
news NamePros Landers with Buy Now, integration, and much more

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Hey, domain sellers! 👋

We have a special surprise for you.

Continuing from last year (and last week), we have some exciting updates to share with you about NamePros Parking!

First, consider this:

You price your domain name at $2,500. For years, hundreds of interested buyers want to buy it, but the price is too high for them. They don't even try to contact you because they don't realize that the price is negotiable or may change. Years later, you decide to lower the price to $995. How many previously-interested buyers would buy it at this lowered price? You’d never know — until now!

With our new Buy Now options, you can finally contact those previous buyers to increase your sales opportunities. 💸

Here’s how:

Our landers require buyers to confirm their email address before they can see the price. Once confirmed, the price is available to them and their email address is available to you. Simple and effective.


Now, let’s talk new features!​

  • Buy Now: Add a Buy button with a sales price and payment options for buyers to purchase your domains.
    • (Recommended): Starts an transaction for you and allows the buyer to pay immediately.
    • PayPal: Creates a PayPal transaction for the buyer to pay directly to your PayPal account.
    • Email: You and the buyer use email to choose a payment method (e.g., crypto), discuss lease-to-own (LTO) options, etc.
  • Location: Country, region (e.g., state or province), and locality (e.g., city, town, or village) of your inquirers to help you understand where they are located, the best time to contact them, etc.
  • Bulk Management: Set options on multiple domains at the same time: prices, payment methods, appearance, etc.
  • Exports: Download your inquiries, including buyers’ email addresses, offers, etc. (CSV format.)
  • Domain Verification: Verify your domains by using any of these methods: name servers (NS), CNAME, or TXT records.
  • Supersonic Speed Boost: Our landers already loaded blazingly fast, but now they’re even faster — a powerful increase in performance!
    • For techies: Go, Redis, and Elastic (previously only: PHP and MySQL)

Wait, there’s more!

Tell us the features that you want for NamePros Parking because we’re adding new features all month!

Features coming soon:​

(Updates: ⏳ = In progress; ✅ = Complete – Available now!)
  • ⏳ Payment Plans: Payment buttons for lease-to-own (LTO) and renting, e.g., “$995/mo for 8 months”
  • ✅ Minimum Offers: Save time by specifying a minimum offer amount to set buyers’ expectations.
  • ⏳ Portfolio Website: A sharable storefront of the domains in your account with search and filters.
  • ✅ Traffic monitoring with Google Analytics: See real-time visitors and historical statistics about them, including demographics, referral sources, search engine queries, browsers, OS, etc.
  • ⏳ Traffic reporting natively: The number of visitors to parked domains, optionally displayed on your landing pages.
  • ✅ Remove NamePros Branding: An option to remove unnecessary mentions of NamePros from parked pages.
  • ✅ More Landers: Choose from multiple landing pages for various purposes, such as a new Buy Now Optimized lander.
  • ⏳ File Imports: Add domains to your account and set their prices by uploading spreadsheet files (e.g., .CSV).
  • ✅ Concierge: An option to use Domain Concierge Service for your transactions.
  • ✅ Auto-Detected Buyer Details: View detailed information about your potential buyers alongside their inquiries, based on their IP address: their current time and timezone, location, ISP, hostname domain, connection type (e.g., Cable/DSL, Cellular, Corporate, or Satellite), etc.
  • ⏳ Account notifications: Inquiry summaries and account notices about your parked domains, sent by email.

PRO TIP: There is a common misconception about how many domain sales happen because of marketplaces. In reality, many sales would still happen (and do happen) without the help of a marketplace, so NamePros is providing a free solution to sell domains and you keep 100% of your profit.

Our for-sale parking service is 100% free:​

  • No upfront fees
  • No monthly fees
  • No commission (0%)
  • No upgraded account necessary
  • 100% of your sales belong to you!

How does all that sound?

Visit to get started! 🎉

Tip: Quickly access your parking dashboard using the "Sell" dropdown menu at the top.

Questions? Ask below, or check out our Help Guide for NamePros Parking.

P.S. Our announcement last week was not a prank. Spatial Scrolling™ is real, courtesy of NamePros innovation! 🤯
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I'm intending to set up, from the beginning, that users will use my search routines and instead of sending them my current results, I will send them the NamePros Lander(s) instead. For multiple results I will send them a smaller version of every domain found for them to click instead.

@Bravo Mod Team, I think today/tonight is when the meeting with gddy happens re checkout link...good luck on those efforts and hopefully we will have good news soon!

While on the subject (sort of) I'm on board with providing an instant checkout link on landing page regardless of method. Sometimes buyers want to remain anonymous and/or they are impulse buyers and it is important to serve those types.

A look back over the last few years shows that a reasonable percentage of sales happened via this method (with 0 direct contact with buyer).
We can add some features to NamePros Parking to make this easier.

However, CamelCasing can have multiple choices, so automation won't be able to decide which you like best.

  • GoDown or GodOwn
  • Nowhere or NowHere or NoWhere
  • ButterFly or Butterfly
  • HighLight or Highlight
  • SunSpot or SunsPot
In those cases, you'll have to update the casing on the domain manually to your desired casing.

We'll let you know once it's ready.
I'm not sure if your plan is to implement an automated solution for this, but such a solution should be aware of most other languages as well.

Take the example below were automatic casing has completely gone wrong.

(Dutch: Troffelvloer; English: Trowel Floor)

automatic casing has completely gone wrong
I think you mentioned this somewhere above about the advantages of using spreadsheet.

I've got a spreadsheet just for the camel case purpose. There are many I use, some with 8+ columns, but because of the recurring need, I keep all names (new and old) in alphabetical order with the proper camel case for when the need arises.

Sure, it can take a little time with 1K, 2K, 5K or more names, but it is well worth it in the long run. The automated ones inevitably make errors.
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Hi @Mister Funsky

Yes indeed, that's the best way to do it: have your own administration, maintained in CamelCase.

I think many other people don't work that way and rely on the domain overview at their registrar, where everything is likely shown in lowercase.
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Since this was initially written do we have a concise post on things that have been added? Thank you
So if I input my domains into the Template, then they will also appear in the NameServer as well. Yes? I think you have said that?
If you're talking about Dynadot's list feature for nameservers, where you can see a list of all of your domains using a particular nameserver, then yes, the domains will still show up in that list if you use a template to set their nameservers.

Dynadot has excellent customer support; they'll be able to best help you understand the NS template feature better than we can, since it's their service.

We recommend reaching out to them with additional questions about Dynadot's NS templates.
I'm on board with providing an instant checkout link on landing page regardless of method. Sometimes buyers want to remain anonymous and/or they are impulse buyers and it is important to serve those types.
Could you give us more details about what you mean?

Are you looking for a solution that automatically confirms when you received the buyer's payment and then it transfers the domain out of your account to the buyer?

Let us know what you had in mind.
Since this was initially written do we have a concise post on things that have been added? Thank you
We'll work on compiling a list for you soon.

We've made a lot of updates, but we haven't had time to compile a list of them yet.

Thanks for asking.
Could you give us more details about what you mean?

Are you looking for a solution that automatically confirms when you received the buyer's payment and then it transfers the domain out of your account to the buyer?

Let us know what you had in mind.
I'm bolting out the door for a short while but somewhere above the Afternic integration (like paypal/escrow) was discussed...maybe I added the 'checkout link' part as the commission is only 5%.

Even if we as the seller would have to create the actual checkout link and send it to the buyer (real time integration might not be possible) it would be nice for the buyer to have that checkbox option.
Even if we as the seller would have to create the actual checkout link and send it to the buyer (real time integration might not be possible) it would be nice for the buyer to have that checkbox option.
The problem is that Afternic makes their links expire after only 7 days, so you'd have to update the links on every domain name every 7 days. With just 100 domains, that's 100 links to update every week. Without automation, it'd be very time consuming, inefficient, and time prohibitive. 😞

However, your buyers can choose the "Email" payment method on our landers, and then you can generate the Afternic checkout link and email it to them.
However, your buyers can choose the "Email" payment method on our landers, and then you can generate the Afternic checkout link and email it to them.
We could add another option for a "Buy at GoDaddy's Afternic" button, which will be the same as the "Email" payment method, but it'll inform the seller to create the link and send it to the buyer, and it'll inform the buyer that the seller will do this.

Would that be useful?
We could add another option for a "Buy at GoDaddy's Afternic" button, which will be the same as the "Email" payment method, but it'll inform the seller to create the link and send it to the buyer, and it'll inform the buyer that the seller will do this.

Would that be useful?
Within a couple weeks.
This was in response to when we might have visitor stats data (on 5-4) and I'm wondering if we are close to having it available.
@Bravo Mod Team, please take a look at my parking/selling account.

I've had 3 or so offers come in (shows in dash) over the last week but I never received a notice on NP's...also, no email notification(s) was received.

All the names have a min offer required with one having a 5K min offer but the 'offer' field says unknown on all of them. Does this mean they met the min before they could attempt contact?

I'm out the door for a while and I'll be able to furnish added info if needed when I return.
This was in response to when we might have visitor stats data
We added support for Google Analytics (GA) so you can see the traffic to all your domains – even in real-time! – plus demographics and much more.

Just add your Google Tag ID on the Profile and settings page. Here's how: Setup guide.

In-house and proprietary traffic reporting by NamePros:
Our own internal traffic reporting is coming next! It’ll be more simplistic than sophisticated platforms like GA, but ours will be more accurate than all of them at reporting humans vs. bots. 😁

Edited to add setup guide for Google Analytics.
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I've had 3 or so offers come in (shows in dash) over the last week but I never received a notice on NP's...also, no email notification(s) was received.

All the names have a min offer required with one having a 5K min offer but the 'offer' field says unknown on all of them. Does this mean they met the min before they could attempt contact?
"Offer: Unknown" means that no offer was made by the buyer, so the inquiry did not meet your minimum offer.

You will only be emailed about offers if they meet your minimum (or you don't have a minimum set), but we automatically inform buyers about this for you. Then the buyer can decide whether they want to submit an offer or increase their offer.

We'll update that soon to "Offer: None" for clarity.
"Offer: Unknown" means that no offer was made by the buyer, so the inquiry did not meet your minimum offer.

You will only be emailed about offers if they meet your minimum (or you don't have a minimum set), but we automatically inform buyers about this for you. Then the buyer can decide whether they want to submit an offer or increase their offer.

We'll update that soon to "Offer: None" for clarity.
Okay, thanks for the info.

It is nice that we have a data base of people 'interested' in various names. If events require a fire sale, these would be people that might be interested in a blowout price.

On a somewhat related side note, will we be able to delete offers at some point?
We can add some features to NamePros Parking to make this easier.

However, CamelCasing can have multiple choices, so automation won't be able to decide which you like best.

  • GoDown or GodOwn
  • Nowhere or NowHere or NoWhere
  • ButterFly or Butterfly
  • HighLight or Highlight
  • SunSpot or SunsPot
In those cases, you'll have to update the casing on the domain manually to your desired casing.

We'll let you know once it's ready.

It can be optimized to provide 95% accuracy (or best case accuracy) with few algorithms... Like first check if it is the dictionary word/name. In that case, no splitting like ButterFly. Then, for cases like GodOwn vs GoDown verbs in the end could be deprioritized, as they normally aren't last in English. Some popular end words for word+word could get prioritized like Spot (whenever spot is the second word, Camelcase Spot, not sPot), Stop, Place, Market, Shop, Store etc. (probably a list of 100-200 words). Or really, could be a simpler and more elegant solution where the priority for two word interpretation is based on the use popularity score for those. I am sure, Sun and Spot would win over Suns and Pot.
StackOverflow #195010 has some useful code to split multiple joined words, using the Viterbi algorithm.
Or really, could be a simpler and more elegant solution where the priority for two word interpretation is based on the use popularity score for those.
Your signature has a popular example of this, too:","manslaughter","man's laughter"&hl=en

There is a whole other set of CamelCase scenarios in which we have to decide whether we want to emphasize the most popular version or the least controversial version.

The popularity score may choose the controversial versions, which could be racist, offensive, etc.

It's a dynamic problem.
Your signature has a popular example of this, too: 1-d&geo=US&q="mans laughter","man slaughter","manslaughter","man's laughter"&hl=en

There is a whole other set of CamelCase scenarios in which we have to decide whether we want to emphasize the most popular version or the least controversial version.

The popularity score may choose the controversial versions, which could be racist, offensive, etc.

It's a dynamic problem.

Yeah, very similar to what you had with ButterFly... is worth 6-7 figures, Butter+Fly - reg fee... But couple of algo suggestions above would cover this... "if domain is dictionary word, then just capitalize first letter".

Again, the goal is not to get 100% accuracy. If few algos can cover 95%+ the rest can be cleaned manually. Algos can be added going forward as well, as you reveal more and more cases which can be covered with another line of code.
Yes, that would be awesome!
ISP and hostname domain are now shown. 😁

Let us know if there is any other information about an IP address that you’d like us to add.
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.