
sales "Domain Advertising"

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Ever since I arrived at NP and on the domain scene three years ago I just knew there had to be a better way to buy and sell domains.To sell pretty much anything in life you have to advertise whether it's cars, boats, clothes, homes, mortgages, tools, or even food.

I never once bought into the theory if you buy it, then list it with one of dozens of brokers like Afternic at Go Daddy, with Sedo, Huge Domains, Uniregistry, Dan, Sav, Domain Market, etc. they'll come. I actual thought the business model for the domain industry was a joke, and as it turns out most of my business peers who aren't familiar with the industry think it's a joke as well.....i'm sorry if that offends anyone reading this, but it's the honest truth.

I've recently partnered with an ad agency whose understanding of the domain industry parallels mine. I've shared with them the hit piece by Jeanne McPhearson that Verisign did on the secondary market a few years ago, and I also shared why I believe Verisign who has the exclusive distribution rights to the .com extension shut off further comments.......and for those of you who are familiar with what I'm referring to, it's obviously a "Catch 22", and to share some irony, the grand daughter of the author Joseph Heller of Catch -22 actually works for the ad agency that's partnering with me.

Finally, for discussion purposes, have any of you worked with an ad agency to help promote your domains? If so, please share your experience as to why or why it didn't work. Thanks
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Joe...another quiz for you and Brad. Lets say hypothetically you owned the following domains;


Oh Joe...you can pick any other extension besides .com. Joe, we're already familiar with Facebook and Linkedin marketing. Didn't you know?....and then there's Amazon and Shopify. Have you ever sold anything on Shopify?

Think "advertising" Joe. How would you advertise these names to get the maximum bang for your buck?
For Medfirst, would you sell to the medical markets, or would you look to market them to the pet and kennel industry? How would you get maximum exposure for these "keyword" rich domains? Assuming they're not .coms how would you price them assuming I gave them to you because you're a real nice guy?

In your portfolio would they be considered Premium domains? Why not?

Would you list them with a broker, or might you hook up with a professional ad specialist who could maybe add to your credibility? I wish I could give you a few more tips Joe, but this is all I have time for:xf.frown:

Joe....might you consider trying to sell the Cigar domains through PCA (Premium Cigar Association) or maybe CAA (Cigar Association of America). Does Canada have a cigar association?

Lets see what you got Joe? Inquiring minds would love to know:xf.wink:

That would be an interesting exercise. I see 2 issues though.

1. No premium keywords, before the dot.
2. Like with all ngTLDs. The right side of the dot matters. No point in discussing one randomly.

If we do... Lets go for .lol
You mentioned three that you sold. The most recent was Skyline.homes, I believe. There was another with the word "arc" in it.

You don't have to share a thing with anyone, but it's foolish to not expect to be asked these things if you're offering people advice on selling domains, or claiming that you know what's best for the industry.

Then why bother asking me the questions? Stop wasting your time. Go make something happen.
Lol, I "Make Something Happen" every day of my life, and it's positive and good for mankind humankind. However I can't say the same for a lot of people i know. I even makegoodthingshappen.online. No need to check I don't own that name Joe so there's nothing here.

Joe, I'm also good enough at this name game that i'm capable of either finding or creating a domain for someone who desires one. It's the power of persuasion buddy, and you know I'm pretty good at that. Maybe you will want to hire me when you're unable to close a deal on your own. You know how to reach me:xf.smile:
That would be an interesting exercise. I see 2 issues though.

1. No premium keywords, before the dot.
2. Like with all ngTLDs. The right side of the dot matters. No point in discussing one randomly.

If we do... Lets go for .lol
Actually unless GD is lying (and that's a good possibility) "first" is a keyword valued at $2,028 and "med" is a "popular widely used keyword" Where do you get your "keyword" information Dirk? Where I come from Medfirst.almost anything is a good domain. Before we go any further please share with us your "keyword" authority. Thanks
Actually unless GD is lying (and that's a good possibility) "first" is a keyword valued at $2,028 and "med" is a "popular widely used keyword" Where do you get your "keyword" information Dirk? Where I come from Medfirst.almost anything is a good domain. Before we go any further please share with us your "keyword" authority. Thanks

Ok... I'll spell it out... Should have been more clear for you...

Med.online - good domain
First.online - good domain
Medfirst.online - ROFL

Donkey.com - great domain.
Donkey.online - could be on to something
Dong.com - good domain
Dong.online - sure somebody will like it
DonkeyDong.com - doesn't compare. Has some ring to it though.
Donkeydong.online - ROFL ... Or ... Nah .. maybe.

See the pattern?

As for my authority, sorry to disappoint. There was no keywords master available at my university. I know this, You seem to source them by using GD valuations which is utterly insane.
Medfirst // online, HavanaCigars // online, and CigarImports // online were registered today by the same person starting all these google seo threads. The company names mentioned are his potential clients. It's Google Juice. This is not at all a discussion about good or bad keywords, ad agencies, it's just a sales vehicle of 1 person constantly and nameProsersers'ers are his puppets. And Rich, stop replicating my names and names of other participants in your threads.

I'm just a newbie on this forum, how long is this going on already?

@Bravo Mod Team
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I tried twitter ads to promote 3 or 5 domains. The domains didn't sold but they were probably low quality

Anyway, I think It's better to acquire good domains and forget about ads for domains

Or if you think your domains need promotion because they are in new tlds, that would be a task for registries and/or registrars
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Medfirst // online, HavanaCigars // online, and CigarImports // online were registered today by the same person starting all these google seo threads. The company names mentioned are his potential clients. It's Google Juice. This is not at all a discussion about good or bad keywords, ad agencies, it's just a sales vehicle of 1 person constantly and nameProsersers'ers are his puppets. And Rich, stop replicating my names and names of other participants in your threads.

I'm just a newbie on this forum, how long is this going on already?

@Bravo Mod Team

None of this has ever about actual discussion. It is simply about self promotion.

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Ok... I'll spell it out... Should have been more clear for you...

Med.online - good domain
First.online - good domain
Medfirst.online - ROFL

Donkey.com - great domain.
Donkey.online - could be on to something
Dong.com - good domain
Dong.online - sure somebody will like it
DonkeyDong.com - doesn't compare. Has some ring to it though.
Donkeydong.online - ROFL ... Or ... Nah .. maybe.

See the pattern?

As for my authority, sorry to disappoint. There was no keywords master available at my university. I know this, You seem to source them by using GD valuations which is utterly insane.
Regardless Dirk, and this is just one of the problems with being a "so called" domainer (sorry if you're offended). One of the biggest urgent care groups in the US is named "Patient First". Patient First has 76 locations in the mid-atlantic area of the east coast of the US. The population of the five state area where Patient First is located has a population of over 30M people. And as far as I can tell Norway (where you're from) has a population of about 5.5M people. I know this isn't important to you as a "domainer", but it's very important to me if I'm trying to sell a domain like Medfirst to a medical practice. Obviously it helps that I've been in the medical billing business, and I'm knowledgeable of starting, naming and operating a couple of businesses in the medical field. I'm sure as a domainer you don't care what I think and honestly the feeling is mutual. I don't know if you've been following Dirk, but an "end user" doesn't care about a domainers credentials....he/she only care if they like the name, it's easy to pronounce and it's affordable. It doesn't get any more complicated than that Dirk, and that's why I'm confident I'll be able to sell Medfirst regardless of the domain manifesto.
Regardless Dirk, and this is just one of the problems with being a "so called" domainer (sorry if you're offended). One of the biggest urgent care groups in the US is named "Patient First". Patient First has 76 locations in the mid-atlantic area of the east coast of the US. The population of the five state area where Patient First is located has a population of over 30M people. And as far as I can tell Norway (where you're from) has a population of about 5.5M people. I know this isn't important to you as a "domainer", but it's very important to me if I'm trying to sell a domain like Medfirst to a medical practice. Obviously it helps that I've been in the medical billing business, and I'm knowledgeable of starting, naming and operating a couple of businesses in the medical field. I'm sure as a domainer you don't care what I think and honestly the feeling is mutual. I don't know if you've been following Dirk, but an "end user" doesn't care about a domainers credentials....he/she only care if they like the name, it's easy to pronounce and it's affordable. It doesn't get any more complicated than that Dirk, and that's why I'm confident I'll be able to sell Medfirst regardless of the domain manifesto.

No one cares. Put up some results and then people might care.

Some business you started 4 decades ago is irrelevant to domain sales.

Money talks. Bullshit walks.

I tried twitter ads to promote 3 or 5 domains. The domains didn't sold but they were probably low quality

Anyway, I think It's better to acquire good domains and forget about ads for domains

Or if you think your domains need promotion because they are in new tlds, that would be a task for registries and/or registrars
ArielIT....i just happened to notice that you own the domain Brandable.online and it's for sale at Dan....good for you. While you and I both know Brandable.com is far better, it's not even a developed website and it's just parked/hoarded:xf.frown:. While you probably don't understand, I view that as a good thing, and all the more reason why you should hire someone to help you market it. Being that Brandable.com is valued at around 25K, I'd be asking anywhere from $1,500 to maybe as high as $3,000 for it. There are thousands of business people who would love to have that name, and you just need to find one.....not a Herculean task.
Good Luck!
ArielIT....i just happened to notice that you own the domain Brandable.online and it's for sale at Dan....good for you. While you and I both know Brandable.com is far better, it's not even a developed website and it's just parked/hoarded:xf.frown:. While you probably don't understand, I view that as a good thing, and all the more reason why you should hire someone to help you market it. Being that Brandable.com is valued at around 25K, I'd be asking anywhere from $1,500 to maybe as high as $3,000 for it. There are thousands of business people who would love to have that name, and you just need to find one.....not a Herculean task.
Good Luck!
Rich, you seem to be unable to grasp the most basic concept of an investment market... If something is more desirable by more people, it's worth more.

That's why the owner of the .com can ask for 25K.

How do you feel about commodity and collectible markets where objects like sports cards and coins can be sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars even though the material they're printed on is worth no more than a few cents?

How do you feel about real estate investors who buy land for cheap and sit on it for two decades so they can make a substantial profit?
While you and I both know Brandable.com is far better

Wait, what? Why is brandable.com better than brandable.online?

I understand if you're too afraid or offended or lazy to read what I write, but I'd expect you to at least read what you've written.
Medfirst // online, HavanaCigars // online, and CigarImports // online were registered today by the same person starting all these google seo threads. The company names mentioned are his potential clients. It's Google Juice. This is not at all a discussion about good or bad keywords, ad agencies, it's just a sales vehicle of 1 person constantly and nameProsersers'ers are his puppets. And Rich, stop replicating my names and names of other participants in your threads.

I'm just a newbie on this forum, how long is this going on already?

@Bravo Mod Team
Oh...you just don't like the fact that I discovered a "niche" in this God forsaken industry. Verisign confirmed my suspicions about the lack of ethics in the secondary market of the domain industry. However instead of running for the hills, I'm here to show newbies and others who will listen, there truly is an "alternative"

You haven't been listening if you're not aware that over 50% of registered .com's are not only NOT AVAILABE to register, the rest are either way over-priced, or they're currently in use......and that's a FACT!
You know Brad, I was going to respond to your post, but instead I'm clicking "report" to have it removed.

You did respond to it. LOL.

I am sorry, but if you want to keep posting nonsense about my "agenda" I can clarify what my agenda actually is. That is exactly what I did.

Have a great day!

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You haven't been listening if you're not aware that over 50% of registered .com's are NOT AVAILABE to register, the rest are either way over-priced, or they're currently in use......and that's a FACT!

Oh, and you might want to check your math on the bolded part.
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It's worth thinking about it ,thanks for the article

So far, I haven't spent any money specifically for domain names, except for domain landers such as nkwp.com

Oh, and you might want to check your math on the bolded part.

Yeah, something sounds off there. I am not a mathematician but wouldn't the actual math be -
"100% of registered .com's are NOT AVAILABE to register"
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Yeah, something sounds off there. I am not a mathematician but wouldn't the actual math be -
"100% of registered .com's are NOT AVAILABE to register"

Oh, and you might want to check your math on the bolded part.

Moi!...It's actually more than that. Here are two where I haven't bought the alternative YET, but I would suggest you check out the .com to see where they lead you.


can you believe neither of these domains leads to a website, but having registered 1,503 equivalents in another extension, I know first hand:xf.smile: You can play the semantics game until the cows come home, but very few good .coms are available to register at any price.....FACT!
Moi!...It's actually more than that. Here are two where I haven't bought the alternative YET, but I would suggest you check out the .com to see where they lead you.


can you believe neither of these domains leads to a website, but having registered 1,503 equivalents in another extension, I know first hand:xf.smile: You can play the semantics game until the cows come home, but very few good .coms are available to register at any price.....FACT!
I also can't buy a Michael Jordan rookie card for $5 or a NYC brownstone for $50K. You must be equally infuriated by that as you are by not being able to hand register premium .com names.

At least when it comes to .com domains, you can still register perfectly usable names for $10. Startups do it all the time, and even build multi-million dollar businesses on them.
Bummer thread could have gone a different way as most clicking were here to read about the advertising industry.
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Lol, 'domainer' is just another label for people 'collecting' domains for monetary gain. Nothing wrong with the label although I'm not a domainer first. What's your issue with domainers Rich? By definition you would fall into the category.

an "end user" doesn't care about a domainers credentials

I agree on that. Till you want to take it to the next level. For example, you know Kate. Credentials help at some point.

he/she only care if they like the name, it's easy to pronounce and it's affordable. It doesn't get any more complicated than that Dirk

Wrong. So wrong.
One of the biggest urgent care groups in the US is named "Patient First".

As for your research. This is a list of what they own.

bestpatientfirst.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
cancerpatientsfirst.org 2015-12-30 DOMAINHAWKS.NET LLC
copatients1st.com 2013-06-05 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
firstpatient.us 2008-08-08 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
georgiapatientsfirst.com 2007-10-10 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
georgiapatientsfirst.org 2015-12-30 DOMAINAMANIA.COM LLC
logisticarecomplaints.com 2012-06-13 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
mapatientsfirst.com 2005-01-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
mapatientsfirst.org 2005-01-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
masspatientsfirst.com 2005-01-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
masspatientsfirst.net 2005-01-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
masspatientsfirst.org 2005-01-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
mypatientfirst.com 2014-05-16 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
neighborhoodmedicalcenters.us 2008-11-06 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
neighborhoodmedicalcenters.us 2008-11-06 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
newpatientfirst.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
newpatientfirst.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
nvpatientsfirst.com 2013-04-15 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
nypatientsfirst.com 2011-06-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
nypatientsfirst.org 2012-05-05 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
officialpatientfirst.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
officialpatientfirst.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
ourpatientsfirst.com 2011-11-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
ourpatientsfirst.org 2011-11-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
ourpatientsfirstpac.com 2016-01-10 BURNSIDEDOMAINS.COM LLC
patiencefirsthomecare.com 2012-06-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patienfirstlive.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patient-1st.us 2008-08-08 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patient-first-howard-county.com 2011-02-22 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patient-first.us 2006-12-15 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patient1st.care 2014-08-10 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patient1st.com 2002-09-09 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patient1st.dental 2014-08-10 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patient1st.dentist 2014-12-21 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patient1st.doctor 2016-10-29 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patient1st.health 2017-07-20 NOM-IQ LTD T/A COM LAUDE
patient1st.healthcare 2014-10-19 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patient1st.physio 2014-12-08 NOM-IQ LTD T/A COM LAUDE
patient1st.rehab 2014-12-21 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patient1st.us 2007-02-27 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patient1stchiropractic.com 2015-01-04 DOMAINSAILS.NET LLC
patient1stdentistry.com 2011-06-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patient1stmedsolutions.com 2015-07-08 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patient1stmedsolutions.org 2014-01-09 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patient1stnursing.com 2014-02-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientandpatiencefirst.com 2016-04-19 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirst.biz 2014-03-29 UDOMAINNAME.COM LLC
patientfirst.care 2014-08-04 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.cc 2000-09-21 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirst.clinic 2014-08-04 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.dental 2014-08-04 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.dentist 2014-12-15 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.doctor 2016-10-25 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.health 2017-07-11 NOM-IQ LTD T/A COM LAUDE
patientfirst.healthcare 2014-10-13 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.online 2016-04-09 NETWORK SOLUTIONS LLC
patientfirst.org 2014-06-05 BARONOFDOMAINS.COM LLC
patientfirst.physio 2014-11-07 NOM-IQ LTD T/A COM LAUDE
patientfirst.rehab 2014-12-15 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.surgery 2014-08-04 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.us 2007-01-08 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstadvocate.com 2009-12-12 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstblog.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstchiropractic.com 2015-10-19 ! #1 HOST CHINA, INC.
patientfirstclinic.net 2008-08-08 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstclinics.com 2015-04-05 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstclinics.info 2015-04-04 ATOMICDOMAINNAMES.COM LLC
patientfirstclinics.net 2015-04-05 EUROPEANCONNECTIONONLINE.COM LLC
patientfirstclinics.org 2015-04-04 BARONOFDOMAINS.COM LLC
patientfirstcollections.info 2016-02-19 COLUMBIANAMES.COM LLC
patientfirstconsulting.com 2015-08-01 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstcontractors.com 2014-08-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstcorp.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstcorporation.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstcredit.com 2013-05-24 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstdental.com 2015-12-11 TURBONAMES LLC
patientfirstdentist.info 2012-10-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstdentist.org 2012-10-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstdialysis.com 2011-06-12 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirsthc.com 2011-04-14 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirsthh.com 2016-12-13 DOMAINCATCHER LLC
patientfirsthhc.com 2013-11-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirsthome.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirsthomehealth.com 2011-09-09 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstleadership.com 2014-10-15 DOMAINSOFTHEWORLD.NET LLC
patientfirstonline.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstpractice.com 2012-10-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstpractice.info 2012-10-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstpractice.org 2012-10-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstpt.com 2010-05-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstsite.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirsttesting.com 2004-04-02 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstwalkinclinic.com 2011-08-13 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstweb.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstwellness.info 2016-11-25 DOMAINGAZELLE.COM LLC
patientfirstwellness.org 2016-11-26 BULLRUNDOMAINS.COM LLC
patients-first.org 2015-09-24 DESCHUTESDOMAINS.COM LLC
patients1st.care 2014-08-10 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patients1st.dental 2014-08-10 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patients1st.dentist 2014-12-21 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patients1st.doctor 2016-10-29 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patients1st.health 2017-07-20 NOM-IQ LTD T/A COM LAUDE
patients1st.healthcare 2014-10-19 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patients1st.org 2006-10-04 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patients1st.physio 2014-12-08 NOM-IQ LTD T/A COM LAUDE
patients1st.rehab 2014-12-21 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patients1st.us 2007-02-27 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patients1stcare.com 2016-11-07 ENOM389 INCORPORATED
patients1stclinics.com 2011-03-22 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1stcollective.com 2016-03-20 ETHOS DOMAINS, LLC
patients1stdentistry.com 2011-08-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1sthhc.com 2017-02-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1stinsurance.com 2012-06-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1stmedsales.com 2014-04-04 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1stmedsales.net 2016-11-21 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1stofyuma.com 2015-08-24 EUTURBO.COM LLC
patients1stphysicaltherapy.com 2016-01-08 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1strx.com 2012-04-17 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1stvoice.com 2015-05-24 LUCKY ELEPHANT DOMAINS, LLC
patientsfirst.biz 2011-08-15 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientsfirst.care 2014-08-10 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientsfirst.dental 2014-08-10 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientsfirst.dentist 2014-12-21 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientsfirst.doctor 2016-10-29 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientsfirst.health 2017-07-20 NOM-IQ LTD T/A COM LAUDE
patientsfirst.healthcare 2015-08-23 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientsfirst.rehab 2014-12-21 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientsfirst.us 2014-08-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientsfirstalways.com 2008-07-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstalways.org 2008-07-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientsfirstcare.com 2013-09-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstcoalition.com 2016-12-12 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstcoalition.org 2016-07-13 DOMAINAMANIA.COM LLC
patientsfirstcommunityhospital.com 2010-04-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstcommunityhospital.org 2015-06-25 ATOMICDOMAINNAMES.COM LLC
patientsfirstcontractors.com 2013-05-09 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstcoop.com 2012-06-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstdentistry.com 2011-08-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstdme.com 2014-04-24 PROTONDOMAINS.COM LLC
patientsfirsteureka.com 2010-09-16 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirsthc.com 2003-11-12 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirsthh.com 2017-02-25 ! #1 HOST CANADA, INC.
patientsfirsthomehealthagency.com 2016-11-28 MVPDOMAINNAMES.COM LLC
patientsfirstinsurance.com 2012-06-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstma.com 2005-01-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstma.org 2005-01-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientsfirstmedicaltransport.com 2014-03-13 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstmontgomery.com 2013-09-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstnetwork.com 2014-07-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstnfl.com 2014-03-23 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstny.com 2014-10-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstny.org 2014-10-25 COLUMBIANAMES.COM LLC
patientsfirstorthopedics.com 2007-01-09 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstpac.com 2016-01-10 DOMAINGAZELLE.COM LLC
patientsfirstpharmacy.com 2012-05-14 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstphysicaltherapy.com 2014-05-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstprogram.org 2016-07-26 DESCHUTESDOMAINS.COM LLC
patientsfirstsd.com 2015-07-26 LIONSHARE DOMAINS, LLC
patientsfirstsd.info 2014-07-23 DOMAINGAZELLE.COM LLC
patientsfirstsd.net 2014-07-25 DEVILDOGDOMAINS.COM, LLC
patientsfirstsd.org 2014-07-24 DOMAINCAPITAN.COM LLC
patientsfirsttallahassee.com 2017-07-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirsturgentcare.com 2010-09-16 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstyourneighborhoodmedicalcenter.com 2017-07-18 FRESHBREWEDDOMAINS.COM LLC
patientsrfirst.com 2010-10-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
potomacpatientsfirst.com 2010-10-11 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
rarediseasespatientsfirst.com 2014-02-23 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
rarediseasespatientsfirst.org 2014-02-23 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
rdpfo.com 2014-02-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
rdpfo.info 2014-02-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
rdpfo.net 2014-02-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
rdpfo.org 2014-02-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
thepatientsfirst.org 2016-03-24 DOMAINCAPITAN.COM LLC
yourpatientfirst.com 2015-05-03 FINDYOUADOMAIN.COM LLC
yourpatientfirst.info 2015-05-03 BULLRUNDOMAINS.COM LLC
yourpatientfirst.net 2015-05-03 BULLRUNDOMAINS.COM LLC
yourpatientfirst.us 2015-05-01 UDOMAINNAME.COM LLC
yumapatients1st.com 2011-11-14 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.

Now look at that... they do own the online, some defensive regs. As a 'domainer' you should ask yourself, what are the odds they will pay a premium number for a random TLD? Also, if you don't tread carefully it would be considered cybersquatting.
I also can't buy a Michael Jordan rookie card for $5 or a NYC brownstone for $50K. You must be equally infuriated by that as you are by not being able to hand register premium .com names.

At least when it comes to .com domains, you can still register perfectly usable names for $10. Startups do it all the time, and even build multi-million dollar businesses on them.
Oh Joe....where have you been:xf.rolleyes: I have plenty of those too. Do you just make this stuff up on a whim?
As for your research. This is a list of what they own.

bestpatientfirst.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
cancerpatientsfirst.org 2015-12-30 DOMAINHAWKS.NET LLC
copatients1st.com 2013-06-05 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
firstpatient.us 2008-08-08 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
georgiapatientsfirst.com 2007-10-10 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
georgiapatientsfirst.org 2015-12-30 DOMAINAMANIA.COM LLC
logisticarecomplaints.com 2012-06-13 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
mapatientsfirst.com 2005-01-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
mapatientsfirst.org 2005-01-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
masspatientsfirst.com 2005-01-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
masspatientsfirst.net 2005-01-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
masspatientsfirst.org 2005-01-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
mypatientfirst.com 2014-05-16 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
neighborhoodmedicalcenters.us 2008-11-06 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
neighborhoodmedicalcenters.us 2008-11-06 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
newpatientfirst.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
newpatientfirst.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
nvpatientsfirst.com 2013-04-15 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
nypatientsfirst.com 2011-06-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
nypatientsfirst.org 2012-05-05 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
officialpatientfirst.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
officialpatientfirst.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
ourpatientsfirst.com 2011-11-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
ourpatientsfirst.org 2011-11-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
ourpatientsfirstpac.com 2016-01-10 BURNSIDEDOMAINS.COM LLC
patiencefirsthomecare.com 2012-06-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patienfirstlive.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patient-1st.us 2008-08-08 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patient-first-howard-county.com 2011-02-22 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patient-first.us 2006-12-15 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patient1st.care 2014-08-10 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patient1st.com 2002-09-09 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patient1st.dental 2014-08-10 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patient1st.dentist 2014-12-21 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patient1st.doctor 2016-10-29 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patient1st.health 2017-07-20 NOM-IQ LTD T/A COM LAUDE
patient1st.healthcare 2014-10-19 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patient1st.physio 2014-12-08 NOM-IQ LTD T/A COM LAUDE
patient1st.rehab 2014-12-21 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patient1st.us 2007-02-27 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patient1stchiropractic.com 2015-01-04 DOMAINSAILS.NET LLC
patient1stdentistry.com 2011-06-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patient1stmedsolutions.com 2015-07-08 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patient1stmedsolutions.org 2014-01-09 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patient1stnursing.com 2014-02-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientandpatiencefirst.com 2016-04-19 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirst.biz 2014-03-29 UDOMAINNAME.COM LLC
patientfirst.care 2014-08-04 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.cc 2000-09-21 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirst.clinic 2014-08-04 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.dental 2014-08-04 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.dentist 2014-12-15 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.doctor 2016-10-25 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.health 2017-07-11 NOM-IQ LTD T/A COM LAUDE
patientfirst.healthcare 2014-10-13 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.online 2016-04-09 NETWORK SOLUTIONS LLC
patientfirst.org 2014-06-05 BARONOFDOMAINS.COM LLC
patientfirst.physio 2014-11-07 NOM-IQ LTD T/A COM LAUDE
patientfirst.rehab 2014-12-15 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.surgery 2014-08-04 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientfirst.us 2007-01-08 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstadvocate.com 2009-12-12 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstblog.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstchiropractic.com 2015-10-19 ! #1 HOST CHINA, INC.
patientfirstclinic.net 2008-08-08 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstclinics.com 2015-04-05 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstclinics.info 2015-04-04 ATOMICDOMAINNAMES.COM LLC
patientfirstclinics.net 2015-04-05 EUROPEANCONNECTIONONLINE.COM LLC
patientfirstclinics.org 2015-04-04 BARONOFDOMAINS.COM LLC
patientfirstcollections.info 2016-02-19 COLUMBIANAMES.COM LLC
patientfirstconsulting.com 2015-08-01 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstcontractors.com 2014-08-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstcorp.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstcorporation.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstcredit.com 2013-05-24 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstdental.com 2015-12-11 TURBONAMES LLC
patientfirstdentist.info 2012-10-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstdentist.org 2012-10-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstdialysis.com 2011-06-12 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirsthc.com 2011-04-14 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirsthh.com 2016-12-13 DOMAINCATCHER LLC
patientfirsthhc.com 2013-11-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirsthome.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirsthomehealth.com 2011-09-09 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstleadership.com 2014-10-15 DOMAINSOFTHEWORLD.NET LLC
patientfirstonline.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstpractice.com 2012-10-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstpractice.info 2012-10-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstpractice.org 2012-10-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstpt.com 2010-05-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstsite.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirsttesting.com 2004-04-02 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstwalkinclinic.com 2011-08-13 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientfirstweb.us 2006-12-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientfirstwellness.info 2016-11-25 DOMAINGAZELLE.COM LLC
patientfirstwellness.org 2016-11-26 BULLRUNDOMAINS.COM LLC
patients-first.org 2015-09-24 DESCHUTESDOMAINS.COM LLC
patients1st.care 2014-08-10 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patients1st.dental 2014-08-10 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patients1st.dentist 2014-12-21 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patients1st.doctor 2016-10-29 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patients1st.health 2017-07-20 NOM-IQ LTD T/A COM LAUDE
patients1st.healthcare 2014-10-19 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patients1st.org 2006-10-04 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patients1st.physio 2014-12-08 NOM-IQ LTD T/A COM LAUDE
patients1st.rehab 2014-12-21 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patients1st.us 2007-02-27 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patients1stcare.com 2016-11-07 ENOM389 INCORPORATED
patients1stclinics.com 2011-03-22 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1stcollective.com 2016-03-20 ETHOS DOMAINS, LLC
patients1stdentistry.com 2011-08-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1sthhc.com 2017-02-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1stinsurance.com 2012-06-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1stmedsales.com 2014-04-04 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1stmedsales.net 2016-11-21 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1stofyuma.com 2015-08-24 EUTURBO.COM LLC
patients1stphysicaltherapy.com 2016-01-08 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1strx.com 2012-04-17 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patients1stvoice.com 2015-05-24 LUCKY ELEPHANT DOMAINS, LLC
patientsfirst.biz 2011-08-15 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientsfirst.care 2014-08-10 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientsfirst.dental 2014-08-10 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientsfirst.dentist 2014-12-21 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientsfirst.doctor 2016-10-29 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientsfirst.health 2017-07-20 NOM-IQ LTD T/A COM LAUDE
patientsfirst.healthcare 2015-08-23 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientsfirst.rehab 2014-12-21 NOM-IQ LTD. DBA COM LAUDE
patientsfirst.us 2014-08-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientsfirstalways.com 2008-07-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstalways.org 2008-07-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientsfirstcare.com 2013-09-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstcoalition.com 2016-12-12 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstcoalition.org 2016-07-13 DOMAINAMANIA.COM LLC
patientsfirstcommunityhospital.com 2010-04-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstcommunityhospital.org 2015-06-25 ATOMICDOMAINNAMES.COM LLC
patientsfirstcontractors.com 2013-05-09 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstcoop.com 2012-06-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstdentistry.com 2011-08-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstdme.com 2014-04-24 PROTONDOMAINS.COM LLC
patientsfirsteureka.com 2010-09-16 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirsthc.com 2003-11-12 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirsthh.com 2017-02-25 ! #1 HOST CANADA, INC.
patientsfirsthomehealthagency.com 2016-11-28 MVPDOMAINNAMES.COM LLC
patientsfirstinsurance.com 2012-06-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstma.com 2005-01-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstma.org 2005-01-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
patientsfirstmedicaltransport.com 2014-03-13 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstmontgomery.com 2013-09-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstnetwork.com 2014-07-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstnfl.com 2014-03-23 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstny.com 2014-10-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstny.org 2014-10-25 COLUMBIANAMES.COM LLC
patientsfirstorthopedics.com 2007-01-09 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstpac.com 2016-01-10 DOMAINGAZELLE.COM LLC
patientsfirstpharmacy.com 2012-05-14 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstphysicaltherapy.com 2014-05-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstprogram.org 2016-07-26 DESCHUTESDOMAINS.COM LLC
patientsfirstsd.com 2015-07-26 LIONSHARE DOMAINS, LLC
patientsfirstsd.info 2014-07-23 DOMAINGAZELLE.COM LLC
patientsfirstsd.net 2014-07-25 DEVILDOGDOMAINS.COM, LLC
patientsfirstsd.org 2014-07-24 DOMAINCAPITAN.COM LLC
patientsfirsttallahassee.com 2017-07-18 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirsturgentcare.com 2010-09-16 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
patientsfirstyourneighborhoodmedicalcenter.com 2017-07-18 FRESHBREWEDDOMAINS.COM LLC
patientsrfirst.com 2010-10-20 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
potomacpatientsfirst.com 2010-10-11 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
rarediseasespatientsfirst.com 2014-02-23 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
rarediseasespatientsfirst.org 2014-02-23 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
rdpfo.com 2014-02-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
rdpfo.info 2014-02-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
rdpfo.net 2014-02-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
rdpfo.org 2014-02-25 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC
thepatientsfirst.org 2016-03-24 DOMAINCAPITAN.COM LLC
yourpatientfirst.com 2015-05-03 FINDYOUADOMAIN.COM LLC
yourpatientfirst.info 2015-05-03 BULLRUNDOMAINS.COM LLC
yourpatientfirst.net 2015-05-03 BULLRUNDOMAINS.COM LLC
yourpatientfirst.us 2015-05-01 UDOMAINNAME.COM LLC
yumapatients1st.com 2011-11-14 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.

Now look at that... they do own the online, some defensive regs. As a 'domainer' you should ask yourself, what are the odds they will pay a premium number for a random TLD? Also, if you don't tread carefully it would be considered cybersquatting.
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