
sales "Domain Advertising"

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Ever since I arrived at NP and on the domain scene three years ago I just knew there had to be a better way to buy and sell domains.To sell pretty much anything in life you have to advertise whether it's cars, boats, clothes, homes, mortgages, tools, or even food.

I never once bought into the theory if you buy it, then list it with one of dozens of brokers like Afternic at Go Daddy, with Sedo, Huge Domains, Uniregistry, Dan, Sav, Domain Market, etc. they'll come. I actual thought the business model for the domain industry was a joke, and as it turns out most of my business peers who aren't familiar with the industry think it's a joke as well.....i'm sorry if that offends anyone reading this, but it's the honest truth.

I've recently partnered with an ad agency whose understanding of the domain industry parallels mine. I've shared with them the hit piece by Jeanne McPhearson that Verisign did on the secondary market a few years ago, and I also shared why I believe Verisign who has the exclusive distribution rights to the .com extension shut off further comments.......and for those of you who are familiar with what I'm referring to, it's obviously a "Catch 22", and to share some irony, the grand daughter of the author Joseph Heller of Catch -22 actually works for the ad agency that's partnering with me.

Finally, for discussion purposes, have any of you worked with an ad agency to help promote your domains? If so, please share your experience as to why or why it didn't work. Thanks
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
For those clients of yours who can't afford your wildly overpriced domains, maybe you might want to send them my way where they can actually afford a domain, and I'll bend over backwards to accommodate them:xf.wink:

It's not going to happen. Sorry to disappoint you again.
I "only" read your first complaint where I said; "The days of only "inbound" marketing doesn't work for most domainers, and it never will." Unless your reading comprehension is different than mine "only" is the keyword there Joe. Is that like saying that I "disapprove of passive domain sales"

Joe, i really think you need a rest from me, and maybe you should take a
You should read the rest of the quotes when you have time (I know how very busy you are). They paint a very clear picture of a person who scoffs at the notion that selling domains passively can be effective.

Meanwhile there are many domainers using only inbound techniques to sell more domains than you... and the domains you have reported as sold were all via inbound enquiries!

You should read the rest of the quotes when you have time (I know how very busy you are). They paint a very clear picture of a person who scoffs at the notion that selling domains passively can be effective.

Meanwhile there are many domainers using only inbound techniques to sell more domains than you... and the domains you have reported as sold were all via inbound enquiries!

Get off your high horse Joe....regardless of what you're saying now, I've always planned to use both "inbound" and "outbound". I'm not nearly as smart as you where "inbound" is the "only" answer. I've gotta go since I have a zoom call coming up with my lawyer in a few. Enjoy the rest of your
Dirk....he's only messing with you. It seems that deceit and misdirection are his MO. I do hope you realize that.

I enjoyed his story actually, but seriously, put some bucks towards securing that domain, before a squatter beats you to it.
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Get off your high horse Joe....regardless of what you're saying now, I've always planned to use both "inbound" and "outbound". I'm not nearly as smart as you where "inbound" is the "only" answer. I've gotta go since I have a zoom call coming up with my lawyer in a few. Enjoy the rest of your
I've done far more outbound than you, Rich. I've even sold some names as a result. Outbound can help you move more names if you're peddling the right kinds of names. It's foolish to think that domainers can't be successful without outbound, though. Your allusion to the contrary only serves to highlight how little you've paid attention to anyone but yourself in your three years here.

Your meetings are always remarkably timed so as to save you from having to face the nonsense of your own words. No doubt a valuable business skill.

Have a great day!
I've done far more outbound than you, Rich. I've even sold some names as a result. Outbound can help you move more names if you're peddling the right kinds of names. It's foolish to think that domainers can't be successful without outbound, though. Your allusion to the contrary only serves to highlight how little you've paid attention to anyone but yourself in your three years here.

Your meetings are always remarkably timed so as to save you from having to face the nonsense of your own words. No doubt a valuable business skill.

Have a great day!

Some of the people here sell more domains in a week than the OP has ever sold, and yet they are the ones that need schooling by him on how to sell domains. :xf.confused:

Dirk....he's only messing with you. It seems that deceit and misdirection are his MO. I do hope you realize that.

For the last time, keep this thread on topic instead of lowering yourself to baseless accusations, libel, and personal attacks against my character.

Shame on you.

This is what people result to when they have nothing else, I didn't think you were this desperate.

You can't handle my ideas so you try to smear me in an attempt to cancel culture me, and it's absolutely pathetic.

Also, If you spoke those words out loud while you typed them, it's slander, too. My lawyers agree with me, and we're adding this to the suit. The judge will also agree, because he's good friends with the wife of the CEO of a certain registrar who you have been causing a lot of problems for.

Word gets around.


Once again, I'm desperately trying to drag this thread on topic, so I'll talk about how I'm also looking into underwater advertising. It's much more affordable than skywriting. Granted, the only people who usually see underwater billboards are snorkelers or people who are about to drown.

Of course, with travel restrictions, most people will have to rely on, which just means that we can have 10,000 people seeing the ad underwater by getting one of our influences to livestream it, instead of just the 0 or 1 people that typically see an underwater billboard.

You see, historically, underwater billboards have a pretty terrible ROI. They only tend to advertise things like life jackets and flotation devices, but by the time you're seeing it, it's usually too late.
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I enjoyed his story actually, but seriously, put some bucks towards securing that domain, before a squatter beats you to it.
I would, but I'd rather buy 10 domains then waste $10 on ThatNameGuy(n). This afternoon my lawyer and I chose four of the largest Business Bureaus in the country to share our story about the unregulated secondary domain market that Verisign so eloquently spoke about two years ago.....thank you Verisign. I believe I recall Rob Monster of Epik even saying to me he thought that was a good idea.

Regardless, I make progress every day towards my goals. btw, how does Advertising.Online or sound to everyone? You know the the valuation of the .online to the .com, then see where the .com leads you, if it leads you anywhere:xf.rolleyes:

Finally, we're in the process of developing a 5 point questionnaire for our end users seeking a domain. We know now one of the questions we'll be asking, "What's more important to you, the name of your business left of the .dot or the extension that can virtually be anything right of the .dot.?" While that may be a deal breaker for some, it may ring the bell for others.

That's all I have for this evening, but If I know my purpose driven followers, they'll arrive to pick this post apart like they have for 90 plus percent of every post I make on NamePros. I'll enjoy reading their condescending rails and rants later. See ya
For any new people reading this thread and thinking this is the way to conduct business within the domain industry I suggest you watch the video in the below link......

You can learn a lot from someone who has proven success instead of taking inspiration from someone who is on some warped crusade.......

Paying an advertising company to promote your own domains which you can do yourself if you have the time and inclination to do so is nonsensical, a waste of time, effort and money......
For any new people reading this thread and thinking this is the way to conduct business within the domain industry I suggest you watch the video in the below link......

You can learn a lot from someone who has proven success instead of taking inspiration from someone who is on some warped crusade.......

Paying an advertising company to promote your own domains which you can do yourself if you have the time and inclination to do so is nonsensical, a waste of time, effort and money......
"Warped Crusade"????? Here we have Ray Hackney of TheDomains write a blog that just sold for $51,000 and wouldn't you know that was available to buy. What an industry☺

No further comment to you Nick other than two weeks ago I personally led a discussion at my Kiwanis meeting here in Virginia Beach where our motto is "Serving the Children of the World". Do you know what the discussion was about?......youth "Suicide Prevention" remember the domain that I own? And do you know why this isn't "off topic"? Youth in my country are killing themselves at a higher rate than are dying of Covid. Now I dare you to ask me what gives me the authority to speak on Suicide Prevention......hint, it has a lot to do with personal experience Nick, so for you to even question and speak of a "Warped Crusade", you may want to think again. That's all I'm asking.

And as NickB said; "For any new people reading this thread", you should give some serious thought as to why, a major brokerage in this industry is asking $294,888 for the domain In the way of advertising and the "Greed" involved in this industry, I recommend you just go to the URL and see for yourself what's "Warped" and whats not.
Here we have Ray Hackney of TheDomains write a blog that just sold for $51,000 and wouldn't you know that was available to buy. What an industry☺

And now probably registered by you :) a textbook illustration of how the value of a .com doesn't translate to a random new TLD.

You're still running inquisitor ?
Deconstruct bad advice as you see it. Should there be a standard before anyone can contribute?
Debate on subject not credibility. I have domains like and may not be selling as much as next or even make efforts as my hobby. I don't think they give me any disadvantage if stuck. So rather than discourage the subject which i bank on i would like to hear some others views on their domain advertising. I clicked as thread stood out i even have it in my site PND description "domain advertising" If you pay for advertising you need to still know how to use it. I would not even take on campains when sold traffic besides the regular rules redirects etc some would have obvious problems or no potential and customer gets upset can't see own problems.
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And now probably registered by you :) a textbook illustration of how the value of a .com doesn't translate to a random new TLD.

You're still running inquisitor ?

"And now probably registered by you :) a textbook illustration of how the value of a .com doesn't translate to a random new TLD." point exactly Nick, and I couldn't get any better "free advertising" if I tried.

"You still running Inquisitor?"

No, but it was a great name wasn't it? especially if you're firm was a licensed private investigations company and did in the industry what's known as "skip tracing" online.

Don't you think it will be great when talking, zooming and meeting with "end users" about domain names I can share business names of businesses I own now and businesses I started in the past. It may sound a tad better than, "Did you know I've been a domainer for the last three years":xf.rolleyes:
Deconstruct bad advice as you see it. Should there be a standard before anyone can contribute?
Debate on subject not credibility. I have domains like and may not be selling as much as next or even make efforts as my hobby. I don't think they give me any disadvantage if stuck. So rather than discourage the subject which i bank on i would like to hear some others views on their domain advertising. I clicked as thread stood out i even have it in my site PND description "domain advertising"

Lock...i got some estimated "costs of advertising" numbers from a friend who advertises here on NP yesterday, and it's actually pretty reasonable all things considered.

You know, what we're doing now is actually "free advertising" and things like law suits, interviews and even written correspondence can actually be a form of "free advertising" so be careful what you say. Speaking of "being careful", this am while registering one of my .online domains, I inadvertently hit the buy key and bought the domain I expected to buy for $110 instead of $1. I was going to call my rep at GD to see if he might issue a refund to me, but he's done me enough favors as it is.....he's not the problem. Then I got to thinking it's such a good name imho, that I really don't mind owning for another five years because I have a contractor friend who might want to develop it, and he's a good enough friend I may even give it to him.

Thanks again for sharing Lock!
I wanted freeadvertising but do have .
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I wanted freeadvertising but do have .
Yeah....i wanted too but sadly it was taken. I do like, and in another world i might buy it from you.

Lock, I've now been to your site on several occasions and you have a lot of really good domains. If I can offer something hopefully constructive, it's a bit much, especially for me. You might want to get others opinions who you trust. Thanks again my friend from downunder(y)
Yeah....i wanted too but sadly it was taken. I do like, and in another world i might buy it from you.

Lock, I've now been to your site on several occasions and you have a lot of really good domains. If I can offer something hopefully constructive, it's a bit much, especially for me. You might want to get others opinions who you trust. Thanks again my friend from downunder(y)
Well constructive sounds constructive. So open ears.
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I hate typos so it will be known as "campains" campaigns. Glad it wasn't a $10 penalty.
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"Don't you think it will be great when talking, zooming and meeting with "end users" about domain names I can share business names of businesses I own now and businesses I started in the past. It may sound a tad better than, "Did you know I've been a domainer for the last three years":xf.rolleyes:

I don't think end users are going to be any more impressed by your business accomplishments decades ago or random namedropping than people on NamePros are. All they are going to care about is if you own a domain they want to own.

All this stuff really just comes off as the rather shallow, transparent tactics of a salesman. Who are you trying to convince exactly, others or yourself?

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"A bit much" still equates to anything dropped is swooped up and everyone offering me worse so trying only to keep strongest but find reasons to renew.
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"A bit much" still equates to anything dropped is swooped up and everyone offering me worse so trying only to keep strongest but find reasons to renew.
Thanks you by chance have bumper stickers on cars down under? If you do, what do you think of a bumper sticker that says;, or if that's not available

This is a name I'd consider developing if it would contribute some sense of "unity" in our world. What do you think? Thanks....i'm off to the gym:xf.wink:
@lock - The above post is an example of why the OP's threads don't stay on topic.

I agree that advertising domain names is a great topic for discussion. The best idea would probably be to start your own thread on the topic. You'll get a lot more on-point discussion, and a wider range of members contributing.
@lock - The above post is an example of why the OP's threads don't stay on topic.

I agree that advertising domain names is a great topic for discussion. The best idea would probably be to start your own thread on the topic. You'll get a lot more on-point discussion, and a wider range of members contributing.
Maybe you should start a new thread Joe, and I can stop in and critique every last word you say. Either that or why don't you comment on the bumper sticker idea I shared with lock for: or Joe, I discovered that LoveMoreHateLess.CA is available, and I'll buy it for you to develop if you'd like. What do you say?
"A bit much" still equates to anything dropped is swooped up and everyone offering me worse so trying only to keep strongest but find reasons to renew.
lock...Joe seems to think my asking if you have bumper stickers on your cars in down under is somehow "off topic" when it comes to "Advertising"??? bumper sticker's here where I live in Virginia Beach advertise all sorts of things from Sports, to Clubs like Kiwanis Clubs, to Restaurants etc. I guess Joe doesn't see anything like that in Canada and I just thought you might in Australia.

I'm sorry.
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Maybe you should start a new thread Joe, and I can stop in and critique every last word you say. Either that or why don't you comment on the bumper sticker idea I shared with lock for: or Joe, I discovered that LoveMoreHateLess.CA is available, and I'll buy it for you to develop if you'd like. What do you say?

I can't remember the last time I saw a 5 word / 23 letter domain (with extension) on a bumper sticker. You are either going to need a large bumper sticker or small font to fit that. :)

Like any advertising, it will be more effective with a better domain.

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