
sales "Domain Advertising"

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Ever since I arrived at NP and on the domain scene three years ago I just knew there had to be a better way to buy and sell domains.To sell pretty much anything in life you have to advertise whether it's cars, boats, clothes, homes, mortgages, tools, or even food.

I never once bought into the theory if you buy it, then list it with one of dozens of brokers like Afternic at Go Daddy, with Sedo, Huge Domains, Uniregistry, Dan, Sav, Domain Market, etc. they'll come. I actual thought the business model for the domain industry was a joke, and as it turns out most of my business peers who aren't familiar with the industry think it's a joke as well.....i'm sorry if that offends anyone reading this, but it's the honest truth.

I've recently partnered with an ad agency whose understanding of the domain industry parallels mine. I've shared with them the hit piece by Jeanne McPhearson that Verisign did on the secondary market a few years ago, and I also shared why I believe Verisign who has the exclusive distribution rights to the .com extension shut off further comments.......and for those of you who are familiar with what I'm referring to, it's obviously a "Catch 22", and to share some irony, the grand daughter of the author Joseph Heller of Catch -22 actually works for the ad agency that's partnering with me.

Finally, for discussion purposes, have any of you worked with an ad agency to help promote your domains? If so, please share your experience as to why or why it didn't work. Thanks
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Bummer thread could have gone a different way as most clicking were here to read about the advertising industry.
Lock...not my fault brother. There are plenty naysayers here that don't want this to succeed. However naysayers make my day:xf.wink:

i don't know whether you noticed this, but our plans are to form a "users group" of businesses/consumers that part of their initial purchase and a percentage of their annual registration fee will go to support nTLD that's part of the domain. In addition, much of our advertising dollars will target the .com as a dying breed that's not available anyway, and there are several viable solutions.

I started this thread asking if any other domainers are or have used any form of advertising to promote/sell their domains. I can only speak from my past business experience about advertising which if you understand the definition of "advertising" it overlaps "marketing"

To start us off on a better foot here is what Wiki says about advertising;

"Form of communication for marketing, typically paid for.

Advertising is a marketing communication that employs sponsored non-personal messaging to promote or sell a service or idea. Sponsors of advertising are typically businesses wishing to promote their products or services.

I think we can all agree that "advertising" is all over the this very page we're posting on. Dynadot advertises here, advertises here and so does Nameworth. This advertising is "targeted" to those in the domain industry....that would buy their products or services. Even the registrar that sponsors .TO advertises here....just go to Register.TO to see what I mean.

Owning over 1,500 domains of a particular extension I'm giving some serious thought to advertising/showcasing my portfolio right here on NP with a personal message from me. How does that sound? Good idea or bad idea? I could even be getting exposure for your domains with a "matching" extension.

Lock, again I apologize for allowing this thread to deteriorate like this. Now that we're back on track any comments?
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"Endangered" and to whom would you advertise it? Any thoughts?
Owning over 1,500 domains of a particular extension I'm giving some serious thought to advertising/showcasing my portfolio right here on NP with a personal message from me. How does that sound? Good idea or bad idea? I could even be getting exposure for your domains with a "matching"

That's actually a good idea. But do keep in mind that people watching will primarily be resellers.

Make it coincide with a promo ran by the registry and/or registrars to lift along on the hype and get more eyes on the prize.

Put in some effort to get your portfolio website ranked and advertised on search engines. People searching for domains and a specific TLD will eventually be targeted with your ads when done right.

It takes some work to pull it off but I think it can be done with the right amount of time and work put into it.

Will be it profitable? Who knows. You seem to have plenty of spare time so it beats doing nothing and letting them drop after a year.
Most people in every industry will fail and be bitter. Show me an industry that does not have someone rant against it because they have not been doing well.

I agree with the sentiment, @AEProgram, but I'd restrict it to most sales people in any industry. It really is the hardest skill to try to recruit for. Quite often the most unlikely candidates succeed whilst the streets are full of those with "obvious" potential, failed and knocking on doors to find yet another sales job.

The same goes for business startup owners. Sadly too many domainers (among lots of other failed startups) are already looking for the "next big idea" they can still afford to get into and there are many more who will inevitably follow.

In spite of all the efforts at sharing knowledge, coaching and teaching such as Cyger's and more, nobody knows, not even the most experienced in any line of business, what that little touch of magic, that tiny spark of difference, is that leads to success. Perhaps because it is some factor within, or even missing from, individuals that we haven't even recognised yet that makes the difference?
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That's actually a good idea. But do keep in mind that people watching will primarily be resellers.

Make it coincide with a promo ran by the registry and/or registrars to lift along on the hype and get more eyes on the prize.

Put in some effort to get your portfolio website ranked and advertised on search engines. People searching for domains and a specific TLD will eventually be targeted with your ads when done right.

It takes some work to pull it off but I think it can be done with the right amount of time and work put into it.

Will be it profitable? Who knows. You seem to have plenty of spare time so it beats doing nothing and letting them drop after a year.
Thanks Dirk...i just emailed the registry to see if they will support or even help pay for the advertising. After all, we're already partners in theory, or is that
I got a good laugh from this thread from the logic of @ThatNameGuy and his lawsuit: "First, i'm in the process of filing a law suit against the largest registrar in the world (Go Daddy)" to @Peak.Domains and his fairy tale about his uncle who told him to buy .online domains at any cost.

So thanks for the laughs, guys.
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. After all, we're already partners in theory, or is that

Depends. Some seem to be in direct competition. Most registries are looking to get a bigger piece of the pie themselves, hence premium registrations.

It's just business. They don't care one thing about domains, the internet, not like they did when the gTLDs came into fruition. For most, if not all, it's just an investment opportunity.

Same could be said about legacy gTLDs to some extent. Recall past years attempt to take over the .org TLD by Ethos? It's money that makes the web go round.
I got a good laugh from this thread from the logic of @ThatNameGuy and his lawsuit: "First, i'm in the process of filing a law suit against the largest registrar in the world (Go Daddy)" to @Peak.Domains and his fairy tale about his uncle who told him to buy .online domains at any cost.

So thanks for the laughs, guys.
What's funny is you think it's funny:xf.rolleyes:......from the guy who Trademarked the name JudgmentScore®
@Peak.Domains and his fairy tale about his uncle who told him to buy .online domains at any cost.

Gosh, at least someone read it.
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Oh Joe....where have you been:xf.rolleyes: I have plenty of those too. Do you just make this stuff up on a whim?
Classic avoidance.

Rich, you're a businessman who doesn't get the concept of an open market. You disapprove of passive domain sales, yet those are the only domain sales you've made. You complain of being a victim of cancel culture, and then report members who express their opinions about topics you raised.

The irony is so thick you must be swimming in it.
Depends. Some seem to be in direct competition. Most registries are looking to get a bigger piece of the pie themselves, hence premium registrations.

It's just business. They don't care one thing about domains, the internet, not like they did when the gTLDs came into fruition. For most, if not all, it's just an investment opportunity.

Same could be said about legacy gTLDs to some extent. Recall past years attempt to take over the .org TLD by Ethos? It's money that makes the web go round.
Yeah would think wouldn't you? I approached a local registry in my hometown Dominion Domains, and even though I offered to help them promote the extension .homes, and even bought about a hundred .homes names, it was their arrogance and greed that wouldn't allow it to happen. The straw that eventually broke this camels back was when they knew I had an interest in buying the domain that I could have bought from them six months earlier for $85, Jim Schrand their President who I had already done a big favor for, says to me in an email, "I'll sell it to you for $64,000". I can't wait to hear their explanation to the court/judge combined with Go Daddy's explanation for their greed and exploitation.

Finally, I'm going to make one more attempt to reach out to Verisign to be a witness to the greed and exploitation in the secondary markets, but if they don't cooperate voluntarily, it will be up to me and my lawyers to force their participation.

Thanks back to advertising. I'm waiting to hear back from NP and Radix about advertising here.
Honestly, I doubt going after GD/DD will bring you anything except bills to pay your lawyers. I know we're all a bit isolated these days but you surely can't be that bored :)

Looking forward to see your banner here on NP though. Good luck.
Classic avoidance.

Rich, you're a businessman who doesn't get the concept of an open market. You disapprove of passive domain sales, yet those are the only domain sales you've made. You complain of being a victim of cancel culture, and then report members who express their opinions about topics you raised.

The irony is so thick you must be swimming in it.
Where in the h*ll do you get off on saying that i "disapprove of passive domain sales"? Either answer this question to my and anyone else's satisfaction, or just get back to work and mind your own business. Comprende?
Honestly, I doubt going after GD/DD will bring you anything except bills to pay your lawyers. I know we're all a bit isolated these days but you surely can't be that bored :)

Looking forward to see your banner here on NP though. Good luck.
Oh, i'm not paying a lawyer. I have a better case than that if you know what i mean:xf.wink:

My .online ad campaign will be launching within an unspecified time period. I'll update here once our site is up, I've managed to secure a fantastic .com to use for the landing pages for our social media and PPC campaigns. The billboards are going up in local marks in about 2 weeks, which will lead to a barrage of earned media. Next up is our influencer program, where top YouTubers, Streamers and TikTokkers will be buying .online domains live while tens of thousands of their fans watch. By now, the SEO should be starting to kick in and it'll be just about time for the review management!

By the way - I'm challenging your trademark on "ThatNameGuy™", I believe you are actually infringing on MY trademark, so cease and desist immediately or I'll send my even better lawyers after you. Not only do my lawyers work on contingency, they work on reverse-contingency, which means they pay me.

My .online ad campaign will be launching within an unspecified time period. I'll update here once our site is up, I've managed to secure a fantastic .com to use for the landing pages for our social media and PPC campaigns. The billboards are going up in local marks in about 2 weeks, which will lead to a barrage of earned media. Next up is our influencer program, where top YouTubers, Streamers and TikTokkers will be buying .online domains live while tens of thousands of their fans watch. By now, the SEO should be starting to kick in and it'll be just about time for the review management!

By the way - I'm challenging your trademark on "ThatNameGuy™", I believe you are actually infringing on MY trademark, so cease and desist immediately or I'll send my even better lawyers after you. Not only do my lawyers work on contingency, they work on reverse-contingency, which means they pay me.

you mean the other guy don't you; ThatNameGuy®

"My .online ad campaign will be launching within an unspecified time period:ROFL:"
I'm not convinced that adding the word "That" in front is sufficient to avoid confusing or misleading the general public, and my free lawyers always agree with me.

But that's not relevant, please keep this thread focused on the topic of domain advertising and don't derail it again.

Back on topic: I just decided to add skywriting to my advertising campaign, and will also be registering later this afternoon.
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I'm not convinced that adding the word "That" in front is sufficient to avoid confusing or misleading the general public, and my free lawyers always agree with me.

But that's not relevant, please keep this thread focused on the topic of domain advertising and don't derail it again.

Back on topic: I just decided to add skywriting to my advertising campaign, and will also be registering later this afternoon.

Peak.Domains, I highly recommend having lunch with their management team first. The CEO can advise you on the various types of smoke that you can use in your campaign.
Peak.Domains, I highly recommend having lunch with their management team first. The CEO can advise you on the various types of smoke that you can use in your campaign.
You know I'd forgotten for a while that you're the You and your make for a fine team. As you know I've got some pretty good ideas from you, i guess I should thank you:xf.wink:
Back on topic: I just decided to add skywriting to my advertising campaign, and will also be registering later this afternoon.

It looks like the average cost is around $3,500. It seems like a great idea that would pay for itself many times over.

In fact, it is such a good idea maybe the company would actually pay you for the promotion your .Online campaign is giving them!

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You know I'd forgotten for a while that you're the You and your make for a fine team. As you know I've got some pretty good ideas from you, i guess I should thank you:xf.wink:

It's not a problem that you get inspiration by looking at portfolios of other domainers, and create some new names.

The problem is, that as soon as someone participates in your threads, you confront them with their domains you just registered, and ask their opinion about it. You do this with each participant that is trying to make the best of these threads and jump on top. Not only here, also in previous threads that were 99% about you.

As long as you don't understand that such behavior drives everyone out of here and your postings are rarely scored, I think it would be wise to do some more self-reflection first.
Where in the h*ll do you get off on saying that i "disapprove of passive domain sales"? Either answer this question to my and anyone else's satisfaction, or just get back to work and mind your own business. Comprende?
I'll help to jog your memory:
The days of only "inbound" marketing doesn't work for most domainers, and it never will.
It's pretty obvious that even quality domains don't sell themselves, thus if you're going to make it in this business you better learn how to market/sell your own domains or find someone who can.
I don't expect end users to accidentally find my domains. The more important question should be, how do you plan to sell your domains and to whom?
I'm not one to sit back and wait for the likes of a Sedo, a Go Daddy, etc. to sell my domains, I plan to actively "outbound" market my domains to potential buyers.
traditionally, "old school" domainers buy names like this and list them with the likes of Sedo, Uniregistry, Afternic etc. and hope and pray someone finds them:xf.rolleyes:...

I've been able to pick up a dozen or so similar names and I'm not about to sit back and wait for them to sell the old fashion way....i may be old, but I'm not stupid(y)
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It's not a problem that you get inspiration by looking at portfolios of other domainers, and create some new names.

The problem is, that as soon as someone participates in your threads, you confront them with their domains you just registered, and ask their opinion about it. You do this with each participant that is trying to make the best of these threads and jump on top. Not only here, also in previous threads that were 99% about you.

As long as you don't understand that such behavior drives everyone out of here and your postings are rarely scored, I think it would be wise to do some more self-reflection first.
I could care less about my posts being rarely scored as if I'll be telling an "end user" well sir/mam....I got 10,000 likes on NamePros...then they ask me "what the h*ll is NamePros"

When I'm selling to end users it will be 99% about me too, and less than 1% about you and the domain industry(n) You really don't get it do you? I see where you have 4,500 domains for which I'm sure you paid a whole lot of money. For those clients of yours who can't afford your wildly overpriced domains, maybe you might want to send them my way where they can actually afford a domain, and I'll bend over backwards to accommodate them:xf.wink:
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By the way - I'm challenging your trademark on "ThatNameGuy™", I believe you are actually infringing on MY trademark, so cease and desist immediately or I'll send my even better lawyers after you. Not only do my lawyers work on contingency, they work on reverse-contingency, which means they pay me

There is no TM. Not trading under that name, $whois No match for "THATNAMEGUY.COM".
I'll help to jog your memory:

I "only" read your first complaint where I said; "The days of only "inbound" marketing doesn't work for most domainers, and it never will." Unless your reading comprehension is different than mine "only" is the keyword there Joe. Is that like saying that I "disapprove of passive domain sales"

Joe, i really think you need a rest from me, and maybe you should take a
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