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Top Member Staff
Hi All! :hi:

By request, we've decided to start a thread dedicated to Sedo. We're looking for invaluable insight into what domainers want and need out of our parking program (and marketplace, of course).

Questions, comments, suggestions, tips are welcome! We're hoping this will be a great discussion about what works at Sedo and what might not (please be constructive and respectful to others in your feedback) so that everyone involved can benefit and learn from it.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas! Happy Holidays!

(on behalf of Sedo)
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Hammer Head Nail !!!
We shouldnt assume that just because a company is at the top of its field, that all its employees are sqeaky clean.

I'm thinking alien51 has a convincing hypothesis also - it makes perfect sense when you compare what they took in, and what they tossed out [pardon the phraseology].

Your name...Exsedo, as in employee, or simply a punter?
I just got an email from ownerverification{at]

Is it a real sedo address or is a pishing email??
I just got an email from ownerverification{at]

Is it a real sedo address or is a pishing email??

just reply to that mail if it is original may besome one will reply ;)
just reply to that mail if it is original may besome one will reply ;)

Yep I already did...Was an after thought..*Geez I wonder if it really was sedo*
Yep I already did...Was an after thought..*Geez I wonder if it really was sedo*

Yes its their official email address which asks you to confirm your ownership of the domain if they are
finding it difficult to do so...
Yes its their official email address which asks you to confirm your ownership of the domain if they are
finding it difficult to do so...

Thanks talhahassan

It must be legit then.
Thanks.for the reply.
yep for some reason sedo are questioning a name i have at ? happens
I'm thinking alien51 has a convincing hypothesis also - it makes perfect sense when you compare what they took in, and what they tossed out [pardon the phraseology].

Your name...Exsedo, as in employee, or simply a punter?

Just a punter, I went through the same arguments ages ago with their top domains category. The staff at Sedo should all be top politicians, as they all seem to have the ability to avoid answering awkward questions. I would love to know who their domain assessors are, as they do not seem to have a grasp on reality. Any questions about their decisions are always met with stock answers from their rulebook or totally ignored. Great customer service IMO ( not ).
Just a punter, I went through the same arguments ages ago with their top domains category. The staff at Sedo should all be top politicians, as they all seem to have the ability to avoid answering awkward questions. I would love to know who their domain assessors are, as they do not seem to have a grasp on reality. Any questions about their decisions are always met with stock answers from their rulebook or totally ignored. Great customer service IMO ( not ).

Yes, I've noticed a certain 'selectivity' when it comes to answering about certain areas of concern :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by Sedo

Applications for our Premium and Themed Auction Events are carefully reviewed by our brokers and must meet certain quality criteria and have the ability to marketed to end-users.

Paraphrasing what someone else said recently about the just finished Adult auction, "Do they just pick names out of a hat for inclusion?" I think that's what must have happened with HARDS.FR - just one example out of the many pitifully lame ducks that attracted no interest whatsoever. My jaw extended to my knees when I saw that had been selected out of all the 1000s they must have had to choose from. I knew it was pure garbage, and Estibot had it pegged as 'Reg fee'. It isn't even a word! In ANY language, slang or otherwise!!

Pfffft, maybe the 'hats' they draw from belong to their staff, or people who know their staff...

What 'quality criteria' did HARDS.FR pass precisely, Sedo? Also, how exactly would that name be marketed to end-users?! It would help your clients enormously, and save them countless precious hours of wasted time, if the shrouds of fog surrounding your mysterious approval process had a swathe cut through them by some penetrating words of insight...

Let's see if the following 'interesting' story gets the silent treatment. It'll speak volumes about Sedo if it does...


Folks, I’m here to share a story with you that I can hardly believe occurred. It’s the story of a major violation of trust between myself and a company we hired to specifically represent us as the buyer’s broker in a purchase transaction. That company is SEDO, and this story is, well judge for yourself… but to me it’s unbelievable.

The story begins when I decided I wanted to obtain a domain, related to, that was already taken and which I quickly determined was parked and had been registered at Sedo.

Sedo is a large, accredited top level domain registrar. So, I first did a quick search on their site to see if the domain was listed for sale, and when it wasn’t found I decided to check out their offer to “broker” the purchase for me.

Now, I thought about this for a minute and realized that if I were to approach the domain owner myself they would likely see that I own and then be anxious to charge me extra for the related domain. So it sounded reasonable to enlist the assistance of a middleman in the process.

After reading all of Sedo’s documentation regarding rules and policies, I ultimately decided to give it a shot. We created an account and filled out the form to get them started. As part of this form, Sedo asked for the MAXIMUM amount that we were willing to bid. At first this made me very nervous, but they provide a link right there on the page that offers the following explanation:



What is an investment limit?

When you apply for Sedo’s buyer-side brokerage service, you will be asked to enter your investment limit for purchasing the domain. Your maximum investment limit is the highest price you would be willing to offer for the domain. This information is confidential, and will not be disclosed to the domain owner. As always, your broker will begin negotiations at a fraction of your investment limit and will work to acquire the domain at a fair and reasonable price.

If your application is approved, your broker will use your investment limit to determine a strategy for negotiations.

So after reading that, I was reminded of eBay, where I often put in a maximum price and have never felt cheated. I figured that I would go ahead and give them some latitude, and instead of the minimum bid of $500, I went ahead and upped their limit to $1,000. This was because I trusted them to do the right thing.

Now, according to Sedo’s Domain Brokerage Service Terms and Conditions, the first step after acceptance into the brokerage program was as follows: Assignment of Domain Broker

Upon the successful application to the Buyer Brokerage Service, you will be assigned a domain broker in accordance with the approximate value of the domain you wish to acquire. Your domain broker will then seek to establish contact with you through the contact information you have provided in your Sedo user account and shall explain the domain brokerage process and a schedule for providing updates on the course of negotiation.

So our expectation was that, within a couple of days, we’d have a little e-mail or phone chat with the person who was going to be “negotiating” on our behalf, after which time that person would begin to attempt contact with the domain owner to open a dialog and see if we could acquire the domain.

Imagine our surprise when the very first response we received after our automated sign up e-mails was as follows (personal information hidden, obviously):

Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 5:25 PM
Subject: Brokerage request for


A client of mine is interested in this domain and is prepared to offer you $1,000 for it.

Please let me know if you would like to accept their offer.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to your response.

To reply to this message please visit the Brokerage Status page:

Best regards,

Domain Broker, LLC
tel +1 ( 617) 499 – XXXX • fax +1 ( 617) 499 – XXXX
Buy, Sell, Appraise and Auction Domain Names at Sedo, the #1 domain name aftermarket, broker, reseller, and appraiser! • mailto:[email protected]

Now, I don’t know how that strikes you, but even if we forgive the fact that our “broker” skipped the formality of getting in contact with us and setting our expectations, I still see two glaring issues:

1. He sent the e-mail to us, not the domain owner. Presumably this was just an error (a really, really bad one).
2. There was absolutely no “negotiation” taking place on our behalf. Despite the promise to, “…begin negotiations at a fraction of your investment limit….”

I mean, why in the world would we “Hire an experienced Sedo broker to negotiate an acquisition…“, if all that really means is “we’ll send an e-mail on your behalf with your maximum offer to the domain owner”?

Keep in mind that they charged us $69.00 the minute they accepted us as clients, and that there was going to be a 10% commission fee on the final negotiated price.

Now if that commission fee bothers you, as it did me initially, remember the previous promises they made. And remember that this is a large, well known domain registrar. Besides all of that, as far as I’m concerned, the terms I agreed to with Sedo created a Fiduciary Responsibility on their part. What is that?

In a fiduciary relation one person justifiably reposes confidence, good faith, reliance and trust in another whose aid, advice or protection is sought in some matter. In such a relation good conscience requires one to act at all times for the sole benefit and interests of another, with loyalty to those interests.

Now the question is, what should I do about this entire affair? Feel free to share your opinions, and I’ll follow up with another post later as the story unfolds…


Source - SEDO’s Domain Brokerage Service SCREWS Me! - One Man's Blog

Looking forward to Sedo being fully professional by giving this matter their full attention, and sharing with us one of their renowned 'detailed assessments' on the situation :wave:
If you have previously used SEDO extrernal transfer service, please help

I am trying to tranfer 50 domains as par of one deal.

1) Does sedo charge $50 in addition to 3% or it is 3% or $50 whichever is high?
Sedo - Our Price List*-*

2) Would I be able to transfer bulk domains in one tranfser process? ( in one request)

Please suggest. I hope you guys have used sedo external transfer service before so you may know. I sent email to sedo customer service but no replies. I will appreciate any input.
Current Sedo .us Auctions

Thought this would help,

as some sales get missed so heres a list of .us names at for auction,

Will be good if others update the prices as they change. 2,550 $US Bids 4 1d 2h 51m 650 $US Bids 3 1d 18h 54m 80 $US Bids 3 1d 5h 50m 60 $US Bids 1 3d 2h 51m 550 $US Bids 1 6d 19h 11m 200 $US 1 6d 16h 46m

Not sure if am aloud to link to them, so will edit if i am.

Feel free to update with new listings
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In the preview box, look out for the keywords they have used. (words will be top,left,right) and make them keywords your keywords.

If that helps

no in preview it shows perfectly ok what i actually want
see attachment but in real its totally different one on clipprz . com

attachment is a screenshot of what i see in preview


  • sedoss.jpg
    10.3 KB · Views: 45
no in preview it shows perfectly ok what i actually want
see attachment but in real its totally different one on clipprz . com

attachment is a screenshot of what i see in preview

Your screenshot is to small, send me a pm and I see i I can help you out.
.US domain on auction at Afternic

1 bid


6 days 7 hrs left

Since you listed auctions for .us, I thought I would add this one.

all finished,

now trying to get the prices :)

HEres another nice name, 4,740 $US Bids 3 6d 20h 13m
Is Sedo parking (standard) broken ATM and maybe yesterday, too? Yesterday CTR went down to almost 50% of the normal (August avg) and today, already 6 hrs into the day, they report 0.08 Euro earnings for 9 clicks. I've never seen this low EPC, in fact, EPC has never gone below 0.02 Euro/piece.

Is everything aok at Sedo?
Is Sedo parking (standard) broken ATM and maybe yesterday, too? Yesterday CTR went down to almost 50% of the normal (August avg) and today, already 6 hrs into the day, they report 0.08 Euro earnings for 9 clicks. I've never seen this low EPC, in fact, EPC has never gone below 0.02 Euro/piece.

Is everything aok at Sedo?

I got the same!
Almost all clicks 0,01 Euro!!!
3 weeks till now... nothing changed!
It's because they've completely overhauled the Category Selections, so now I've got to spend a few days putting them right again, as a lot of mine seem to have been 'auto-selected' wrongly. Thanks Sedo.

Oh, and if anyone finds a new category for CCC.coms and generic dictionary word domains, do let me know as I can't find one anywhere. You'd think, being a company that exists for domainers, the above categories would be the FIRST to go into the new database as they're highly sought after, but they appear to have been left out altogether.

It's because they've completely overhauled the Category Selections, so now I've got to spend a few days putting them right again, as a lot of mine seem to have been 'auto-selected' wrongly. Thanks Sedo.

Are you sure? I thought that it happened because of stop supporting some kind of traffic (for example Polish traffic). I can see that most of games, erotic, music domains got clicks 0,01. I'm really disappointed - some of my domains got 50 clicks a day and earned 0,40 Euro :(
Actually pages in their console aren't even loading all the way for me at the moment, in three different browsers. Seems to be broken.
Would like to know how Ames did.
i never ever clicked on my adds nor ask friends to do that was just checking it caz in preview it showed and still showing me a differnet template and totally differnt in real when applied, i am by the user id "lovelylovely" u can see stats if it give u a single bit of hint i ask friends to click my ads, and i be more then happy to get account closed if i found doing so.

so why am i not getting the site pattern i choose from domain management area of my account

can u pls help this :)

Please clarify what you are referring to by "site pattern."


---------- Post added at 03:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:36 PM ----------

I just got an email from ownerverification{at]

Is it a real sedo address or is a pishing email??

That is a Sedo email address. Emails from that address are sent to you if there is a problem verifying your ownership for a domain you have recently added into your Sedo account.


---------- Post added at 03:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 PM ----------

Yes, I've noticed a certain 'selectivity' when it comes to answering about certain areas of concern :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by Sedo

Applications for our Premium and Themed Auction Events are carefully reviewed by our brokers and must meet certain quality criteria and have the ability to marketed to end-users.

Paraphrasing what someone else said recently about the just finished Adult auction, "Do they just pick names out of a hat for inclusion?" I think that's what must have happened with HARDS.FR - just one example out of the many pitifully lame ducks that attracted no interest whatsoever. My jaw extended to my knees when I saw that had been selected out of all the 1000s they must have had to choose from. I knew it was pure garbage, and Estibot had it pegged as 'Reg fee'. It isn't even a word! In ANY language, slang or otherwise!!

Pfffft, maybe the 'hats' they draw from belong to their staff, or people who know their staff...

What 'quality criteria' did HARDS.FR pass precisely, Sedo? Also, how exactly would that name be marketed to end-users?! It would help your clients enormously, and save them countless precious hours of wasted time, if the shrouds of fog surrounding your mysterious approval process had a swathe cut through them by some penetrating words of insight...

Let's see if the following 'interesting' story gets the silent treatment. It'll speak volumes about Sedo if it does...


Folks, I’m here to share a story with you that I can hardly believe occurred. It’s the story of a major violation of trust between myself and a company we hired to specifically represent us as the buyer’s broker in a purchase transaction. That company is SEDO, and this story is, well judge for yourself… but to me it’s unbelievable.

The story begins when I decided I wanted to obtain a domain, related to, that was already taken and which I quickly determined was parked and had been registered at Sedo.

Sedo is a large, accredited top level domain registrar. So, I first did a quick search on their site to see if the domain was listed for sale, and when it wasn’t found I decided to check out their offer to “broker” the purchase for me.

Now, I thought about this for a minute and realized that if I were to approach the domain owner myself they would likely see that I own and then be anxious to charge me extra for the related domain. So it sounded reasonable to enlist the assistance of a middleman in the process.

After reading all of Sedo’s documentation regarding rules and policies, I ultimately decided to give it a shot. We created an account and filled out the form to get them started. As part of this form, Sedo asked for the MAXIMUM amount that we were willing to bid. At first this made me very nervous, but they provide a link right there on the page that offers the following explanation:



What is an investment limit?

When you apply for Sedo’s buyer-side brokerage service, you will be asked to enter your investment limit for purchasing the domain. Your maximum investment limit is the highest price you would be willing to offer for the domain. This information is confidential, and will not be disclosed to the domain owner. As always, your broker will begin negotiations at a fraction of your investment limit and will work to acquire the domain at a fair and reasonable price.

If your application is approved, your broker will use your investment limit to determine a strategy for negotiations.

So after reading that, I was reminded of eBay, where I often put in a maximum price and have never felt cheated. I figured that I would go ahead and give them some latitude, and instead of the minimum bid of $500, I went ahead and upped their limit to $1,000. This was because I trusted them to do the right thing.

Now, according to Sedo’s Domain Brokerage Service Terms and Conditions, the first step after acceptance into the brokerage program was as follows: Assignment of Domain Broker

Upon the successful application to the Buyer Brokerage Service, you will be assigned a domain broker in accordance with the approximate value of the domain you wish to acquire. Your domain broker will then seek to establish contact with you through the contact information you have provided in your Sedo user account and shall explain the domain brokerage process and a schedule for providing updates on the course of negotiation.

So our expectation was that, within a couple of days, we’d have a little e-mail or phone chat with the person who was going to be “negotiating” on our behalf, after which time that person would begin to attempt contact with the domain owner to open a dialog and see if we could acquire the domain.

Imagine our surprise when the very first response we received after our automated sign up e-mails was as follows (personal information hidden, obviously):

Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 5:25 PM
Subject: Brokerage request for


A client of mine is interested in this domain and is prepared to offer you $1,000 for it.

Please let me know if you would like to accept their offer.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to your response.

To reply to this message please visit the Brokerage Status page:

Best regards,

Domain Broker, LLC
tel +1 ( 617) 499 – XXXX • fax +1 ( 617) 499 – XXXX
Buy, Sell, Appraise and Auction Domain Names at Sedo, the #1 domain name aftermarket, broker, reseller, and appraiser! • mailto:[email protected]

Now, I don’t know how that strikes you, but even if we forgive the fact that our “broker” skipped the formality of getting in contact with us and setting our expectations, I still see two glaring issues:

1. He sent the e-mail to us, not the domain owner. Presumably this was just an error (a really, really bad one).
2. There was absolutely no “negotiation” taking place on our behalf. Despite the promise to, “…begin negotiations at a fraction of your investment limit….”

I mean, why in the world would we “Hire an experienced Sedo broker to negotiate an acquisition…“, if all that really means is “we’ll send an e-mail on your behalf with your maximum offer to the domain owner”?

Keep in mind that they charged us $69.00 the minute they accepted us as clients, and that there was going to be a 10% commission fee on the final negotiated price.

Now if that commission fee bothers you, as it did me initially, remember the previous promises they made. And remember that this is a large, well known domain registrar. Besides all of that, as far as I’m concerned, the terms I agreed to with Sedo created a Fiduciary Responsibility on their part. What is that?

In a fiduciary relation one person justifiably reposes confidence, good faith, reliance and trust in another whose aid, advice or protection is sought in some matter. In such a relation good conscience requires one to act at all times for the sole benefit and interests of another, with loyalty to those interests.

Now the question is, what should I do about this entire affair? Feel free to share your opinions, and I’ll follow up with another post later as the story unfolds…


Source - SEDO’s Domain Brokerage Service SCREWS Me! - One Man's Blog

Looking forward to Sedo being fully professional by giving this matter their full attention, and sharing with us one of their renowned 'detailed assessments' on the situation :wave:

Please PM me with the domain involved and your Sedo account information and I will have the Director of Brokerage follow up with you as soon as possible so that any necessary action can be taken.


---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 PM ----------

We are excited to announce a new Auto Categorization Tool and an enhanced category tree! The category structure includes more than 2,500 new categories allowing you to better target your domains to relevant buyers. We even have a category for antique toilets!

In addition to the new category tree, we’re also launching an Auto Categorization Tool which will automatically determine a Master Category for your domains. You won’t need to categorize each domain in your portfolio. Just check to make sure you’re happy with the category the automated system has chosen. Of course you can override any system selected category manually. Check out our new system in the Domain Management section of your account. It's really simple to use.

The more robust category classification and new Auto Categorization Tool improves the optimization of your parked domains as well! You'll see the benefits of more closely related content, and therefore improved CTR and revenue.

What do these improvements mean for you?
• If you Buy Domains at Sedo: You’ll benefit from easier searching with relevant domains in more specific categories of interest to you.
• If you Sell Domains with Sedo: If your domain is properly categorized it is up to four times more likely to sell, than if it is uncategorized
• If you Park Domains with Sedo: You’ll benefit from better targeted related link and ads on your parked domains, which will improve CTR and earnings
For any domains which were previously categorized incorrectly or categorized as “other” the system will automatically chose a relevant Master Category. Domains previously categorized will be mapped over to a corresponding category in the new category tree. Any time you upload a new domain to Sedo’s system the Auto Categorization Tool will automatically choose a master category for your domain.

We hope you enjoy the benefits of the new categories and the Auto Categorization Tool! Please take a minute to share your thoughts about the new tool in this short survey.

At Sedo we believe in continuous improvement. Our parking clients can expect another email this week announcing other exciting product updates we have implemented based on popular demand.

Best Regards,

Your Sedo Team
Should be posted tomorrow, was $2,550

And is now $5000
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