
.mobi .mobi dead or .mobi on NP dead ?

Spaceship Spaceship
I visited here every day.But seems no more news here.

.mobi dead or .mobi on NP dead ?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
For post #56, as I said earlier, I don't comment on the decision of other Namepros mods/staff. Namepros is fairly careful about who they allow to become a moderator/staff member and I trust the judgement of the decision made by them.I have a blog, I have a business to run, and I moderate 2 other forums here on Namepros -- I have better things to do than check over the decision of other mods/staff which I believe are more than competent enough to make good choices. So long as people follow the forum rules, they can say anything good or bad about .mobi they want.

I don't know how anyone could say I'm not balanced -- maybe I'm not super hero .mobi mod deleting every negative comment about .mobi, however I've never deleted any comments which didn't attack other members of this forum.

Hi Reece, I don't think anyone expects you to be all things to all members, all of the time... even professional referees get it wrong now & then.
It is very important to move on now though, the mobi section needs careful & sensible moderating for a while to restore any kind of confidence in the forum.
I have done a bit more reading & I've now spoken to a number of ex-members of NP who were either banned or have quit because of the senseless 'mobi-bashing' (which I would like to make quite clear is NOT the same thing as simply not agreeing with a pro-mobi member).

It doesn't need explaining because I trust that no-one who visits this thread would be chirlish enough to declare that nothing has gone wrong with the dotmobi forum here on NP.
What's done is done and there are new domainers registering names every day.. there are new members here at NP every day and within 12months there will be 100's of new members who will wonder what this thread is all about as they go about their business discussing the mobile internet & trading their domain names... At least, that's what should happen over the next 12months.. whether or not it does remains to be seen.

Toodle pip :snaphappy:
That's quite a departure from your earlier post, but I'll accept that you failed to initially clarify who you were talking about in your earlier post.
Actually its a departure in your understanding of what I posted both times. :p

Can you show me an actual example of anyone who thinks .mobi is their god and savior? Since you bothered to post it in this thread then you must have at least one example you can provide. Please note that as someone who knows many of the major .mobi investors, there is no tld worship that I am aware of. Being an enthusiasts is not worship.
There are hundreds of examples, I'm sure you can look them up on your own, whether you will understand why I call them cult like in behaviour might not be as easy.

Being enthusiasts is one thing, blatantly misleading people about the state of the tld and or its investment futures without an eye at current market conditions is another. And personal attacks on anyone who doesn't agree is the cherry on the cake.

The kind of stuff you should be looking for viz .mobi comments:

- "There is not much movement in the domainer markets, but end users love them" - complete bs, since domainers are the first to cover any / all domains that an end user might even be remotely interested in.

- "Its a great investment, just needs time to mature" - really? If the domain is worthless now, it probably will also be in the future. Unless someone offers you solid proof on 'why it would be a great investment', its just propaganda.

- "Going to a .mobi site is a guarantee that it will be mobile compliant" - come now :p

- ".mobi is a great investment since in 5 years substantially more people will be surfing the web via their mobile devices than via pc's" - not really again, a. .mobi has nothing to do with the mobile web as a whole, which has come of age already w/o needing .mobi and b. in 5 years you'll also have multiple new tlds which might be more brandable and easier to use and might even become the default mobile internet tld, something .mobi hasn't been able to do

- "Companies are using .mobi more and more, not cos technically they have to, although does offer a guarantee, but its also about branding." - sure, just like .info, .name and .asia - all four letter tlds are pretty much in the same boat as far as to domainer pricing / sales are concerned.

I could spend a couple of days digging them up, but I think you get the message, and I have a business to run. Not every post in the .mobi forum needs to say how great it is or how it will cure the national deficit from the profits its investors make. :lol:

You may not have an agenda but I think you're being naive when you say no one has it in for .mobi enthusiasts.

I encourage you to do the same, when you refer to people as cultists, be clear as to whom you are speaking.

Thanks for drawing attention again here, a perfect example of the naysayer arrogance that has permeated the .mobi section of NP since the beginning of the extension. I'm curious how those who have and continue to profit from .mobi will be categorized.
Anyone who doesn't agree with you is an 'arrogant naysayer' and you expect conversations to be civil? You rile enough people and some of them will bite back and the only defence one sees from .mobi 'enthusiast' when the person makes sense is personal attacks. Way to avoid the cult stereotype.

the mobi section needs careful & sensible moderating for a while to restore any kind of confidence in the forum.
This forum did very well before .mobi and will do as well after. I don't think NamePros needs .mobi for its survival, quite the contrary in fact.

And if by 'careful & sensible' moderating you mean keeping the naysayers out, not going to happen. You're a new member, choose your loyalties carefully and don't try to teach mods how to do their job.

Oh and reading a few posts by someone doesn't give you a complete picture of that person, you assume I'm a '.pro' fan, I'm no such thing, only have 26 .pro names which is less than 2% of my portfolio.

I have done a bit more reading & I've now spoken to a number of ex-members of NP who were either banned or have quit because of the senseless 'mobi-bashing' (which I would like to make quite clear is NOT the same thing as simply not agreeing with a pro-mobi member).
You're known by the company you keep. Members are banned for valid reasons as per the status forum rules.

Anyone not sucking upto the .mobi promotion bandwagon is 'mobi-bashing' and automatically becomes a target for 'cult members' to attack personally, since they can't really refute the content of what's said.

It doesn't need explaining because I trust that no-one who visits this thread would be chirlish enough to declare that nothing has gone wrong with the dotmobi forum here on NP.
There is nothing wrong with the .mobi forum here at NP. As always its a place where both viewpoints are encouraged and nurtured, exactly in accordance with its charter. What is changing now is that the reality about .mobi's resale value is biting people where it hurts - the bank balance, why they get extremely churlish when questioned.

Disagree with someone, feel free to post. Keep personal attacks, bad language and insulting innuendo out and you're fine. Promote competing domain forums, cheat people and encourage illegal behaviour, you will not be welcome here any longer. Its in the rules, read them.
There is nothing wrong with the .mobi forum here at NP.
the It's those that continually goad and ridicule others for - .. investing in it; ..owning them; ..not listening to those that 'know'; etc etc., that is the problem.

As always its a place where both viewpoints are encouraged and nurtured
..disputable in the .mobi forum.

Disagree with someone, feel free to post.
HA. You are not really printing this are you??????

What is changing now is ...
Seems a few with the 'mod' title are now running around to every sub-forum deleting and lecturing others like it's 'their' forum. (Aren't mods assigned to a subforum for a reason??)
Why does this only happen with .mobi? It's the only extension so many people have sand in their fanny over.

Is it
A crap extension but those who have bought into it wont accept it?

A normal extension but there's just more debate than usual? If so why?

A great extension and a lot of people can't see it?
Why does this only happen with .mobi? It's the only extension so many people have sand in their fanny over.

Is it
A crap extension but those who have bought into it wont accept it?

A normal extension but there's just more debate than usual?

A great extension and a lot of people can't see it?

dude you just blew my mind. this is quite possibly the most thought provoking post of all time.
I have commented in bold to your post.. I think one or two of the bold bits may be yours but I think it's readable...

Originally Posted by Samit
- "There is not much movement in the domainer markets, but end users love them" - complete bs, since domainers are the first to cover any / all domains that an end user might even be remotely interested in.
If that is true, how is it that I get most of my enquiries via Whois when END-USERS have tried to reg a name, found it taken & then contact me?

- "Its a great investment, just needs time to mature" - really? If the domain is worthless now, it probably will also be in the future. Unless someone offers you solid proof on 'why it would be a great investment', its just propaganda.
To use your phrase "come now" Are you really saying that the dotmobi HAS matured? Please don't go there, it's no more matured than my 5yr old daughter or 7yr old son.. They are both a damn site more mature than they were 2 years ago but they've got a long way to go yet

- "Going to a .mobi site is a guarantee that it will be mobile compliant" - come now
Agreed, compliance isn't guaranteed but it is statistically speaking about 1,000x more likley to be compliant than any other 'random' url

- ".mobi is a great investment since in 5 years substantially more people will be surfing the web via their mobile devices than via pc's" - not really again, a. .mobi has nothing to do with the mobile web as a whole, which has come of age already w/o needing .mobi and b. in 5 years you'll also have multiple new tlds which might be more brandable and easier to use and might even become the default mobile internet tld, something .mobi hasn't been able to do
May I say "come now" again? I cannot believe what I am hearing from you here.."the mobile web has come of age! - really?... so how will we describe the mobile web in 2009 when we look back in 2015? Will we all be commenting on how little it has changed in the last 6 years? I really think not my friend!
A new TLD may become the mobile default? Are you suggesting that a new TLD could usurp dotcom where dotmobi has (in your eyes) failed? ICANN won't allow any new TLD's that might be confused with existing TLDs.... and regardless of what you think of dotmobis chances of success, you surely have to accept that if any TLD is going to be the mobile default; it is likely to be dotmobi... unless ICANN throw away all of their rulebooks & guidelines?
"a dotmobi has nothing to do with the mobile web" If that is correct, pray tell us what dotmobi is then please because I thought it was launched to offer a global TLD for mobile content

- "Companies are using .mobi more and more, not cos technically they have to, although does offer a guarantee, but its also about branding." - sure, just like .info, .name and .asia - all four letter tlds are pretty much in the same boat as far as to domainer pricing / sales are concerned.
Maybe you miss the point? dotmobi is about branding because it fits the mobile arena... branding a dotinfo doesn't really assist in branding does it? If it's a commercial site the branding of 'info' for information isn't really much of a USP is it? .ASIA is about as brandable as a week old prawn sandwich... what 'branding' image can a marketing supremo using .asia cunjure up for it's customers? "Hey, visit our new web site.. it's cool, it's aimed at YOU because you're in.... Asia lol I don't think many people in Asia will take kindly to that.. they might be in Malaysia or Singapore or Korea.. but a site ending .mobi tells a story.. it's for you - on your phone! Not rocket science I admit but it works. As for dotname... I'd almost forgotten that .name existed until you mentioned it.. the global branding for .name is as restrictive as .tv imho.. who wants a dotname domain except?... urm? I'm struggling to think of any!

I could spend a couple of days digging them up, but I think you get the message, and I have a business to run. Not every post in the .mobi forum needs to say how great it is or how it will cure the national deficit from the profits its investors make.
I wouldn't be so smug regarding the money dotmobi backers have put into the extension.. we may or may not make a decent return.. I've sold less than 100 dotmobi domains in coming up 3 years.. but I haven't listed maby for sale yet; all my sales bar a handful have been end users & for many 1,000's% profit.. of course, I have ploughed that back into renewals etc.. so I am still invested with my own cash.. but I also fear for anyone who has spent good money on anything other than strong .com / .net / .info / .org & countrycodes because all the others are highly speculative and from what I've been seeing ALL prices are down.. so maybe we're all on a hiding to nothing?

Anyone who doesn't agree with you is an 'arrogant naysayer' and you expect conversations to be civil? You rile enough people and some of them will bite back and the only defence one sees from .mobi 'enthusiast' when the person makes sense is personal attacks. Way to avoid the cult stereotype.

This forum did very well before .mobi and will do as well after. I don't think NamePros needs .mobi for its survival, quite the contrary in fact.
NP doesn't need the 'mobi section' and dotmobi doesn't need NP... my earlier references were about the mobi section in isolation, it won't flourish if a biased agenda is followed; it seems almost as if the rest of the domaining world is fearful of the ability of some pro-mobi members to articulate their thoughts and beliefs as if to bamboozle the others and feel the need to protect the weak & the innocent against the inevitable failure of dotmobi.. such as Jeff & Labrocca. To be honest, I admire their spirit - it is admirable that they look out for others and I would tend to do so myself; I don't advise any domainer to pay much more than $250 for any random dotmobi unless a) they can afford to take the risk or b) they plan to develop it.

And if by 'careful & sensible' moderating you mean keeping the naysayers out, not going to happen. You're a new member, choose your loyalties carefully and don't try to teach mods how to do their job.
I detect a hint of arrogance or "sense of threat" in your tone... I can assure you that I don't need to tell you how to do your job.. just look at the terms & conditions; you should find all the information you need on how to be a moderator there... and I don't believe that includes threatening members as opposed to maybe warning them when they step out of line

Oh and reading a few posts by someone doesn't give you a complete picture of that person, you assume I'm a '.pro' fan, I'm no such thing, only have 26 .pro names which is less than 2% of my portfolio.
I apologise if I was given the wrong info... may I ask (& it's not a trick question) how many of your 1,500 odd domains are dotmobi? (you did state that you own some earlier)

You're known by the company you keep. Members are banned for valid reasons as per the status forum rules.
I keep very good company thank you very much.. I would respectfully ask that you don't patronise me by insinuating that I keep bad company; it's that kind of thing that leads to bad feeling

Anyone not sucking upto the .mobi promotion bandwagon is 'mobi-bashing' and automatically becomes a target for 'cult members' to attack personally, since they can't really refute the content of what's said.
I'm quite capable of refuting comments made where I see fit.. you may have noticed that when genuine comments are made about dotmobi I will be the 1st to acknowledge that concern on the forums

There is nothing wrong with the .mobi forum here at NP. As always its a place where both viewpoints are encouraged and nurtured, exactly in accordance with its charter. What is changing now is that the reality about .mobi's resale value is biting people where it hurts - the bank balance, why they get extremely churlish when questioned.
We are all different, some domainers are kids playing with pocket money, others have 7 figures in the bank.. it's somewhat pointless to assume that we can tell the difference without knowing each member personally

Disagree with someone, feel free to post. Keep personal attacks, bad language and insulting innuendo out and you're fine. Promote competing domain forums, cheat people and encourage illegal behaviour, you will not be welcome here any longer. Its in the rules, read them. That's fine by me... shall we move on & have some decent discussion now?
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out of curiosity, does team leader mean site management?

does it have rank over moderator?
out of curiosity, does team leader mean site management?

does it have rank over moderator?

Very good question!

And who's on what team?

Also, what are the other teams here? Is there a schedule involved too?
And do we get to pick new team leaders?
moderator -> team leader -> member services -> administrator (RJ, NPQueen)

Team leaders have moderator powers over all sections of the forum, whereas moderators only have mod powers over the forums they moderate.

out of curiosity, does team leader mean site management?

does it have rank over moderator?
Actually its a departure in your understanding of what I posted both times. :p

I don't find it particularly useful to blame the reader for the writers failure to communicate, but you're free to draw your conclusions as am I.

There are hundreds of examples, I'm sure you can look them up on your own, whether you will understand why I call them cult like in behaviour might not be as easy.

Unfortunately I'm not seeing any of your examples showing anyone claiming .mobi to be their god and salvation. But let's look at your examples anyway...

Being enthusiasts is one thing, blatantly misleading people about the state of the tld and or its investment futures without an eye at current market conditions is another. And personal attacks on anyone who doesn't agree is the cherry on the cake.
I may disagree with your views but I'm not attacking you personally. But apparently you don't see calling some as yet unidentified .mobi enthusiasts to be cultists as a personal attack. You're obviously entitled to your opinion, again as am I. Back to your examples though...

The kind of stuff you should be looking for viz .mobi comments:
Just to be clear, these aren't actual examples or quotes from any particular posts or threads at NP but rather your perceptions? But let's look at your perceptions of the .mobi enthusiast community anyway...

- "There is not much movement in the domainer markets, but end users love them" - complete bs, since domainers are the first to cover any / all domains that an end user might even be remotely interested in.
Apparently you are unaware of the .mobi Sunrise TM application period as well as mTLD's pool of Premium and Reserved domains. Currently mTLD is releasing one and two character .mobi domains only to entities with clear objectives of development and promotion. One of the first to emerge was by Fifth Third Bank, marketing the URL to their customers for mobile banking. All one and two character .mobi domains are unavailable to domainers so clearly domainers can't "cover" these. Similarly Bank of America, Chase, ING, Fidelity, Vanguard, Deutsche Bank, HSBC and other financial companies are using .mobi. Or maybe the fact that the #2 cable channel in the US, Fox News has a perpetual ad running for would qualify as end user interest? I could go on if you'd like.

- "Its a great investment, just needs time to mature" - really? If the domain is worthless now, it probably will also be in the future. Unless someone offers you solid proof on 'why it would be a great investment', its just propaganda.

I prefer to buy low and sell high, perhaps you have a different approach? As for solid proof, does that involve knowing the future because there's no one here at NP who knows the future, you and I included. Apparently you use different metrics for evaluating your investments than I do. That's all well and good, I see investment professionals on TV all the time contradicting each other as to which way to invest. That isn't grounds to name call those who disagree with your position as cultists.

- "Going to a .mobi site is a guarantee that it will be mobile compliant" - come now :p

I agree that there is no guarantee at this time in regards to .mobi sites being mobile compliant, that would require enforcement of particular standards and that simply hasn't happened with general registration domains, but is a contract stipulation with Premium domains. I'm not familiar with what coding enforcement goes on there, all my Premium domain sites comply. BTW, I haven't seen this specific claim in a while here at NP, perhaps you can point it out?

- ".mobi is a great investment since in 5 years substantially more people will be surfing the web via their mobile devices than via pc's" - not really again, a. .mobi has nothing to do with the mobile web as a whole, which has come of age already w/o needing .mobi and b. in 5 years you'll also have multiple new tlds which might be more brandable and easier to use and might even become the default mobile internet tld, something .mobi hasn't been able to do
Well, at least I hope we can both agree that substantially more people will be surfing the web via their mobile devices 5 years from now. It's up to any .mobi owner to be proactive in making sure they are catching that wave. I personally consider it more likely to succeed than a presently non-existent future tld... there's nothing yet here to discuss and is not a basis IMO to disregard .mobi.

- "Companies are using .mobi more and more, not cos technically they have to, although does offer a guarantee, but its also about branding." - sure, just like .info, .name and .asia - all four letter tlds are pretty much in the same boat as far as to domainer pricing / sales are concerned.
I provided some examples of companies above using .mobi, there are many more. Many market their .mobi sites so yes, there is branding involved. I'm not sure what this has to do with other 4-letter tld's though, perhaps you can clarify...

I could spend a couple of days digging them up, but I think you get the message, and I have a business to run. Not every post in the .mobi forum needs to say how great it is or how it will cure the national deficit from the profits its investors make. :lol:

I was just hoping you'd spend a couple minutes looking them up, but that didn't happen since all the above were your perceptions rather than quotes. I too have a business to run, two in fact, and some consulting work as well. Yet I've tried to back up what I'm saying with facts. I agree that not every post here needs to say how great .mobi is, I never said anything of the kind. I'm simply asking you to back up your own assertions, and so far I'm not seeing it.

Anyone who doesn't agree with you is an 'arrogant naysayer' and you expect conversations to be civil? You rile enough people and some of them will bite back and the only defence one sees from .mobi 'enthusiast' when the person makes sense is personal attacks. Way to avoid the cult stereotype.

Where did I say that anyone who disagrees with me is an arrogant naysayer? The arrogant part of his post is where he says, "Had more listened to me early on then maybe they might not have lost all their cash in the hype. " A statement which unfortunately disregards those who made money and continue to do so in .mobi, be it in domain sales, domain parking (yes, some people do in fact earn money from parking .mobi), as well as developed sites. No doubt some people lost money in .mobi and continue to do so, the same holds true for all extensions yet somehow .mobi is held to a different standard. Is there a cult of .com also?

And for the record, I'm not the one demanding civil discussion here, it's the mods and the NP rules that are making these demands and I do my best to follow them. You're completely entitled to your disrespectful cultist opinion of the yet unspecified .mobi enthusiasts, but without specific facts it's an unsubstantiated claim.
Very nicely broken down reply Scandi.

..:o..oh..ohh... :guilty: (I agreed.)
Like it or not, the mobile web is coming. Rather than debate .mobi's role in it, get out there and develop some .mobis. Plenty of people have already made money developing .mobis.. Domaining the the .mobi extension is highly speculative -- anyone saying otherwise is utterly clueless and/or a liar. It might work out, it might not. You might find end users, you might not. The only sure thing is that a properly developed .mobi (just like .com or another extension) can make money -- possibly lots of it. As I've been saying for over a year now, debating the viability of .mobi is a waste of time -- there is no guarantee of anything. All that time wasted arguing... Wonder how much money could have been made had it been spent productively developing domains.
Like it or not, the mobile web is coming. Rather than debate .mobi's role in it, get out there and develop some .mobis. Plenty of people have already made money developing .mobis.. Domaining the the .mobi extension is highly speculative -- anyone saying otherwise is utterly clueless and/or a liar. It might work out, it might not. You might find end users, you might not. The only sure thing is that a properly developed .mobi (just like .com or another extension) can make money -- possibly lots of it. As I've been saying for over a year now, debating the viability of .mobi is a waste of time -- there is no guarantee of anything. All that time wasted arguing... Wonder how much money could have been made had it been spent productively developing domains.

That is spot on reece !!
Like it or not, the mobile web is coming. Rather than debate .mobi's role in it, get out there and develop some .mobis. Plenty of people have already made money developing .mobis.. Domaining the the .mobi extension is highly speculative -- anyone saying otherwise is utterly clueless and/or a liar. It might work out, it might not. You might find end users, you might not. The only sure thing is that a properly developed .mobi (just like .com or another extension) can make money -- possibly lots of it. As I've been saying for over a year now, debating the viability of .mobi is a waste of time -- there is no guarantee of anything. All that time wasted arguing... Wonder how much money could have been made had it been spent productively developing domains.

in general I agree Reece, and I'm doing just that, developing .mobi sites as is u812 who responded before me, as well as many others (u812 is amazingly talented by the way:imho:). I posted about a major one we recently launched for the benefit of those who don't frequent the other forum but my thread didn't get much interest here. True to form, the .mobi is dead thread got most of the attention. Go figure.
labrocca, I see you're still in Vegas, I thought you'd enjoy seeing what's going on at your local McCarran International Airport...






Look up, look down, everywhere you look is .mobi :tri: Clearly .mobi is alive and well.
No one has answered my question?
No one has answered my question?
Would be better as a poll, I'd choose #3, but around here that makes me a mobi lovin fool
Is it
A crap extension but those who have bought into it wont accept it?

No it's a great extension that those who haven't bought into it, won't accept. lol ;)

[/QUOTE]A normal extension but there's just more debate than usual? If so why?[/QUOTE]

It is a normal extension with a twist... and it does seem to get more debate than usual because no-one knows whether the twist makes it a normal extension or not... :rolleyes:

[/QUOTE]A great extension and a lot of people can't see it? [/QUOTE]

Well, this question applies to many folk; especially those who invested in any of the more spurious extensions such as .tv / .asia / .pro etc.. because they probably think that they are backing a great extension...
But I KNOW that dotmobi is a great extension... of course, many people can't see it... but outside of domaining the word in the street from the average Joe is that dotmobi seems like a good idea, it is logical and it makes sense...

So my answer to your question is 3, it's is a great extension and a lot less people will fail to see it come this time next year... :snaphappy:

---------- Post added at 04:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 PM ----------

Don't them ads look pwitty :kickass:

labrocca, I see you're still in Vegas, I thought you'd enjoy seeing what's going on at your local McCarran International Airport...






Look up, look down, everywhere you look is .mobi :tri: Clearly .mobi is alive and well.
I just think .mobi is struggling to anchor in its niche. .i would own only a few .mobi at most..
Why are you guys raging so much that a lot of people think .mobi is a waste of time, if it's so great who cares and get on about making your fortune forget the naysayers who will be begging to buy in soon.

Why are you guys getting sand in your fanny over it?

I'm a neutral, and it seems people are pushing at you further because your giving a stupid reaction.

I say "You and Your" being the +++mobi users.
I just think .mobi is struggling to anchor in its niche. .i would own only a few .mobi at most..

I agree with your 1st comment, although I might choose to say that .mobi is finding it hard getting mass global coverage in order to achieve the penetration required to anchor its niche (yet) ;)

Whether you would own a few of any extension is wholly down to what your appetite for risk is like, what exposure you have elsewhere and what % of your overall investment it takes up... if I only had $100 to my name I don't think I'd be buying any at all!

---------- Post added at 07:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 PM ----------

Why are you guys raging so much that a lot of people think .mobi is a waste of time, if it's so great who cares and get on about making your fortune forget the naysayers who will be begging to buy in soon.

Why are you guys getting sand in your fanny over it?

I'm a neutral, and it seems people are pushing at you further because your giving a stupid reaction.

I say "You and Your" being the +++mobi users.

Urm? I'm not sure what reaction you consider 'stupid' nor do I quite understand the notion of men with 'fannys' (as I'm not aware of any recent posts by any ladies on this thread).
But if you want to know why we have posted our 'opinions / points of view' that would have to be because you asked for it... unless you've already forgotten that you posted a multiple choice type question earlier on.. :p

Anyway, you're neutral, others are anti, I'm pro...what's the problem? isn't that precisely what makes a good forum?

Why are you guys raging so much that a lot of people think .mobi is a waste of time, if it's so great who cares and get on about making your fortune forget the naysayers who will be begging to buy in soon.
Speaking for myself Morph, I'm busy working on my .mobi businesses, things are moving forward. I completely accept there are people who think .mobi is a waste of time, and they're entitled to their opinions.

Why are you guys getting sand in your fanny over it?
There is a flip side to your original question, why do people rage against .mobi when they have no interest in the extension? I have little interest in ccTLD's, .org, .net, .pro, .tv, .info, etc.. yet I'm not going all over the place telling other people they are cultists because they invest in a particular extension.

I'm a neutral, and it seems people are pushing at you further because your giving a stupid reaction.

I say "You and Your" being the +++mobi users.

All I can say to this is don't blame the victim
Why are you guys raging so much that a lot of people think .mobi is a waste of time, if it's so great who cares and get on about making your fortune forget the naysayers who will be begging to buy in soon.

Why are you guys getting sand in your fanny over it?

I'm a neutral, and it seems people are pushing at you further because your giving a stupid reaction.

I say "You and Your" being the +++mobi users.

its called debate. welcome to the internet sir!

personally, i think a lot of people from BOTH sides are way too sensitive about these things...

re: whoever is using the name dotcomisdead.. not sure how you expect anyone to take you seriously with a name like that unless it is just a sarcastic joke. i have a pretty good idea who you are but your forum username is a good way to get everyone to ignore your posts.
Most +++Mobi people seem to reply with sour grapes kinda things. That's all.
Why does this only happen with .mobi? It's the only extension so many people have sand in their fanny over.
No it's not just .mobi, .tel fostered a few heated debates too :hehe:
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.