religion through their peers, if at all.

Public school is not the place to formally teach religion or promote it in any way. As a parent, you can take your kids to church or send them to private school if you feel that strongly about the scripture.

This is a point I’m trying to make.

The RELIGION is strong, because the dogma is pushed upon every generation. Is that really a good thing? Is intolerance productive in an increasingly interconnected and diverse world?

It’s pushed on ppl & made to look as though anything except Christianity is wrong. There is no tolerance--you follow the Jesus route or nothing ‘cause that’s your only option (according to diehard Christian zealots).

I'm glad we agree to disagree.

So apparently for 65 years there was no disruption at that school while the painting was there, but now after one student and his parents complained, the disruption started, is that correct?

Why are the people that are complaining about the picture not identifying themselves?

I respect all opinions, even if I don’t agree with them all. Agreeing to disagree is a good thing.

Identities are typically not given to protect themselves from backlash. As stated below, some ppl would be imprisoned for suggesting a “Muslim picture” be removed. It’s not as crazy in America but there would still be backlash.

The power of one is a strange thing. One person alone cannot elect a US president but 1 could still stir the pot with other issues. It’d only take 1 complaint to make-or-break a law. That’s America for ya. lol

If the majority of the people vote for displaying 70 virgins then I have to accept it. It's called democracy. Majority wins. Just like Obama won with 53% of the vote, the other 47% may not like it but they accept it. Plain and simple

I agree with you 100%. But this doesn’t really apply here: Federal law prohibits it, thus unless there was a change in state or federal laws, a vote wouldn’t mean anything in regards to this issue of promoting religion in a public school.

Hehe - dont tell me that you are comparing Christianity and Islam. If someone propose to remove some Muslim picture in some school in Muslim country, he will be jailed at least.

In the muslim countries (the majority) - the religion is most important and is equal to the state. Maybe you can focus and write about that.

And I wouldn't go to Muslim country, because this is not my place and I wouldn't be comfortable in such environment. But when the guests in the christian countries try to make the rules - there is something wrong.

And I repeat - i guess this picture is more a tradition than some symbol of the faith. It is clear that the school should be no religion territory. And our christian countries are based on this separation of church and state.

But people who hate christianity are pushing and pushing to see what are u ready to sacrifice in the name of your tolerance.

Bingo: You wouldn’t go to a “Muslim country” because you’d not feel comfortable in the environment. Now, think of a public school (a public place, I stress). What if you were Wiccan & forced to go to a school that promoted Christianity? Would you be comfortable? Probably not. Maybe/maybe you wouldn’t have made a complaint but you aren’t the embodiment of everyone alive and thus what you choose to do isn’t what everyone or anyone would do.

Religious tolerance doesn’t (and will never) exist. We fight for what we believe in. I think some ppl might think there is only 1 side fighting. It’s not a 1-way street: Looking in both directions, you’ll see ppl fighting: to keep the painting up or to remove it. But Christians seem to ‘push’ a lot harder than most other religions in the US. They’ll fight tooth-and-nail for what they believe in. That, of course, is okay except they go OVERBOARD with everything. I’ve mentioned earlier in this thread about a worker from the Jackson schools who made it clear that if ppl were offended by the painting they should homeschool their kids. Is that the way Christians look at it? “If you don’t like the way our religion is, then you’re excluded. We don’t care if you’re uncomfortable because this is OUR religion and you’ll be subjected to it in a public setting or you’ll just have to go home.” Yes, some Christians don’t give a damn about what you believe. They’ll say “We know there is a God. I don’t care if you think there is something else ‘cause ou’re wrong. Wicca doesn’t exist. Atheism is retarded because there is a god.” Etc etc etc. They are just very close-minded people. Sure, there may be a god but that doesn’t mean Christians have to push it on everyone. Removing this painting would offend them but ya wanna know the irony? Had the tables been turned--if it was 1 Christian, in a school with mostly Wiccans, and this lone Christian wanted a painting of Jesus hung up lol there would be millions of Christians who’d fight to get it hung up. Christians (most of them) will push their beliefs on ppl. And you’d be retarded (or a non-baseball fan) of you seriously think pushing a Cardinals fan onto the Cincinnati Reds would actually work. We all have beliefs. Christians just try to hard to make the world believe that it’s their way or no way. We “relaxed Christians” have better ways to spend our time opposed to converting everyone on earth into one of them.

"And I wouldn't go to Muslim country, because this is not my place and I wouldn't be comfortable in such environment."

And I'm sure Muslims might not be too comfortable in a school that pushes Christianity.

"It is clear that the school should be no religion territory."

Yep. To me this is a very simple issue. Public schools should be religiously neutral. I think that, the Supreme Court thinks that, most educators think that. If somebody disagrees with that, then you're ok with a public school favoring one religion over another, in total disregard for the students of other religions. When you're neutral, you don't have these issues.

This better supports my statements above.

You can always find some random examples of anything. I could easily find examples opposite of that. Being neutral there is no chance of these issues. Plus the links I posted earlier that you didn't read.

Let this be a cautionary tale to anyone who believes something is fact simply because they found an article online that sides with their belief.

But even if the US were predominately jewish, sikh, hindu, buddhist, muslim, shito, wiccan or whatever the separation of church and state prevents them from pushing their religious views on everyone by making them part of government. So what does it matter if the majority is "us" or "them?"

Christians are exempt from this because they’re the favorites & only 1 God exists and thus, they need to spread the word! (Ha, I’m sure many Christians would read that & not see the sarcasm in it)

You are missing the point. Why there is separation of church and state? Because your country is Christian. Your country is what it is, because it is Christian and it has Christian traditions.

My point is that the picture is not "pushing religious views on everyone". It is just a tradition.

What if someone in Rio De Jeneiro is offended by "Christ the Redeemer"? Brazil is also a country with many different religions and cultures. They are also tolerant. There is also separation of church and state.

Do they have to destroy the statue, which is I guess far more pushing than some picture in Ohio, to prove that they are not pushing religious beliefs on anyone? How many children are viewing the image in the Ohio school and how many children are seeing the statue?

And another thing - should students in USA be banned from celebrating Christmas at school and giving each other presents? Is this pushing? And why your President is taking an oath with the Bible? Why people in courts are swearing with the Bible? Would you give up from these traditions?

1.) The painting isn’t “pushing” a view. It’s endorsing one religion over another.
2.) You are not making a realistic comparison with the statue. No one is forced to see it. ppl can choose to go there and see it or stay home. We are forced to go to schools, public or private. The issue isn’t what you are trying to tell us that it is. Thhi styatue is irrelevant.

The difference...the government requires children to go through the school system on their way to adulthood. Children are not required to make use of the public space near the statue.


Your Christian heritage, practices and traditions are also part of your identity. Just understand that.

Atheism is a part of our identity, too. And violence and stubbornness and stupid shows like Jersey Shore. America is a big a melting-pot of culture. So you really have no point here.

Yes the statue can be seen for miles but again, school attendance is required by the government. Two completely different situations. I see Jesus and crosses when I drive by churches too but it is not REQUIRED for me to attend service.

Ask most kids why we celebrate Christmas here in the US. The majority have no clue. My point is that the celebration in schools is about getting and giving gifts. You won't find public school teachers giving a lesson on the origin of the holiday.

In the US, most kids see Christmas as Present Day & believe a fat man in a red suit comes down to give away toys. Most parents don’t even teach the true meaning to kids. Religion is absent from pretty much EVERY religious holiday to the typical American. Sad but true.

The conclusion is reality if you actually took the time to research things.

My children will grow up with the awareness that people all have different views on things like religion. I trust that their exposure to religion won't be at the hands of the public school system but rather through friends/family.

I could shelter them from the realities of life and teach them that they'll walk on streets of gold someday but that would be irresponsible on my part. Now, why do you say they are dumb? Sounds just like a Christian when someone disagrees with their view!

And some Christians will say that ou aren’t a real Christian if you don’t force-feed their belief of your kids. Yeah, typical Christian behavior. I am Christion, I’ll say again. But I respect ppl enough to allow them to think as they shall. Educating and brainwashing are different things. Some don’t believe that.

When he says that the bible is "Bullshit" he immediately bullied and antagonized a lot of people not only in that room but all over.

I'll bet he would never have the courage to criticize Islam, which has zero tolerance towards gays.

The Bible is a collection of STORIES. They are true (in Christian belief) but they are still merely stories. No one should take the Bible too serious. It makes claims but those are from te stories added. There were LOADS of scriptures that were NOT added because the ppl who put the works together didn’t feel as though they were necessary to know. So just because the Bible says something doesn’t mean it’s exactly that, as another (unpublished) story could have nullified it altogether. The Bible isn’t “bullshit” but it’s not the “absolute” word that people believe it is.

My position about gay marriage is very simple; I don' agree with it, but I have NO problem whatsoever in them having all the rights afforded every citizen in a Civil Union except for adopting children.

This answer I had given before in another thread last year, which you obviously did not remember.

The Portuguese Parliament which at the time was majority Socialist and left wing voted to legalize Gay Marriage. They refused to have a referendum about it because they knew they would lose, like in California. I and millions never had a chance to give my opinion or vote on that matter.

The word "Marriage" is between man and women. Gays can look for a different name to call their unions. When they are able to reproduce then I will accept it as a marriage.

If that's being backward and stuck in the 50's then I'm happy with myself. At least I think for myself. I'm not part of the brainwashed Liberal sheeple who think exactly the same way and who think they are superior to others.

I agree and disagree with parts of this. But that’s the beauty: I can see all sides to your statements. I’m not referring to you but a lotta Christians have a belief auto-created in their mind. Relaxed Christians are more tolerant since we have the ability to look at things and make assumptions rather than labeling something wit the same ol’ BS & moving on.

Yes when I'm thinking about the gays, first I'm thinking about sex. You?
And you're correct, it's non of my business till the moment my kids would see them for example kissing on the street, or till the moment they would learn at school that it's okay practice to be a gay. I don't want such moments happen.

As for the oral sex, first of all thanks for the question. But I guess it's not the right place and I guess you're not the right person to talk about it.

What bother me here is that ppl believe homosexuality is just a sex thing. Love for the same sex is possible. Zealots believe homosexuality is a sexual fad & isn’t real love. You ppl are assholes.
Yes, you are stuck in the 50's. That might be your definition of marriage but not everybody's. And again, completely none of your business if somebody wants to get married and to this day, you've yet to explain how it would affect anything, because it doesn't.

And using your reasoning, people that can't have children, straight couples, shouldn't be allowed to be married.

True story: A man once said to me, “Gay ppl are terrible and filth.” I said to him, “Okay: Is the fact that Elton John is gay affecting your life? Does it make the quality or safety of your world any different?” He replied, “Yes, it affects my life directly.” I asked him how. His answer? “Do you understand the Bible’s teachings?” etc. He had no real answer as to how a celeb he’s never met affected his life. He simply tried to say why ppl shouldn’t be gay, NOT how this affected his life. Typical religious idiot. THE BIBLE IS NOT A SHIELD TO USE WHEN YOU HAVE NO ANSWER, PPL!

Not only it is my definition, it's the majority's definition, so you are in the minority. You're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine, but the minute you think you are superior to me then we have an eternal war going on

No, you aren’t even close. We have states that allow gay marriage--and the right was given after a vote. “Democracy.” The majority of the ppl in those states had a different definition than you. This is not opinion. It is fact that cannot be disputed.

Just going by how this thread is going, it's pretty easy to see why religion is the basis of so much intolerance and bloodshed.

I enjoy a spirited conversation as much as anyone, but I fear this thread is quickly degenerating into its own type of violence of which no good shall come.

I vote to close this thread.

This thread is a shining example of why religion in schools is bad--too much hostility with all sides involved.
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That ruling opens the door for a minority view to be able to post a picture of 70 virgins, Hitler, KKK grand poobah, etc. This ruling has nothing to do with majority rule but as a point of law of what is constitutionally mandated based on precedent.

In other words, if Jesus stays, then watch out: Allah, etc. may not be far behind.

In the end, I doubt very much if the ruling will stand up in a higher court.

Gays CAN reproduce via surrogates and insemination from sperm banks.


Liberal societies are really something else. Gays want to get married legally but they can't reproduce, so they must adopt.

Problem is there are not enough children for adoptions requested, thanks to 1.2 million, easy to get abortions every year in the US. Isn't that ironic?

---------- Post added at 03:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:20 PM ----------

If the majority of the people vote for displaying 70 virgins then I have to accept it. It's called democracy. Majority wins. Just like Obama won with 53% of the vote, the other 47% may not like it but they accept it. Plain and simple

---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:18 PM ----------

And how you make the connections between these signs on beaches and Christianity? Why you are confusing racism with christianity? "Negroes" were also christians, you know?

The most nationalistic and xenophobic people on Earth are actually the Jews. That is a fact.


How dare you.

You just got my first dislike.

You're clueless and totally prejudiced.

We may need to create the official NP religious thread to move this discussion forward :wave:
That thread would be the hottest in NP, no doubt :p

We may need to create the official NP religious thread to move this discussion forward :wave:
"I vote to close this thread."

You can just not read the thread. If posts are happening in threads, that shows interest. There are plenty of threads I have no interest in. I don't read them, I don't post in them. It works. Plus, Archangel started the thread, if anybody had a say in closing it, it would be him. And these conversations happen in other threads already.

This isn't a "conversation" or even a spirited debate anymore. It's an argument about religion, which means it can never move forward. All it can do is get more and more personal and negative. Look how the postings have degenerated to hurling insults against other members, their kids and other religions. But okay, if you want to play the "love it or leave it" card, so be it.

We may need to create the official NP religious thread to move this discussion forward :wave:

Put it in an "Anything Goes-- No holds barred" section with no moderators. Protect NP by making it private, and let loose the dogs of war.
This isn't a "conversation" or even a spirited debate anymore. It's an argument about religion, which means it can never move forward. All it can do is get more and more personal and negative. Look how the postings have degenerated to hurling insults against other members, their kids and other religions. But okay, if you want to play the "love it or leave it" card, so be it.

Put it in an "Anything Goes-- No holds barred" section with no moderators. Protect NP by making it private, and let loose the dogs of war.

It happens sometimes but it usually works itself out. Look at the political thread we had during the election. Nobody died. NP didn't need to be "protected" or anything like that. And love it or leave it has always worked. To me it's like people complaining about what's on TV, when they can just change the channel, go watch something they enjoy. Topics like politics, religion etc, I think people understand it's bound to have little heat now and then, normal stuff.
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I really had to censor my real thoughts a few posts back.

I thought this was a thread about the constitutionality of the Jesus picture, not about religious tolerance/intolerance. These are two very different topics.

I'm not anti-religion or anti-Christ; people are entitled to their beliefs--the U.S. was built on religious freedom by white men who were primarily Christians wanting to escape The Church of England. But times change and so do the religious demographics.

Besides, freedom of religion is cleverly designed to protect the minority view, those who are more likely to be persecuted, not pump up the majority view, which doesn't need as much protecting.

However, as population demographics change, the majority may eventually become the minority. In that case, Christians would be protected from having Allah (or any other religious leader--I'm not trying to pick on Allah per se) from being posted in public school hallways. By keeping public schools neutral places of learning, parents can decide how to educate their children in their own religion. Sunday services, Friday night Temple, etc. are the places where children should worship their Higher Powers and learn the tenets of their faith.

The problem occurs when a few zealots try to impose those beliefs on others, either explicitly or implicitly, in public schools, expressly forbidden in the First Amendment.

"Wink, wink, we'll just post this picture of Jesus, and maybe these heathens will see the Christian way."

I dare anyone in that Ohio town to challenge the town fathers to post a picture of Allah.

I'm sure that would result in some interesting ruling turnarounds by the local government.

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It happens sometimes but it usually works itself out. Look at the political thread we had during the election. Nobody died. NP didn't need to be "protected" or anything like that. And love it or leave it has always worked. Topics like politics, religion etc, I think people understand it's bound to have little heat now and then, normal stuff.
This may sound like a miracle, but I AGREE with JB Lions, besides I'm not through with him yet... :D

On a different note here's an article that shows how gay marriage may soon affect the lives of "Brides & Grooms"

State to Eliminate “Bride” & “Groom” on Marriage Certificates

The words “bride” and “groom” – along with “husband” and “wife” are about to become archaic language in Washington state as officials prepare to remove the terms from marriage and divorce certificates.

Read more: http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarne...ate-bride-groom-on-marriage-certificates.html
This may sound like a miracle, but I AGREE with JB Lions, besides I'm not through with him yet... :D

On a different note here's an article that shows how gay marriage may soon affect the lives of "Brides & Grooms"

State to Eliminate “Bride” & “Groom” on Marriage Certificates

The words “bride” and “groom” – along with “husband” and “wife” are about to become archaic language in Washington state as officials prepare to remove the terms from marriage and divorce certificates.

Read more: http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarne...ate-bride-groom-on-marriage-certificates.html

That one is not even a big deal.

"He said the changes are necessary in response to the same-sex marriage law that takes effect Dec. 6.

“We’ve been quickly moving ahead to change our marriage certificate to make sure it fits for everyone who is going to be using it,” he told Fox News."

That makes sense, it's just some wording. Plus, it's still being decided, not a sure thing yet.
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A mod inquired about me closing this thread. Though all of the debate is nice, it's really gone astray with a bunch of holier-than-thou stuff. So as to curb things, I plan on closing this thread. But I'll leave it open a few hours more so ppl can get their final say's in here. Then it'll be closed.

I will start the religion thread as it's a great topic for discussion.
Since there is already a similar thread open, I suppose here is no point in closing this. I reiterate: I'll keep this open
Yeah, this can be the catch all religion thread. The political thread is 42 pages, this is 6 already. That's interest. Some of us like to talk about these issues every now and then, even tho we might disagree.
How dare you.

You just got my first dislike.

You're clueless and totally prejudiced.


What? How I dare? How you dare to compare and equalise racism and christianity? Quick fact - Martin Luther King, Jr. was an american clergyman

I personally dont care about like and dislike of comment - it is clear that people have different views. But your view is completely wrong in this case. I just cant see why you put that on this discussion.

And about the Jews. I am not prejudiced. You can ask your husband - who are the most protective people on Earth with regard to their culture, beliefs, traditions, religion, history. I am sure he will tell you the truth. And - that is not bad. I respect that.
I agree. I was ust getting a little worried about how heated it was getting. But if there are similar threads up that are okay, this should be okay too.

I'm gonna ask about getting the thread title changed. This thread is a good catch-all for religious debate.

Yeah, this can be the catch all religion thread. The political thread is 42 pages, this is 6 already. That's interest. Some of us like to talk about these issues every now and then, even tho we might disagree.
However, as population demographics change, the majority may eventually become the minority. In that case, Christians would be protected from having Allah (or any other religious leader--I'm not trying to pick on Allah per se) from being posted in public school hallways.
Once Christians become a minority, you can kiss your country good bye. Muslims hate non-believers and would have very little respect or tolerance towards others.

Look whats happening in some large cities in Europe. Brussels is already 35% Muslim and their leaders have already said that within 5-10 years they will become the majority and will apply Sharia Law.

Some suburbs of London already have Muslim vigilante groups applying Sharia law against British natives who don't comply with their drinking or dress code.

This article came out today about a controversial Muslim cleric in the UK who lives off benefits, is urging his followers to also sponge off UK taxpayers and says that Islam will overrun Europe, and he isn't the only one throwing out these threats.

Bingo: You wouldn’t go to a “Muslim country” because you’d not feel comfortable in the environment. Now, think of a public school (a public place, I stress). What if you were Wiccan & forced to go to a school that promoted Christianity? Would you be comfortable? Probably not. Maybe/maybe you wouldn’t have made a complaint but you aren’t the embodiment of everyone alive and thus what you choose to do isn’t what everyone or anyone would do.

Yeah - Bingo - i wouldn't go to that country. Then I wouldn't be forced to deal with muslim paintings and stuff. If somebody is not happy - then go to a place where you will be comfortable and happy.Clearly - this community in Ohio is happy with the painting. And the people who are not - can go somewhere else and enroll their children in some of the 100000000000000 other schools that dont have such painting.

---------- Post added at 03:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:01 AM ----------

Once Christians become a minority, you can kiss your country good bye. Muslims hate non-believers and would have very little respect or tolerance towards others.

You understand that and I understand that - but we both live in Europe.

However in the US the muslim population is only 0.8% or around 3 000 000 people. So they dont see it yet.

That is why they are still so tolerant.:bingo:
I agree. I was ust getting a little worried about how heated it was getting. But if there are similar threads up that are okay, this should be okay too.

I'm gonna ask about getting the thread title changed. This thread is a good catch-all for religious debate.
We need to have a good thrashing every now and then about subjects that are often so bloody taboo and that people hold back till someone gives a totally different opinion (usually me) and after the initial "How dare you contest me" shock, things settle down with occasional bursts of heated argument.

Hell if you want to agree with everything and everyone, there's the super popular "Shoot the Shit" thread, which I like to follow but hardly participate in.

I would prefer your idea of getting this thread title changed and maintaining it

---------- Post added at 05:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 PM ----------

No, you aren’t even close. We have states that allow gay marriage--and the right was given after a vote. “Democracy.” The majority of the ppl in those states had a different definition than you. This is not opinion. It is fact that cannot be disputed.
Only 9 States (out of 50) have allowed gay marriage in the US and I'm not even close? :-/

According to my maths the majority of people in the US are still opposed (41 states). Maybe maths in the US is different from the one I learnt, just like a gallon in the US is different from a gallon in the UK :O
So you're saying that if some ppl do something that is prohibited by the Government, we should turn a blind eye and move? We should say, "You are denying us the right to feel comfortable so we should forget about things and move"? "Removing this painting will in no way hurt you but keeping it hurts us. But you're more important than us so we'll just accept being ignored, so you'll be happy"? You clearly aren't right in the head.

Yeah - Bingo - i wouldn't go to that country. Then I wouldn't be forced to deal with muslim paintings and stuff. If somebody is not happy - then go to a place where you will be comfortable and happy.Clearly - this community in Ohio is happy with the painting. And the people who are not - can go somewhere else and enroll their children in some of the 100000000000000 other schools that dont have such painting.

GILSAN, you might as well make your final goodbyes to the good ole U.S.A. because change is coming, ready or not.

However, I do believe our first amendment will continue to protect all religions, and that your fears will be unwarranted.

As to sofiapartners, all faiths want to protect their beliefs and way of life. If Jewish people seem a little overly sensitive, you can just ask my husband's relatives who were gassed in gas chambers and the ones who hid in the sewers of Paris to escape Hitler's wrath. Their descendants can't forget that--maybe forgive, but never forget.

Every religion has its zealots and haters; it's up to the rest of us to mitigate that nonsense with good works and tolerance of those who differ from us--and keep public schools religion-neutral.

True story: when I was a kid in Catholic school, we were not allowed to use the public school buses, even though they went right by our house and the schools (the public and Catholic schools were only a block apart).

The diocese didn't question it because they understood that taking money, even in the form of bus rides, from the local public school system posed a potential church/state problem.

On the other hand, our school lunch program was subsidized by the Federal Government. Go figure.

But that was many years ago.

Once Christians become a minority, you can kiss your country good bye. Muslims hate non-believers and would have very little respect or tolerance towards others.

Look whats happening in some large cities in Europe. Brussels is already 35% Muslim and their leaders have already said that within 5-10 years they will become the majority and will apply Sharia Law.

Some suburbs of London already have Muslim vigilante groups applying Sharia law against British natives who don't comply with their drinking or dress code.

This article came out today about a controversial Muslim cleric in the UK who lives off benefits, is urging his followers to also sponge off UK taxpayers and says that Islam will overrun Europe, and he isn't the only one throwing out these threats.


You're sounding like some European right wing hate group. Even the article you linked to mentioned some Muslims having a problem with what he said, he comes off as a nut. You find these extreme examples to try to make a point.

Ask yourself, why do people immigrate to other countries? Usually, because they feel they can have a better life for themselves and their families. Why do people from Mexico want to come to the U.S.? For the reason I just said. Earlier you even mentioned Muslims not having a problem in Christian schools and them getting along, getting a good education. Sounds like what I just said, hoping for a better life.

If I was to believe what you linked too, I would expect all kinds of hell breaking loose in Europe, where is it?

---------- Post added at 09:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------

1According to my maths the majority of people in the US are still opposed (41 states). Maybe maths in the US is different from the one I learnt, just like a gallon in the US is different from a gallon in the UK :O

Your know your math is wrong, because we already went over this in the other thread. Today, most Americans, that would be a majority, are ok with gay marriage. That's why, slowly, it's becoming legal in more and more states. And eventually it will be in all states and the people in the future will look back at this period of time and some of the things said and just shake their head.


Go down the polls:


Polls in 2013

A February 6-10 CBS News Poll shows that 54% of Americans support same-sex marriage while 39% oppose.

Polls in 2012

A November 26-29 Gallup poll found that 53% of Americans support same-sex marriage while 46% do not.

A November 16-19 CBS News poll found that 51% of Americans support same-sex marriage while 40% do not.

A November 7-11 ABC News/Washington Post poll found 51% of respondents support same-sex marriage while 47% are opposed.

See the trend?

Look at the countries where it's legal, including yours:

Legal recognition of same-sex relationships - Marriage

Portugal - Gilsan's country
South Africa

Haven't seen anything negative because of it.
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GILSAN, you might as well make your final goodbyes to the good ole U.S.A. because change is coming, ready or not.

However, I do believe our first amendment will continue to protect all religions, and that your fears will be unwarranted.

As to sofiapartners, all faiths want to protect their beliefs and way of life. If Jewish people seem a little overly sensitive, you can just ask my husband's relatives who were gassed in gas chambers and the ones who hid in the sewers of Paris to escape Hitler's wrath. Their descendants can't forget that--maybe forgive, but never forget.
I can understand sofiapartner when he says that Jews are the most protective people on Earth with regard to their culture, beliefs, traditions, religion, history. And you can't really blame them when you consider what they went through and how they are surrounded by intolerant neighbors.

I personally have visited Israel (Tel Aviv, Eilat, Dead Sea and Jerusalem) and if I had money I'd visit again because I found the people there absolutely fantastic and friendly and the women stunningly beautiful, not to mention all the historical sites where Jesus walked. It can be a profoundly spiritual experience, but only if you go there. If you've been there then you may know what I'm talking about.

Your husband will obviously know about Aristides de Sousa Mendes, a Portuguese diplomat in Bordeaux, France, who, between June 16 and June 23, 1940, ignored and defied the orders of the Portuguese Government and frantically issued Portuguese visas free of charge, to over 30,000 refugees seeking to escape the Nazi terror, 12,000 of whom were Jews.

This man deserves more acknowledgement than he has received, even if only from from some Hollywood studio, for what he did.
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