Dark side of Domain Parking... Pretty good payouts and overall a sweet deal but not s

Spaceship Spaceship


WannaDevelop.comEstablished Member
The various domain pay per click parking services are the backbone of the domain industry... Without them most domainers would be screwed. Many of the domain parking companies are responsible for most of the industry's expansion over the years as they have helped with the monetization of the traffic... They provide such a sweet deal. You park and forget... Everything is done automatically!! Yea, so awesome... Sounds good right? But there are various issues with domain parking companies that you don't hear much about. I think now is a good time to put it out there and let people digest it and take away whatever people want from it. It's all based on my personal experiences as well as from talking to various individuals that run pay per click parking companies as well as big spenders in the search engine marketing game.

Now... if you don't already know, I am the accounts supervisor over at so I am in charge of approving all new clients that come in. We have probably accepted less than 80% of all people that have applied for our services. Why? A lot of the submissions are from scammers and fraudsters trying to game us. A bunch of them we weren't able to catch on at the door and actually let them in. But sooner than later, they are exposed... How? Well, we monitor the traffic levels as well as actual conversion rates and do comparisons and use various methods to verify that the incoming traffic is actually humans and so on. So here is a little insight into the domain parking phenomena below and some of the major issues that exist.

I'll start this off by sharing an experience I had back in 2005 which changed my perspective on domain name parking, fraudsters and online business. It was a pretty good lesson.. So, a few years ago a random person, outta nowhere, contacted me on one of the domain forums and wanted an invitation to a domain parking program which at that time was by invite only and not available to sign p for by the general public. He found me through a discussion of domain parking which I praised the service from personal experience. I didn't really know the person very well or heard much about him but didn't think much of it, so heck, why not... I helped him join the program. I've helped dozens of people join various programs. Not just for the sake of helping him but because I could collect a 5% or 10% commission on all of his earnings... That was the real incentive. It is a nice side income.

Fast forward about seven or eight month's later, I get a strange e-mail from one of the account reps over at this domain parking company which I don't want to mention and they notify me that they have terminated my account and withholding all payouts. Strange! I replied and asked what exactly is going on... Especially because I was not even using this parking company for at least a few month's. So what I was told is that the one person I mentioned above who I referred was actually involved with click fraud. I guess the parking company had assumed that I was somehow related to him and decided to close down my account as well just to be safe? Uhh... I guess.

Fast forward a few more month's and later the CEO of the company e-mails, in regards to a totally unrelated issue, and on a side note did ask me what I thought of their new program which they had rolled out and how my experience was and why I am not using them anymore for any domain parking blah blah.... I told him that my account was terminated a while ago and that I am not so much involved in parking domains and so on so it doesn't really matter... He said that he would investigate and try to figure out what exactly went down because that didn't make any sense. Of course he did this becaue he wanted my business and he knew better that I would never do any click fraud or anything silly to cause my account to be closed down.

Well, it turns out that the person who I referred and helped setup an account over there actually tried to make it look like he was my "business partner" and when I was forwarded all of the e-mails where he made demands and threats against the parking company that "we" which meant him and me would bring forward if they didn't do this and that... Crazy! Do you know those inquiries you get on the forums from time to time via private messages or e-mail from random people, mostly new members, asking to use your parking account and they will pay you a lot of money in return or sometimes even do a revenue share just if you help them setup one? What about offers to straight out buy your parking account?? Yep... Those are all scams.

There is actually an underground black market for domain parking accounts. The ones that are free and open to the public are the cheapest and the ones that are the most restrictive and selective which require manual approval or only avail by invitation go for quiet a bit. Oh, so you didn't know? You didn't think this was going on... Trust me, it has been going on for years and will continue to happen for years to come as long as there is money to be made... There will be abuse. It exists in every industry and the domain industry is no exception! There is no getting away from it unfortunately. But who is to blame? Well, it is definitely the parking companies fault. The companies don't care and they don't feel responsible for some reason.

Why is it the domain parking company fault though? Well, because they turn their shoulder on this issues... Most of the domain parking companies are using the same technologies that were developed years ago when they first launched their service and there are no major upgrades.... Ever. None of them update their back end as often as one would think. The types of upgrades they do make is all "cosmetic" which are new lander optimization setup, different or unique headers or color themes, etc. Sure, they look really pretty and totally cool and awesome and will definitely "wow" a domainer and knock your socks right off but come on... Is it really anything to get excited over or that big of a deal this days? We are in the year 2009...

Domain investors are some of the most newish people on the internet, that is the truth, and many don't hide this and straight out admit to this and it is so easy to impress them either with a cool picture on a parked domain name or a made up stat that the parking company will make available as part of a "new major upgrade" to their systems. This is done in order to keep peoples hopes alive that they can make even more money in the future and to keep the next generation of newbies on the hook.

So anyways, what is the real reason that the domain parking companies don't close down all of the accounts which clearly have all the red flags and signs of click fraud and abuse? For example, accounts with domain names that generate traffic only from other websites via referrals... Accounts that only generate traffic on the most ridiculous and made up domain names like or or with absolutely no referrers or unresolved ip's?? Well, it is greed of course. Those accounts are earning $1,000's each and every day... The parking companies get a nice 20 to 30 percent commission off of that traffic earnings so they turn their shoulder and pretend like there is nothing wrong. The advertiser gets all this worthless traffic... And you wonder why most advertisers choose to opt out of the domain channel?? Ha...

The red flags should be visible immediately... Within a few days or a week maximum. You see, the fraudsters and scammers accounts traffic and revenues continue to increase each and day.. They literally flood you with traffic. This is actually how they get caught most of the time because they do not know when or where to stop. It is such easy money that they keep going and going and pushing their luck. The fraudsters are all greedy and stupid for the most part and don't have very good self control. Maybe some of the parking companies don't catch on to this issues because they have thousands of active accounts and only one person in charge of the whole operation, which is a possibility, because there is a lot of parking companies that are a one or two man operation. They are not really as big of a business or operation as one would think. They do not have multiple support and other staff or offices and all this complex infrastructure. All they have is a direct agreement and access to an advertisement inventory made available to them by Google or Yahoo which they let you in on if you decide to split profits with them three ways.

There are a couple of very smart and clever domain scammers/fraudsters that operate very complex click fraud operations within the domain channel. Whatever some individual trademark infringers do is actually dwarfed 100x compared to this. This people own premium keyword domain names as well. These people lease out premium keyword domain names month-to-month... These people register generic three and four keyword domain names daily and park them and feed untargeted and crap traffic to the domain channel. These people are just your average domainers I guess with thousands of domain names... Catch is, they are mostly feeding traffic from link spamming, internet messenger/chatroom spam as well as adware/spyware. They block the referrers/headers and have developed tools and systems to distribute traffic from any one or multiple sources to thousands of domains throughout the day and not get caught.

It is virtually impossible to zero in on these people because they have multiple accounts at each and every domain parking company that exists out there, I am pretty sure of this and they own thousands of domain names. I never understood why domain parking companies accepted expired link traffic though... This is just asking for trouble. Recipe for a major disaster. Domain parking is for "inactive" domain names... But as domain parking took off and people found out about the "easy money" lots of people started building up websites and building up the traffic to those websites and then few month's later they park them. Real smart!

Well, the domain parking companies have had it's better days and as you can see, there are so many flaws within the whole operation that it is really hopeless. Not even a major shake up will help. There isn't one solution they could go with in order to fix the problems. Things have just gotten way outta hand... I could spend about another few hours writing up of all of the other issues that exist within the domain parking setup and concept but it's really pointless.

The time has come... People are waking up and starting to figure this out on their own. Google is already well aware of this problem and has seriously considered to pull the plug on the domain channel a couple of times in the past. Google has already held payouts and done "clawbacks" going back as far as a few month's on certain peoples accounts. It's all there... The nail in the coffin? Soon soon. How long does domain parking companies have? Will they be around next year? It's hard to tell... They are at the mercy of the only two providers of the ad feeds. One day though without any notice or warning signs you may wake up and your traffic will be monetized by a third tier pay per click engine with payouts at 1/10th of what they used to be. So if you are solely relying on parking revenue and you do not have any other monetization options, you need to make backup plans, right now!!!

I personally saw all this problems few years ago and I'm really surprised parking has stayed around for so long. It was one of the reasons that made me want to quit once I accomplished my goals. Luckily, I parked a ton of domains and made a killing from doing so during the "golden" daysI quit parking domain names at the end of 2005 for good and that was one of the best business decisions that I have made in my life and I never even look back. It's shocking to me that everybody chooses to ignore all of this problems and carry on with business as if nothing is wrong. I think that once we look at domain parking, from a historic prospective, maybe a year or two from today, we will all be just shaking our heads and looking at eachother in disbelief that it did actually happen... It's all about the benjamins eh? Carry on then Google, Parking companies and whoever else wants a piece of the action.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
i dont normally sell any of my domains.

i buy hundreds of domains each and every month. i bought lots over the past few month or two, some at auctions, some from members here, some hand regged...

the sales u refer to above is an experiment which i needed to do in order to catch up with the times.... i was 99% convineced and knew already deep down inside that aftermarket and direct reseller to resller market is dead... it is definitely more than dead.

if i was to put those name for appraisals id get $100s or $1000s of dollars worth of worthless valuations... but nobody to pay up when this domains are avail at bargain prices... haaa

now we are way off topic, not sure what that at all has to do with "dark side of domain parking"

moving on...

and Donny, you run one of the top 5 parking companies in the industry and do a great job at it

always admired the operation u have going and we really miss the arbritrage.. bring it back! ;)

oh, and look out for the "domain sales is an art" article coming over the weekend... ;)

and tonight the "domain industry is so full of it" piece is quiet good too.. wont be posting it anywhere else tho

i dont want to distract too many veteran domainers tht work 15+ hrs per day from posting their analysis and teaching me whats really right becuase god forbid i may misrepresent the domain industry and piss somebody off
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Mike - The good old days... :)

Donny said:
Mike - The good old days... :)


the real good old days were when i could buy an expired type domain off enom for $15 or something like over at godaddy for $5 and send those 100,000 chinese and indian visitors to a domain parking company and make a killing...
mike031 said:
now we are way off topic, not sure what that at all has to do with "dark side of domain parking"

It has to do with the fact that you said you develop everything you buy and never park, yet clearly that is not true:

mike031 said:
started fresh by registering generic keyword domains, and yes i did develop everything i have bought ever since... i dont buy names just to hold on to them for the sake of bragging "look i have this many domains... ha ha i am so cool"

You also said domainers who park are lazy, yet you are parking domains:

mike031 said:
the real reason most domain names are parked, and not just adult ones is that domainers are lazy and dont know any better

What I don't understand is if you buy hundreds of domains every single month, how could you possibly be developing them all?

mike031 said:
i buy hundreds of domains each and every month. i bought lots over the past few month or two, some at auctions, some from members here, some hand regged...

So how are we supposed to take what you say seriously? Seems like just a bunch of fluff to me, maybe to draw some attention to your "development" services.
i actually like fabulous because they convenitely provide one email address per parked domain which can forward to ur main email

really useful when u are pitching 100s of ur domains to end-users

i quickly set those up when i had free time and pitched em to a few end users via email as well as domainers to see the results :)

as for the critique, i appreciate it --- feedback is welcome to the email that is on my site and i dont care about the seo of my wannadevelop site, i put it goether in 2 mins and its just there to provide as an outlet for news/views

i have more impoirtant things to do:)

any more questions, mr. wise ass ?
l2ride55 said:
And that "development" business I wouldn't kick a dog in the ass with because if that's SEO on your "wanna" site, where's the meta description and keywords tags on your inner pages? SEO 101.

If you were after a bit of short-term traffic by starting this thread, you've accomplished that to some degree. But calling out, then throwing Domainers under the bus to get them to your blog is just plain asinine.

Some of us take this business seriously, some of us.


sorry mr serious for my seo on my site not being satisfactory.. perhaps u can teach me more about ur more serious methods that u have learned, being in the game for what... 1 year more or less?? i can probly learn a lot from u ;)

iv only been doing this since 2002.... what do i know ?

l2ride55 said:
LOL. You should try to register

Fits you like a glove


cool, u provide domain naming / consulting too??

rock on !!
mike031 said:
sorry mr serious for my seo on my site not being satisfactory.. perhaps u can teach me more about ur more serious methods that u have learned, being in the game for what... 1 year more or less?? i can probly learn a lot from u ;)

iv only been doing this since 2002.... what do i know ?

cool, u provide domain naming / consulting too??

rock on !!
Sorry, but when you're trying to charge $1k for "development" of up to 10 minisites, it might help to show your visitors that you can do a solid job developing your own business site. If you don't take your own site seriously, what are visitors supposed to think you'll do for them?
Michael said:
Sorry, but when you're trying to charge $1k for "development" of up to 10 minisites, it might help to show your visitors that you can do a solid job developing your own business site. If you don't take your own site seriously, what are visitors supposed to think you'll do for them?

i really dont care for that sites current look and feel, it gets the job done, doesnt it?

i put in literally 2 mins into it when i launched it 3 months ago and u are the first person to ever suggest that it isnt a "solid" enough site.. interesting :)

its not all about being pretty on the outside... its all cosmetic and bs --- a good site doesnt need to look good or be perfect. it has to be: functional and everything that is on it needs to be easily accessible... the simpler the better.. but again, waht do i know ?

l2ride55 said:
LOL - one year? I've been around this game since before 4 function calculators came out and the World Wide Web was opened up to institutions of higher learning. Before Compuserve and Prodigy son.

Besides, anything I do (or don't know), isn't really subject to conversation as I don't try to sell my knowledge (or lack of) for moolah.

Pretending to be an expert in this game? Not me. You don't have to look far to see what happens to those folks that think they know everything now do you?


show me one domain name, just one, where the whois records can confirm this and then i will believe you... cuz for some reason i am having a hard time
Mike, a couple of months ago I stumbled across your "Wannadev..." site and from it, the "Maxx..." adult parking program. I will say I had, for a moment, considered trying out the "Maxx" service for some adult domains I have, but after doing a bit of online research and reading some of the things you had to say on other sites/forums, I came to the conclusion that I would not be comfortable dealing with a company that had you as a representative.

I was surprised tonight to learn that you were also a member here but this thread has just reinforced my original conclusion.
l2ride55 said:
Kinda' like me believing you walked away from parking and never looked back? Kinda' like you saying you develop all your names while using Fab? Kinda' like you saying you only buy and hold names but there's a list of domains for sale? Kinda' like you calling Domainers lazy and chopping up the "parking" industry? And on and on and on...

LOL, I don't need to "prove" anything to you. If you were credible, then I might, but that's a moot point.

Keep digging, I'd love to see your face when you find out.

L2 Lumpy

i dont know u and u dont know me... we can go back and forth like this all day long, really pointless, i say lets move on -- we can agree to disagree, i dont really care

no big deal

just tried to have a civil convo since i dont have comments enabled on my site with a bunch of domainers... didnt work out so well as a million of things were thrown into the discussion and got totally off topic

this is one of the reasons i stay off the forums and have for the past few yrs as its not what it once used to be

places like Rick Schwartz board was a sanctuary compared to all of this "noise"

i wish i had more time to get to know u and everybody else who obviously really want to make friends and admire me so much already ;) but...its all good, it was a nice chat but got stuff to take care off and i wrote enough for 1 day

have a good one all :)

missed Michaels comments

What I don't understand is if you buy hundreds of domains every single month, how could you possibly be developing them all?

Originally Posted by mike031
i buy hundreds of domains each and every month. i bought lots over the past few month or two, some at auctions, some from members here, some hand regged...

So how are we supposed to take what you say seriously? Seems like just a bunch of fluff to me, maybe to draw some attention to your "development" services.

mike, i register the domains and usually within 1 month develop em... i dont park em, becuase that is actually working backwords.

a parked domain risks getting a penalty / ban by google... it doesnt make sense for me to potentially make a dollar over a period of one month while it is parked and then have to do months of link building and "recovery" work and re-establish the web site with the search engine

hope it makes sense

and reason i parked the domaisn at fab becuase they email froward

when i email an end user, the reply-to is set at this is much more official and works well

as for the shameless self promo comment, i relly could care less about the promo or who visits or doesnt visit my site

i already said why i posted this.. to educate some, and to get dialogue going on certain issues which i feel are important

until next time......

*signs off*
Nice story thanks.

I never get approved by 2 parking companies its because i not have domains who earn 2k usd monthly in traffic :D

There are in internet couple gud known who want earn 70% from your traffic :)
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mike031 said:
just tried to have a civil convo since i dont have comments enabled on my site with a bunch of domainers... didnt work out so well as a million of things were thrown into the discussion and got totally off topic

this is one of the reasons i stay off the forums and have for the past few yrs as its not what it once used to be

places like Rick Schwartz board was a sanctuary compared to all of this "noise"

i wish i had more time to get to know u and everybody else who obviously really want to make friends and admire me so much already ;) but...its all good, it was a nice chat but got stuff to take care off and i wrote enough for 1 day

have a good one all :)
Now, you are walking away....closing shop? What a joke.

You start off this thead literally pontificating as if you are the only one that has any real knowledge about domaining/development/adult industry. And that is fine......there are folks that do that.....but if you are going to do that you had better be able to handle different positions when a lazy domainer challenges your positions.

Civil? You've not been very civil. You called domainers lazy and stupid, said they don't know any better, then went on to call a NamePros member a "wise ass".'s the forum's fault....."It's not what it once was....." and everything everyone here says is just "noise".

Plus, to top it off you have "stuff to take care of" that is so much more important than this "noise" that you were called out on your statements.

You appear to have a very dismissive attitude towards domainers, domaining, anyone who questions you, any statements made by those here, your site design quality, the importance of the parked sites at FAB for emails, and lastly this conversation.

Anyways....:rolleyes:......back to my 15 hr. work quota.
mike031 said:
i dont normally sell any of my domains.

i buy hundreds of domains each and every month. i bought lots over the past few month or two, some at auctions, some from members here, some hand regged...

the sales u refer to above is an experiment which i needed to do in order to catch up with the times.... i was 99% convineced and knew already deep down inside that aftermarket and direct reseller to resller market is dead... it is definitely more than dead.

if i was to put those name for appraisals id get $100s or $1000s of dollars worth of worthless valuations... but nobody to pay up when this domains are avail at bargain prices... haaa

now we are way off topic, not sure what that at all has to do with "dark side of domain parking"

moving on...

and Donny, you run one of the top 5 parking companies in the industry and do a great job at it

always admired the operation u have going and we really miss the arbritrage.. bring it back! ;)

oh, and look out for the "domain sales is an art" article coming over the weekend... ;)

and tonight the "domain industry is so full of it" piece is quiet good too.. wont be posting it anywhere else tho

i dont want to distract too many veteran domainers tht work 15+ hrs per day from posting their analysis and teaching me whats really right becuase god forbid i may misrepresent the domain industry and piss somebody off


The aftermarket is "dead". Do you know what is happening is Latin America, Europe, Asia or even the Middle East in the domain industry, lot's of great sales going on. The internet is worldwide and many sales are NDA. I buy and sell many spanish names and if you want to see how "dead" things are go to the spanish domain forum; and you will see some XXX,XXX sales going on. You need to learn about trends and where the action is.

Bottom line here, is you are trying to sell your services.

mike031 said:
I'll start this off by sharing an experience I had back in 2005 which changed my perspective on domain name parking, fraudsters and online business. It was a pretty good lesson.. So, a few years ago a random person, outta nowhere, contacted me on one of the domain forums and wanted an invitation to a domain parking program which at that time was by invite only and not available to sign p for by the general public. He found me through a discussion of domain parking which I praised the service from personal experience. I didn't really know the person very well or heard much about him but didn't think much of it, so heck, why not... I helped him join the program. I've helped dozens of people join various programs. Not just for the sake of helping him but because I could collect a 5% or 10% commission on all of his earnings... That was the real incentive. It is a nice side income.

Fast forward about seven or eight month's later, I get a strange e-mail from one of the account reps over at this domain parking company which I don't want to mention and they notify me that they have terminated my account and withholding all payouts. Strange! I replied and asked what exactly is going on... Especially because I was not even using this parking company for at least a few month's. So what I was told is that the one person I mentioned above who I referred was actually involved with click fraud.

I have never heard of anybody getting kicked out of a parking program because of what a referral did. Is this really true?

If I see a bunch of clicks that I know are not valid I may email the company or my account rep right away and let them know. I don't see how you can be held responsible for the actions of a referral.
Seabass said:
Now, you are walking away....closing shop? What a joke.

You start off this thead literally pontificating as if you are the only one that has any real knowledge about domaining/development/adult industry. And that is fine......there are folks that do that.....but if you are going to do that you had better be able to handle different positions when a lazy domainer challenges your positions.

Civil? You've not been very civil. You called domainers lazy and stupid, said they don't know any better, then went on to call a NamePros member a "wise ass".'s the forum's fault....."It's not what it once was....." and everything everyone here says is just "noise".

Plus, to top it off you have "stuff to take care of" that is so much more important than this "noise" that you were called out on your statements.

You appear to have a very dismissive attitude towards domainers, domaining, anyone who questions you, any statements made by those here, your site design quality, the importance of the parked sites at FAB for emails, and lastly this conversation.

Anyways....:rolleyes:......back to my 15 hr. work quota.

i wasnt the one who started attacking left to right.. i posted my views and opinions, doh

but of course some people have to jump in, god knows why, when forum reps and credibility may be at stake or there is an opportunity to win some love from the crowd...

for some reason some ppl took it personal, i wonder why... newbies *cough cough* that is what happens, though, and quiet frankly i am not surprised.... u dont like what i say? u dont have to... its fine, but the truth hurts, my friends

great a grip.

i dont mind flaming back and forth... havent done that in like 8 or 9 years...brings back some IRC chat memories.....which then led to DDOS fights and ./ownage

was fun for about the hour i spent on reading and replying to some of the comments trying to make sense of things and get back on point, not so challenging or difficult, i believe i cleared the record, but i appreciate some of the arguments brought forward trying to better understand waht it is i do so u can in the future know about the authoring

but i really dont care about whether some random ppl approve or disapprove of what i wrote at the end of the day... and we have this thing called free speech in the us

i dont even think about what happend the other day.. i moved on... i am staying busy with my work load and the next article and then the next and so on

discovernow said:

The aftermarket is "dead". Do you know what is happening is Latin America, Europe, Asia or even the Middle East in the domain industry, lot's of great sales going on. The internet is worldwide and many sales are NDA. I buy and sell many spanish names and if you want to see how "dead" things are go to the spanish domain forum; and you will see some XXX,XXX sales going on. You need to learn about trends and where the action is.

Bottom line here, is you are trying to sell your services.


no way for me to know this.. i do not spend 24/7/365 browsing all of the forums in the world.. i could care less, but the market is not booming anymore as it once was and i mentioned in my article clearly that some parts of the industry are hot and will continue to get even hotter

one of the best investment opportunities in the domain space is ccTLDS where i myself have invested quiet a bit in .de .be .nl and a few others over the years...

getting generic keywords for a few hundred bucks a pop is one of the best investmenets one could make in the domain game right now, if u are thinking long term

BizBot said:
I have never heard of anybody getting kicked out of a parking program because of what a referral did. Is this really true?

If I see a bunch of clicks that I know are not valid I may email the company or my account rep right away and let them know. I don't see how you can be held responsible for the actions of a referral.

now you did ;)
mike031 said:
i wasnt the one who started attacking left to right.. i posted my views and opinions, doh

but of course some people have to jump in, god knows why, when forum reps and credibility may be at stake or there is an opportunity to win some love from the crowd...

for some reason some ppl took it personal, i wonder why... newbies *cough cough* that is what happens, though, and quiet frankly i am not surprised.... u dont like what i say? u dont have to... its fine, but the truth hurts, my friends

great a grip.

i dont mind flaming back and forth... havent done that in like 8 or 9 years...brings back some IRC chat memories.....which then led to DDOS fights and ./ownage

was fun for about the hour i spent on reading and replying to some of the comments trying to make sense of things and get back on point, not so challenging or difficult, i believe i cleared the record, but i appreciate some of the arguments brought forward trying to better understand waht it is i do so u can in the future know about the authoring

but i really dont care about whether some random ppl approve or disapprove of what i wrote at the end of the day... and we have this thing called free speech in the us

i dont even think about what happend the other day.. i moved on... i am staying busy with my work load and the next article and then the next and so on

no way for me to know this.. i do not spend 24/7/365 browsing all of the forums in the world.. i could care less, but the market is not booming anymore as it once was and i mentioned in my article clearly that some parts of the industry are hot and will continue to get even hotter

one of the best investment opportunities in the domain space is ccTLDS where i myself have invested quiet a bit in .de .be .nl and a few others over the years...

getting generic keywords for a few hundred bucks a pop is one of the best investmenets one could make in the domain game right now, if u are thinking long term

now you did ;)


That is why you need to think before you speak. Your young and will learn.
Go have a beer and a women to take your mind off things:)
mike031 said:
i wasnt the one who started attacking left to right.. i posted my views and opinions, doh

but of course some people have to jump in, god knows why, when forum reps and credibility may be at stake or there is an opportunity to win some love from the crowd...

for some reason some ppl took it personal, i wonder why... newbies *cough cough* that is what happens, though, and quiet frankly i am not surprised.... u dont like what i say? u dont have to... its fine, but the truth hurts, my friends

great a grip.

i dont mind flaming back and forth... havent done that in like 8 or 9 years...brings back some IRC chat memories.....which then led to DDOS fights and ./ownage

was fun for about the hour i spent on reading and replying to some of the comments trying to make sense of things and get back on point, not so challenging or difficult, i believe i cleared the record, but i appreciate some of the arguments brought forward trying to better understand waht it is i do so u can in the future know about the authoring

but i really dont care about whether some random ppl approve or disapprove of what i wrote at the end of the day... and we have this thing called free speech in the us

i dont even think about what happend the other day.. i moved on... i am staying busy with my work load and the next article and then the next and so on

no way for me to know this.. i do not spend 24/7/365 browsing all of the forums in the world.. i could care less, but the market is not booming anymore as it once was and i mentioned in my article clearly that some parts of the industry are hot and will continue to get even hotter

one of the best investment opportunities in the domain space is ccTLDS where i myself have invested quiet a bit in .de .be .nl and a few others over the years...

getting generic keywords for a few hundred bucks a pop is one of the best investmenets one could make in the domain game right now, if u are thinking long term

now you did ;)
What a load of jargon Mike ; You should work on your rhetoric. It's hard to even follow what the heck you are thinking.

Did you even realize you were writing? Your responses in this thread mirrors your WannaDevelop articles that are long-winded, factless, full of misspellings, and so off-base. you go again calling established members here newbies. I don't know how long you have been in the biz, domains or development, but even if has been 10 years you reek of a total noob.

One other thing.....I noticed last night that you are hiding your Whois info. for WannaDevelop,com using Moniker Privacy. I know some domainers want to stay hidden. But, why does a developer need to stay hidden? Also, your name is not on the Whois info for Maxxximize. Why is that?

If I gave you $10,000 for site development, I sure would see the hidden Whois info as a red flag. I can just picture the change your phone number and address and now I go to the Whois and can't find out where the hell you are at now.

You are very hard to take seriously.
This guy has a personality problem. either that or he drinks a bottle of jack daniels before he turns his computer on.
Mike, I am aware of the existing click fraud and scamsters etc. I don't want to deride your ideas but would like to know what your ideas for monetizing a domain are. I love to learn new ideas and if you could throw some more light or a blueprint to future domaining success, it would create more value addition for this thread. I'm not an expert and don't ever think I'll become one...but I'm an expert learner. :)

How would you monetize/optimize a domain? Is the idea to develop a site and rely on adsense revenues/affiliate conversion revenues? Or, do you have any other plan in mind?
Sorry folks.... This is not a healthy use of our bandwidth.

Thread Closed.
mike031 said:
if u are a serious developer........once u park a domain, u are actually working backwards... GOOGLE does not like parked domains, so if u plan to develop a domain, u should never ever park it as u risk of getting a penalty and / or ban

then, hwnever u do want to develop.. u will have to do additional "recovery work" and re-establish ur credibility and trust with the search engine... we are talking about months

there isnt too many professional webmasters/developers who build sites for a living who park domains

domainers arent developers by nature, never have and never will be so i dont expect em to get this right.... ;)
What a bunch of BS... all my parked domains are indexed by goog and we frequently move domains from parking to development and in fact they're easier to develop a traffic to than a new reg, primarily because the 'age' value goog attributes.

I'm primarily a developer (1998) and now have become a domainer (2006) and I dont agree with even a single statement you've made here.

A lot more domainers are developing, but people with 1000s of names cant develop all the names, thus parking allows you to monetize the names till they're developed or sold.
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